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Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? - Family (8) - Nairaland

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Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by Apination(m): 12:40pm On Dec 26, 2020
Most of the comments here forms part of the reasons why I see a lot of Nigerians as stupid people with no common sense. .

Simple etiquette demands that she for no reason should entertain visitors in her uncles house while on a short visit. Whether she's old enough to be married or not it's inconsequential and inexcusable. If her parents would not condone it why take it to someone else's house where you are visiting? That smirks of a total lack of respect and later you would be wondering why that uncle or aunty of yours doesn't want you around undecided

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Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by mariahAngel(f): 12:58pm On Dec 26, 2020

Bros 22 yr old is old enough to marry na

Her mates are done with their kids. tongue

Seriously, she was wrong for not informing you before the visit.

She should have said 'Brother, a male friend of mine wants to visit me here.'

Na you go kana say na her boyfriend.

This would have prepared you to engage him as baba Iyawo.

I want to assume he is serious that's why he can visit her in your home.

However, I don't understand the part of entering the room for three hours.

Surely, they are not stupid enough to have sex in your house? undecided

Let madam talk to her so she learns how to behave next time. That way, you also make an impact in her life.

Merry Christmas.

This your comment reveals the different dynamics in family, upbringing, and culture.

In an Igbo family, what the op's niece did would've been outrageously disrespectful and shameless! Regardless of how old she is.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by Worksunlimited: 2:39pm On Dec 26, 2020

the girl is his niece, his sister's daughter

Oh.. in that case, make e clear the babe..
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by BluntNigerian: 4:58pm On Dec 26, 2020
My niece came visiting for Christmas, I was so glad to have her with us since yesterday. She'll be leaving on Sunday.

We came back from our church programme today and just as we were finishing lunch, this young guy just knocked on the door and my niece Shola went to open the door for him. He came in and she just introduced him casually as Clement, her boyfriend. She led him straight to her room and were there for like 3 hours before the guy left.

I felt insulted and irritated by her action but my wife would not allow me to say anything. She said I will talk to her angrily, she however promised to call her and counsel her gently before bed this night. That must be the kind of rubbish she has been doing in her school because I know she won't even dare it with her parent. She has been telling me her mum especially is high handed and just too tough for her liking.

I'm still not so happy because of my wife's action, or am I been too old school or archaic?
I need a sincere reply from you....
How good does this niece of yours rapport with your wife before the visit??
I mean,, do they relate very very well like tight friends or something??
Your answer to the question above can help us fix some dots in the story.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by Michelle28520: 5:56pm On Dec 26, 2020
[quote author=crackhaus post=97425415]Some elements of your story OP are not tying up properly for me...

1. Your niece is bold enough to invite her boyfriend over to your house without prior notice.
2. She's also bold enough to introduce him as her boyfriend to your face.
3. And then the ultimate display of boldness was to lead him to her bedroom where they spent three hours.

How? Why?

Na wah oo...
It feels as if you're the visitor in that house and she's the owner, because that's the only way any of this will make sense. cheesy

Okay let's go with it for a minute and assume this is all for real, why is your wife stopping you from talking?
You have a right to be upset, you have a right to lash out... this is not something you should be afraid to step on toes for.

As a matter of fact, it is YOUR duty to call your niece to order... NOT your wife's duty.
The girl is your niece, your own relative...
Whatever you do to reprimand her will be taken more lightly since you're her uncle by blood. Don't even let your wife be the one to chook mouth because the niece can go report her and twist it to make your wife appear like the bad person.

Just imagine, she say she want to counsel her gently... Lol
Pikin wey nor get respect for her host family.
You should drag her ears well well sef, I'm sure her parents will thank you for it.
I don't think dis is a good idea,ur wife has taken it upon herself to talk to her,i believe dt is good, I'm sure she will deal with properly,if u get angry and talk at dt moment u will not only be an idiot in d presence of ur niece but a nonentity in d presence of d guy,its beta to talk like an educated person.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by franugo(m): 8:36pm On Dec 26, 2020

was it the first time that your sister's ex came to your house that he went straight into your sister's room

Dunno...for as long as I can remember, they've been dating.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by Professorcplus(m): 5:14am On Dec 27, 2020
If we are to go by people's comment here, most of them don't commit such sin, it's more complex than we think, the only offence I see here is her not informing her uncle prior to the guys arrival. And they must have settled for the bedroom for reasons best known to her. And please dear uncle for the sake of your children, don't act this way considering her age and level of education.. I know what my parent's high handedness has caused us the children now, they are practically begging us to bring intending partners home but all of our lives, we were not allowed to associate with people not even family members and neighbours who move with opposite sex are seen labeled all sort, now those ones are married and we are struggling to unlearn all the holy holy habits enforced on us.
I can perfectly relate. Recently, I visited my childhood family for Christmas. And I realized my holy holy friend then is now on street vibe. His parents knows he has a girl friend. The girl even came to parent house and straight to the room. Even on gen o. While we were all outside and parlour gisting. He was in the room making love sometimes.

On Christmas day she come as usual and met me in the room with her bf. She was like haa, your friend can not even hug me very well. Why is he shy to feed me? He can't look at my eye ball. This your friend must be deeper life or mfm? I don't even know what gave her the perception that I am a church boy. I I couldn't resist the heat, I left then to continue their romance. While I was in the palour thinking about my relationship life.

Just like my family background, you can't move with bad boys in quote and girlfriend/boyfriend is a sin. No sex education between teenage and parents. But out of the blues, they will tell you to just bring partner/wife. Even though I haven't gotten to that stage, I am sure they can't even have such odasity to tell me such.

No Manual to relationship, it depends on the family background and ideology. Simple.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by FanOfMyself: 9:01am On Dec 27, 2020

I can perfectly relate. Recently, I visited my childhood family for Christmas. And I realized my holy holy friend then is now on street vibe. His parents knows he has a girl friend. The girl even came to parent house and straight to the room. Even on gen o. While we were all outside and parlour gisting. He was in the room making love sometimes.

On Christmas day she come as usual and met me in the room with her bf. She was like haa, your friend can not even hug me very well. Why is he shy to feed me? He can't look at my eye ball. This your friend must be deeper life or mfm? I don't even know what gave her the perception that I am a church boy. I I couldn't resist the heat, I left then to continue their romance. While I was in the palour thinking about my relationship life.

Just like my family background, you can't move with bad boys in quote and girlfriend/boyfriend is a sin. No sex education between teenage and parents. But out of the blues, they will tell you to just bring partner/wife. Even though I haven't gotten to that stage, I am sure they can't even have such odasity to tell me such.

No Manual to relationship, it depends on the family background and ideology. Simple.
Audacity wink
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by muymacho: 12:33pm On Dec 27, 2020
My niece came visiting for Christmas, I was so glad to have her with us since yesterday. She'll be leaving on Sunday.

Now you know the real reason she came.

Your house, your rules...
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by cayorday89(m): 1:16pm On Dec 27, 2020

I can perfectly relate. Recently, I visited my childhood family for Christmas. And I realized my holy holy friend then is now on street vibe. His parents knows he has a girl friend. The girl even came to parent house and straight to the room. Even on gen o. While we were all outside and parlour gisting. He was in the room making love sometimes.

On Christmas day she come as usual and met me in the room with her bf. She was like haa, your friend can not even hug me very well. Why is he shy to feed me? He can't look at my eye ball. This your friend must be deeper life or mfm? I don't even know what gave her the perception that I am a church boy. I I couldn't resist the heat, I left then to continue their romance. While I was in the palour thinking about my relationship life.

Just like my family background, you can't move with bad boys in quote and girlfriend/boyfriend is a sin. No sex education between teenage and parents. But out of the blues, they will tell you to just bring partner/wife. Even though I haven't gotten to that stage, I am sure they can't even have such odasity to tell me such.

No Manual to relationship, it depends on the family background and ideology. Simple.
My brother, people like us are introverts by circumstances, was in a relationship for about two years before we separated around September this year, her reasons were not genuine to me but I have an idea what it is because I usually don't go out like that to cash fun as public display of affection is not for me, and I will tell you my parents never knew about it because they will always shout and even beat me if guys come home to look for me, then you know what it means when girls matter, two of my female classmates visited me unannounced one time in secondary school and hell was met loose after they left, since then never had friends coming over and after my university days, they want me to bring a wife home, I laughed at them and asked them how it is possible with the way I was treated when it comes to friends matter and I warned them never to ask me of such again... Single again now, and don't even know where to start from..

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Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by cayorday89(m): 1:32pm On Dec 27, 2020

This your comment reveals the different dynamics in family, upbringing, and culture.

In an Igbo family, what the op's niece did would've been outrageously disrespectful and shameless! Regardless of how old she is.
Forget the cultural and upbringing dynamics,because even the Yoruba culture does not support that and I am very sure she was not brought up to do such just as her uncle is vexing now so definitely it's not a family thing also, she did what she did and if her uncle is not okay with it, let her be warned not to try such again..
And talking about disrespect and shameless just because she took the guy straight to the bedroom, would it have been okay by you if they had gone to an hotel or was at the guy's place where the percentage of them having sex is higher compared to her uncle's bedroom where it is low and might not happen.. Think about it, all that needs to be done is for @wwwkaycom to know more about the guy, how serious he is and also inform the Lady's mother if she does not know about it.. I am talking from experience, I know what my elder sister is passing though now cos my parents always prevent us from making friends with our fellow gender not to talk of opposite gender, now na everyday prayer point for a problem they caused themselves..

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Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by macdominic22: 2:58pm On Dec 27, 2020
Personally I don't really see the problem here,let's leave emotions and analyze this objectively,what would have been a better option especially if she is in university,she could have gone to the guys house,and God forbid he lives alone,but at least she brought him to your house,where you can see the guy and make some observations and maybe lead her better.the fact that the boy is known and he knows he is known as her boyfriend,that will make him very careful when doing certain things ,if youget what I mean
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by wwwkaycom(m): 7:28am On Dec 31, 2020
I need a sincere reply from you....
How good does this niece of yours rapport with your wife before the visit??
I mean,, do they relate very very well like tight friends or something??
Your answer to the question above can help us fix some dots in the story.
They related so well. It was my wife who was on her neck to pay us a visit, oh, my wife loves her crazily. That's just the reason she's trying to protect her from the embarrassment she'll have got if I'd talked to her that day.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by wwwkaycom(m): 7:30am On Dec 31, 2020
My wife discussed the issue with her and she really apologized and begged me for her audacity. She also pleaded that I shouldn't let her mum who is my sister to hear anything about the issue. She has since moved back to her parent's place. Thank you all.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by bukatyne(f): 8:38pm On Dec 31, 2020

This your comment reveals the different dynamics in family, upbringing, and culture.

In an Igbo family, what the op's niece did would've been outrageously disrespectful and shameless! Regardless of how old she is.

The niece's action is disrespectful anywhere.

Because of the delicacy of the matter and long reaching consequences of any error, I choose to do away with the egoistic POV of disrespect and instead see remedial solution.

As the uncle, the OP has a role in screening the boyfriend and questioning the girl in a friendly stern manner.
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by bukatyne(f): 8:51pm On Dec 31, 2020
shocked her mates are done with their kids at 22, aunty take it easy na, wetin happenshocked

Wetin happen?

Na end of 2020 grin
Re: Is It Right For My Niece's Boyfriend To Visit Her In My House? by bukatyne(f): 8:52pm On Dec 31, 2020

This is a very nice comment and I appreciate it... It shows maturity and diplomacy

Thank you.

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