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My Diary (From A Dog's POV) - Pets (9) - Nairaland

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 8:28am On Oct 18, 2020
Hello, I'm 24 weeks old and I'm actually scared of this week cus it's the week I have to start staying downstairs sad
I've been eating leftovers from the kitchen(canteen) outside the compound and it's been good (fishes,soups,garri & rice)

Something happened this night,I messed up my place with pee, so wrong of me,I knew she'd be angry if she gets home,I tried my best to clean it with a mop but I made it more messy by destroying the mop.
she came home and cleaned my place, flogged me with belt and yelled at me saying "you're going down by weekend" I had a little relief cus i'd still spend more time with her before weekend. grin


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 9:11am On Oct 18, 2020
weekend came so fast cry
I came down to my new home
I hate the four iron walls


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 9:30am On Oct 18, 2020
I had to stop Thor from eating the leftover from the restaurant Due to some circumstances (started seeing maggot in his meal).
So I switched back to dry food
Still couldn't find RC anywhere around my side.
Got Booster dry food,optimax can food,noodles.
Morning meal: noodles and half can
Evening meal: dry kibbles and milk with the remaining half can.
1 can per day.


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 3:22pm On Oct 18, 2020
At (28weeks) 7months
I'm already getting used to my new home
At every chance I get
I try to run up the stairs,thinking they'd reconsider me staying up.
I miss living upstairs terribly embarassed
We stopped walking outside, yet to understand why.
I miss lots of things.
All I'd have to do is get used to it.


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 5:05pm On Oct 18, 2020
I was so immersed in her world that I lost count of the weeks and months.
When she tells her friends that i'm her best friend,my heart will swell with pride.
I developed this pain within my ball area and my hind leg. All I could do was lay low and watch her figure it, cuz i couldn't say a word.
I was hurt for days,I overheard her talking to someone who told her I'd heal within a week.
A week went by and it became worse,she called a vet,who came by and gave me an injection. I recalled my first visit to the vet.
The doctor said I had Mange.
I was also given a multi vitamin shot and ivermectin shot.


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 6:52am On Oct 19, 2020
I'm healing cool


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 6:57am On Oct 19, 2020
Week 33 grin


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 7:06am On Oct 19, 2020
Week 36

This home is protected by the GOOD LORD and a BOERBOEL
If you come here to steal or do harm,you might meet them both grin

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 9:40am On Oct 20, 2020
Week 38 smiley
There's this particular squirrel who pisses me off whenever I'm inside
Now,I'm outside he refuses to come down angry
My intentions are pure undecided I just want to have a brief conversation with him lipsrsealed grin


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 9:45am On Oct 20, 2020
Week 40
A Trip to the vet


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 1:14pm On Oct 26, 2020
42weeks grin


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Haroldjunior: 2:11pm On Oct 26, 2020
Big boy!


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 3:00pm On Oct 26, 2020
At what month/age is right to mate a male dog?
During the weekend,a man came to the compound and he requested to see me..
He came with a nice Rott which happens to be on heat
He said he came for crossing and how much do I charge?
I told him Thor isn't mature enough to mate cus he's just 42weeks(10months+) old...
He said he's a breeder and male dogs can start breeding from 7months upwards.
So,I told him even if he's sexually matured I still won't cross Thor with Bell(his rott) and he repeated the same statement "I'm a breeder and I would like to try something new especially with this your Black Boerboel"
I told him not with my boy's bloodline will you try something new undecided

Then I came across this on google

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by ebonyoyas(m): 6:21pm On Oct 26, 2020
Cute boy wink
42weeks grin

1 Like

Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Ojenose: 11:14am On Oct 27, 2020
How can I prevent parvo?
previously I lost my Caucasian and rott to parvo 8 and 5 months respectively.
I got a Lhasa after some months and she died of parvo
pls what are the precautions to take

Ur vet is suppose to give a shot for parvo immunity as a puppy, my gsd had parvo and I noticed it fast...thats another thing you need to notice these things fast....when I noticed he had parvo I took.him to.the vet for his treatment, and I had to wat h over him for.the following days giving him.the vet prescribed drugs and he was back.to.normal on.the second.day


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Ojenose: 11:18am On Oct 27, 2020
At what month/age is right to mate a male dog?
During the weekend,a man came to the compound and he requested to see me..
He came with a nice Rott which happens to be on heat
He said he came for crossing and how much do I charge?
I told him Thor isn't mature enough to mate cus he's just 42weeks(10months+) old...
He said he's a breeder and male dogs can start breeding from 7months upwards.
So,I told him even if he's sexually matured I still won't cross Thor with Bell(his rott) and he repeated the same statement "I'm a breeder and I would like to try something new especially with this your Black Boerboel"
I told him not with my boy's bloodline will you try something new undecided

Then I came across this on google

A dog can mate as soon as he reaches sexual maturity as at 7-8 months...buh its more advisable to mate when the dog is at least a year and half to have better chances...buh yeah its possible I have a friend whose 11 month old gsd mated with his Labrador and she gave birth
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Pauliescolie(m): 7:58am On Oct 29, 2020
Where can I get Dog food in bulk in Lagos
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by younghartz(m): 10:13am On Oct 31, 2020
Where can I get Dog food in bulk in Lagos
Kibbles? Or wet food?
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 8:58am On Nov 13, 2020
I heard you knocking undecided


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by BamBamK: 4:45pm On Nov 17, 2020

I heard you knocking undecided

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by BamBamK: 4:46pm On Nov 17, 2020
his topline is impressive... most of the BBs i see littered around have slope backlines which should be considered serious faults.

Week 38 smiley
There's this particular squirrel who pisses me off whenever I'm inside
Now,I'm outside he refuses to come down angry
My intentions are pure undecided I just want to have a brief conversation with him lipsrsealed grin


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 11:33am On Dec 08, 2020
his topline is impressive... most of the BBs i see littered around have slope backlines which should be considered serious faults.

Thanks alot
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 11:36am On Dec 08, 2020
How time flies
Happy birthday to me
Thor Aegeus
DOB: 08-12-2019

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by BamBamK: 11:42am On Dec 08, 2020
you're welcome....


Thanks alot
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by duchaB(m): 7:51pm On Dec 08, 2020
Meet my lil man Max. He was six weeks in this picture. He’s growing pretty fast. He gives me troubles though...but I love him as much as he loves me.

Nice, but looks like a plush toy, though..
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 8:13am On Dec 12, 2020
Good morning from this side kiss
He's up for stud service
Location: umuahia
Phone no: 0906 385 8114


Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by ebonyoyas(m): 10:46am On Dec 12, 2020
Cuteness smiley smiley
Good morning from this side kiss

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 11:09am On Dec 12, 2020
Cuteness smiley smiley

smiley smiley smiley grin

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Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by Fibel(m): 5:13pm On Dec 28, 2020
Wow Thor is growing nicely. I guess he's ripe for stud service now.
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by chiboy1116: 5:56pm On Dec 28, 2020
I heard you knocking undecided
what of the mange ?
Re: My Diary (From A Dog's POV) by CrazyCrane: 6:38pm On Dec 28, 2020
what of the mange ?
it's disappeared after treatment
The vet gave me MANGEBENZYL to also apply

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