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Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 7:20pm On Feb 13, 2021
God the Creator is always interested in man having a better relationship with Him. Every man is related to God by creation.

Gen_2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This breathe of God is what makes all men of/from God. This is why our spirits return/report back to Him when we die, according to the Bible.

Ecc_12:7  Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

When man's spirit returns to God, God will separate them. Those that had a personal and deeper relationship with Him have everlasting life. Those that do not have a personal relationship with Him have everlasting condemnation.
Little wonder there is need to have a personal and deeper relationship with God. Having a personal relationship with God has been made very simple by Jesus Christ. All you need to do is believe. Pray saying "Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I believe that you died and rose on the third day. I surrender my life to you. Be my Lord and my Saviour. I repent and I ask you take take control of my soul and my life. Thank you for saving me. Amen."

Any prayer similar to this is fine enough to birth you into a personal relationship with God. The deeper you grow in knowing God, the better. i must emphasize that doctrine does not save you or take you to heaven. The simple thing i explained above helps with that. However, doctrines help you to know more about God. Correct doctrine helps you know God more correctly and saves you a lot of headaches and obstacles. It is possible for even God's children to perish for lack of knowledge. Secondly and among other things, correct doctrine will help you steer clear of doctrines of devils. When you know genuine currency, it is easier for you to spot fake currency. If you do not know how the currency in Brazil looks like for instance, you may be fooled more easily than one who knows and has spent Brazilian real.

This thread mainly emphasizes the Bible truths about Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit being God and yet one. It is a mystery. Because it is a mystery, it is not a big criteria. Meaning, you don't have to know it to be saved. You might be saved and not know, until the Word of God is properly expounded and shown to you. This is why God gave the church teachers of His Word. It is why christians go through discipling.

Mat 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 
Mat 28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 

When you begin a personal relationship with God, you beginning to know God and more about Him. You cannot know everything, else you would be omniscient. So keep it in mind that you do not know everything about God. You grow in the knowledge of God as the Bible says. In the Bible, there are some things that are deeper than the other, there are some that are great mysteries. However and thankfully, these are not the things that make you saved or start a personal walk with God.

Eph_5:32  This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Col_2:2  That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

The Bible talks about the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ. You need to humbly acknowledge it, because God gives grace and understanding to the humble. One of such mysteries is that God is One and yet three persons. The simplest way to see this is by faith, the believe and see principle. Another way is by revelation, mystery can be revealed. Another way is diligent study of the Word of God with the help of the Spirit of God. i'll initially focus on Jesus Christ God the Son and then the Holy Ghost, God the Spirit. Then combine the two and take comments as it were.

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Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 7:20pm On Feb 13, 2021
Jesus Christ is clearly taught in the Bible as the Son of God. He came to earth as a human being to die for our sins and to leave us with example that we should follow in His steps as New Testament followers/believers/children of God. He also came to make one big family of God's children by fully and openly bringing the gentiles into the covenant. He was known as Son of man because He had to be a man to be the perfect sacrifice to take away the sins of the world. He had to explain these to His disciples even until after resurrection, so don't be too discouraged that you don't fully "get it".

Luk 24:27  And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. 

Given that no New testament book was written yet at the time of this resurrection, Jesus Christ was speaking about the Old Testament Scriptures. So while the word "Jesus" does not necessarily appear in the Old Testament Bible, Jesus said He is everywhere there. So it is not really surprising again that He is referred to as many things. For instance, He is the Rock.

1Co_10:4  And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

It appears that a seemingly non-living thing was Jesus Christ, according to the simple, normal understanding of this passage. Let's reduce the esoterism, God is complex already on His own. So, it is not all too strange that He who can be a Rock can be a Son of Man, or a Shepherd, or a Carpenter, or even a Servant. John even says He is the Word. We're definitely dealing with One person that has many names and takes different forms, not forgetting He called Himself Bread, Door, Way, Water, Light, Life, Resurrection etc.

The Beautiful and Enigmatic thing about Jesus Christ is that He is UNIQUE. People try to call Him just this or that, but He proves Himself to be that and more. He is most unique than any son, man, prophet, prince or angel. Here are some Scriptures that show Jesus is INCOMPARABLE. He is an incomparable bread, water, branch. Every creature is comparable except God that cannot be compared. He is greater than ALL.

Isa_40:18  To whom then will ye liken God? or what likeness will ye compare unto him?
Isa_46:5  To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal, and compare me, that we may be like?

Without further ado, here are some.

1Jn 3:16  Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.
We all know it was Jesus that laid down His life, but the Bible here says God laid down His life for us. You would think this should be clear enough, but it's a mystery, isn't it. Mysteries are not that simple, there is a veil as it were.

1Jn 5:20  And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life. 
Jesus Christ the Son is the true God, according to John. Jesus Himself says He is Life, remember. So if He is not the true God, He is not eternal Life. Don't expect it to be that easy, some unbelievers actually would rewrite this as it does not stay in the limits of their understanding. Talking about eternal.

Isa 9:6  For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 

Here is Jesus the Prince of Peace clearly in the Old Testament. He is both God, everlasting, Father, King and Son. Only God can be this. He is everlasting or eternal. No other creature is eternal except God.

Joh 20:28  And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. 

After the resurrection, we see one of the disciples of Jesus call Him both Lord and God. No man or angel is referred to or worshipped that way by God's servants without immediate correction.

Act 20:28  Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 

God purchased the church with HIS OWN blood? i thought that was Jesus Christ? Oh, Jesus Christ is God the Son like no other. People unfortunately fail to see these many references that show us clearly that Jesus Christ is God, but remain in little boxes set up by their prejudice.

Rom 9:5  Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen.

Christ, who is over all, God. Really? Well, that's what the Bible says. The Bible saints had this revealed to them.

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Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 7:21pm On Feb 13, 2021
Again, i will like to reiterate that understanding mysteries is not a criteria for salvation or for getting to Heaven. God was so merciful to humans. You don't need deep revelation or even intellect to be a believer or a child of God. God has provided all things and given grace, only believe. So you may know or believe doctrine, i do not guarantee that it will save you. Actually, it may kill you or make your head simply bigger than it should be.
Back to the matter.

1Ti 3:16  And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory. 

God was manifest in the flesh. He became flesh, the Word became flesh, the Word was God. Remember? If it is not clear enough, the writer forewarns that there is some great mystery around. But he leaves us clues only Jesus Christ meets. He was flesh, believed on and received up in the ascension.

Tit 2:13  Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; 

Even non-christians are waiting for the appearance of Jesus. He is described here as the great God and Saviour. He is our Saviour and God. At least, most can see and accept that Jesus is the Saviour, that is necessary for salvation. He is God and Saviour.

Heb 1:8  But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom. 

Jesus is not just a son of God like we are sons of God, or like Adam or like angels. He is the ONLY begotten Son of God. That Sonship is a position. He is again clearly referred to as God. If one or five scripture verses say that there is only one God, and 100 scripture verses say that Jesus is God. Even if you do not understand the one or four passages, the one hundred should be reasonably overwhelming. But how will it be a mystery again? undecided

Psa 82:8  Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations. 

Jesus Christ is the Judge of the earth and the one to inherit all nations. He is again called God for the umpteenth time.

1Co 10:9  Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. 

When the Israelites were tempting Jehovah God severally in the wilderness, they were actually tempting Jesus, God the Son according to this Scripture. Compare the below.
Deu 6:16  Ye shall not tempt the LORD your God, as ye tempted him in Massah. 

When Stephen was being killed, He called upon God. How? If i want to call God, i should call His name, right? Stephen did too.

Act 7:59  And they stoned Stephen, calling upon God, and saying, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. 

i mentioned earlier that Jesus is everlasting and eternal. Sorry, not really me, the Bible mentioned it. Some people will tell you that it is in the future. Hmmm, if it was in the future, every believer will live forever and never die too, so that is not the definition of eternal, either scripturally or in English lexis. Not to worry, here is another scripture that gives them migraine.

Mic 5:2  But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.

Even the Pharisses knew this is talking about the Messiah, only that they did not know that the Messiah was Jesus so everyone should be wise enough to know that the verse refers to Jesus, at leat the jews knew. It says that He is from EVERLASTING. He is eternal. Only God is Eternal/Everlasting, Immortal and Invincible.

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Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 7:21pm On Feb 13, 2021
While Jesus was here on earth, He could have chosen to declare that He was God but He did not. He was not here for that so He stuck to His purpose of coming. He had to be quite meek and not even revealing much.

Isa 42:2  He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street. 
Isa 42:3  A bruised reed shall he not break, and the smoking flax shall he not quench: he shall bring forth judgment unto truth. 
Mat 11:29  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

This was the meek and lowly script He came to act on earth. The scriptures explain that He became poor. Philippians is more explicit about it. Some people sometimes say that if Jesus was all He was, He would have blew the trumpet telling everyone, do you know who I am? Sorry, Jesus was not the usual Nigerian big man, He was and is Jesus Christ.

Php 2:5  Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 
Php 2:6  Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: 
Php 2:7  But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: 
Php 2:8  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. 

He was in the form of God, but He never used the opportunity of being physical and here on earth to quickly gain popularity or likes and followers. He MADE Himself of no reputation, and TOOK the form of a Servant. He TOOK it, nobody else wanted it or qualified for it. He volunteered and TOOK it. Jesus Christ, God the Son was not a servant or slave from eternity, He was God the Son, the eternal God. Just like He TOOK the form of the Rock, Water, Bread, He TOOK the form of a servant. Commentary on the passage may take a whole thread, which is not really our goal here. What we should note again is His humility or meekness, and why He had mentioned that He is God or demanded worship or anything similar for Himself. But like they say, you cannot really hide your nature, it will show up somehow. It did show up in Jesus as He demonstrated unique power and control over nature and working of miracles. We will not expound on that too, just some couple of verses from Jesus that hinted/revealed His divinity.

Joh 16:15  All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

i'm not sure that i know any man or angel that can say this or claim this literally.

Joh 17:10  And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them. 
Here He goes again in prayer. By the way, this prayer was not in the closet. He prayed in the front of multitudes several times and even on the Cross of Calvary. All that the Father has belongs to Jesus, not even the four living creatures dare say this. They cover their face even in the presence of God. It is Jesus' divinity that He shares with us that gives us a connection. That's another subject matter though.

Joh 7:39  (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Holy Ghost was not yet given; because that Jesus was not yet glorified.)

Remember again that Jesus Christ TOOK the form of a servant here on earth. He was not yet glorified. He was glorified before He came to earth. We will come back to that.

Joh 12:16  These things understood not his disciples at the first: but when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that these things were written of him, and that they had done these things unto him. 
Joh 17:5  And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was. 

Jesus had glory with the Father even before the creation of the world. It is not that He will be glorified from servant alone in some future. When you give glory to God, it also reaches Jesus, God the Son. Do you know/note this below?

Isa_42:8  I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.
Isa_48:11  For mine own sake, even for mine own sake, will I do it: for how should my name be polluted? and I will not give my glory unto another.

How then can Jesus have glory with the Father if He is another? Because He is not another, He is the same God. The Bible says that God is One God. Some ignorant folks say that God is One person. It is not found in the Bible. But it is severally found in the Bible that Jesus is God, and the Father is God. Some more ignorant people say that since Jesus died, He cannot be God. Like they are the ones that determine the criteria to be God. We have seen in different places that Jesus Christ is eternal and everlasting. Normally, He will not and cannot die, even angels do not die not to talk of God. But we saw already in Philippians that He voluntarily obeyed/submitted to death. Not forgetting the numerous passages that say that Jesus is God despite death. Hear Jesus again on this issue.

Joh 10:18  No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. 
Joh 2:19  Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. 

Jesus laid it down to fulfill the plan as the Lamb of God for the sins of man. And He raised the body up. Sorry, God raised it up. Depending on where you are reading, the Spirit of God raised it up. Confuse yourself no further. It is God in three persons, blessed Trinity.

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Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Shelumiel: 7:42pm On Feb 13, 2021
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 9:30pm On Feb 13, 2021
Welcome, Updated.

Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 9:30pm On Feb 13, 2021
Seems it's time to talk a bit about the Holy Ghost. He doesn't seem to like too much talk but more of action. So i will not be too elaborate for now at least. Later on i'll combine the three, we cannot really finish talking about Jesus when we barely started.

Usually, we talk of corporations like Pfizer or Dangote. When we say Dangote for instance, we may not be referring to the man, we may even be referring to a truck/trailer or one or many of the companies. In a way, it is still the same Dangote or Pfizer and sometimes, we are more specific. Though it is not the perfect illustration, It is not a totally strange or absurd thing like some try to paint it. i could give some other common illustrations like maybe water or atoms or even the human body but it seems overused and they do not completely describe or compare to God anyway. They are all just illustrations which may help SOME. In the Godhead, there seems to be some sort of hierarchy especially in title. While they are co-equally God, there is this maybe subconscious hierarchy from God the Father, to God the Son, to God the Holy Spirit. Well, i guess that's up to God to say when we see Him, if He will say cheesy cheesy

The Holy Spirit is evidently a separate entity from God the Father and God the Son Jesus Christ. Not only is He an entity, He is a Personality. So note the two. He is not God the Father and definitely not Jesus Christ, then secondly, He is a personality. He talks, He has a will, He has emotions, He breathes, He is a He not IT. He is not electricity or gravity, He is LIVING. He is the ETERNAL Spirit. Again, remember, only God is eternal. No one else, nothing else. Not even an angel or living creature is said to be eternal.

Heb_9:14  How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

One beautiful and regular feature about the Holy Spirit is UNITY. He is so united to The Father and to Jesus the Son that you can readily and frequently say that what He does was done by the Son or by the Father. So He is not just some relegated delegate that is sent because the seniors are busy. He is the main one doing the work, yet the Father works, and Jesus also works.

Rev 2:7  He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God. 

To our natural, normal limited understanding, it is Jesus Christ that is speaking in this passage. But anyone that reads or is literate will read this verse as saying that the Holy Spirit is the One speaking. That is how seamless and frequent His unity is. Also He is compared to The Father and the Son like no other creature or thing can be. He is that unique, yet separate and distinct.

1Jn 5:7  For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 
Mat 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
2Co_13:14  The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

The Holy Ghost is not downgraded by the Father or the Son, like we humans usually do either openly or subconsciously.

Joh 14:16  And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; 
He is Another Comforter, showing one that He is different/separate. Also, He is another, showing that there are other(s). Jesus and the Father are the other Comforters.

2Co 3:17  Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 

If you ever thought only Jesus is Lord, well The Lord is that Spirit. And actually, only God is Lord because there is one Lord according to the Bible, right?

Gal 4:6  And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.
1Pe 1:11  Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.  

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. Oh well, He is the Spirit of the Lord also from second Corinthians 3v17 that we just looked at. Well, well, Paul and Peter are both telling us that He is the Spirit of Christ. Anywhere and everywhere we turn, we come to realize that He is God.
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 10:07pm On Feb 13, 2021
Just to add some more passages to the general doctrine. i said earlier and will restate that because the Godhead is so united as One, you will see several instance where their names are used interchangeably. So if the Father does something, it is not wrong to say that Jesus did it, or that the Holy Ghost did it.

Joh 8:18  I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me. 
Joh 5:32  There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true. 
Joh 5:37  And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. 

Jesus the Son and God the Father both bear witness.

Col 2:8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 
Col 2:9  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 

Jesus Christ is declared to be fully God, having the FULLNESS of God. There is no mere creature that is so described.

Joh 5:17  But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. 
Joh 5:18  Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. 
Joh 5:19  Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. 
Joh 5:20  For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. 
Joh 5:21  For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. 
Joh 5:22  For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: 
Joh 5:23  That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
Heb 12:23  To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 

The passage is largely self explanatory except for those who have a problem with God the Son. i just want to emphasize on the fact that the Judge is referred to as GOD.

Joh 10:30  I and my Father are one. 
While i did not want to come up with this popular scripture, it can literally get pharisees wanting to stone you. Nonetheless, it will be a great injustice for me to skip it. It is the same word "heis" which Jesus uses for one here like He used in (Mar 12:29  And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord. ) It is the same one meaning, only people who have problem with Jesus have problem with it.

1Pe 1:11  Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 
Everyone knows that the Spirit of God was on the prophets in the Old Testament. Peter is more direct to say that it is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God because Christ is God. He is the EVERLASTING God that our Father Abraham worshipped.

Gen 21:33  And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God. 
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by sonmvayina(m): 10:09pm On Feb 13, 2021
God the Creator is always interested in man having a better relationship with Him. Every man is related to God by creation.

Gen_2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This breathe of God is what makes all men of/from God. This is why our spirits return/report back to Him when we die, according to the Bible.

Ecc_12:7  Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

[b]When man's spirit returns to God, God will separate them. Those that had a personal and deeper relationship with Him have everlasting life. Those that do not have a personal relationship with Him have everlasting condemnation.
Little wonder there is need to have a personal and deeper relationship with God. Having a personal relationship with God has been made very simple by Jesus Christ. All you need to do is believe. Pray saying "Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I believe that you died and rose on the third day. I surrender my life to you. Be my Lord and my Saviour. I repent and I ask you take take control of my soul and my life. Thank you for saving me. Amen."

Any prayer similar to this is fine enough to birth you into a personal relationship with God. The deeper you grow in knowing God, the better. i must emphasize that doctrine does not save you or take you to heaven. The simple thing i explained above helps with that. However, doctrines help you to know more about God. Correct doctrine helps you know God more correctly and saves you a lot of headaches and obstacles. It is possible for even God's children to perish for lack of knowledge. Secondly and among other things, correct doctrine will help you steer clear of doctrines of devils. When you know genuine currency, it is easier for you to spot fake currency. If you do not know how the currency in Brazil looks like for instance, you may be fooled more easily than one who knows and has spent Brazilian real.

This thread mainly emphasizes the Bible truths about Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit being God and yet one. It is a mystery. Because it is a mystery, it is not a big criteria. Meaning, you don't have to know it to be saved. You might be saved and not know, until the Word of God is properly expounded and shown to you. This is why God gave the church teachers of His Word. It is why christians go through discipling.

Mat 28:19  Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: 
Mat 28:20  Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. 

When you begin a personal relationship with God, you beginning to know God and more about Him. You cannot know everything, else you would be omniscient. So keep it in mind that you do not know everything about God. You grow in the knowledge of God as the Bible says. In the Bible, there are some things that are deeper than the other, there are some that are great mysteries. However and thankfully, these are not the things that make you saved or start a personal walk with God.

Eph_5:32  This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.
Col_2:2  That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

The Bible talks about the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ. You need to humbly acknowledge it, because God gives grace and understanding to the humble. One of such mysteries is that God is One and yet three persons. The simplest way to see this is by faith, the believe and see principle. Another way is by revelation, mystery can be revealed. Another way is diligent study of the Word of God with the help of the Spirit of God. i'll initially focus on Jesus Christ God the Son and then the Holy Ghost, God the Spirit. Then combine the two and take comments as it were[/b].

Where did you get all this information.??
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 11:42pm On Feb 13, 2021

Where did you get all this information.??

Which one in particular? Not to waste space though, ALL from the Bible. You may be more specific for confirmation though.
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Shelumiel: 12:02am On Feb 14, 2021
God bless you bro. You have revealed a great mystery to me. In fact, I have never seen this sort of clarification. But deep down in heart, I knew instinctively that Jesus was God but lack of scriptural knowledge could help me understand this. But I am glad you came along and exposed much mystery here. God bless you mightly!!!
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by sonmvayina(m): 1:47pm On Feb 14, 2021
God the Creator is always interested in man having a better relationship with Him. Every man is related to God by creation.

Gen_2:7  And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

This breathe of God is what makes all men of/from God. This is why our spirits return/report back to Him when we die, according to the Bible.

Ecc_12:7  Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

When man's spirit returns to God, God will separate them. Those that had a personal and deeper relationship with Him have everlasting life. Those that do not have a personal relationship with Him have everlasting condemnation.

I mean this, God, formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed through his nostrils and man became a living soul. When man dies, everything returns to default. B
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 1:50pm On Feb 14, 2021

I mean this, God, formed man from the dust of the earth and breathed through his nostrils and man became a living soul. When man dies, everything returns to default. B

default. B means?
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 1:50pm On Feb 14, 2021
God bless you bro. You have revealed a great mystery to me. In fact, I have never seen this sort of clarification. But deep down in heart, I knew instinctively that Jesus was God but lack of scriptural knowledge could help me understand this. But I am glad you came along and exposed much mystery here. God bless you mightly!!!

Wow, to God be the glory. You're welcome brother.
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by sonmvayina(m): 1:59pm On Feb 14, 2021

default. B means?

Sorry..i did not complete it. The body back to the earth and the spirit back to God who gave it. .

The spirit becomes one with the creator.

Where did you get the idea that ot will be sorted out?
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 6:56pm On Feb 14, 2021

Sorry..i did not complete it. The body back to the earth and the spirit back to God who gave it. .

The spirit becomes one with the creator.

Where did you get the idea that ot will be sorted out?

From the Bible.
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by sonmvayina(m): 7:03pm On Feb 14, 2021

From the Bible.

Which bible? But it came from God., it is God. I still dont understand.

" Let is make man in our image after our likeness...God provided the spirit and the earth provided the dust for the body...so God fashioned man from the dust and breathered into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul..

Are you suggesting God is going to sort his breath out..into what exactely?
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 7:39pm On Feb 14, 2021

Just to add some more passages to the general doctrine. i said earlier and will restate that because the Godhead is so united as One, you will see several instance where their names are used interchangeably. So if the Father does something, it is not wrong to say that Jesus did it, or that the Holy Ghost did it.

Joh 8:18  I am one that bear witness of myself, and the Father that sent me beareth witness of me. 
Joh 5:32  There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth of me is true. 
Joh 5:37  And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape. 

Jesus the Son and God the Father both bear witness.

Col 2:8  Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 
Col 2:9  For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 

Jesus Christ is declared to be fully God, having the FULLNESS of God. There is no mere creature that is so described.

Joh 5:17  But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. 
Joh 5:18  Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God. 
Joh 5:19  Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. 
Joh 5:20  For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. 
Joh 5:21  For as the Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them; even so the Son quickeneth whom he will. 
Joh 5:22  For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son: 
Joh 5:23  That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son honoureth not the Father which hath sent him.
Heb 12:23  To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, 

The passage is largely self explanatory except for those who have a problem with God the Son. i just want to emphasize on the fact that the Judge is referred to as GOD.

Joh 10:30  I and my Father are one. 
While i did not want to come up with this popular scripture, it can literally get pharisees wanting to stone you. Nonetheless, it will be a great injustice for me to skip it. It is the same word "heis" which Jesus uses for one here like He used in (Mar 12:29  And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord. ) It is the same one meaning, only people who have problem with Jesus have problem with it.

1Pe 1:11  Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 
Everyone knows that the Spirit of God was on the prophets in the Old Testament. Peter is more direct to say that it is the Spirit of Christ. The Spirit of Christ is the Spirit of God because Christ is God. He is the EVERLASTING God that our Father Abraham worshipped.

Gen 21:33  And Abraham planted a grove in Beersheba, and called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God. 
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 7:41pm On Feb 14, 2021
If i showed you from the Bible, would you believe it? It's not exactly the focus of the thread, but i can quickly look into it if you are not just to argue.


Which bible? But it came from God., it is God. I still dont understand.

" Let is make man in our image after our likeness...God provided the spirit and the earth provided the dust for the body...so God fashioned man from the dust and breathered into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul..

Are you suggesting God is going to sort his breath out..into what exactely?
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by sonmvayina(m): 8:44pm On Feb 14, 2021
If i showed you from the Bible, would you believe it? It's not exactly the focus of the thread, but i can quickly look into it if you are not just to argue.

Do you believe it? Do you think it is makes sense, if yes why?

How did you unserstand it?
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 6:32am On Feb 15, 2021

Do you believe it? Do you think it is makes sense, if yes why?

How did you unserstand it?

Yes i believe in it. i walk and live by faith, not primarily by sight. So i would usually believe before i see.
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by sonmvayina(m): 10:57am On Feb 15, 2021

Yes i believe in it. i walk and live by faith, not primarily by sight. So i would usually believe before i see.

Why do you believe it?..it could be a lie...
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Maynman: 3:34pm On Mar 08, 2022

Yes i believe in it. i walk and live by faith, not primarily by sight. So i would usually believe before i see.

Why don’t you believe and walk by faith in other religions? Since it’s only belief and faith you need?
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 6:04pm On Mar 10, 2022

Why don’t you believe and walk by faith in other religions? Since it’s only belief and faith you need?

Because i am not you, i am peculiar.
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Maynman: 7:57pm On Mar 10, 2022

Because i am not you, i am peculiar.

That means you can’t believe by faith only, you need to have a reason and be special.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Image123(m): 8:45pm On Mar 10, 2022

That means you can’t believe by faith only, you need to have a reason and be special.

Have you not read that faith without works is dead? Why would you believe foolishly on Baal and call it the same faith?
Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Maynman: 12:40am On Mar 11, 2022

Have you not read that faith without works is dead? Why would you believe foolishly on Baal and call it the same faith?

So that means you did not have faith in god, you believe god for a reason not because you have faith, so why do you want me to just have faith by believing without investigating, you yourself didn’t just believe.
If it’s only faith and belief I need, I’ll believe all religions.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by MaxInDHouse(m): 7:13am On Mar 11, 2022

So that means you did not have faith in god, you believe god for a reason not because you have faith, so why do you want me to just have faith by believing without investigating, you yourself didn’t just believe.
If it’s only faith and belief I need, I’ll believe all religions.

When Jesus came to establish pure worship on earth he gave his disciples REASONS both visible and expected FRUIT as evidence of true FAITH.
The Israelites were used to miraculous signs since the birth of that nation in Egypt where their God used a powerful hand to release them from Egypt and ever since then this nation has had series of miraculous works through the hands of many of their own people used by their God to guide them until the arrival of the promised Messiah whom Moses foretold will teach them something of higher value than the laws! Deuteronomy 18:15-19
So the Israelites were in constant expectation of this great prophet that's why Jesus told his disciples that the miraculous signs he was performing is for a REASON! John 4:48

Despite all the miraculous works Jesus performed many Jews did not believe him, in fact Jesus had to remind John the baptist what he should look out for as confirmation that he (Jesus) is the expected Messiah {Matthew 11:3-6} but after some time Christianity will be taken to other lands where God made no covenant with the inhabitants so miracles will no longer function as a REASON to BELIEVE so what will help honest hearted and sincere individuals to believe in the God of Abraham?
Jesus' answer
When discussing about salvation with his faithful disciples Jesus told them so many things that they begin to fear saying "who can be saved" {Mark 10:26} Jesus assured them that with God there is possibility for salvation {Mark 10:27} but then how can ordinary man know the congregation of holy ones?
How can we IDENTIFY the group having God's presence in their midst?
Jesus told his disciples that they must leave everything behind them if they truly want to be saved {Luke 9:62} then there is what we are to EXPECT as the result of true FAITH after we have left everything behind:

Peter began to say to him: “Look! We have left all things and followed you.” Jesus said: “Truly I say to you, no one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get 100 times more now in this period of time—houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields, with persecutions—and in the coming system of things, everlasting life". Mark 10:28-30

So according to Jesus Christ the REASON why we should believe today is when we are seeing that God is bringing people from all the earth together as one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers, where they have settled all their racial disparities, divert all their resources into production of food and information materials, stop politics and military services and vowed never to raise weapons against their fellowman {Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-3} this is the EXPECTED FRUIT of true FAITH which no religion can produce if they don't have God's backing! Matthew 7:16-18

So Jesus' response didn't end there but goes ahead saying after you have gotten this stay with the holy ones because you are already on the road to everlasting life! Mark 10:30
May you have PEACE! smiley

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Maynman: 10:00am On Mar 11, 2022

When Jesus came to establish pure worship on earth he gave his disciples REASONS both visible and expected FRUIT as evidence of true FAITH.
The Israelites were used to miraculous signs since the birth of that nation in Egypt where their God used a powerful hand to release them from Egypt and ever since then this nation has had series of miraculous works through the hands of many of their own people used by their God to guide them until the arrival of the promised Messiah whom Moses foretold will teach them something of higher value than the laws! Deuteronomy 18:15-19
So the Israelites were in constant expectation of this great prophet that's why Jesus told his disciples that the miraculous signs he was performing is for a REASON! John 4:48

Despite all the miraculous works Jesus performed many Jews did not believe him, in fact Jesus had to remind John the baptist what he should look out for as confirmation that he (Jesus) is the expected Messiah {Matthew 11:3-6} but after some time Christianity will be taken to other lands where God made no covenant with the inhabitants so miracles will no longer function as a REASON to BELIEVE so what will help honest hearted and sincere individuals to believe in the God of Abraham?
Jesus' answer
When discussing about salvation with his faithful disciples Jesus told them so many things that they begin to fear saying "who can be saved" {Mark 10:26} Jesus assured them that with God there is possibility for salvation {Mark 10:27} but then how can ordinary man know the congregation of holy ones?
How can we IDENTIFY the group having God's presence in their midst?
Jesus told his disciples that they must leave everything behind them if they truly want to be saved {Luke 9:62} then there is what we are to EXPECT as the result of true FAITH after we have left everything behind:

Peter began to say to him: “Look! We have left all things and followed you.” Jesus said: “Truly I say to you, no one has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for my sake and for the sake of the good news who will not get 100 times more now in this period of time—houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children, and fields, with persecutions—and in the coming system of things, everlasting life". Mark 10:28-30

So according to Jesus Christ the REASON why we should believe today is when we are seeing that God is bringing people from all the earth together as one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers, where they have settled all their racial disparities, divert all their resources into production of food and information materials, stop politics and military services and vowed never to raise weapons against their fellowman {Isaiah 2:2-4; Micah 4:1-3} this is the EXPECTED FRUIT of true FAITH which no religion can produce if they don't have God's backing! Matthew 7:16-18

So Jesus' response didn't end there but goes ahead saying after you have gotten this stay with the holy ones because you are already on the road to everlasting life! Mark 10:30
May you have PEACE! smiley

Exactly.. so you did not believe Jesus by just faith alone you had other REASONS. Why do you now tell unbelievers of this your god to believe with just faith? So give me this visible reasons why I should believe in your god and not the other thousand gods? The other thousand gods also lay claims to what you said, show me visible evidence that it is the god of the Israelite and not the god of the arabs or Zeus.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by MaxInDHouse(m): 10:51am On Mar 11, 2022

Exactly.. so you did not believe Jesus by just faith alone you had other REASONS. Why do you now tell unbelievers of this your god to believe with just faith? So give me this visible reasons why I should believe in your god and not the other thousand gods? The other thousand gods also lay claims to what you said, show me visible evidence that it is the god of the Israelite and not the god of the arabs or Zeus.

I really love doing this! smiley

Now this are the reasons why i believe in the God of Israel:

First of all the Gods people worship throughout the world there's little or no talks about
©How we got here?
©Why life is filled with troubles?
©Why we grow old, get sick and die?
©Why mankind always fail in politics?
©How mankind can find true peace?

Of course all other Gods have stories to tell and their adherents are trying when it comes to morals and virtues, but the above questions can't be answered by any of these Gods only the God of Israel answered all these questions in His message to mankind called "Bible"

But that's not the major reason why i forsake the Gods of my forefathers for the God of Israel. Apart from giving answers to all these questions the God of Israel made certain promises that no other God talked about and He is fulfilled it today!

For instance, the God of Israel told us how He confused the language of the earth {Genesis 11:6-9} in that Bible chapter the God of Israel laid undeniable facts why He confused the language of mankind by saying "they want to build a city and stay in just one part of their planet home" whereas He purposed they live in all the parts of the planet! Genesis 1:28
So by confusing their language they were forced to scatter so that it's only those who can UNDERSTAND each other that moved towards the same direction!

Now note that i highlighted the word "UNDERSTAND", because that's another reason why i believe in the God of Israel.
During the time He created the earth, parted the sea and all other stuffs like that i wasn't there so there's no reason for me to believe in all that yet, but why do i believe today?

Well this same God who claimed He confused the language of the earth now said He wants to reunite people throughout the earth so that they will UNDERSTAND one another and live like one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers! Isaiah 2:2-4

My friend do you think any of the Gods can do that?
Well the God of Israel is doing it today!
He decided to call His own worshipers by a unique group name that will show all other Gods that indeed He is the one and only true God!

The God of Israel is known as "JEHOVAH" and throughout this planet He is gathering people in millions so that they're now known globally like one family. They are called "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"

There is this undeniable evidence of their God in the sense that while all other Gods failed to settle issues amidst their worshipers JEHOVAH has settled all the racial disparities among His own worshipers so that they've vowed never to raise weapons against anyone again. Whereas worshipers of all other Gods are killing one another due to racism and politics! Revelations 6:3-4

Do you now see the REASONS why i believe in all the things written in the book the God of Israel sent to me? smiley

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by Maynman: 11:13am On Mar 11, 2022

I really love doing this! smiley

Now this are the reasons why i believe in the God of Israel:

First of all the Gods people worship throughout the world there's little or no talks about
©How we got here?
©Why life is filled with troubles?
©Why we grow old, get sick and die?
©Why mankind always fail in politics?
©How mankind can find true peace?

Of course all other Gods have stories to tell and their adherents are trying when it comes to morals and virtues, but the above questions can't be answered by any of these Gods only the God of Israel answered all these questions in His message to mankind called "Bible"

But that's not the major reason why i forsake the Gods of my forefathers for the God of Israel. Apart from giving answers to all these questions the God of Israel made certain promises that no other God talked about and He is fulfilled it today!

For instance, the God of Israel told us how He confused the language of the earth {Genesis 11:6-9} in that Bible chapter the God of Israel laid undeniable facts why He confused the language of mankind by saying "they want to build a city and stay in just one part of their planet home" whereas He purposed they live in all the parts of the planet! Genesis 1:28
So by confusing their language they were forced to scatter so that it's only those who can UNDERSTAND each other that moved towards the same direction!

Now note that i highlighted the word "UNDERSTAND", because that's another reason why i believe in the God of Israel.
During the time He created the earth, parted the sea and all other stuffs like that i wasn't there so there's no reason for me to believe in all that yet, but why do i believe today?

Well this same God who claimed He confused the language of the earth now said He wants to reunite people throughout the earth so that they will UNDERSTAND one another and live like one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers! Isaiah 2:2-4

My friend do you think any of the Gods can do that?
Well the God of Israel is doing it today!
He decided to call His own worshipers by a unique group name that will show all other Gods that indeed He is the one and only true God!

The God of Israel is known as "JEHOVAH" and throughout this planet He is gathering people in millions so that they're now known globally like one family. They are called "JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES"

There is this undeniable evidence of their God in the sense that while all other Gods failed to settle issues amidst their worshipers JEHOVAH has settled all the racial disparities among His own worshipers so that they've vowed never to raise weapons against anyone again. Whereas worshipers of all other Gods are killing one another due to racism and politics! Revelations 6:3-4

Do you now see the REASONS why i believe in all the things written in the book the God of Israel sent to me? smiley

Beautiful, next time tell people that you didn’t believe god my faith alone, that you also needed reasons to believe.
What’s the evidence that it was Bible that was right and not the other books? You know Bible literally means collection of books, how was the book selected and collected to form Bible(collection of books) what criteria did they use? Canon? What’s canon? Who determines what is a canonical book? The authors that they accepted their books into the “Bible” did you know them?
What’s Torah? Did Christianity borrow/collect any books from Judaism? What did Judaism say about Jesus?
The same way your god prove himself to only the isrealites, can you also believe allah prove himself to the Arabs too? Or are you saying Jehovah and allah are the same? grin give us “reasons to believe” and not just “believe by faith” why your book contain the real stories. cheesy

You surely just didn’t believe the Bible, give me visible reasons why you chose to believe only the stories collected by some people and termed “Bible” in English.

1 Like

Re: Jesus Christ, God The Son. Holy Ghost, God The Spirit. by MaxInDHouse(m): 1:58pm On Mar 11, 2022

Beautiful, next time tell people that you didn’t believe god my faith alone, that you also needed reasons to believe.
What’s the evidence that it was Bible that was right and not the other books? You know Bible literally means collection of books, how was the book selected and collected to form Bible(collection of books) what criteria did they use? Canon? What’s canon? Who determines what is a canonical book? The authors that they accepted their books into the “Bible” did you know them?
What’s Torah? Did Christianity borrow/collect any books from Judaism? What did Judaism say about Jesus?
The same way your god prove himself to only the isrealites, can you also believe allah prove himself to the Arabs too? Or are you saying Jehovah and allah are the same? grin give us “reasons to believe” and not just “believe by faith” why your book contain the real stories. cheesy

You surely just didn’t believe the Bible, give me visible reasons why you chose to believe only the stories collected by some people and termed “Bible” in English.

First of all the God of the Bible said all others claiming Gods are fallen angels (demons) and i have told you why i believe the God of the Bible.
How those books were collected, who wrote them, who agreed on the selection or why call it Bible is not important now Sir.
What really matters is that the book talked about what will happen today and it's happening exactly as it was written in that book. Moreover the Bible said people will come from different races throughout the earth to form one big and happy family of peace loving worshipers and it's so.
Do you think i need to start asking questions about who invented the aeroplane, how it was fueled, how it was manufactured before i board a flight?
My friend, just humble yourself and learn.
The Bible has proved to be more than just a book because there's more to it than just what people like you think about books! wink

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