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Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? - Travel - Nairaland

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Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by James4bright(m): 10:30am On Feb 15, 2021
Obviously I know a good number of Nigerians are in Russia already. But one thing I've realized is that most Nigerians don't add Russia to their country of preference compared to UK, Canada and Germany.

Some would even prefer to start up with smaller countries like Estonia. I hope you all know Russia is the cheapest European country you could move to.

When I'm on Instagram and I view pages of Africans in Russia, Nigerians are always the least.

Why isn't anyone talking about Russia, is it because of their low cost of living or currency. Because 1 Russian ruble is 5 naira.

It would cost you just 2.5 million to move to Russia and study compared to a good number of European countries. And don't come here telling me about racism bullshit, it's actually safe in Russia lately, watch some YouTube videos and see for yourself.

Housing there is actually very cheap too, I know a girl who pays just a 100 dollars per year for her apartment.

Russia is one country that has the biggest landmass on Earth. So many European countries are small, buying land properties would be expensive and won't be easy neither. Nigeria is 3 times bigger than UK.

It's annoying when I see Nigerians on Nairaland who have just 2million naira, when people tell them their money is too small. You only need 4000 US dollars in your account as proof of funds to move to Russia.

I'm not an agent so don't think I need your money, I got all my information through research on Russian study platforms. Go on Instagram and check out Africans in Russia.

I would stop here, so I don't talk down on other European countries before the mods come for me.

110 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Arizonaz: 10:36am On Feb 15, 2021
Please what's the best route to travel to Russia.


Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Nobody: 10:38am On Feb 15, 2021
Please what's the best route to travel to Russia.

Are you going via land?

118 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by James4bright(m): 10:44am On Feb 15, 2021
Please what's the best route to travel to Russia.

Studying over there is the best. And it's very cheap too.

Transport is very cheap, food, housing etc. Do some research, you'd love Russia.

107 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by adigun98(m): 10:56am On Feb 15, 2021

Studying over there is the best. And it's very cheap too.

Transport is very cheap, food, housing etc. Do some research, you'd love Russia.
Can student work there ?....Heard the cold there is killing


Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Nobody: 10:57am On Feb 15, 2021

Can student work there ?....Heard the cold there is killing

Everything is killing here in 9ja, but for there may be it is only the cold you are afraid of.

140 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by lilvicky68(m): 10:59am On Feb 15, 2021
By the time cold nack you finish you go start to sing Nigerian Anthem..

302 Likes 14 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Nobody: 10:59am On Feb 15, 2021
@ the op, how difficult is it getting their visa for 9ja people?

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by James4bright(m): 11:12am On Feb 15, 2021
@ the op, how difficult is it getting their visa for 9ja people?

Russia is one of the easiest for now. Russia, Estonia and Latvia, they are quite easy.

62 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Nobody: 11:16am On Feb 15, 2021

Russia is one of the easiest for now. Russia, Estonia and Latvia, they are quite easy.

I just checked one old thread, from their replies it seems like they are extremely racist, one guy was sentenced to life imprisonment just because of self defence.


Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by James4bright(m): 11:29am On Feb 15, 2021

I just checked one old thread, from their replies it seems like they are extremely racist, one guy was sentenced to life imprisonment just because of self defence.

Lol. Some folks would come out here and tell you how America is the most racist country on earth. I've seen folks who said Poland is a very racist country and I've also seen folks who said nice things about Poland.

Focus on views from the majority and not just one person. Like I said, go on YouTube and watch videos about blacks in Russia talking about Russia.

So many countries got their flaws. I saw a video on Facebook where three white guys were beating up a black guy in Germany. But so many black folks still live in Germany peacefully.

147 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Olanbo92: 11:31am On Feb 15, 2021
Pls he can someone apply for Estonia or Latvia visa in Nigeria

6 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Arizonaz: 12:18pm On Feb 15, 2021

Studying over there is the best. And it's very cheap too.

Transport is very cheap, food, housing etc. Do some research, you'd love Russia.

Thanks bro. I trying to get my transcript for now.


Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by ImDStar: 12:37pm On Feb 15, 2021
Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Cybercop2002: 1:27pm On Feb 15, 2021

Lol. Some folks would come out here and tell you how America is the most racist country on earth. I've seen folks who said Poland is a very racist country and I've also seen folks who said nice things about Poland.

Focus on views from the majority and not just one person. Like I said, go on YouTube and watch videos about blacks in Russia talking about Russia.

So many countries got their flaws. I saw a video on Facebook where three white guys were beating up a black guy in Germany. But so many black folks still live in Germany peacefully.

i respect you for this answer every country have bitch in dem just like naija but there are still thousand of nigeria cummunity there there are 4 black politician in poland 3 are nigerians google nigeria descent in every country


Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by ec0malchemist(m): 4:47pm On Feb 15, 2021
Even in Nigeria, we are still being treated like 2nd class citizens.

My own is anywhere you find yourself, make the best of it.

Make friends with the locals and speak a little bit of thier language, you never can tell where it might be your saving grace.

Nice one op

128 Likes 7 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by zeekleo(m): 8:50pm On Feb 15, 2021
Please where do I start from

8 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Cousin9999: 9:44pm On Feb 15, 2021
Maybe they want to keep their internal organs.

10 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by adigun98(m): 1:26pm On Feb 16, 2021
I search a few stuff about their stuff ....seem you must be able to speak the Russian language before you can be admitted

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Funkybabee(f): 5:03pm On Feb 16, 2021
I think speaking of their language is the problem

11 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Nobody: 5:28pm On Feb 16, 2021
[quote author=James4bright post=99084199]

Studying over there is the best. And it's very cheap too.

Transport is very cheap, food, housing etc. Do some research, you'd love Russia.

I would be wary about accepting immigration advice from someone who isn't in said country.

No offense to the OP but convincing people to go to a place because you saw happy pictures of other people online is very risky especially when you don't live there yourself. No one is posting their struggles online.

I am not here to discourage anyone but please carry out a thorough research before making a decision because someone on a faceless forum said so.

189 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Cybercop2002: 6:43pm On Feb 16, 2021
[quote author=ariketalks post=99129767][/quote]in this life rven in your country you must encounter one among thisno matter how racism discrimination and prejudice
Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Nobody: 7:58pm On Feb 16, 2021
in this life rven in your country you must encounter one among thisno matter how racism discrimination and prejudice
I am sure i did not make any reference to racism in my post.
Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Cybercop2002: 8:17pm On Feb 16, 2021

I am sure i did not make any reference to racism in my post.
not refering to u just saying
Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by justwise(m): 9:00pm On Feb 16, 2021

Russia is one of the easiest for now. Russia, Estonia and Latvia, they are quite easy.

Are you in Russia?


Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by idu1(m): 10:41pm On Feb 16, 2021
Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Omojayejaye(m): 1:02am On Feb 17, 2021
I will strongly advice against schooling or living in Mother Russia. Smart people actually prefer living in those aforementioned small EU countries. It's likewise cheap to live there but with somewhat less opportunities ( East Europe factor)
Access to about 28 countries. Also you can use PR obtained from those small countries in prosperous Eu Nations like Germany, Netherlands etc. Massive opportunity !!! Russians need visa to be in EU countries.
Be wise.

85 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Cybercop2002: 7:55am On Feb 17, 2021
I will strongly advice against schooling or living in Mother Russia. Smart people actually prefer living in those aforementioned small EU countries. It's likewise cheap to live there but with somewhat less opportunities ( East Europe factor)
Access to about 28 countries. Also you can use PR obtained from those small countries in prosperous Eu Nations like Germany, Netherlands etc. Massive opportunity !!! Russians need visa to be in EU countries.
Be wise.
you are right those skinhead in russia have polical backup best bet is eu dont go country cause is cheap but quality over quantity

18 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by James4bright(m): 9:09am On Feb 17, 2021

Happy pictures of people online? Now this doesn't even sound right. Most Nigerians move to a certain country just from the briefing an agent gives them.

I'm telling these folks now to research online, go on YouTube and hear from folks in Russia, there are billion of videos on YouTube with different perspectives.

I even told them to go on Instagram too, if they need to do an extra research. Go on Russia study portal too.

The country you aspire on moving too. Have you ever been there before? You are skeptical about my advice on people researching on YouTube or what, because it was clearly stated in my content. You are only repeating what I've already said.

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by HRprof: 5:25pm On Feb 17, 2021
I recently got a volunteering opportunity in Russia with accommodation and feeding for 3 months, but embassy is not open for visa application for now and i have received all the necessary documents from organization. The programme commenced by May. Do anyone have an idea when the embassy will open?

10 Likes 1 Share

Re: Why Aren't Nigerians Interested In Russia? by Nobody: 11:02am On Feb 18, 2021
By the time cold nack you finish you go start to sing Nigerian Anthem..
Op, I swear you funny die!! But Sha cold better pass heat o!!


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