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India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets - Business (7) - Nairaland

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Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Vizconson(m): 5:51pm On Feb 13, 2021
Cryptocurrency started as a good idea until Casino speculators and Ponzi manipulators started taking advantage of the fact that the scheme is largely unregulated to cash out big time.

Cryptocurrency is now the beautiful bride of money launderers and drug racketeers. Proceeds of criminal and illegal activities running into billions of dollars are passing through the cryptocurrency schems without being detected.

International business entities and billionaires started embracing cryptocurrency in other to envade tax. Developed countries like US, Britain and China had no choice than to join the bandwagon to the detriment of the economy of poor countries. But I am sure that these countries will soon ban cryptocurrency. THE CRASH OF CRYPTOCURRENCY IS IMMINENT.

The fact is Cryptocurrency is international version of MMM. It is highly erratic and unpredictable.
Cryptocurrency will cause great damage to emerging economies like India and Nigeria.
No doubt, cryptocurrency is the currency of the future only if a new world order can be achieved.
Listen to yourself. A new world order is already at your doorstep and that's the reason why crypto is becoming popular.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Nevaaada(m): 5:54pm On Feb 13, 2021
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Trybes(m): 5:58pm On Feb 13, 2021
The way countries keep banning Bitcoin they are ignorantly making it more popular. This doesn't stop btc from touching 100k this year just as gbpusd gonna be bullish same year
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Coolcalmcollect(m): 6:00pm On Feb 13, 2021
Cryptocurrency started as a good idea until Casino speculators and Ponzi manipulators started taking advantage of the fact that the scheme is largely unregulated to cash out big time.

Cryptocurrency is now the beautiful bride of money launderers and drug racketeers. Proceeds of criminal and illegal activities running into billions of dollars are passing through the cryptocurrency schems without being detected.

International business entities and billionaires started embracing cryptocurrency in other to envade tax. Developed countries like US, Britain and China had no choice than to join the bandwagon to the detriment of the economy of poor countries. But I am sure that these countries will soon ban cryptocurrency. THE CRASH OF CRYPTOCURRENCY IS IMMINENT.

The fact is Cryptocurrency is international version of MMM. It is highly erratic and unpredictable.
Cryptocurrency will cause great damage to emerging economies like India and Nigeria.
No doubt, cryptocurrency is the currency of the future only if a new world order can be achieved.
wetin werey dey talk
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by hermesprogidy(m): 6:05pm On Feb 13, 2021

Lol, you're going to give me the typical regurgitated nonesense

Tesla bought bitcoin, MasterCard is allowing it on their networks, crypto is decentralised blah blah.

But you can never explain how using bitcoin as a country's reserve is beneficial.

Why i attack educated Nigerians d hardest, i hardly see independent thinkers, not to be confused with free thinkers grin
Using Bitcoin as Nigeria's reserve is not the point, that on face value is controversial but not impossible. I am referring to your thinly veiled antagonism towards crypto. Quick question, why is Nigeria's reserve in dollars and not Naira?
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Vizconson(m): 6:07pm On Feb 13, 2021

China is not poor, Canada is not poor. Bitcoin is not legal there.
Say no more. Some of you are ignorant. FYI, those images below are from today's news

Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Coinbased: 6:15pm On Feb 13, 2021
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by doxijaw: 6:21pm On Feb 13, 2021

Using Bitcoin as Nigeria's reserve is not the point, that on face value is controversial but not impossible. I am referring to your thinly veiled antagonism towards crypto. Quick question, why is Nigeria's reserve in dollars and not Naira?

I'm actually pro crypto.

The attack goes to the emotional arindins on twitter saying cbn should buy crypto.

As for the us reserves , we all know that's because of bretton woods, after abolishing the gold standard.

The reason why the west can print without much devaluation and the rest of the world suffer unless you have something to sell grin.

Crypto is noble but in it's current form, unusable as currency.

Eventually the thieving west will still hijack it , if adopted eventually and i can guarantee it won't be bitcoin.

We can't win , that's the point and bound to fail if we don't address issues with a lot of skepticism.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by afroxyz: 6:22pm On Feb 13, 2021

lol the world moved from gold because there was not enough gold to substantiate the growth of the economy.....even today more gold is traded than there is actual mined gold.....the US and other countries would have been bankrupt a long time ago if they kept their currency pinned to gold.....part of the things holding up bitcoin today is that its limited, which makes it easy to speculate it's price......which is why people have been patronizing other crypto that are not as strong......but what happens when the demand grows too strong for the supply?.......look go do what you want with your money......just don't come online to cry that noone warned you when things turn sour

Since you are kay witb people trading paper contracts for commodities and printing money not backed by gold, its alright. Dont worry about me. Worry about yourself
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by afroxyz: 6:25pm On Feb 13, 2021
In the olden days it was Gold,Silver or other metal because you could use them intrinsically (to make jewelry, tools or weapons)without trading...whole empires arose even wars fought just for their control,regulation and accumulation,after which, you had commodities eg Salt, Cowries,Whale teeth,Slaves etc because they were very useful by themselves without any packaging and highly sought after...Now we have Fiat money backed by Governments who control vast resources of human capital and commodities...That is what money is all about...But Bitcoin or cryptocurrency is against the spirit of what has been the tradition of trading and economics for thousands of years...I believe cryptocurrency is anti-money, Maybe in the days of 3150 when technology allows us to explore distant galaxies making use of anti-energy,anti-matter etc then there will be no such thing as money..but Anti-money.. ..

Which brings us to the question? What is money if not a measurment of money. So why cant bitcoin reolace it. Provides people gave something to measure value, trade continues. I dont think bitcoin is anti-money because its value is still expresses in monetary terms
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by imagrg(m): 6:30pm On Feb 13, 2021
Crypto my beloved Crypto!


I foresee a heavy price slide soon oh!
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by hermesprogidy(m): 6:31pm On Feb 13, 2021

I'm actually pro crypto.

The attack goes to the emotional arindins on twitter saying cbn should buy crypto.

As for the us reserves , we all know that's because of bretton woods, after abolishing the gold standard.

The reason why the west can print without much devaluation and the rest of the world suffer unless you have something to sell grin.

Crypto is noble but in it's current form, unusable as currency.

Eventually the thieving west will still hijack it , if adopted eventually and i can guarantee it won't be bitcoin.

We can't win , that's the point and bound to fail if we don't address issues with a lot of skepticism.
Ok, I can't argue with these points, I agree. Enjoy your day.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by WoundedLamb: 6:54pm On Feb 13, 2021
Second country? I thought some countries like China and co. banned it before now?

The truth is, crypto is individualistic (I'd say selfish if not for the fear of words). At this current utility rate, it seems harmless but the moment is becomes widely adopted, it will spin out of control. This is because crypto can't be regulated and it's not subject to monetary policies. Accepting crypto is somewhat tantamount to financial lawlessness. While this doesn't seem to be a problem to us now, it definitely will be sometime in the future. I, myself, believe crypto is the future but not until technology and management sciences find a way of regulating it. And when that happens, we might end up with a single currency. It's funny that those who kick the most against a global government are the ones advocating the most for crypto.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by mrnelsono(m): 7:27pm On Feb 13, 2021
Indian and Nigerian government are showing their low level of idiosyncrasy.......
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by infogeneral: 8:20pm On Feb 13, 2021
The advise to ban cryptocurrency by Nigeria came from the FBI. I guess the US will soon take actions on cryptocurrency
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by authority2006(m): 9:55pm On Feb 13, 2021
government is for controlling the populace, any threat to that will be met with outright sanctions. bitcoin takes the financial power of the government on the people and give it back to the people.

What are the people without government control?
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by authority2006(m): 9:56pm On Feb 13, 2021
However, according to the official, the ban would not be imposed overnight, as in the case of Nigeria. Instead, investors would be given three to six months to liquidate their investments.

Buhari's government way of handling matters is like You seeing a snake in your farm and you call Buhari for help to catch the snake, Buhari claiming to be an expert sets your entire farm on fire and brings the dead snake to you ...

Laughing. Problem solved ASAP
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Nicepoker(m): 10:16pm On Feb 13, 2021
Like Nigeria

Failed countries
India a failed country? You must be joking.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by duwell(m): 11:07pm On Feb 13, 2021
lol ban it please. this is why i said that naija people get bad luck and are cursed entities.
this thing has beeen there for ages o. but as e enter naija, them start to abuse am. now see the result

True. Anything were enter Naija gets abused in no time
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Poloyanabo2(m): 11:34pm On Feb 13, 2021
Poor countries are resisting it. Lol. The future is e-currency. It is obvious why they are poor.
Yet they are richer than most of your So-called "rich countries"
Mukesh Ambani is from India.
India and China will replace US very soon, they're almost there.
Keep underrating them.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Poloyanabo2(m): 11:38pm On Feb 13, 2021
India a failed country? You must be joking.
Too many kids in this forum,
India is even more richer than most countries he'll call prosperous or developed.
India and China are really underrated, they are the future,
USA ain't shit anymore.
India has everything to depend on themselves.
Their citizen is even one of the top ten richest in the world.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Poloyanabo2(m): 11:40pm On Feb 13, 2021
Not surprised... Nigeria and India have one thing in common; they are both shitholes!
You're very ignorant on India, go and update yourself on foreign affairs.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by mike8804: 6:51am On Feb 14, 2021

What are the people without government control?
outlaws...those who don't want to obey the laws

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Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by tinktanker: 9:46am On Feb 14, 2021
A govt that feels for its citizens. Unlike nigerian government that wants pppl to be poor. They did not even give ppl time to liquidate. Evil govt

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Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by leokid866: 12:00pm On Feb 14, 2021

All fiat currencies are inflationary in nature, true or false? Do you care to know that around 22% of the circulating USD were printed last year? Fiats are nothing but toilet tissue lol. N100 from 20 years ago, cannot buy the same thing in 2021. The only thing is that some fiats have more value than the others. Bitcoin particularly was created to address this. 0.1 bitcoin 10 years ago can buy more things in 2021 than it could buy in 2011. Oh by the way, you cannot print more bitcoin grin All bitcoin is doing is revealing the flaws of legacy financial systems. It's not the source of their problems lol. Research about disruptive technologies.

About bitcoin defaulting, I don't even know what that means, but bitcoin is usually denominated in the usd and not the naira.

Yes, no government backs it. It's money made for you and I. Bitcoin is unconfiscatable, uncensorable and uninflatable, so no government can devalue your bitcoin, seize your bitcoin or tell you not to use it. Bitcoin bans governments, governments don't ban bitcoin.

China has the biggest mining rigs in the world lol, please educate yourself oh. As at last year, 65% of the global bitcoin hash rate was concentrated in China.
Hash rate is a measure of the power of the computers linked to the Bitcoin network, which determines their ability to produce new coins.

Lol isn't it ironical that central banks around the world are planning to create their own central Bank digital currencies (CBDCs) grin?

Please do your research oh.
lol....bitcoin from 10 years ago still holds up today, can you please tell us how many millions of dollars was lost before it got to its current state? are we just to overlook all that global loss like it never happened? look I'm not disputing you, but like you said bitcoin is not backed by any government...Nigeria has banned it, India has followed, who do you think will be next?.....good luck having bitcoin and other cryptos obtaining the trust of the Central banks.......the day China or the US will ban it's use or replace it with their own is the day things will clear in your eyes......please carry on.......Bless.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Bamz(m): 7:36am On Feb 15, 2021

lol....bitcoin from 10 years ago still holds up today, can you please tell us how many millions of dollars was lost before it got to its current state? are we just to overlook all that global loss like it never happened? look I'm not disputing you, but like you said bitcoin is not backed by any government...Nigeria has banned it, India has followed, who do you think will be next?.....good luck having bitcoin and other cryptos obtaining the trust of the Central banks.......the day China or the US will ban it's use or replace it with their own is the day things will clear in your eyes......please carry on.......Bless.

That 'Nigeria has banned it' statement just invalidates whatever it is your wrote in that paragraph and shows that I can't have a meaningful and intelligent conversation with you. Next time read to understand my friend and not be in a rush to respond.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Bamz(m): 12:21am On Mar 06, 2021

lol....bitcoin from 10 years ago still holds up today, can you please tell us how many millions of dollars was lost before it got to its current state? are we just to overlook all that global loss like it never happened? look I'm not disputing you, but like you said bitcoin is not backed by any government...Nigeria has banned it, India has followed, who do you think will be next?.....good luck having bitcoin and other cryptos obtaining the trust of the Central banks.......the day China or the US will ban it's use or replace it with their own is the day things will clear in your eyes......please carry on.......Bless.

Whatever you do, just don't have fun staying poor.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by leokid866: 1:47pm On Mar 07, 2021

Whatever you do, just don't have fun staying poor.
LOL.......I keep my investments in gold....helps me sleep better at night....good luck with your crypto.....I heard just one tweet from Elon musk rob it of gains the other day.....have fun swinging on the high and lows of crypto currencies.
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by Bamz(m): 8:45am On Mar 08, 2021

LOL.......I keep my investments in gold....helps me sleep better at night....good luck with your crypto.....I heard just one tweet from Elon musk rob it of gains the other day.....have fun swinging on the high and lows of crypto currencies.

It's easy to criticise what you don't know. Educate yourself first, and I can tell if your criticisms are from a position of knowledge or ignorance.

Villagers in Congo recently discovered gold. While gold is better than fiat as a store of value, it does not have a true hardcap as there may be more gold deposits even in Mars.

Non volatile fiat that erodes value vs volatile asset that preserves value. People will make their choice eventually.

There's a growing list of institutional investors (mass mutuals, pension funds, banks) that are turning to btc over gold.

Do you think you have more information than these companies?

For the past 10 years, btc has outperformed gold.

I expect you to talk from a position of knowledge and that can only happen when you've truly educated yourself. Motley Fool, JP Morgan and some others were doubters, now they're believers.

Do whatever makes you sleep well, see you at the top!
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by leokid866: 7:37pm On Mar 08, 2021

It's easy to criticise what you don't know. Educate yourself first, and I can tell if your criticisms are from a position of knowledge or ignorance.

Villagers in Congo recently discovered gold. While gold is better than fiat as a store of value, it does not have a true hardcap as there may be more gold deposits even in Mars.

Non volatile fiat that erodes value vs volatile asset that preserves value. People will make their choice eventually.

There's a growing list of institutional investors (mass mutuals, pension funds, banks) that are turning to btc over gold.

Do you think you have more information than these companies?

For the past 10 years, btc has outperformed gold.

I expect you to talk from a position of knowledge and that can only happen when you've truly educated yourself. Motley Fool, JP Morgan and some others were doubters, now they're believers.

Do whatever makes you sleep well, see you at the top!

You're right......I'll see you when you get here.... smiley
Re: India Bans Cryptocurrencies, Gives Investors 6 Months To Liquidate Their Assets by charlie34: 12:10pm On Jan 13, 2022
If you are new to the world of cryptocurrency and haven't heard about Montecrypto, the game has a bit of a backstory. Source for more about Jeux gratuits à jouer | Jouez et gagnez | 2022.

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