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CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions - Investment - Nairaland

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CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 6:19am On Aug 14, 2020
Welcome to the Official thread of Click Farms.

Here, you can post your Enquiries, Suggestions, Questions and Complains.

Follow us on our social media:

twitter: @clickfarmsNG
Instagram: @ClickfarmsNG
WhatsApp: 07026657482
Customer Care: +2349053345898
Our webpage : https://www.Clickfarms.com.ng
E-mail : cares@clickfarms.com.ng
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by Ladylite: 7:11am On Aug 14, 2020
Welcome to the Official thread of Click Farms.

Here, you can post your Enquiries, Suggestions, Questions and Complains.

Follow us on our social media:

twitter: @clickfarmsNG
Instagram: @ClickfarmsNG
WhatsApp: 07026657482
Customer Care: +2349053345898
Our webpage : https://www.Clickfarms.com.ng
E-mail : cares@clickfarms.com.ng

Nice but there is something I feel will help you guys.

Pls make a explainer picture post on your Instagram that clearly shows DURATION... Cost Per Unit and most importantly PROFIT PAYOUT.

Cos your Instagram is bare... Your website is so stressful to find these info. Especially your HOW IT WORKS section.... Your 15% R. O. I was not clearly stated.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 6:27pm On Aug 14, 2020

Nice but there is something I feel will help you guys.

Pls make a explainer picture post on your Instagram that clearly shows DURATION... Cost Per Unit and most importantly PROFIT PAYOUT.

Cos your Instagram is bare... Your website is so stressful to find these info. Especially your HOW IT WORKS section.... Your 15% R. O. I was not clearly stated.

Thanks for the suggestion.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by MrMcJay(m): 7:31pm On Aug 14, 2020
Welcome to the Official thread of Click Farms.

Here, you can post your Enquiries, Suggestions, Questions and Complains.

Follow us on our social media:

twitter: @clickfarmsNG
Instagram: @ClickfarmsNG
WhatsApp: 07026657482
Customer Care: +2349053345898
Our webpage : https://www.Clickfarms.com.ng
E-mail : cares@clickfarms.com.ng

I have a few questions.

1. I see that you are into chickens. Are your birds insured?
2. What is the mortality rate of your birds?
3. Do you breed the broilers yourself as farmers or you are a link to other farmers?
4. How are you coping with the astronomical rise in the prices of chicken feed due to the ban in forex for maize?
5. Do you sell to offtakers or you sell directly to consumers?
5. Are your farms open to visits by prospective investors?
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 7:19am On Aug 15, 2020

I have a few questions.

1. I see that you are into chickens. Are your birds insured?
2. What is the mortality rate of your birds?
3. Do you breed the broilers yourself as farmers or you are a link to other farmers?
4. How are you coping with the astronomical rise in the prices of chicken feed due to the ban in forex for maize?
5. Do you sell to offtakers or you sell directly to consumers?
5. Are your farms open to visits by prospective investors?

1. Our Birds are not insure, due to the High cost of DOC (Birds), Vaccine and Feed.

2. Our mortality rate is between 0.5 -1.5℅ per cycle. We are experience and professional farmer.

3. We breed our Birds from DOC to Point of Slaughtering.

4. The astronomical rate of feed affect our profit. We made a partnership agreement with a feed mill to be our major supplier at a discounted price. We buy less than 30℅ of our feed from other feed mill. This help us to cushion the effect of the high cost of feed.

5. We ration our product between our Offtakers.

6. Our farms are open to Visit for our investors. An investor can request for a visit. We allow up to 2 visitation by an investor in each cycle.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by MrMcJay(m): 7:59am On Aug 15, 2020
Alright, thanks for your honest response particularly as regards question 1. Helps to put things in perspective.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 1:09pm On Aug 15, 2020
Alright, thanks for your honest response particularly as regards question 1. Helps to put things in perspective.

You welcome sir.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 1:46pm On Aug 23, 2020
Our next Investment Circle will be available on 01/09/2020 by 12 a.m. 21% ROI in 3 months. Don't miss out. For More info log onto https://www.clickfarms.com.ng
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 6:38am On Aug 24, 2020
It's Countdown Week

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 8:40am On Aug 25, 2020

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 7:58am On Aug 26, 2020
twitter: @clickfarmsNG
Instagram: @ClickfarmsNG
WhatsApp: 07026657482
Customer Care: +2349053345898
webpage : https://www.Clickfarms.com.ng
E-mail : cares@clickfarms.com.ng

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 11:31am On Aug 27, 2020

Follows on our social media pages:
twitter: @clickfarmsNG
Instagram: @ClickfarmsNG

WhatsApp: 07026657482

Customer Care: +2349053345898


E-mail : cares@clickfarms.com.ng

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 10:10pm On Aug 29, 2020
Visit www.clickfarms.com.ng to pre order our farm units which is going live in 3 days time (1st of September, 2020) More than 25% sold out already.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ClickFarmsNG: 6:13am On Sep 16, 2020
Day 7. Excellent performance.

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by Olaide1295: 6:36pm On Sep 25, 2020
Just subscribed to your farm @clickfarmsng.
Bought a couple of units.

1 Like

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by Nikky14: 10:02am On Oct 11, 2020
Hello Click farm,

You have been somewhat mute for the pass couple of weeks.

Hope our investment is going fine and safe. In the wake of serial defaulting by some agrictech companies.

Assurance and communication will go a long way
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by Nikky14: 8:19pm On Nov 01, 2020
The thread reads question/enquiry/complaint/review and suggestions but over 3weeks I made a suggestion, no response from you... This is not a good one. I would have to ask fellow investors on the agritech page about the silence from you.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by MummyIMadeIt: 6:08pm On Nov 02, 2020
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by temi4fash(m): 1:26pm On Nov 20, 2020
Day 7. Excellent performance.

Please i subscribed to a farm since sept.

I logged in to my dash board and notice all my information has been wiped out.

I tried calling nobody is picking and you have not responded to my mail

Please help resolve this.

Thank you
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by adestupid: 11:50am On Jan 14, 2021
Good Morning, I just did an investment of 5 slots to be paid in April 2021. Looking forward to receiving payment. What is the location of the farm in order for me to pay a visit.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by omopretty1: 3:31pm On Jan 18, 2021
Clickscam pay your investors! Reply your messages and attend to calls!
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by CAPITALBEE: 1:21am On Jan 23, 2021
Good Morning, I just did an investment of 5 slots to be paid in April 2021. Looking forward to receiving payment. What is the location of the farm in order for me to pay a visit.

Chai... You should have just read to the end of the thread before making an investment or did you?

Cuz clickfarms are chronic debtors... Their investors are in some form of limbo.

1 Like

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ingenuity2014: 7:50am On Mar 17, 2021
Clickfarms is a scam. They've run away with people's money, yet they have 'ongoing investments' for new investors who will fall mugu. E no go better for una. My investment matures dince December and they've been moving the pay out since then.


Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by ingenuity2014: 7:53am On Mar 17, 2021
Good Morning, I just did an investment of 5 slots to be paid in April 2021. Looking forward to receiving payment. What is the location of the farm in order for me to pay a visit.

You should have done your research on nairaland well before investing. Sorry oh, but your money don fly. This is the thread to follow: Digital Agriculture Investment platforms/options in Nigeria


Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by Omotayo1010: 5:32am On Apr 05, 2021
Please is there 1 person even if it’s just one that has been paid by clickfarms by any chance?

They seem to have disappeared completely, no responses to chats, phone is always off.

Is there anyone that can help confirm if their farm still exist?

1 Like

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by IamLiz: 3:11pm On May 30, 2021
Hi, has Click farms paid you? My investment matured since December also and they have been posting me since then.

Clickfarms is a scam. They've run away with people's money, yet they have 'ongoing investments' for new investors who will fall mugu. E no go better for una. My investment matures dince December and they've been moving the pay out since then.
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by IamLiz: 3:25pm On May 30, 2021
Hi Omotayo, I don't think this people are planning to pay back at all. If you ask me, Cluck farms is a well-thought-out scam. I think not paying back was their intention all along nd we conveniently fall prey to them. The best we can do now is to found a way to out them. Are you aware of any recovery group for Ckick farms? I'm surprised everyone seem to be so silent about them.
Please is there 1 person even if it’s just one that has been paid by clickfarms by any chance?

They seem to have disappeared completely, no responses to chats, phone is always off.

Is there anyone that can help confirm if their farm still exist?
Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by IamLiz: 3:33pm On May 30, 2021
The guys behind Clickfarms are big time liars and thieves. You won't belief they have the audacity to put 100% payouts on their website while in actual fact they are seriously defaulting. I'm not sure they've paid anyone at all. In my opinion they definitely pulled a fast one on us with that initial story they cooked up in December.

Re: CLICK FARMS; Questions/enquiry/complains/review & Suggestions by Olaide1295: 8:16am On Jun 02, 2021
Still waiting for my payment from Clickfarms.

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