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Rabzy01's Posts

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Jokes Etc / Re: Guardian Newspaper Writes Jonathan Instead Of January: Deliberate Or An Error? by rabzy01: 6:44am On Jan 06, 2015
Which kind computer autocorrect. This na N21 Billion autocorrect.
Naija papers and moneymoney lipsrsealed

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Politics / Re: Why Father Mbaka Is Fighting Jonathan. by rabzy01: 6:30am On Jan 06, 2015
Just one question: did Rev Fr Ejike Mbaka lie when he said Nigeria is being misruled at the moment?

Politics / Re: 2015: No Basis For Objection Over Buhari's Credentials- INEC by rabzy01: 8:23am On Dec 31, 2014
And so.....

High BP in aso rock

Politics / Re: Buhari Ranked Among Famous U.S Army War College Alumni By US Ranking Site by rabzy01: 8:08am On Dec 31, 2014
Now, somewhere in Abuja.
It is an era of high BP


Politics / Re: Buhari Ranked Among Famous U.S Army War College Alumni By US Ranking Site by rabzy01: 8:05am On Dec 31, 2014
Think right, act right.
Do away with cluelessness.


Politics / Re: Buhari’s Choice Fuels Anti-jonathan Sentiments In North by rabzy01: 8:53am On Dec 22, 2014
North and their born to rule mentality, they just want to capture the power from the south at all cost, my fellow southerners shine your eyes. . . Don't commit an avoidable error.

The picture below says it all.


Politics / Re: These Are The People Who Contributed N21.27bn For Jonathan’s Campaign by rabzy01: 8:30am On Dec 22, 2014
Please help me answer this question:

How many super bridges like the one in the picture below will #21 billion build?

4 Likes 1 Share

Politics / Re: Updates: APC Presidential Primaries 'Ballot-Box Counting' Thread. by rabzy01: 8:36pm On Dec 11, 2014
You see what I am saying.

Association of non achievers in niger delta celebrating one of their own.


Stop deceiving yourself, until 2019, there is no vacancy in ASO ROCK.

1 Like

Politics / Re: Updates: APC Presidential Primaries 'Ballot-Box Counting' Thread. by rabzy01: 8:30pm On Dec 11, 2014
As in please and please.......................


This is what you have continued to do to bring down the level of your frustration. I can understand.

Politics / Re: Buhari's Performance At APC Primaries Shows His Weakness - Former CNN Reporter by rabzy01: 5:50pm On Dec 11, 2014
Finally, finally...

Atiku 954 = 15.88%

Buhari 3,430 = 57.09%

Kwankoso 974 = 16.21

Sam 10 = 0.17%

Okorocha 624 = 10.34%

Void votes 16 = 0.27%

1 Like

Politics / Re: Updates: APC Presidential Primaries 'Ballot-Box Counting' Thread. by rabzy01: 5:47pm On Dec 11, 2014
Finally, finally...

Atiku 954 = 15.88%

Buhari 3,430 = 57.09%

Kwankoso 974 = 16.21

Sam 10 = 0.17%

Okorocha 624 = 10.34%

Void votes 16 = 0.27%

3 Likes 1 Share

Politics / Re: Buhari's Performance At APC Primaries Shows His Weakness - Former CNN Reporter by rabzy01: 5:16pm On Dec 11, 2014
Go tell that whiteman, even his father in the Yankee is singing with us now.
The winning team: GMB

grin grin grin

Many would remember Christian Purefoy several years back as the most loved CNN Nigeria correspondent.

Christian now works with a private media company in Nigeria, and took to Twitter earlier on his views about Buhari and APC Presidential Primaries.

Do you agree with his submissions?


Politics / Re: Updates: APC Presidential Primaries 'Ballot-Box Counting' Thread. by rabzy01: 4:44pm On Dec 11, 2014
Buhari for Positive Change

1 Like

Politics / Re: Updates: APC Presidential Primaries 'Ballot-Box Counting' Thread. by rabzy01: 3:35pm On Dec 11, 2014
This king never sabi this pic:

BUHARI may win the apc presidential primary election, BUT cannot win presidential election in Nigeria. GEJ ALL THE WAY TO 2019


Politics / Re: Apc Primaries Updates, 12 APC Governors Endorse Buhari by rabzy01: 7:18am On Dec 11, 2014
Good morning everyone here.


Politics / Re: Apc Primaries Updates, 12 APC Governors Endorse Buhari by rabzy01: 9:55pm On Dec 10, 2014
1stCitizen no get my gist at all..
Oya now, take this..... grin


No, don't pass the flood oh. Please swim in it and enjoy the fresh air your clueless master promised you.


Politics / Re: Apc Primaries Updates, 12 APC Governors Endorse Buhari by rabzy01: 5:53pm On Dec 10, 2014
Wait, let me pass this flood water......

Buhari wants to cry again?..the incompetent old mallam should give way for sophistication.Either way his presidential hopes will disappear in a shower of glass,metal and smoke after feb 14.


Politics / Re: Apc Primaries Updates, 12 APC Governors Endorse Buhari by rabzy01: 4:12pm On Dec 10, 2014
Oh God Almighty, have pity on us, help us give GMB this ticket. Its You we are calling upon.


Celebrities / Re: Popular Hausa Actor Rabilu Musa a.k.a 'Dan Ibro' Dies [Pictured] by rabzy01: 11:40am On Dec 10, 2014
Allah jikan sa.
Politics / Re: I Can Defeat Jonathan If INEC Conducts Credible Elections - Buhari by rabzy01: 5:37pm On Dec 07, 2014
I will be back after crossing this flood water cheesy

1 Like

Politics / Re: I Can Defeat Jonathan If INEC Conducts Credible Elections - Buhari by rabzy01: 5:34pm On Dec 07, 2014
Association of Non-Achievers

grin grin cheesy
grin grin

Politics / Re: I Can Defeat Jonathan If INEC Conducts Credible Elections - Buhari by rabzy01: 5:29pm On Dec 07, 2014
grin grin


Politics / Re: Gunmen Kill 11 In Rivers State by rabzy01: 2:25pm On Nov 30, 2014

I will vote for him, God's willing.

Me too grin
Politics / Re: 1962 Members Of Western House Parliament Jumped The Gate. (Picture) by rabzy01: 11:34am On Nov 23, 2014
And what then happens when a PhD holder is elected the President?

Book haram (insecurity)?
Oduagate (corruption)?

A perfect example when you select or elect touts (ssce holders) to positions like. Educated illiterates. Very predictable.

1 Like

Politics / Re: Police To Invite The Speaker Over The Thursday's National Assembly Crisis by rabzy01: 12:02pm On Nov 22, 2014
Wait, Let me pass this flood water.

1 Like

Politics / Re: Police To Invite The Speaker Over The Thursday's National Assembly Crisis by rabzy01: 11:51am On Nov 22, 2014
Please wait.....

GEJ is uninstalling Democracy from your country, Nigeria.
3 months remaining.
Phone/Internet Market / Re: Cheap MTN, Glo, Airtel & Etisalat Mobile Data Plans - Works On All Devices by rabzy01: 11:36am On Nov 09, 2014
No problem.
No hard feelings


sorry about that bro. truly very sorry.

what my eyes have seen in this biz, my hands can't type.

unfortunately, by the time your payment was verified, network went down so I couldn't send to you and lots of others till around 11pm.

once again, please bear with us and epileptic network conditions. we can't take risks with 1gb xfers.


1 Like

Satellite TV Technology / Re: Free To Air Satellite Tv General Thread by rabzy01: 9:12am On Nov 09, 2014
You can get Nalesat with a 1.8m dish in the northern part of Nigeria.

why is it that guys in kenya nail nilesat with 1.2-2.4m but nigerians need 3m
Phone/Internet Market / Re: Cheap MTN, Glo, Airtel & Etisalat Mobile Data Plans - Works On All Devices by rabzy01: 8:41am On Nov 09, 2014

I have been your customer for sometimes now and have referred many to you without me saying anything on this thread. I must say it had been good buying data from you, but what happened yesterday was beyond my imagination. I can't imaging that it took you almost 4 hours just to transfer data. This is not good for business.

This business is based on trust. It is because people trust you that they send their money to you first and wait to receive data from you later. It was on the same bases that I bought data from you many times in the past and referred others too. If I can trust you many times in the past why can't you trust me once. You couldn't trust me even after I showed you a screen shoot of the alert I received for the payment I made to you. You couldn't even go through your acct to verify the payment. You just waited to receive alert. So no alert, no data even if your acct is credited?

Funny enough is that after you receive the alart, it took you hrs before you said you transferred the data. I told you I was buying for a friend who I advertised your business to.

No need to elaborate here. I am sure you know what I am talking about. I am just not happy.


Politics / Re: How To Fool A Nation And Pick Up Nomination Form In Ease by rabzy01: 4:08pm On Nov 04, 2014
I must comment cause others are commenting.
GO and DIE if you like cool

I must post cause others are posting

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