Romance / Re: Why Do Nigerian Girls Pusi Smell,why Don’t They Cum During Sex? by rainmaker12(m): 11:35pm On Mar 27, 2023 |
The smell dey worst with doggy style  My dick go just drop, next thing you ll hear, "you are not enjoying it?" "your mind is somewhere else" 11 Likes 1 Share |
Romance / Re: How Do Men Cope With Educated Working Ladies..? by rainmaker12(m): 5:34pm On Mar 27, 2023 |
SlayQueenSlayer: Used big dick to mend her first, then respect yourself as a man. Shebe na if you see hole chuke dick. Abi you wan rape? If girl no like you that one different, na that one you fit correcr her head with better dick |
Romance / Re: How Do Men Cope With Educated Working Ladies..? by rainmaker12(m): 5:21pm On Mar 27, 2023 |
DonroxyII: Bro, What Else can I write to You Again ...
If Women Is Water, Men is Rock together we make Humanities Stand Strong ....
All this Big Big Women still has men pressing their Mumu Button thus it's all About Understanding the Plug and If you ain't a Man enough for a Woman Don't blame her, Simply Hustle Up ...
Naturally, Women are Builders of Men If not all Men would have been sleeping and Fvcking but Most Developed Men are in one way or the Other Challenged by Women to Man Up or Forget It ... That's how Nature wired Women ..
If You can't Provide for Her and Man Enough to Climb Her ... She will Dirty You ... Simple ...Once She sees the one who Can .. She Swerves or Be Managing You ....
A Man must be Matured Enough to Conquer His Woman & That "Maturities" Involves Alot ... which Many Men takes for Granted Nowadays..
You like a Woman beyond your league and You ain't ready to Upgrade Only to Be Running Mouth against Her ...
You can Even Upgrade finish and Find someone better than Her ... Because she is not below your league ... Kai, Man no be Joke o ... We too Dey play we Gen Z .. Our Forefathers dey pack Women for House like Cashew ... Very Hardworking Men Dem ....
No be today Rich Men dey Collect Women of Lazy Men E tey ... Man even need God to Man Up Well No be By Hustle Alone ... E no Easy to Man a Woman But with God everything is Easier! It's not about leveling up, stop deceiving yoursef. A man can have more money and everything and a woman still refuses to submit, simply because she's also earning good money, that has nothing to do with upgrade. Don't say they have other men pressing their mumu button, THEY DO long as they like you. Same man, same women, once she has a upper hand, she becomes arrogant. She moves to next man and continues her pride....... You are motivated to level up because your woman is oppressing Not all successful Women are arrogant. If they submit to any man, they are not in this class we talking about/what the OP is referring to. Don't mix attitude of a woman that likes a man vs one that doesn't, obviously they won't be kind to the latter........That's not what we talking here. These set, like you but refuse to submit. They don't cheat either, so there's nobody pressing any mumu button, button no dey to press. |
Romance / Re: Why You Should Be Worried When A Girl Asks If You Are 'enjoying It' During Sex by rainmaker12(m): 1:53pm On Mar 27, 2023 |
Na we send you message make you no dey cum?
No mind am, my gf wey dey cum woto woto dey vibrate bed. Talk for yourself. |
Romance / Re: Help, My Fiancé Cooks Her Best Meal When We Are Broke by rainmaker12(m): 1:41pm On Mar 27, 2023 |
virginprincess: That is not an excuse for her to be doing wifely duties.
Honesty girls need to wiseing up,why would you be cooking for someone you aren't married to,an there see finish take dey start.
Men should wise up, why will you be giving woman you aren't married to money. Nonsense, watin dey for cooking. You come spend weekend for man house, make the man cook food for you because em never marry from person wey don cook food for man before.........Nothing bad for man to cook, but don't bring that Nonsense theory 1 Like |
Romance / Re: Help, My Fiancé Cooks Her Best Meal When We Are Broke by rainmaker12(m): 1:34pm On Mar 27, 2023 |
IyaebeTheGreat: My own wahala here is why she chose to be doing wifely duties for you when you’ve not married her? Is she living with you already? Cooking food is not wifey duty. If na to ask man wey never marry for money, e dey sweet for mouth. |
Romance / Re: How Do Men Cope With Educated Working Ladies..? by rainmaker12(m): 12:10am On Mar 27, 2023 |
DonroxyII: Oestrogen shall bow to Testosterone but if you are a Man on Feminine Energy Yourself You can never Manage a Masculine Woman .... Never-Ever!
To Manage a Woman, You Must be a Man not a Boy...
If Not Simply Accept Defeat and Find Your Level, Some Women are Not Meant for Boys But Men(A Full Fledged Masculine Maturities) Not Someone Lamenting and wimping for Failing Ladies Sh.its Tests ! All to instigate conflict. Tommorow divorce papers start flying. There no point proving who has power or not, its not a competition. A proud and arrogant woman can never accept you as a "Masculine" Its even worst with a man trying to be Masculine because then she becomes more adamant feeling the man wants to over throne her. "He wants to oppress me" "He doesn't want me to speak".....etc. The moment the woman drops her pride, that so called "Feminine man" will look Masculine.....its not about showing display of power, it never helps anything. Some women will be okay o, humble. the moment they get a upper hand financially, boom, they want to become a man. Is it forbidden for women to have money be humble? When it suits them, you ll be hearing "you are the man"..... Where it doesn't suit them you ll hear, "I'm a woman" chop ur cake and have it. |
Romance / Re: How Do Men Cope With Educated Working Ladies..? by rainmaker12(m): 9:15pm On Mar 26, 2023 |
DonroxyII: Na Dick dem dey use comot book from those girls ... they needed help and you guys ain't it ....
Be the opposite of her bookish character like a Oxlade and Hip-hop Star n Fvck Nonsense comot her body which shall confuse her emotional state ... Na she go reset Her self ....
While She Beefing ... Call her Aside and Just Grab Nyansh anyhow ... Lift her up ... Break apart the Mental Blocks created by Books which has taken away their Sense n Definition of Fun ...!
Most of them suffers from Adaptations due to longer studious time ... They needed a man to take them out of that Reverie unto world of Fun and they would mentally find Balance between Bookish and Womanhood !
Trust me, They would side Womanhood and You have won Your Woman against Book ! Lol. Dey play. Women wey dey weaponize sex, never admits error, wanting you to always craw for ground dey beg every single day of your life, to say sorry for just once, na make I come dey follow you dey do pre-intimacy like say na watin go bring their pride down, when time reach for It is their natural sef, its not about what the man should do or is doing, they want you to worship them. How many man is ready for that?....mumu men.. Any position wey woman dey in power na problem. 2 Likes |
Romance / Re: My Boyfriend Called Me A Gold Digger by rainmaker12(m): 7:12pm On Mar 25, 2023 |
If you no get money, hide your face.
No more doing independent lady for me this year. I want to relax and be taken kiaroff.
I've suffered too much  Just start olosho work complete, you go make more money. |
Romance / Re: My Boyfriend Called Me A Gold Digger by rainmaker12(m): 7:00pm On Mar 25, 2023 |
Karen2024: Two days before Christmas I called my bf and demanded he give me money to make hair for Christmas, he sent me 20k.
On new year's eve I called him and after exchange of pleasantries I asked what he's preparing for me as I would be coming over on the 1st, he angrily responded that he's preparing shits for me and he went further to call me a 'gold digger.'
Since then he has not been picking my calls neither did he reply my text messages. Should I keep trying or I should move on? Why you go ask am for money, for what? |
Car Talk / Re: Have A Women Let You Enter Her Lane While Driving? by rainmaker12(m): 1:17am On Mar 25, 2023 |
Most people might not notice it. Any obvious unnecessary dragging, check the woman. |
Car Talk / Re: Have A Women Let You Enter Her Lane While Driving? by rainmaker12(m): 1:15am On Mar 25, 2023 |
When it's their turn to enter, they ll expect you to be a gentle man, but turn wild cat the other way round. It's just too much for them, I'm tired. Places where they are obviously suppose to chill, they will be dragging.....I'm no longer a gentle man kilode 1 Like |
Car Talk / Have A Women Let You Enter Her Lane While Driving? by rainmaker12(m): 11:04pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
90% of women will never give way for you during traffic. Why? 1 Like 1 Share |
Romance / Re: My Four Years Of Relationship Has Fallen Apart by rainmaker12(m): 10:33pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
ashawopikin: you have done so much for him as how? What and what did you do for him? And Don't you dare mention sex Sex  watin again 2 Likes |
Romance / Re: My Four Years Of Relationship Has Fallen Apart by rainmaker12(m): 10:29pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
Rolexxxy: I have been in relationship with this my guy for four years but things never happened the way it is happening now.
My guy doesn't pick up my calls regularly.
He doesn't invite me and anytime I propose to come, he forms too busy
This guy is now seen in different cbubs.
He drinks alot and doesn't buy anything for me.
He is just behaving weird and I am not okay. Please advise me as I am not ready to lose this guy as I have done so much for him. I no wan hear say you do too much for him, as per your husband? Make una stop to dey spend regrettable money for relationship. Anything can happen. |
Romance / Re: How Do Men Cope With Educated Working Ladies..? by rainmaker12(m): 9:53pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
did u read about any saying ladies shld not have their own money having money same thing as bad behaviors listed above...what is the big deal in saying am sorry when u are wrong..? or communiting when u are ititated or keeping shut when ur guy is angry and very mad... or being of help to ur man in times of his need
nobody talked about income manipulation by men...u just dont know what to say, hence u prefer blind support..
it is well
No mind am. Talking out of point. That is why they are very arrogant when they have money, because they feel life is all about money |
Romance / Re: How Do Men Cope With Educated Working Ladies..? by rainmaker12(m): 9:49pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
Sixfeetbelle: Complaining about women's behaviour as if y'all are angels and saints. All I see here is a case of "show me your girlfriend and I'll tell you what you are..."
In another news: Women, this is why it's good to have your own money. So you don't have to swallow shit and piss from any man just because he's your "source".
Lol so you are in a relationship because of "source"? Once there's no "source" no more relationship  ........ Exactly watin olosho wey get money go do. |
Romance / Re: How Do Men Cope With Educated Working Ladies..? by rainmaker12(m): 9:45pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
Dont take any woman very seriously except your grandma,mum and sis . Bye 👋 Simple. I just need 2 weeks, I will tell you wither I'm breaking up or continue. How una take enter the relationship in the first place? |
Romance / Re: My Girlfriend Does Not Call Me by rainmaker12(m): 9:15pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
chuksdev: Hi Good evening
My current girlfriend doesn't call me
We only talk when I call or text.
We have dated for like 6 months now and it is a long distance relationship.
She has been like that but at first I thought it was because we are getting to know each other.
But it is beginning to bother me now I feel like she does not love me.
I have not called for like one week now and she has not called.
She is not demanding but I do send her money sometimes.
I love though
I want to break up with her. I just want to know if this is a good reason to leave her. I no wan dey hear this thing say guy dey send money to girl like its a necessity. You dey distance relationship, you dey send money. Na una dey make girls feel entitled. Unless you are married you have no business throwing money at girls, except for fun, and if it's for fun, no talk about am. Now you wan break up, watin all those money do for you? If you use am Bleep olosho, e pay you better sef. |
Romance / Where Can You Meet Good Girls? by rainmaker12(m): 9:01pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
Abeg answer, people dey wait. E be like say na olosho full everywhere. . I no wan hear church o. Na devil's full there. 3 Likes |
Romance / Re: I Have Made Up My Mind To Quit This Toxic Relationship by rainmaker12(m): 8:58pm On Mar 24, 2023 |
When you dey give women attention, na that time dem go dey misbehave. Free her and don't care. I see a lot of guys worship their gf (which is an olosho in disguise). lol |
Food / Re: Where Can I get local chicken eggs In Lagos? by rainmaker12(m): 11:05am On Jul 30, 2022 |
mrjojo: then you should change the thread heading, it a local bird egg u talking about. Which one is natural and artificial. She meant organic or pasture raised eggs. The difference is the feed given to the chicken. 99% of the feeds are chemicals, the chicken inturn produce useless eggs with no nutritional value. You need to eat organic egg, then you ll know the difference. |
Technology Market / Re: MAKE ORDER, WE SHIP 4 YOU, BUY FROM USA/CHINA ebay,amazon,$4/Ibs MAYORALL by rainmaker12(m): 5:42pm On Jan 17, 2021 |
. You buy from aliexpress? . |
Business / Re: Fully Verified US Paypal Account For Sale by rainmaker12(m): 11:58pm On Nov 06, 2020 |
Habiodunz: Capable of sending and receiving funds Fully verified with ID and SSN 15k asking price Negotiable Available? |
Autos / Re: CUSTOMS CLEARING AGENT @ APAPA TINCAN PORT LAGOS by rainmaker12(m): 11:11am On Aug 15, 2020 |
How much to clear 2014 ml ? |
Technology Market / Re: ##ORDER LAPTOPS,PHONES,TABLETS,CLOTHES FRM USA,UK,GERMANY& DUBAI TO NIGERIA by rainmaker12(m): 11:46am On Jul 14, 2020 |
From China? |
Business / Re: ➜ ➜ ➜Currency/E-currency Market Deals➜ ➜ ➜ by rainmaker12(m): 4:17pm On Nov 03, 2019 |
. . 1100$ BTC needed asap. Come with your rate. Quote me. . . Scammers, if you need magical slap through the phone, and you want to go blind and are free, the choice is yours. . . |
Business / Re: ➜ ➜ ➜Currency/E-currency Market Deals➜ ➜ ➜ by rainmaker12(m): 2:18pm On Sep 14, 2019 |
. 100x4 AGC available 100x1 eBay available 100$ BTC available . |