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Romance / Re: Why Age Is Not Just A Number by Reminderz: 12:54pm On Oct 17, 2023
you made a lot of good points... this also the kind of sentiment I share... age is just a number doesn't apply to everything... when it comes to experience, wisdom, then age is just a number because foolish old people exists... but when it comes to other things have you've mentioned, age is not just a number...

a lady who has clocked 70 for example, should she still give herself hope that she's going to deliver a bouncing baby? or someone who didn't use his opportunities well when time, energy and age was on his side, is it until he turns 60 before he starts preparing for them, even if he got a bit of time left, wil the energy or money be available for him then? the main point is, use your time well, spend it wisely on what would benefit you, do not waste your energy and resources on futile activities that will come back to haunt you in the end of time...

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Family / Re: My Wife Complains When I Touch Her by Reminderz: 11:04am On Oct 17, 2023

Honestly we have to blame the biblical Paul for caging us. All this characters will not come out when you marry more than one..... So think about it
exactly, Paul changed most of Jesus's teachings... modern Christians follow Paul not Jesus... it is Pauline Christianity... even Jesus said he came to fulfill the law and not to abolish them... it's clearly stated in the Bible that it's permitted for a man to marry more than one... Exodus 21v10... David, Abraham and the likes married more than one...


Romance / Re: My Family Members Are Asking Me To Leave My Wife And Daughter by Reminderz: 10:59am On Oct 17, 2023
you see where few minutes of pleasure led you? you see how it changed the direction of your life? instead of you to focus on how you are going to elevate yourself, you con add pikin and wife to your matter... and you say your wife is an orphan, bro you're on a long thing...you never stable, you still wan take care of another person wey never stable, na so poverty dey pass on from generation to generation... smh...

stay away from fornication....


Romance / Re: I Changed It For A Lady Who Wanted To Make Me Her Errand Boy! by Reminderz: 10:54am On Oct 17, 2023
you dey follow woman dey yarn, dey gossip, dey do bestie? wetin you expect her to take you as? shey men nor dey? you brought this insult upon yourself... wtf man.??

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Family / Re: My Wife Complains When I Touch Her by Reminderz: 6:27am On Oct 17, 2023
you no just Sabi counseling at all....

You no read where d guy said she no dey go out, she no get friends? ..how those number of possible reasons for her behaviour capture the main issue which is what I just mentioned now?

No try to council any body again ooo...make you no go brake person marriage... grin
lol she nor dey go out or he doesn't see when she goes out? you mean she stays indoor 24/7? dey play...

and in my previous post, I said 'possible things involved'... always read to understand and comprehend..

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Family / Re: I Need Mature Advice, Please by Reminderz: 6:20am On Oct 17, 2023
Olaronke2478, very good, I commend this, this is exactly what I want our ladies to act on...

until a man does the necessary stuff with you by taking it to the next level, visiting your parents and you visiting theirs and taking the necessary steps, do not give in to any man... most men are just sexually frustrated... until marriage preparation are already involved, do not have sex! trust me, they will wait especially if you're a virgin and you're very sure of that...!

but one thing is, there's nothing wrong in a man asking for sex, it's just basic thing to men, but its not just sex for you as a woman, it's a part of investment on your side... men will ask for sex both with good intentions and of course the bad ones, you just have to know how to differentiate the wheat from the chaffs... and always pray to God for guidance because no one is perfect...


Family / Re: My Wife Complains When I Touch Her by Reminderz: 6:06am On Oct 17, 2023
Hope she ain't lesbian
haha that one sef dey but might not be the case as the op described the situation...

or e fit be say sex dey pain am, she doesn't enjoy it with him, doesn't get wet or her body system differs.. but one thing is, you will hardly see a woman that doesn't crave sex... except maybe she's had some traumatic experience that changed her perspective towards sex...

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Family / Re: My Wife Complains When I Touch Her by Reminderz: 5:36am On Oct 17, 2023
Help a brother,
If I touch my wife she frown, and complain she doesn't like it.
We have s*x only when she's in the mood, even if I romance her she complain of pain or give useless excuse to stop it.
My problem is, she no dey go out, no friends. Please any advice or help to this.
possible things involved...

1) she's not sexually attracted to you..
2) she doesn't see you as a man she respect; a weak man.
3) she's cheating.
4) you don't take your personal hygiene seriously; you're not neat.
5) you don't know how to get a woman in the mood.
6) she's not performing her duties as your wife.
7) she knows you can't get it anywhere else so she keeps manipulating you with it; you've gat no options..

if the problem is 1, 2, 4 and 5, then the problem is you... if the problem is 3, 6 and 7, then don't also perform your duties on her, ignore her like she doesn't exist... she wants to friendzone you in the marriage, if she doesn't fvck you, who does she fvck? and did you meet her a virgin? if it persists, get another wife or cheat since she doesn't know what's expected of her, she should go back to her father's house if she's not emotionally matured enough to be married...

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Romance / Re: Happy New Week ...advice Pls by Reminderz: 12:09pm On Oct 16, 2023
lol your post is quite funny, lol, well back to the matter...

you said she sounded like a good person? lol, do you expect her to sound like a bad person to you, and that story she told you about her baby daddy, don't believe that shit just easily... normally she will play the good girl to you even if most of them are not, until she's gotten your commitment, that's when you'll know the truth of the matter... right now, she is still playing her cards right...

secondly you said you've known about the dangers attached to a commitment like this, ask yourself are you ready to risk it all? remember, if things goes south, wo, you go too suffer am and you'll wish you've never gotten married in this life, all these I'm getting old won't even come to your mind again when trouble looms... no one will be there to wipe your tears...

her baby daddy is even alive, and I'm sure he might have not totally forgotten about his kid which makes the case a lot more complicated... how sure are you that they won't resume their "shenanigans" after you marry her?? and also put it at the back of your mind that, she will always put that child over you, no matter what... now if it was your child, that's still acceptable, but another person's kid? do you have the mind to bear it when that happens??

the thing is baggages attached to single mothers are much which is why it's always adviced to avoid them, and it's nothing about hate, and this has been proved times without number, so Mr op, if you choose wrong, I don't need to explain what would happen to you, life itself will teach you...

and you said those of young ages are doing shakara for you, normal level naa, dem go do, that stage dey always do them something for body, if you're not a man with game, or if you're not a man of value, it will be hard for you to secure someone... you're a man, time is kind to you, don't make yourself desperate into seeking for what's not lost... and also, you might have also been looking at the wrong place... anyways, it's your poison, choose carefully...


Romance / Re: Reason You Should Not Make Use Of All Shola Advise by Reminderz: 11:53am On Oct 16, 2023
that's why God gave everyone a brain, to think for themselves, but unfortunately most refuse to make use of it...

most Shola sayings is just common sense and logical, you'll only have a problem with it if you misinterprete what was said... follow the one that you think is best for, leave the one that you feel isn't good for you, normally not all advice are meant to be followed...

las las, whether you follow advice or not, if anything happen to you, na you go still suffer am... you shouldn't because of love now make yourself ignorance of the truth... you might not live to tell the tale...

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Health / Re: Please Is My Friend Pregnant??! by Reminderz: 11:48am On Oct 16, 2023
But is it possible for the test result to be inaccurate? Because she isnt feeling any sign or symptoms of pregnancy.

She had unprotected sex and out of fear, decided to run the test
she had unprotected sex and what was she expecting? rainfall? let her bear the consequences... and I hope the person she got pregnant for is responsible or else she will join the list of single mothers, that's if she doesn't abort this one and that's also, if she hasn't done any abortion before...

nothing beats chastity..

165 Likes 11 Shares

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: The Dilemma Of An Accountant by Reminderz: 9:50am On Oct 16, 2023
keep calm and observe, see how things play out... and that your boss might have a thing for that newly employed lady... you might never know if he's randy or not... just calm down, and you can start seeking opportunities else where, but don't lose this one by nagging your boss too much... people dey look for work oo


Family / Re: And Why Should The Food Get Burnt? by Reminderz: 9:18am On Oct 16, 2023
if it happened once, I will forgive and overlook...

if it happened twice, she will definitely see the other side of me...

you nor fit con burn my house because of Zeeworld wey you dey watch, you dey whine?
Romance / Re: The Zimbabwean Footballer Who Lost Everything by Reminderz: 8:58am On Oct 16, 2023
he believed in the fantasy called love, back then, he would have rejected the red pill even if it was presented to him for free because he was still thriving on the emotions the illusions provided him... now, I doubt there will be anyone to save him, and the wife?? she will be in the house he labored for gobbling down another dick... in fact, she will use his car to drive the guy to the house for a hot sex... men love with everything, even with their common sense, because how can you convince a man to sign all his property under his wife's name? and instead of the woman to see this as a sign of genuine love, lol, she will rather ruin him...

he will join the likes of Saha, Eboue.. smh..


Romance / Re: HILARIOUS RESPONSE: Can You Sacrifice Your Life To Save Your Wife by Reminderz: 8:53am On Oct 16, 2023
The sacrifice and prizes women pay to bring both gender into the earth is priceless, some give their life for their babies to live.

Pls don't ever question women sacrifice to men.
you are talking about childbirth, of course, I'm not disregarding the fact that it's risky, but women only go through that because they have no choice, if there was a way to avoid the pains of childbirth or to avoid childbirth completely, women would have done that..., I've seen some women willingly chose to undergo CS to avoid the pains of childbirth not because the doctors advised that... unlike the men that chose to do all these despite having a choice not to.. and after childbirth, what else can you point out? and do you know what will happen if all men chose not to make all those sacrifices to develop and keep the world safe? chaos and destruction everywhere! you might not even be alive to use the phone you're operating today...

in the past, when there was no even hospitals, childbirth wasn't even as strenuous as this, very low complications was recorded, in fact during those days, women themselves will walk to the hospital and give birth as though nothing is happening... so don't make it seem as if childbirth is all there is... if it's all that fuss, how come women of those days gives birth to high number of children unlike these days... if not because of the junks most people consume and all the preservative bullshits that complicated our health issues now, childbirth is suppose to be as easy as a cow giving birth without little to no assistance... even the drugs they produced to make the childbirth easy even complicates our health the more, when people went natural in the past, everything was easy for them, but now we think we are woke, that's why we treat woke diseases that wasn't heard from in the past... smh

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Romance / Re: Sex Shouldn't Be What You Get In Return For Spending Money On A Woman - X User by Reminderz: 6:34am On Oct 16, 2023

I can't even be friends with such men. Such a man can run you down (betray, ruin business, steal, lie, and even kill) just to get a senseless tiny attention or rating from a female.
exactly, men that will run you down just to impress a pvssy... run away from them as far as possible...


Romance / Re: Sex Shouldn't Be What You Get In Return For Spending Money On A Woman - X User by Reminderz: 5:37am On Oct 16, 2023
There's a lot of freedom on the cyberspace, anyone can say whatever he or she feels like...

I'm only concerned for the men that spends just to impress the woman to sleep with her, they are the enablers of this attitude of people who feel that they are naturally inclined to a man's earnings... If you want to fvck a girl, why must you feel the need to financially impress her before you think she will agree to your demands? Since most men are weak and socially unintelligent, men who don't have the balls and who mask their low self-esteem and lack of confidence with the cash in their hand, they go through this route only to end up being used and they end up crying and blaming the women... Smh

You gave someone your money on a platter, do you expect her to reject it? Since you can't say what you want, keep suffering in silence... A fool and his money are soon _________. Complete it yourself...


Romance / Re: HILARIOUS RESPONSE: Can You Sacrifice Your Life To Save Your Wife by Reminderz: 5:30am On Oct 16, 2023
Lol the responses might be funny but question is not, let even set the responses aside... Most men will even lay their lives to save strangers let alone a member of their own family...

Men go to war and fight for a cause they know absolutely nothing about to protect the country and the people..

Men will run into a burning building to save people trapped in there, these people are strangers to them...

Men will put their lives at risk trying to protect the streets from notorious criminals..

These same men will be expected to provide and also protect their families... This is even just the tip of it, what about some dangerous jobs where only men are found? And these jobs are the bedrocks of what we are now enjoying...

Men will willingly and sacrificially do all this without looking back...

Now you're talking about his wife? Someone close to him? Someone he committed to?? He will do more than that if possible to save his wife... can you say the same thing about his wife? probably not.. Then how do they repay most of these men? Society will castigate him, feminists will wish he doesn't exist in a world he built and protected, and if he's extra unfortunate, his wife will frustrate the remaining soul out of him, while divorce courts will leave him for pigs to devour... Men love sacrificially, women love oppurtunistically... for strangers and families, men did all this... Sacrificing everything along the way... just to be called men, just to be respected but most are treated with dishonour...

You now see why feminists are deluded and foolish... If I was the president, I would decree that any self proclaimed feminist should be immediately sent to the front lines to battle terrorists and protect the people... the ones that said we don't need men will be immediately sent to do the dangerous jobs only men are put into while her fellow feminists in crime will be made to join her...

The question still stands, who will protect men?

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Romance / Re: Is There Anything Like Privacy Among Husband And Wife In A Marriage? by Reminderz: 5:00am On Oct 16, 2023
for your own peace of mind, don't check your wife's phone... and I wouldn't expect her to check mine as well... what's in my phone is my business because she's not the reason why I bought it in the first place and I would be conducting lot of businesses including private ones in it so I don't expect her to start ransacking my phone..

but one thing is, if you show her you're too caring or insecure to know who she's chatting with or contacting, she will either use it against you by coming up with other plans to conduct her "business" and make it seem she's not cheating or she will take your love for granted because when a man is loved up and invested in the commitment, that's when he start monitoring his wife around..

one tip is, always let her free her mind when she's with you, even when you see her chatting, as long as she's not interfering with your business or hindering what she's suppose to do, act totally unconcerned... if she sees that you don't care about this, she will one day unfortunately drop her guard and you'll be able to catch her red-handed... or if you notice she's unnecessary secretive with her phone, like she doesn't even leave her phone down with you for any moment or by putting her phone on flight or DND, then something is fishy.. she's either cheating or planning to...

Women are much smarter than most men, she might be cheating and you'll never suspect her nor will she ever leave any traces on where you can easily find them, like her phone.. so just because she leaves her phone with you doesn't always mean she's totally faithful, you have to stay sharp... most men that caught their wife cheating never saw it coming...


Romance / Re: My Babe Ask Me Why I Don’t Get Upset When She Try To Upset Me by Reminderz: 8:16pm On Oct 15, 2023
is like ignoring there manipulation do frustrate them
exactly... and it also make them attracted to you at the same time... unlike the nice or easily manipulated man, he will be used and discarded and push towards the end of the earth...


Romance / Re: Before You Sign That Marriage Certificate Remember This by Reminderz: 8:14pm On Oct 15, 2023
You'll see a man hustling morning and night, and everything will just be going into a blackhole and he can barely eat, let alone save.

Save as much as you can, invest as much as you can while single. When you marry, all your funds won't be enough self.

A word is enough
now just imagine, with all these burden of performance on the man, he now adds the struggles of life with a bad wife or a nagging bitch, trust me, he just signed his death warrant along with that marriage certificate...

the sad thing is, when this happens, no one will be there to save him...

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Romance / Re: My Babe Ask Me Why I Don’t Get Upset When She Try To Upset Me by Reminderz: 8:10pm On Oct 15, 2023
women love drama, she wants to have some dramatic moments with you that's why she purposely does things that will upset you so you guys can argue and talk and talk... they thrive from this emotional energy, you displaying that you don't give a crap about her childish plays will make her rethink her decision... once in a while give her that drama she wants when she least expect them, just act completely different to her sometimes, and romantic also sometimes, and also mean when the need be... but if the behaviour is constant like purposely doing what offends you no matter how much you try to correct her, dump her, your peace is more valuable to be traded for any b!tch...

in summary, women are adult children...

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Romance / Re: I Finally Had Sex With D Love Of My Life, but.. by Reminderz: 8:05pm On Oct 15, 2023
Comrade it seems like your English is not englishing.

I said 8 inches should be an average size.
do you even know what 8 inches is? I doubt? or you've let what you see in porn destroy how you perceive sex and dick length??

or should I say you've slept with numerous men to know which dick is small and which dick is big let alone 8 inches? smh
Romance / Re: I Finally Had Sex With D Love Of My Life, but.. by Reminderz: 3:45pm On Oct 15, 2023
After so many weeks of posting the sex, we finally did it n i just have to say, i dont know how to tell her, shes has a wide pussy, omg I have a 6.3 inch dik I will know cause my phone is 6.5. Yes I took measurements lol

Am so sad now cause i tot it would be a bit tight.

Do i tell her, that her pussy is wide or do i go on with d relationship n hope it doesn't last
have you now realised that sex isn't worth the stress and risks many of put yourself through? now, you're even disappointed... na when you never do the thing e go dey shack you like say world wan end, but after you don do am, you go just shake your head...

stay away from fornication...

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Family / Re: Would you rather be rich in a poor country or Average in a rich one? by Reminderz: 4:48am On Oct 15, 2023
you can be poor in a rich country if you don't utilise the opportunities and do what's necessary and expected of you, and you can also be rich in a poor country if you utilise the opportunities and take necessary risks...

if I'm to choose, just like the moniker above me have said, I will prefer being rich in a rich country... massive privileges, less enemies...
Romance / Re: Why Has Dating Become A Game by Reminderz: 4:39am On Oct 15, 2023
because it has always been a game... but it wasn't pronounced like this in the past... back then, the game of love was played subconsciously, now it's being played consciously or let me say intentionally, making people self aware of the moves they make, and what they do... because the game is being revealed, this is why it's becoming increasingly difficult to love someone genuinely because you now understand what it's all about, and also thanks to the media, people can freely talk about the game... it's said that the game is to be sold and not told... for you to win now, you have to play the game without letting others know you're playing it... you might not understand it yet, but every human relationship has been a game, the predator and the prey, the user and the used, the giver and the receiver, the manipulator and the manipulated, the superior and the inferior, the master and the slave, you just have to sharpen your senses in order not to be swept away by the waves of these illusions...

in summary, love is war...

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Romance / Re: Payback Cheating In A Marriage by Reminderz: 4:25am On Oct 15, 2023

Let them come. We'll fight them together. I am Spartacus and you are Gannicus or is it Oenomaûs?

We go finish them grin grin grin
I will be Kratos in God of War grin
Romance / Re: How Do People Who Pickup Hook Up Girls Get Erection? by Reminderz: 4:17am On Oct 15, 2023

Low life's hunnn

Low life's have successfully made prostitution the oldest profession in the world

Bro, old, young handsome, rich, poor, black, white, intelligent, dumb, righteous, unrighteous, confident, happy, sad, ugly, american, Chinese or whatever tag you can tag a human being has bleeped a prostitute
Romance / Re: How Do People Who Pickup Hook Up Girls Get Erection? by Reminderz: 9:28pm On Oct 14, 2023
Oga stop saying what you don't know. So in your own world of fantasy(which is shit by the way) it is only men who are low life and shortsighted that are sleeping with prostitutes abi..
Oga continue sleeping with prostitutes, okay you're not low life, are you satisfied?

anyways, you didn't quote the whole post which I modified soon after...

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Romance / Re: How Do People Who Pickup Hook Up Girls Get Erection? by Reminderz: 9:14pm On Oct 14, 2023
how some you just come up with these kind of assumption is amazing. There are multiple proof of wealthy men moving with prostitute and their life or business never crumbled but some low life asswipe from nairaland thinks it is only men who are low lifes are the one sleeping with prostitutes. Try to change your mentality is dangote a low life or Thomas partey. Archraf hakimi and a host of others moving with escort low life's or shortsighted. Make unu try a dey get sense o
the thing with you guys is arrogance, you guys pick one or two examples and use it to justify the kind of life you live... the thing is exceptions is not the rule, and you don't really live with these people you mentioned to know what goes on behind the scene... I'm just stating fact about those who patronise sex workers... if you want to continue patronising them, that's your own problem, but don't try to justify it by bringing irrelevant examples, there's nothing worthy in it... if you're a man enough, and you don't have any problem with your self-esteem, you don't have any disabilities, I don't know why you should waste your resources while putting your life and reputation at risk patronising hookers... it's such a shame.. why pay for sex in the first place.??

it's just like you saying because some smokers lived long life, smoking is good then.. don't you know the damages smoking cause to you? or because some people consumed alcohol before driving then that makes drinking and driving okay... do you even know the effects of alcohol in the body?

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Romance / Re: Payback Cheating In A Marriage by Reminderz: 6:55pm On Oct 14, 2023
if you cheat on her, don't confess, repent and move on...

if she caught you cheating and she cheats back, divorce her... that's the rule of the game... cheating is not the same with men and women...

before a woman cheat on you, she has lost all love and respect for you... but this is not true for a man, a man can have zero feelings for a woman and still fvck her... men don't attach feelings and emotions to sex, this is only for women...

1, 2, 3 go, ohyaa come for me...

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Romance / Re: Groom & His Mother-In-Law Dance While His Bride Watches (Video) by Reminderz: 5:04pm On Oct 14, 2023
she doesn't look happy with that, make her mother nor go collect her husband lmao... women know themselves and what they are capable of, this is why they hardly trust each other...

I remembered I once commented on a girl's photo that she posted with her mother... I said jokingly "your mother fine pass you ooo", omoo this girl vex for me sha... lmao, I was like, "sheybi na your mother?" mehn women just like drama grin

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