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Nairaland Forum / Richnerd69's Profile / Richnerd69's Posts
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solalal36: this is advertisement.. don't fall for the scam. anything done in dishonesty is not worth trusting |
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Pearlqueen: no, not today..some other time. Just love meeting people in pH from this forum. |
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Pearlqueen: Happy birthday dear. I'm in pH as well.lets hangout na |
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Monchadam:I have. indigo right? |
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I'm replying pms and whatever we discuss, don't bring it here, I don't want my identity known either. If I choose to help anyone financially, it will be few but i believe I can connect a few persons in own little way. I don't really give fish, I show people how to fish. |
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Monchadam: Alright. Will check. I've been receiving tons of pms . I just got tired of checking and responding |
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Monchadam: Don't relent. Keep pushing . You have it in you. |
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Ejusni: Even as a student, you can join NAPE. 1 Like |
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TransAtlanticEx: That was a typo meant to be 'feets' and not kiliometers, the oil field explored for hydrocarbon was drilled 13,000fts .. Thanks for spotting that . Well, most people just read through for the fun of it, some don't know about the industry but are just certified or probably didn't take notice of the error . I'm disappointed to an extent , I didn't even notice I wrote that. You spotted that error and it shows you know ur stuff. |
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Monchadam: Yes sure. But if you send your CV, I can't do anything with it . But If you're ready to put in the work then we can start on that note. |
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Monchadam: Jobs aren't hard to find. You should attend seminars, join unions. If you're in Port Harcourt and you aren't employed, you should Join NAPE , in NAPE, we give room for presentations . In that meeting will be sitted directors and managers from Shell, Mobil, Total and some small oil companies(good paying ones). If you impress them, you get a job instantly without interview . Recently , PENGASSAN held election at Abuja, I saw young graduates approaching the top guns, getting contacts and jobs by proposing a presentation . If they submitted CV's and stayed at home , they wouldn't have gotten jobs. Pls be informed. These Companies are looking for sharp young people to Invest in. You need to have an aggressive approach. Update your research and skills. Always be ready. A Young guy I mentor in 400lvl, Uniport just got a job as an assistant interpreter with a small oil company for 200k a month. He's just assisting and he's being trained a payed. Why? He was bold , even tho he flopped on his presentation, still he was approached. 8 Likes 1 Share |
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SweetCunt97: It's a matter of time. I wasn't in a hurry to make money. I just wanted my life to count. I mean, I can't afford to be idle. Even when I had no job after graduation, I never stayed at home idle. I was always looking for something to do . Whatever it is that you're doing, be diligent in it, it will pay off. Just have a clean conscience and involve God in your dealings. 1 Like |
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Fact1: Don't feel intimidated sir, no one is trying to prove anything or show off. If I wanted to oppress and impress, I would do that on instagram and other social platforms , unfortunately I don't do them. There's no need . Relax ![]() |
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bobokeshington: God Bless Bro... |
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Jessepaid: No problem . Keep working smart and hard! 1 Like |
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Ikillbrokehoes: Hope you're still raking in those figures? Consistency is the goal.. 1 Like |
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Queenttoast01: My baby cousin brother needs to learn from you. |
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Samakus: Thanks Boss. How could I have been so reckless and forgetful . God is my number one source . 5 Likes 2 Shares |
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Jessepaid:What's your field? I can only help you if you have something convincing to present . I've helped people that way. Do you have a research regarding the interested and mentioned field ? Dropping CV's dont work these days. 1 Like |
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csn01:ok boss 1 Like |
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We are in a time in our generation where even the smallest of the youth has accumulated Ill gotten wealth , these ones have made millions by means of ripping people via fraud aka Yahoo. They wear expensive clothings , and do the latest rides and gadgets. They hop from one luxurious hotel to another, while some live in well furnished apartment and live large beyond their means . The fear of SARS was Beginning to become the remedy to curb this menace, tho i don't support their method. It's a long story, but bare with me. I won't be apologetic about it. Well, before I deviate lemme start by saying I legitimately made my first million at age 24. I was BGS in my department, I got lots of gifts and rewards from uncles. I started a Keke business with the proceeds, where I raised up a some money to buy a small land. I use to go check up on the land until one day I stumbled on some geoscientists who came to do seismic exploration in the community where my land happened to be. I happen to be a just graduated Geophysicist bsc. , and I was just looking for how to further for masters degree. It happened that the company involved was top 2 leading multinational oil Giants in Nigeria. I had enough spare time on my side , so I usually go to the field to monitor their data acquisition process so I was able to relate with some of the field scientists. on the last day, unknown to me , the supervisor of the project came to inspect and he was just looking so casual and unkempt , but I suspected he was man of high Calibre judging from how knowledgeable and experienced he sounded, I tried to catch up. We shared knowledge and I eventually told him I had a plan to collect the acquired data from the field so I can analyse , process and interpret them and make presentation for the company . He was sceptical because it was gonna take me months to do that and I had no equipments for that . So he introduced himself and he helped me apply for a research grant which was successful. To cut the long story short, I was given research equipments , I studied for months with the help of my lecturers and colleagues and I finally interpreted the geophysical data . There was enough oil in the land , my interpretation had precision on how many thousand feets they would need to go . So I called them to report my research finding , but I heard they were done with interpretation and they already had enough information, but I could apply for internship . I declined and wrote to them pleading for a presentation. So they finally agreed and wrote to me a month later, I prepared my slide, I got there and i was faced with a board of directors and I was given 20mins to present. Guys , I did but it wasnt easy , 5mins into the presentation, i was sweating . I could see the stern look on the faces of these bosses. I delivered and before I could finish, I received a standing ovation. In that spot I was asked to go do medicals and I should drop my CV. I was told by the manager in my field that my report was exactly what they had and even with more precision and information . After being addressed by the HR, i was assigned some welfare in huge sum amount of milla , My legs were shaking . I was sent to Manchester for Masters, came back to a 12months full 7fig pay.... I came back and was employed as a senior field geophysicist/ seismic interpreter. I was young and my story changed for good. I'm where I am today because I worked hard, smart and I was resilient. So youths in the house, you can do better. Yahoo isn't the way. 23 Likes 5 Shares |
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I sold okpa ![]() 3 Likes |
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DaddyRochie1642: Exactly.. it crossed my mind, and it scares the hell out of me . Why I don't talk about where I work or show off. I'm hardly around, so no one takes my phone, it didn't occur to me she might do that. |
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After the lifting of the inter state travel ban, it was a coincidence it collided with my current work shift which allows me to stay 1 month in and 1 month away. It was my 1month away already, so, I decided to go see my Cousins in Lagos to spend some good time and ease myself off stress in PH. The day I arrived at my cousin's, I was introduced to this pretty lady who came over, a good friend of my cousin sister, I won't lie, she was drop dead gorgeous and I wanted her already. I warned my sister , sternly, not to say anything special or too revealing about me to her friend cuz she knows how to hype me to people , also, I don't want some parasitic leech loving me for gains. Days later I went out to get suya at night, and i discovered she stayed in the next compound close to us and she was just in front of her gate, outside, where I spotted her . I walked closely to where she was and stroke a convo , I was chyking her and making jokes. She seemed down to earth and tolerating , whilst laughing at my dry jokes. When I noticed her sudden disinterest to continue the chatter, I quickly took her number and suggest we chat later. I got home and told my bro and sis that I was interested in the lady, and they said I shouldn't go for it, but I didn't heed. We moved to WhatsApp and we started talking everyday, she was cool with me and she came over often than she did before . Over phone, one evening , She opened up to me that my sister wouldn't say anything much about me to her, so she asked me what I did for a living cuz I'm always home , and I told her I was laid off from my job and for 2months I've been at home and I came to scout for a job in Lagos. She was calm afterwards and we said our usual good night. Ever since, she stopped replying quick, some times she leaves me on read or she would reply with one word. For a week, I didn't see her. I knew I f* up cuz I had already told her I liked her , tho I knew I would be leaving soon. So one day , she came to see my sis and I was in my room. I heard her voice, she was asking if I was in, so I reluctantly came out to see her. We had to talk, so I spoke in my dialect so my sis would excuse us. I asked her why she was treating me cold, she said "nothing". I persisted and she said she had a boyfriend and she knows what I want which she can't give in to. I said nothing. She asked me for my laptop so she could take movies, I couldn't give her cuz I was about to attend a Zoom meeting with my colleagues, but I had some movies on my phone and I told her to take from there. I unlocked my phone and gave it to her. Once she was in possession of my phone, I think I heard a message notification that popped in , it was my monthly pay that came in , yes we are paid even when we are away from work. I'm certain she checked my inbox and my alert and also from other banks cuz there was no notification icon . Still in the moment, She oscillated her face by gazing at me and my phone in awe. I was oblivious of the motive behind that, I shrugged and asked her what she was doing , she said " nothing". So I continued with my meeting. Ever since , she became nice again, she would even bring food for me in the morning and sometimes buy stuff like small chops for us to eat and gist together. Then she started asking me if i had a girl in Lagos, that she likes me and wants us to work something. Knowing fully well she just want some of my cake... I rebuked her for having rejected me before, and I declined her request. I told my cousins and we laughed about it tho. Its really hard to find love when you are well to do. I'd be leaving on Monday, and I won't tell her. We could have worked , cuz I could easily fly her out to see me anyday , but she'd be loyal only to the paper.... This is a trait I see in ladies today, this I dislike so much. 4 Likes |
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Dtruthspeaker: Actually, I don't even know who Dr Kent is, neither did I get this from anywhere. I just thought out of the box. It's good to know there are people that also thinks like this. |
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Kobojunkie: Thank you... |
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Akhigbeblog: Everyone owes death. You might die young, but don't die without fulfilling your God given purpose. Jesus died young, but He accomplished all He was sent here to do! 1 Like 1 Share |
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Let me use this layman analogy of creation. If one should construct a package box, he had to have done that from outside and not within the box. The Bible is not infallible in modern day analogy due to contradictions with the beginning of creation that predates the time interval of creation, due to ancient interpretations and descriptions. I'm not religious but let's see Genesis 1:1. It says : In the beginning , God created... Hmm, you're missing it now! Is it saying there was a time before time began? Scientists will tell you the universe was created from nothing, " there was a point where nothing existed or a time of nothingness, a point called SINGULARITY" when all was one, and that point of singularity exploded and expanded into a humongous matter of gaseous atomic particles , contained in them are the quanta energies from their nuclei which changed from one form to another , their nuclear collisions resulted to consolidations in a continuum cycle again and again till all galaxies and constellations were made, the Observable Universe in existence. This is the BIG BANG! Before this , Time never existed because there was nothing to measure, until Space was made. Time is a measure of space, and in space, you find matter ( the galaxies, planets and star constellations ). If a God orchestrated the universe into existence, the implication of this is that, He created time , space and matter, and he definitely isn't governed by their principles. This also means He wasn't created, HE IS THE OWNER OF WHAT WE CALL EXISTENCE AND CONSCIOUSNESS , BECAUSE HE IS A BEING CALLED LIFE HIMSELF . Men like DaVinci, Albert Einstein , and Newton possessed some special intelligence no one had, they knew there was a God which is called the SOURCE , who might have been the master designer of SPACE and TIME. These men were one of the greatest minds in the Hall of Fame to have ever walked the earth . You can't find God unless you begin to think outside the Matrix cycle , because that's where He resides. GOD doesn't need your money or possesions because he doesn't need it. What he needs from you is peace to humanity by helping the poor and needy with your resources. HE doesn't have a beginning , neither is he old or young , because He isn't governed by Time. You have to be a matter, residing in space, to be measured by time in order to have a beginning. He doesn't have a size or weight, neither is he big nor small, because he isn't a matter. He isn't black nor white, neither does he have parents.[b] [b]IF your God has a beginning, then he had to have been created by the one WHO brought this Physical universe into Existence THERE IS ONLY ONE TRUE GOD, and I have dedicated my Journey on earth to find HIM We are carried away by the fancyness, the appetite and fast life this world has to offer, hence we are limited to forever think and reason in the matrix we are placed in, rather than breaking out. It's Time to break free from this mental slavery and discover your purpose to humanity and true service to GOD 3 Likes |
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President Buhari |
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IntersexSherry: Hmm.. I Pray you go stronger and be who you want to be. When you say 'sex', is it with a female or male? |
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