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Health / Re: Furore Over Doctor Of Pharmacy Degree In Nigerian Universities. by Shori(m): 8:12am On Jun 29, 2014
Damn....this post is just trash,can everyone study medicine?but y do doctors always think so low of the other professions,for Pete's sake,not everyone wants to study Medicine,everyone has their own desire,med school is as rigorous and expensive as pharmacy school or nursing school.. do u think pharmacy school is an easy cake?
In OAU,pharmacy is arguably the hardest course. The doctors are trying to protect their ''Dr'' title like the title warrants them a place in heaven. . .

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Health / Re: Furore Over Doctor Of Pharmacy Degree In Nigerian Universities. by Shori(m): 8:08am On Jun 29, 2014
stefikal: And some of the posts simply make me sad.

Ignorance is really a disease I suppose.

Who ever said Pharm D is about the 'title'?

What ever happened to the main idea- Pharmaceutical care?

Pharmacy practice has evolved from dispensing of drugs to Pharmaceutical care and this is an avenue to improve pharmacists.

If the security system in the world adopted an innovation to improve security services and then the Nigerian Police Force chooses to follow this innovation, does it mean they are simply up for titles?

What is wrong with pharmacists-in-training being equipped so they can stand with their counterparts from any part of the world(not medical doctors) and not bring shame to Nigeria.

Is it a bad thing if Nigeria improves?

I don't just get the concept, y'all claiming that we don't go through medical school. Says who? I'm a pharmacist-in-training and I'm in medical school.

The problem with Nigerians is that we all want to pass our points across even when we realise we could be misleading others.

I still get irked when I meet people and they ask, "What's your course of study?" When I reply "Pharmacy" with the inward joy that I'm part of a noble profession, I get disappointed when the next question comes as, "So you want to graduate and sell drugs in a shop?"

Really? Pharmacy is more encompassing than that, and Pharm. D doesn't limit one to hospital practice. Are we trying to insinuate that the countries that have implemented this programme do not have pharmacists working in Industries, in Academia, in Research and all.

Of course they do, please Nigerians let's embrace progress, Pharm. D is not just for the improvement of the pharmacists but also for the patients, the sole aim is getting better.
Health / Re: Furore Over Doctor Of Pharmacy Degree In Nigerian Universities. by Shori(m): 8:05am On Jun 29, 2014
silica: The truth is over 90% of those in the Pharmacy profession are those who initially wanted to study medicine but couldn't make it. Ever since, they have been looking for backdoor ways to be called doctors. Which is why they came up with this new trick.check the problem at the hospitals, it's either pharmacists want to be paid the same salary as doctors or they want to be Chief Medical Directors. Hospitals are for Doctors and Nurses. Pharmacist merely offer auxiliary functions. If they can't work in d hospital as an appendage they should go and establish a robust pharmacy industry and supretend over its affairs rather than instigating other workers at the hospitals to cause trouble in our health sector.
Hospitals are for Doctors,pharmacists,medical laboratory scientists,dentists,radiographers,nurses,mid-wives et cetera. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care_provider There is more to health care than diagnose-and-go thing. This is the 21st century man!
Health / Re: Furore Over Doctor Of Pharmacy Degree In Nigerian Universities. by Shori(m): 7:40am On Jun 29, 2014
Pennywise: Everybody wants to be a doctor withour having to go through the stiff competition and rigors that medical school entails. The pharmacists, the optometrists also recently started a 6 yr program and are now called doctors doing all kinds of things including seting iv lines in phamacies and 'optometry clinics'. I wonder what the nurses and radiographers are still waiting for. Truly competent unionists perhaps?.

Pharmacists and Optometrists who left school long bf this fraudulent scheme was contrived are brandishing complimentry cards appending 'Dr' to their names. We dont know who is a real doctor anymore n Nigeria.

Pharmacists have since abdicated their roles in the health sector to traders and are now looking for fertile grounds by corrupting an allied profession. Pharma practice in Nigeria has stagnated in Nigeria so badly. While breakthroughs are being reported in other countries their only achievement in Nigeria is being called doctors.

But the sad part of this is that if u want to be a doctor and still legitimately proceed with your parmaceutical dreams, U can. They are called clinical pharmacologists and the country has many of them. But these charlatans want a short quick route. Why not? Everything goes in Nigeria.

For those who are quick to draw a parallel with what is obtainable in the US and other countries, the Nigerian Pharm D is a fraud for many reasons I dont have the time to go into. Ghana started bc they saw Nigeria and many other countries with vocal trade unions will soon follow.

The Nigerian pharmacists have simply taken the fight against doctors to a whole new level and they consider this a victory in what is no more than licensed quackery. The consequence is a chaotic health sector where nothing appears to be what it seems.

Perhaps this wouldnt have happened if doctors out of selfishness have not tenaciously held on to leadership of the health sector in appointments to political and administrative positions! God help Nigeria.
It's high time we started thinking outside the box... Who says the pharmacists are emulous of the ''Dr'' title? This is a health care setting where everybody/degree knows her place. How will Nigeria become developed when we're still using extinction-bound degrees?
Health / Re: Furore Over Doctor Of Pharmacy Degree In Nigerian Universities. by Shori(m): 7:30am On Jun 29, 2014
I think the NMA has got something to do with this... The pharmD degree is not a bad thing and it's an upgrade of the B.pharm that's gradually slipping into obsolescence. It's not as if the pharmD graduates will be only clinically active like someone said earlier...but with the pharmD degree,the pharmacists will be more involved in patients care that'll solely deal with DRUGs and nothing more! About the title ''Dr'',pharmacists in Canada use the title Dr (pharm) *****. That shouldn't be a problem in Nigeria. All I want is for the NUC to check the Faculties of pharmacy in Nigerian universities before fully accrediting this pharmD degree because some,if not all,of this pharmacy schools are lagging behind in term of infrastructure,equipments et cetera. . . A proper review should be done! PharmD holders are not Doctors(MD)!


Sports / Re: Brazil Vs Chile - World Cup (3 - 2) On Penalties On 28th June 2014 by Shori(m): 8:19pm On Jun 28, 2014
Brazil will be facing the winner of the game between Uruguay and Colombia. . .

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