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Stubborn82's Posts

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Car Talk / Re: Maintenance Tips For Honda Cars by Stubborn82: 12:13pm On Apr 09, 2021
Belgium power steering pump for EOD


Travel / Re: I Need Help With Direction From Ikorodu To Synagogue SCOAN by Stubborn82: 11:45am On Apr 07, 2021
Get to oshodi from there to mushin
Mushin to ikotun drop at synagogue
Romance / Re: False Accusations By One Antiedi0ts by Stubborn82: 12:01am On Apr 06, 2021
How can a guy you haven't met or have interaction with before single you out of all the people on Nairaland.

I didn't say his accusations are real but I think there must be something that lead to this.

Anyway, just be cool with yourself, don't bother about wrong accusations, you are not the first and you won't be the last
Nairaland / General / Re: A Year After, Tope Is Still Missing (photo) by Stubborn82: 7:52am On Mar 28, 2021

Ask your sister to get in touch with the Libyan Red Cross with the information of the missing relative. A trace will be initiated, who knows, she may be found.

Ok, thanks, I will do that
Nairaland / General / Re: A Year After, Tope Is Still Missing (photo) by Stubborn82: 9:33pm On Mar 27, 2021
Only GOD can locate her and get her back.
Take her Matter to GOD in Prayers , Believe and Let Him do his work. In due Season you will see her.
I Have seen a case similar to this. His People were tired already, as they didn't hear from him for more than 10years. Only one of his sisters believed he was still alive and she kept on Praying and Believing GOD.

How the young came back was a Mystery because he didn't know how he came back to Nigeria. He Was in front a shop in Tartared cloths , bushy hair and all that. He looked like a mad man.
The Miracle there is that the shop were he found was the shop of the Sister who was praying for Him. What he remembered was that he was outside the country . How he found himself at the shop, he does not know!

Believe! Pray! Serve GOD in Holiness and Righteousness and with all your Heart. If she is alive, She will return.

Thanks, we never stop praying

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Nairaland / General / Re: A Year After, Tope Is Still Missing (photo) by Stubborn82: 9:18pm On Mar 27, 2021
have you contacted NIDCOM?

Please who is this NIDCOM and how can I contact them
Nairaland / General / A Year After, Tope Is Still Missing (photo) by Stubborn82: 9:13pm On Mar 27, 2021
Hi Nairalander, I need your help on this case.

Last year my nephew with the help of a secret travel agency which we don't know their agency name and
address, took her to Libya.

Here is the story(please pardon my grammar)
For some years my nephew (Tope) has bn trying to travel out of the country to seek good life, unfortunately that plan got her into trouble that we got to know lately.

The story of her missing was broke by her sister who is currently in Libya, she said Tope contacted some agency in Libya who promised to bring her over the agency were the one to finance her travel fee and there after she will refund all they spend to take her to Libya and other contracts agreements.

According to her sister, she said she was waiting for her to call So that she can go and see her, but unfortunately Tope didn't call, a day later she didn't hear from her either, she was panic and began to talk to some Nigerian she knows in Libya to help her out.

To cut the story short, she said some good people she asked for help about her sister said, they have killed her and thrown her corpse into the sea, "what did she do to them?" She asked and the response she get was that Tope was proven stubborn and hardheaded, that's they killed her, some of the people warn her sister not to dig beyond that, or else she too would be killed.

She is scare and contacted her mother to inform her about what happened. The mother seek for a prophet who assured her that she was still alive but was in a terrible and bad condition.

We have tried all we can do here in Nigeria, we don't know this agency that took her to Libya we don't know who to contact in Libya, in fact we dont know what else to do, we need help to find her.

I am pleading to you, we need your advice or any help that can lead us to finding her.

Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Stubborn82: 5:01pm On Mar 27, 2021
If you are in mile 2 area come and carry this dinning table with 6 chairs for 15k

Call or Whatsapp

Picture please
Family / Re: House Clearance Sales.. Come In Here!!!! by Stubborn82: 4:58pm On Mar 27, 2021
Gotv Decoder with Antenna and Remote for sale.

Location: Abuja

Price: 4k

Call/whatsapp: 07057580970

Family / Re: Shikini Money: Smart Tvs✔️ & Soundbars ✔️ by Stubborn82: 6:16pm On Mar 26, 2021
Hi, My Name is Stanley.
I am the Chief salesman for Alabaconnect.

For your UK used and NEW Smart TV sets ranging from
. 43" (STRAIGHT)
. 50" (STRAIGHT)
. 60" (STRAIGHT)
. 75" (STRAIGHT)
. 82" (STRAIGHT)
. 87" (STRAIGHT)
. 98" (STRAIGHT)


CONTACT ALABACONNECT. We are always available to take your order. We deliver to anywhere in Nigeria (Terms and conditions applies)

I need 50inches Samsung smart tv with decoder
Family / Re: Shikini Money: Smart Tvs✔️ & Soundbars ✔️ by Stubborn82: 1:50pm On Mar 26, 2021
I need 50inch Samsung smart tv with inbuilt decoder
Travel / Re: Whoever Loaded This Vehicle Will Be Able To Solve Nigeria's Problems by Stubborn82: 12:35pm On Mar 20, 2021

Autos / Re: Direct Belgium Honda Accord Power Steering Pump by Stubborn82: 7:16pm On Mar 15, 2021
Still available for pick up
Politics / Re: Iskilu Wakili: OPC Made 4 Costly Mistakes And They Will Regret It by Stubborn82: 9:07am On Mar 09, 2021
Who was the person that first hint us about isikilu wakili?

Remember the story of the evicted seriki that was confronted by igboho, after the seriki was confronted and evicted, his son brag about wakili that nobody can dare him (wakili).

Here is the politics, wakili is the grand and controlling power that lead all the atrocities, the fulani told us about wakili and how powerful he is that he can do anything and go free because he is powerful.

We appreciate that hint given to us by the seriki son, ever since we started a preliminary investigation on who is this wakili, and all effort lead us to him, in fact, we work with some good fulani we know to help us out and they were glad to offer us their support secretly, the good fulani were all tire of the bad one.
Autos / Direct Belgium Honda Accord Power Steering Pump by Stubborn82: 3:42pm On Mar 08, 2021
Rest of mind market for as low as 15k

Location: Abuja

Religion / Re: Unveiling of the Beast by Stubborn82: 11:00am On Feb 20, 2021
For those who always say, Jesus is coming soon, believe me Jesus is not going to come anytime soon until the beast has fully grown to exercise all power and authority.

People would live inside the sun, and the sun would not burn them.
Religion / Re: Unveiling of the Beast by Stubborn82: 10:46am On Feb 20, 2021
Hmnnn.... I always know the beast will come gentle and harmless but indirectly brutal. Lets wait to see what you unfold...

Thanks for reading, I will definitely unfold more proven fact, meanwhile, (before I drop the second chapter)let me say this, the beast would rise greatly and do much great things that has never been done before, there would be no religion anymore, neither Christian nor Muslim will ever existed.

But that is not going to happen in our generation not next generation, until the beast finally grown.
Religion / Unveiling of the Beast by Stubborn82: 9:10pm On Feb 19, 2021

The 666 beast, a proven fact, she has appeared!

On this thread, I will be unfolding proven fact that the 666 beast has appeared, this thread will be in part by part to enable me gather my fact, you are free to express your critical opinion and view but I will appreciate you do it maturely so we can both learn something together, thank you. Meanwhile pardon me for my poor grammar

The revelation

11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.

15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13v11-18

What is 666?
In the above citation of the book of revelation, the meaning of 666 was covered but not hidden, the bible unlike any other book was written to be understood in reverse, what do I mean by reverse? I mean gaining the knowledge and understanding by not the way it was written to be read but by gaining the understanding by what it was pointing at.

One good thing about the bible apart from any other ancient book is that it gives the answer before the question, only that the answer was coded or covered but not hidden, this chapter of the revelation declare 666 as a beast from the earth because it was not actually created in heaven, the bible also went further to describe the power and authority of the beast so as to enlighten us of what the 666 beast is capable of but here we are, with our carnal mindsets wanting to see the beast as it was described in revelation, only for us to be fooled.

I was discussing this with some group of friends some years back that if the beast that was described in the bible could appears now, (believe me) just one out of the north korean nuclear warheads would reap off the beast not to talk of if all the countries come together to fight this common enemy, the 666 is not that kind of beast that appears with demonic look, though the 666 beast has the same character as described in the bible but doesn't has the same look and that is exactly what the bible was referring to when it says, anyone with wisdom let him find out what is 666.

While many are expecting the beast and many are arguing where the beast will come from or appears from, in fact some believes that the whole story was just a myth, but the shocking fact is that the beast has appeared from centuries back and it has been living among us, growing gradually and we happily accommodated her because she look so sincere and beautiful unlike the way the bible describes her.

To be continue.....

Crime / Re: He Has Been In Prison Since 1953, See What He Looks Like When He Was Released by Stubborn82: 4:12pm On Feb 19, 2021
He got the long sentence because he's black.

I'm not justifying his actions but he would have been tried in a juvenile court with a lesser sentence if he were to be white.

Exactly my point of view
Romance / Re: Baby Dies 2 Weeks After An Encounter With My Fianceé by Stubborn82: 3:44pm On Feb 19, 2021
I Am Planning To Marry A Lady And This Happened. Pls Help

I am in my early 30 and I have been dating this lady for a year now and we are planning to settle down together and this happened.

There is this 11 months old baby in my compound who is very close to me and she just started walking. The very first time she saw my girl, she was soo scared and started crawling very fast towards her mum and crying. I quickly ran after her and carried her back to where my girl was sitting down, this time, the crying and running became very intense, I was shocked and I asked why the baby was so scared of her and she said she doesn't know.

Two days later, she came to my place and immediately this baby saw her she was scared and crying that was when I jokily asked her if she is a witch and she got angry and left my house. After she left, a lot of questions started running through my mind: like, is she a witch? Does she has a marine spirit? What did that little girl saw in her? In fact a lot of questions. She later called that same night and was like; baby, I am not possess ooh, I should not allow this little baby come between us ooh and that she loves me very much.

To cut the story short, less than two weeks later, the baby DIED. I was so scared if the baby actually saw something in her and she decided to shut the baby up ( I don't know, just an assumption).

Ever since then, I have been scared of my girl and I really don't know what to do. Please, I need your candid advice. Please guys, how can i make the moderators move this post to front page.

Is she light in complexion?
Is she pretty and calm in nature?
Are people usually like to meet and be friendly to her?

Next do this
When she came visiting, fine a standing mirror or any big mirror, then try to smoke more than one cigarette let the smoke be visible and watch her reaction through the mirror.

If you don't smoke, find all this incense or 999 or any burning fragrance that generates smoke, don't look into her eye directly, just watch her through the mirror.

Whatever you, should be your final decision.

If you can do any of this, take her case to genuine pastor or mallam for prayer.

I hope the girl is not on Nairaland? If she is, tie ti ta kpata kpata.

1 Like

Romance / Re: The Shocking Thing That Happened While I Was Masturbating by Stubborn82: 9:32am On Feb 18, 2021
What make mestubation very stubborn addiction, is that you can't fight what you are enjoying, there was a story of a man who always committed a particular sin and each time he committed the sin, he felt guilty and approached God for help, some few days later he committed the same sin (after many uncounted ones), approached God again and complained bitterly that God should help him, alas, God responded to him by saying......"but you are still enjoying it"

It is so hard to leg go of what you are enjoying, something you derived pleasure in. God won't help until you hate it.
Politics / Re: What's Going On, What's The Meaning Of This (pix Added) by Stubborn82: 7:10am On Feb 16, 2021
I feel sorry for those waiting for 2023 election

There is not going to be elections, it going to be a walkover
Politics / Re: What's Going On, What's The Meaning Of This (pix Added) by Stubborn82: 6:39pm On Feb 14, 2021
Voters card platform is rubbish.

I swear
Politics / What's Going On, What's The Meaning Of This (pix Added) by Stubborn82: 5:42pm On Feb 14, 2021
Is this constitutional or corruptional?

1 Share

Car Talk / Re: Hyundai Kona To Run For 482 Km When Charged, Charging Takes 9.35 Hours by Stubborn82: 10:50am On Feb 08, 2021
Am addicted to honda, when honda start producing their electric cars, e go mad, I can't wait
Romance / Re: New Member! Please Welcome Me! by Stubborn82: 10:34pm On Jan 26, 2021
Welcome here.

Though the language here is somehow different from sane social media.

You will see something like monika,op, so many, I bet you will be confused.

Don't sha, you will blend in
Romance / Re: How Can A Lady Woo A Man For Intimate Relationships by Stubborn82: 8:59pm On Jan 26, 2021
It depends on what you want from him. Different objectives have different methods. And one method may not even work for all men. Approaching him for a one night stand is the easiest method; just walk up to him, press his biceps and tell him that you wonder how good those would feel around you. If he's not married or afraid of women, he'll take you home and show you. That line has worked on me before, I confess.

That's weird, I'm not a hoe
Romance / Re: How Can A Lady Woo A Man For Intimate Relationships by Stubborn82: 8:55pm On Jan 26, 2021
There are so many ways to this thing..which are quite easy.

You can even make him ask you out. I tried this, and it worked.

I've got a package on it... You might love to Whatsapp me to understand this and more.

Thank you, I would have love to WhatsApp u, but why can't you just post the trick here so that many women can learn
Romance / Re: How Can A Lady Woo A Man For Intimate Relationships by Stubborn82: 8:53pm On Jan 26, 2021

1. Very possible

2. Be friendly around him. You might desire him, but you don't know if he feels the same way, so approaching him might not turn out well if he doesn't feel the same way. That's why it's always advisable to be friendly around him. That way if he doesn't reciprocate, you can easily withdraw without any heartbreak. If he does feel the same way, he can easily ask you out, and you can happily agreed to date him.

3. Ok

4. I will only speak for myself here. I'll feel very uncomfortable, especially if she's not my taste. Cos I know that turning down her request will make her feel bad. That's why I do prefer it when she plays the friendly card. That way if I don't fancy her I can easily make it know to her through my body language and both parties can go our separate ways without making anyone feel bad.

Thank you
Romance / Re: How Can A Lady Woo A Man For Intimate Relationships by Stubborn82: 2:05pm On Jan 26, 2021
I don't think a girl should woo a guy for sex

Just be friendly with him, get him drunk and lure him to the slaughter slab.

When you are through, dress up, bone up but flash a smile just when you are leaving. That should get him confused and curious

If he starts to woo you after the sex, then you got him. If not, continue for just sex

I didn't mean for sex, by intimacy I mean, having a very close relationship : very warm and friendly

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