Religion / Re: God Hates Divorce But What Do You Do When One Party Walks Out Of A Marriage? by Talk2nanro(m): 12:50am On Mar 28, 2022 |
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Religion / Re: God Hates Divorce But What Do You Do When One Party Walks Out Of A Marriage? by Talk2nanro(m): 12:33am On Mar 28, 2022 |
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Religion / Re: God Hates Divorce But What Do You Do When One Party Walks Out Of A Marriage? by Talk2nanro(m): 12:26am On Mar 28, 2022 |
[quote author=Breadandpeppers post=111406707] |
Crime / Re: Youths Fight With Sticks At A Fuel Station (Photo) by Talk2nanro(m): 6:01am On Mar 04, 2022 |
imagine the level of cowardice, four men fighting a man of equal size and as if it isn't enough, they also would use big sticks . Cowardice is made manifest in all action a man takes, no wonder Africa is so backward. |
Education / Re: No Bra, No Entry - Delta Poly Lecturer Chases Defaulters From Class by Talk2nanro(m): 1:42pm On Feb 25, 2022 |
eldoradoxx: Some years back, I followed my sister to her Call to Bar ceremony and was greatly impressed how the organizers enforced decent dress codes. The ladies were on one line and men on another line. The ladies would show their nails to ensure it was not painted with anything, I saw the enforcer digging their hands inside the ladies hairs to ensure no form of hair extension or attachment was fixed, they were all on their natural hair. They also inspected their ear rings to ensure it was not dangling. When people appear in any educational setting dressed like prostitutes and hooligans, education suffers because they learn absolutely nothing. Universities must enforce dress codes, if u can't cope, education is not your thing, go and learn handwork. Wow! am so impressed by knowing that these things takes place before a lady is called to bar. |
Properties / Re: Help!!! My Landlord Has Removed The Roof Of My Apartment by Talk2nanro(m): 10:50pm On Feb 23, 2022 |
yemite100: I made a post about a month ago on Nairaland about my landlord. He gave me a quit notice when my rent is yet to due, we have not been in good terms, I was rest assured that I still have three months left so no need to panic.
I got home now and saw carpenters removing the roof of my apartment with two abled young men which I haven't seen their face before, the roof of my apartment has been removed now.
I went to the nearby station to lodge a complain but I was told the man had come earlier, and told the police has giving me quit notice that he wants to renovate his house.
It's really a hard time for me and my siblings, getting a quick accomodation. He never informed us of renovating the apartment, I just lost my job last week and this is happening to me again.
My life is in a mess right now as I don't know where to start from, this is just a challenge for me and I will stay stronger and fight this battle till the end, probably God is preparing me for a better place ahead.... There you are soliciting for pity, when you are not in good terms with your landlord, your landlord is an authority over you and should be respected or you can simply pack out. This is one of the reason some people formally doing well packs into a new compound and suddenly become poor ( onye fe eze, eze eruo ya ) people that are always fighting with their landlords, will never be landlords. 3 Likes |
Celebrities / Re: Ugezu: Doing DNA Test Not African, A Child That Calls African Man Father Is His by Talk2nanro(m): 10:17pm On Feb 21, 2022 |
its the panache on this slowpoke for me! |
Romance / Re: Man Slaps His Girlfriend After He Caught Her With Another Man On Valentine's Day by Talk2nanro(m): 11:57pm On Feb 14, 2022 |
all simps deserves whatever treatment they get from women, no pity for them. 1 Like 1 Share |
Family / Re: OverEducated Women Make Bad Wives by Talk2nanro(m): 10:50pm On Feb 14, 2022 |
If the man is expected to be the major/only breadwinner, it's logical that he possesses the requisite skills/education to increase his chances of fulfilling his responsibilities why waste your time arguing with fools? they will mock you into oblivion, it is not good to take what belongs to the children and throw it to the dogs. Only teach people that are willing to understand. 6 Likes |
Politics / Re: 2023 Presidential Hopefuls And Time Wasters (Opinion) by Talk2nanro(m): 12:37pm On Jan 30, 2022 |
Rawtruth1: To be honest, Tinubu is going nowhere. His followers know this bitter truth very well but they want as much as they can collect from the bullion van before telling him the hard truth. Nigerians won't accept to go from frying pan to fire in 2023. Unfortunately, Osinbajo is part of the administration of plague and nightmares Nigerians are currently going through. He is grossly unfit too. Nigerians ain't blind, we know those who directly or indirectly contributed to the present afflictions in the land i agree with you except for the fact that you said Nigerians ain't blind, actually Nigerians are both blind and stupid 3 Likes |
Politics / Re: 2023 Presidential Hopefuls And Time Wasters (Opinion) by Talk2nanro(m): 12:19pm On Jan 30, 2022 |
parzdor: If e get who i no like at all is that Yemi Osinbajo wolve in sheep clothin you are observant, let them continue in there foolishness. Body go tell them 2 Likes |
Romance / Re: What's The Worst Thing A Woman Has Done On The First Date? by Talk2nanro(m): 5:47am On Jan 30, 2022 |
youmour: There's nothing wrong using hands to eat your chicken and suck the marrow if you are home, not when you are in a fancy restaurant and definitely not on a first date, it's simple etiquette. Oh well to each their own finally. you are a fool, run along kid. |
Romance / Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by Talk2nanro(m): 3:51am On Jan 26, 2022 |
Bro, you can't always trust your instinct, let God be your authority. Abortion is murder. And about living your best life, there is a higher chance of living your best life brings you sorrow and tears.
Life is empty, fear God and keep is commandments Stay redpiiled wait did i just hear you call God in a red pill forum? Do you not know that red pill is a cult movement filled with immoral, vindictive and wicked men. God wants you to be a real man, not a simp or red pill cult junky 1 Like |
Romance / Re: This Is Why Men Must Be Protected From Women. My Horrible Experience. by Talk2nanro(m): 9:05pm On Jan 19, 2022 |
Solofresh2: One thing I noticed abound this female gender is insecurity.They are always insecure even if they are the ones doing you a favor. The men are the cause of this because their lives revolves around how the male gender see them I can beat my chest that 95% of men on this planet Earth are simps.So this female gender takes advantage of this simpleton men and that is why the world today, favours this female gender more than it's opposite gender.The day men stop being a simpleton is the day the table will be turned i equally believe that your 95% rating forget all these their pretentious write ups in that redpill thread, but in real life, they are simp as shit |
Romance / Re: Reality Every Guy Need To Know ( STRICTLY REDPILL) ... by Talk2nanro(m): 2:48pm On Nov 17, 2021 |
Society is the problem not nature.
Men understood woman nature hence why patriarchy was introduced therefore putting nature in its place and creating sort of like a balance.
Now, that balance has been compromised result being what we see in this modern times.
. This is the wisest thing i have read here. 5 Likes |
Career / Re: My Bitter Experience Doing A Security Guard Job by Talk2nanro(m): 1:22pm On May 20, 2020 |
Babatunde40: What you are doing is generalization. You are wrong in this. I respect security guards. I hardly have issues with them. I don't think they see themselves as less than beggars. I think this has to do with your person. Maybe you are too proud or expect people too much from people
And the way you say guys not involving in crime, you say it like you are doing people a favour by not committing crime. See, if you commit crime or not, na your life this is true, most of security guards that I have met are arrogant and rude fools. Unethical from every angle and when people are not disciplined in what they say, the security men get annihilated with insults. |
Religion / Re: Dealing With The Powers Behind Barrenness/life Challenges Spiritually by Talk2nanro(m): 12:23pm On Dec 24, 2019 |
"Evil and adulterous generations seek for signs and yet they shall not find it except the sign of Jonah the prophet" says the Lord. Let he with wisdom understand the meaning of these sentence, for false prophets has risen with all manners of deception but the elect shall not stay deceived for God shall redeem them with His mighty hands. 3 Likes |
Religion / Re: Sexual Practices That Defiles Christian Marriage Bed by Talk2nanro(m): 11:25am On Dec 23, 2019 |
It is written " my sheep hear my voice" meaning the elect understand the voice of the Spirit and heed to it. |
Car Talk / Re: David Baka Designs Logo For Innoson Vehicles, Nigerians React by Talk2nanro(m): 1:19pm On Oct 18, 2019 |
The second guy just designed a logo that has no bearing of full company's name, he is not creative . First guy is a visionary , his logo bears all company's initials (I V M ) in style, but Nigerians won't notice these because of low IQ . The first guy completely beat the second guy. 12 Likes 2 Shares |
Family / Re: The reason Why I Will Consider My Dad First Before My Mom by Talk2nanro(m): 10:12pm On Sep 27, 2019 |
Most of you here keep saying you prefer your mother, that's the reason why most of you are stupid and mannerless in this country. Any well mannered and wise person will always prefer the father because they are the ones that inculcate good virtues in children. Though there are still a few disciplined women. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Romance / Re: Does A Girl Staring At A Guy Mean She Wants To Have Sex With Him? by Talk2nanro(m): 11:33pm On Sep 23, 2019 |
You waste time thinking about women, when you should be thinking about acquiring wisdom, what a fool. |
Sports / Re: Lionel Messi Named 2019 FIFA The Best Men's Player by Talk2nanro(m): 9:38pm On Sep 23, 2019 |
Well deserved |
Crime / Re: Welder Lures Okada Man To His House In Minna, Kills, Buries Him (Graphic) by Talk2nanro(m): 6:58pm On Sep 15, 2019 |
ednut1: Our movies should stop encouraging this madness. No such thing as money ritual don't mind the idiotic fools that believe that any stupid rituals makes anyone rich, bunch of foolish illiterates. |
Crime / Re: Customer Thrown Out Of A Bank In Delta State (Video) by Talk2nanro(m): 11:54am On Sep 14, 2019 |
iyatrustee: Which bank is this? The orange colour gives the impression of GT but the uniform man in white doesnt look like regular gtb security guys.
Looks like one of these micro finance banks. Nonetheless, they dont have the right to deal with a customer in this manner. Hear that one in the background asking them to throw her away! Mumu, without customers, shey u go even get job? Typical of your average Nigerian, give them small office and u see sometin this is Gtb Nnebisi road Asaba 2 Likes |
Properties / Re: 2-Storey Building Collapsed At Nkisi-Alori In Onitsha (Video) by Talk2nanro(m): 3:41pm On Sep 12, 2019 |
Looks like film trick. |
Romance / Re: "Never Allow Your Wife Or Girlfriend Go For Body Massage Session" (photos) by Talk2nanro(m): 7:17am On Aug 17, 2019 |
Bluffly: What exactly are they massaging? Do your exercises regularly at home and drink enough water. Massage my foot, professional or not Don't mind the pretenders seeking excuse for something else. |
Crime / Re: Ethiopian Man Commits Suicide 2 Days After Wedding by Talk2nanro(m): 8:35pm On Aug 15, 2019 |
akinade28: Why are all these women embarrassing us na, making it look like most ladies are unfaithful and gold diggers. Dear guy, there are still good and faithful ladies out there, though they might few.That's why you need to look beyond shape and color when choosing to avoid these kind of stories you are good looking, which fool even look at colour ? |
Education / Re: Would You Score Your Students 39 And 69 Or Would You Add 1 To The Score? by Talk2nanro(m): 1:10pm On Jul 29, 2019 |
If you add or remove, you can never raise a morally right kid you fools |
Celebrities / Re: Vicky Zugah Reconciles With Woman After Snatching Her Husband by Talk2nanro(m): 10:27pm On Jul 20, 2019 |
Arranged nonsense |
Properties / Re: How Can I Stop A Block Industry Behind My House? by Talk2nanro(m): 2:40pm On Jul 10, 2019 |
Edoloaded: The comments above is the reason why Nigeria is how it is today. And why this country might never get better.
In saner countries noise pollution is a criminal offence especially in residential areas.
Someone will just put block factory close to residential homes. And instead of these so called citizens to give a fellow concerned citizen ways to bring them to justice they are telling him to relocate..
We Nigerians deserve the leaders we get. Let's keep suffering it.. abeg any one reading this if you have the chance to leave this country run oh, you are correct bro. |
Religion / Re: The Unrighteous Shall Not Inherit The Kingdom Of God - Prince Gabriel Okocha by Talk2nanro(m): 9:42pm On Jul 09, 2019 |
jcross19: Jesus did not call his disciples apostle but called them servants or little children but the title came up after the birth of Christianity! Apostle is a calling from God according to the Ephesian 4:11says: He gave some apostles , some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and some teachers. Can you please show me in the bible where the apostolic office was only limited to 12 disciples. I will not argue with you, you can believe what you are always taught or you can seek for the real truth. Peter had already predicted that false teachers will grow worse deceiving and being deceived. |