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Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:55pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
saxwizard: Nice one. Answer is on point |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:50pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
3. To be continued………. Class Activity 1.3: Which company developed the KVM hypervisor? |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:48pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
2. From the image above, that is, step 8, click on the new button, you will get a box like this below, give any VM name you like, make type Linux and version 64-bit, click on next
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:40pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
(It’s about 7.31 GB) even if I configure a public FTP site and dump it there, you will still have to download it. You can use the cloud server if you can’t afford the data size for now. OR You can also use the installation CD if you have any, but be careful not to wipe the whole OS off your system. NB: I changed my mind, we use RHEL 8 instead of RHEL 7. RHEL 8 standard version came out this year even when Red Hat hasn’t finished the update of RHEL 7 minor version yet. Can you imagine the IT world/business? and this is my first time of using RHEL 8 as well…Let’s upgrade and follow the trend as well “jorr”. Please use RHEL 7 if your internet is bad and finding it difficult to download, its about 4 GB. There can’t be much difference in installation process between the two.
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:35pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
Now we have our hypervisor ready, we can start creating our virtual machines (VM) I earlier said we will be creating two VM’s but we may need to create more than that when we begin to do a lot of stuff like Active Directory (AD) configuration, DNS, DHCP, NFS, NAS, LADP, and the likes. We will get there!!! Home wasn’t built in a day. CREATING VIRTUAL MACHINES (VM) Steps 1. Download RHEL OS, ISO image if you don’t have any. You can download it from the link below. https://access.redhat.com/downloads/content/479/ver=/rhel---8/8.1/x86_64/product-software
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:31pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
8. After installation, you will have an image like the one below
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:28pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
7. When the installation is complete, you will get an image like the one below, click on finish. The checked box will start the VM after the installation.
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:26pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
6. You will be asked if you want to make changes to your PC, click yes. you will get an image like the one below, click on install
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:22pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
5. After clicking on the Next button in the image above, you will get an image like the one below, click on yes, another box pops up, click on install
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:18pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
4. After clicking on the Next button in the image above, you will get an image like the one below, click on the Next button
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:16pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
3. After clicking on the Next button in the image above, you will get an image like the one below, click on the Next button 1 Share
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:12pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
2. Double click on the image above to run the installation or right-click on it and click on “run as an administrator”. You will get an image like the one below, click on next button
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:09pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
1. Download virtualization software. In this case, a virtual box. You may use the link below. Click on the type of OS you are using https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads (about 163mb) when it’s done downloading, check your downloads. you will get something like this
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 7:04pm On Nov 20, 2019 |
Module 1.2 - Lab setup and virtual machine creation Today I am going to walk you through setting up our Linux lab. We have two choices; you connect to the servers I deployed on the cloud which is very easy to, no need to set up, or you follow the steps I will be mentioning in setting a personal one for yourselves. Either way, sooner or later, you will still have to set up a private lab in the advent of the one on the cloud being inaccessible. Let’s roll. Have you heard of virtualization? Well, you will learn a few things about it today and learn in detail when we get to the module. In the days when IT started, if you need to run about 15 Operating systems (OS’s), you will need to buy 15 PC’s or 15 servers but as technology began to evolve, a swift way of managing many OS’s on one box became possible by a technology called virtualization. Imagine running about 3 OS’s swiftly on just your one hardware, it can only be the power of virtualization and that is what we are going to set up right away on your system. We will be installing two different OS’s, RHEL and Ubuntu by using a virtualization software called hypervisor. Any software that does virtualization works on a hypervisor. A hypervisor is a virtual machine monitor (VMM), a process that allows one host computer to support multiple guests. Examples of virtualization software or I’ll rather say examples of hypervisors are VMware workstation, ESXI, hyper V, virtual box, KVM, RHEV, XEN, etc. ESXi and VMware workstation hypervisors are developed by the company VMware. Hyper V hypervisor is developed by Microsoft, virtual box hypervisor is developed by Oracle, RHEV is developed by Red Hat, etc. In our setup, the hypervisor we will be using is the Virtual box. If you have VMware workstation, we can also use it, they are kind of similar and kind of follow the same process of installation. Both hypervisors are type 2 hypervisor. Oh sorry!!!, I forgot to mention that we have type 1, type 2 and hybrid hypervisors. Some developers don’t believe that there is a hybrid hypervisor anyways but if you ask me, “Na who I go ask”. Lol. We will talk about the types of hypervisors in detail when we get to the module as i mentioned. Moving forward, below are the steps we will follow for those using windows OS. For those using MAC, I’m so sorry, I don’t use MAC so I can’t take a screenshot but steps are similar. Email me if you have issues, we may have a remote session if I am less busy and walk you through it, but you must make sure you have tried your best first. 1. Download virtualization software. In this case, a virtual box. You may use the link below. Click on the type of OS you are using https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads (about 163mb) when it’s done downloading, check your downloads. you will get something like this 1 Like |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 11:51pm On Nov 18, 2019 |
MODULE 1.1 - WHAT IS LINUX? Linux is an operating system (OS) just like any other OS like the common Windows OS. Other types of OS are Solaris, Esxi, Unix, MAC, Android, etc. It will be a good idea to know about the history of what we want to learn. BRIEF HISTORY OF LINUX Just like most creative inventors invents while in school, Linux was also created by a man called Linus Torvalds while he was in the University of Helsinki, Finland. He was a computer science student. In 1991, He purchased an IBM PC with high memory and processor capacity which at that time was invoked. It was an improvement and the successor of the lower processors. It was 80386, the first x86 microprocessor with a 32-bit instruction set. Linus Torvalds was excited and wanted to explore the functionalities of this hardware until he found out that the OS running on it, MSDOS couldn’t maximize the functions or I’ll rather say couldn’t take the full advantage of the hardware. This man decided to opt for an OS he will be able to use for his exploration. Unix was a very good option for Torvalds's kind of PC. Unfortunately, Unix had costed more and he couldn’t have bought it for the price. Hence why he settled down for MINIX, a free version of Unix-like OS, which was better than MSDOS. Sooner rather than later did he realize that MINIX was limited and did not function the way he had expected. He wasn’t satisfied with it and decided to build an OS kernel that will maximize the full advantage of his precious PC. Actually, Torvalds was just having fun just like I am and did not intend to build the OS that eventually turned out to be what the WORLD immensely adopts today. Torvalds announced to the world, He said “Hello everybody out there, I am doing a (free) OS. (Just a hobby, won’t be anything big and professional like GNU). It probably will never support anything other than AT-hard disks, as that’s all I have.” WOW!!! Did you read that part again, “It won’t be anything big and professional like GNU”? So, what is GNU? GNU is also Unix-like OS ========================================================================== BRIEF HISTORY OF GNU GNU is a UNIX-like OS that was started by Richard Stallman in 1984 known as the GNU project. The aim was to create a free UNIX-like OS or I’ll rather say free OS which computer users will be able to use, study, modify, and develop the source code of the OS or software they use the way they want. “Free for everybody” or “open source” as it is commonly said. Richard started the new software movement, one of the few free software licenses written from the community standpoint called GNU General Public License (GNU GPL), a widely used free software license, like I mentioned that allow computer users to use, study and develop the source code the way they want. Torvalds developed Linux using GNU C compiler which is a Unix-like compiler. A question just runs through my mind right now and it’s “why can’t Torvalds use the GNU OS for his exploration since MINIX was limited? Let’s keep moving. In the course of the GNU project, there were shortcomings. In the first part of the project, user interactive programs/tools and other programs/tool development was perfect but the second part, which was the GNU kernel development called “GNU Hurd” had not been perfected. It had a lot of bugs which prolonged the perfect completion of GNU OS. At this junction, it’s best to briefly explain what a kernel is I mentioned GNU Hurd which is the GNU kernel. One thing one needs to know is, there is no OS without a kernel. “No kernel, no OS”, every OS must have a kernel. A kernel is the core module/component/part of the OS. It's responsible for managing most especially the CPU, disk, task, processes, and memory. The kernel provides an interface between application and hardware. From the explanation above, one can confidently say that a kernel is enough to operate the system either with or without user interactive programs/tools. GNU project was almost a success but the kernel which was the GNU Hurd kept stalling the project. So, you see reasons why Torvalds couldn’t have used the GNU OS for his exploration. What Torvalds needed for his exploration was the kernel to maximize his PC’s processor which GNU project had not perfected. ==================================================================== BACK TO LINUX HISTORY In late 1991, Torvalds completed his kernel development which he named Linux, though announced in 1992. I must say at this point, I was curious to know how one man could have independently compiled a kernel within a short period, so, I took my time to google his biography until I saw how he spent his childhood. Oh, what a man!!! Moving forward, Torvalds initially published Linux under its license but had some restrictions. He then decided that it be licensed under GNU GPL. According to Torvalds, He admitted that GNU GPL is one of the few software licenses written from the community standpoint, protecting companies. THE HISTORY IS BECOMING MORE INTERESTING Torvalds completed his project and was released to the world as well. Don’t forget that Linux was licensed under GNU GPL which implies that other users or developers can ride on Linux OS to build theirs according to the license but still protecting the company. As users and developers, mostly developers from the GNU community began to explore the Linux kernel, they saw the impressive work Torvalds did, the OS kernel at that time was sweet, perfect and great. However, Torvalds did not care to develop and embed the software program/tool that makes the kernel to be interactable with users either through command-line interface (CLI), graphical user interface (GUI) or via any method. As far as he is concerned, he has his OS which of course is responsible for managing memory, CPU, disk, processes, etc. and the OS can be used on different hardware platforms as well as upgradeable. That’s all he needed at the time. Moving forward, for the GNU developers, here is a GNU OS which has a perfect GNU program/tools users can use to interact with the OS program but without a perfect OS kernel, here on the other hand is a perfect Linux OS kernel without a program/tool users can use to interact with the OS program. Therefore, the GNU developers rode on the GNU GPL license which both GNU and Linux have, and combined the GNU program/tools with the Linux kernel together. Developers from the world saw this sweet combination, It made a complete OS in a sense. LINUX DISTRIBUTION/VARIANT/FLAVOUR Developers from the world began to contribute their code on this project too to develop their Operating systems. After all, the license allows it. Some developers combined the GNU programs/tools, Linux Kernel, other open-source software and their code to build their OS, the reason why we have different flavors’ of Linux. For example, · Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) was founded in 1993 by a man called Ewing · Debian Linux was founded in 1993 by Lan Murdock · Other Linux flavors’ are Ubuntu Linux, Suze Linux, Oracle Linux, Arch Linux, Scientific Linux, Fedora Linux, Centos Linux, etc. There are over 500 Linux distributions but the commonly used one, especially by enterprises, are the Red Hat Linux, Suse Linux, Oracle Linux, Debian Linux, and Ubuntu Linux. The reason we will be using more of RHEL and Ubuntu to learn. You can build your flavor of Linux too. Don’t be surprised when you one day hear tomisinuno Linux All these Linux distributions are similar in a way except some configuration file/location differences and packages differences. Linux began to become more popular and very important. THE FEUD The GNU team has been working on the Unix-like OS for some years and couldn’t get it right, here is a man that worked on his Unix-like OS independently and got it right using a GNU C compiler. The GNU team was able to combine the Linux kernel and GNU programs/tools and other developers could use it with the addition of other programs to build their OS. Hence why the GNU project started a movement that Linux should be called Lignux. Whoa!!!, that doesn’t sound nice to a lot of people, GNU project again proposed that it be called GNU/Linux. Really I could have imagined the expression on Torvalds's face. In one of Linus Torvalds's journal, Torvalds wrote that it was presumed that Richard wanted the name changed out of frustration or greed, that credits weren’t given to him enough by people calling the name Linux. Some of the GNU developers were asked their perspective about the name change, some said “A kernel gets you nowhere, it won’t make a complete OS” Are these guys for real The Linux kernel is enough to operate the system. As a matter of fact, the Linux kernel is an OS as well as a kernel. The Linux OS can be operated without the need of a user interaction program/tool just that ways of operation will be limited. Let me shock you!!! Some developers have developed their own Linux flavor using only the Linux Kernel and other users interactive programs/tools different from that of GNU. One don't even really need any GNU program to build a flavor of Linux OS. RICHARD STALLMAN WAS ASKED Richard Stallman was asked why he wanted people to call it GNU/Linux, He said developers also use the GNU tool while developing their flavor and also when it’s called GNU/Linux, people get to be reminded about free software. Well, the former wasn't completely true. One can casually agree to the latter. LINUS TORVALDS WAS ASKED Torvalds was asked his perspective about calling Linux GNU/Linux. He gave a smart and amusing answer by saying, the same way we have Red Hat Linux, Suze Linux, Debian Linux, we can also have a GNU Linux. YOU ARE ASKED What do you think? Class activity 1.1 In simple terms what is the relationship between Linux, Red Hat and Ubuntu? Cheers!!! NEXT MODULE: Private Lab Preparation. I will be making a video also to make it easier. [21/11/2019] https://tekneed.com/what-is-linux-history-of-linux-linux-distributions/ |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 3:47pm On Nov 18, 2019 |
sparkle7: Google these sites Udemy Cybrary.it Linux academy Classes will be faster by the time we are done with the introductory part... I am working on it.. |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 9:09pm On Nov 16, 2019 |
saxwizard: I would have loved we take the classes thrice a week , but for now, twice is fine. I will always add the date for the next module hence forth. |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 9:11pm On Nov 15, 2019 |
MODULE 1.0 - INTRODUCTION I want to use this opportunity to welcome and congratulate everyone on this Flight, we are about to take off, it’s going to be a very long flight with every detail and every form of interaction, also enjoyable, interesting and one of its kind. So please fasten your seat belt and make yourself comfortable as we take off. Once again Captain tomisinuno. Enjoy your flight!!!!! As they say, LEARN, remove the initial L then EARN. This class will be solely based on Linux and Microsoft Azure cloud. They are two different solutions entirely but trust me, knowing Linux, adding Linux to your fleet of knowledge or building your career in this path can make you for life. Have you taken time to google job opportunities for Linux Administrators and their salary structure, both home and abroad? You will be marveled. Similarly, like the same for the Microsoft Azure cloud. Azure like Amazon web services(AWS) and google cloud is a big deal on its own. Many and big organizations have their services running on the cloud. Personally, I have deployed and migrated on-premise workload to Azure for big corporations and multinationals. Knowing both Linux and Azure increases your chances in the labor market or competitive market as I like to call it and guarantees thousands of dollars being raked into your pocket regularly especially when you really know your onion. A Linux on Azure expert earns so well. Really really well. More so, our class is going to be interactive as much as possible. I love lively classes and I want everyone to enjoy what they are doing/learning. That’s the best way to learn. Questions, contributions, advice, and suggestions are welcomed. We kick off with Linux first, after treating some chapters, we will introduce Azure in the process for a little while and roll back to continuing and completing Linux. That doesn’t oppose the fact that I said we learn one at a time. (reminds me of the song, “one day at a time, sweet Jesus”). Yes, that’s very true but during our leisure time in the course of training, we subtly and briefly introduce Azure bit by bit plus some other interesting & entertaining things happening in the IT world just to relax our nerves after some tough but not tough configurations. Yeah, configurations may be challenging sometimes “All Work and no play makes Jack a dull Boy”. Well, for me, I subconsciously learn a lot especially when I am trying to relax and doing something different with what I have been doing. I want to believe it is for some as well. For the ones that are still in the university, especially for those studying computer science / Engineering or anything related or have passion for IT and trying to walk this path, here is your chance to add value and sauce to yourself by getting trained and certified before graduating. You have the opportunity now. and for us in the competitive market already, here is the chance to learn and learn well. ATTENTION: I went to a client’s site today and the head of the application team asked me if I know a developer who writes PHP so well. It’s extremely urgent. Knowing how to write other languages is a major advantage. Please send me an email if you are qualified. Just a formal email like a proposal Please. Don’t send me your CV. My Email is tomisinuno@yahoo.com Don’t forget to drop your questions, comment, advice or suggestions. NEXT MODULE: WHAT IS LINUX? Cheers!!! https://bolgtom.com/2019/11/12/introduction/ 1 Like |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 8:55pm On Nov 15, 2019 |
saxwizard: Lagos traffic has been crazy plus been busy with a major project.......Well As I always say. The same 24 hours Dangote, Bill, Mark and the likes have is the same 24 hours we have irrespective of traffic or not . When one calculate the number of hours spent in traffic everyday and multiply it by 5 times in a week, if one is not careful enough, inefficiency will be more than efficiency. TIP 1 : You can be efficient in traffic, don't drive, download Audio/video material, relax, buy chilled water and stay efficient/productive . Moving forward, this is IT, irrespective of where we are, we roll...... 1 Like |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 10:09pm On Nov 12, 2019 |
Royalsleek22: cool |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 5:17pm On Nov 11, 2019 |
Royalsleek22: Windows is fine. Just make sure it meets the required specification we stated earlier on this thread. |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 10:34am On Nov 11, 2019 |
tomisinuno: @sparkle7, by the middle of the month. If u need to set up ur own private lab, Make sure ur system meets the specification of what we have stated earlier on this thread. |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 9:50pm On Nov 10, 2019 |
sparkle7: create one if you can or we wait till classes starts. Just play around, scatter the server, tear it down if you can. |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 9:27pm On Nov 10, 2019 |
sparkle7: The password is "Linuxserver1234" I just connected. don't for get it's uppercase L 2 Likes
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 9:06pm On Nov 10, 2019 |
yemibayo: I don't think you should bother yourself trying to connect for now if you don't. I made available the credentials for those who already know how to. When classes start, you will easily know how to connect because every steps will be mentioned. We will learn from basics like I have always said. However, you need an SSH session to connect. So, try and get any SSH application like putty, bitvise, etc. 1 Like |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 8:45pm On Nov 10, 2019 |
Our Lab is fully set. Like I mentioned that I will be posting the public IP of one the servers anytime soon. Here is the credentials of the server. Public IP "". Username: linuxserverr. password: Linuxserver1234. it's a RHEL7.7 server Play with it if you can till tomorrow morning before I shut it down. The servers will be permanently up when classes starts. However, connecting via public IP may not be a good practice. Hence, when we get to learning Azure cloud networking, part of the module is VPN configuration. After teaching this module, we all are going to have the VPN installed on our system so that we can limit the number of people connecting and as well prevent a brute force attacks even though its a test server. Questions, suggestions, contributions, advises as usual are welcomed Cheers!!! 2 Likes |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 8:47am On Nov 07, 2019 |
Our Lab is almost ready !!!! I have deployed some set of Linux and windows servers on Azure cloud with a lot of storage capacity. I will be posting a public IP anytime soon so that anyone in the house who have an idea can play with it before shutting it down and limiting the number of users that will be connected due to load capacity till when we start our classes properly. The reason for deploying a windows server is because sometimes I may want to explain some certain things from the windows aspect and then relate it with Linux since most people are conversant with windows. Cheers!!! 1 Like |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 12:51pm On Nov 06, 2019 |
guys, keep it coming..... 1 Like |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 5:44am On Nov 05, 2019 |
@ saxwizard, no intentions of creating a WhatsApp group. I intend starting classes by the middle of the month like I mentioned at the earliest stage of the thread but we may start the introductory part before then. May be... |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 12:57pm On Nov 04, 2019 |
Stan999: Nice. |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 10:08pm On Nov 03, 2019 |
saxwizard: I plan to use Red hat but on a second thought, we can use both but we focus more on red hat. To write certifications like LPI or LFCSA, using both will work just fine. Red hat will cover for centos or Fedora while Ubuntu may cover for likes of Debian systems. During the course of the study, I will break every thing down, list the Linux distribution we have and certification path as well. We will learn from scratch. Cheers!!! 1 Like |
Certification And Training Adverts / Re: Learn Linux And Microsoft Azure Cloud From Scratch by tomisinuno(m): 1:58pm On Nov 03, 2019 |
Victor0000001: Either mini laptop, desktop, laptop or even server . it needs to meet the specification. 1. At least 2gb of RAM. 4gb and above is perfect though. 2. At least 80gb hard drive space will be used out of your hard drive. So if you have a 250gb or 500gb hard drive, what we need is only about 80gb. Either HDD or SDD. Any one is fine. 3. Windows or MAC operating system is fine. We will be doing bit if virtualization where we will install VMware workstation or virtual box. So we don't need to partition our system. I will share the download links. And if u have it already, its perfect. 4. At least 1.8ghz of processor. AMD or Intel is fine. We can manage though if its not up to 1.8ghz. I will deploy a sever on cloud and get a public IP where we can always connect to seamlessly If you have issues on how to check the specification, Loud it here. Cheers!!! 1 Like |
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