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Programming / Re: Seeking Advice For Landing My First Web Dev Job by tosinhtml: 4:32pm On Nov 04, 2023
.lol is not the criticism that I don't like, but how it was done. No one here has pointed out what the problem was. One said I should go and learn JavaScript and css, the other that I can't never get a job with this and so on... no pointing of what the problem is

The design is bad and the usage of colors are too much.

Look at Github.com's home page & compare it with your own, how many colors did they use.

Go to Behance.com and look for website designs you can emulate.

It's either you're stuck in 1992 (design wise) or you are completely new to using the internet with this type of design.


Programming / Re: Seeking Advice For Landing My First Web Dev Job by tosinhtml: 4:25pm On Nov 04, 2023
Seriously? 😳

Don't laugh bro, he might be representing Rainbow flag movement with all those colors.
Programming / Re: Has AI finally come for our jobs? by tosinhtml: 7:06pm On Nov 01, 2023

Thanks for replying. Please what kind of niche skills would you advice someone to go for..I am through with my Bsc, and I have lots of free time.. I even had to pay a frontend guy to mentor me. At least to accelerate my learning pace and someone I can ask questions when I'm Stuck.. He keeps assuring me their are a lots of job in Tech esp for a female angry Somehow, few days ago while going through programming groups on Facebook, Saw my mentor complaining about how it has been hard to get jobs from Nigeria undecided

haha! Sorry for the laugh, but there are actually lots of jobs for women.

The programming sector for women is still understaffed & many companies want a mixture of men & women. So far in my experience, every team i worked usually has just 1 or 2 women that are programmers. In my last company of about 50 devs, we had 2 women & 2 of them were Tech Leads and from America.

Programming is hard o, I can't lie and that's why some babes run from it but the ones who stay move up really quick because nobody is there to compete with you, men aren't really the competition because there are slots for men and women differently.

Diversity hires are taken very seriously in some companies.
Family / Re: My Wife Got A Job As A Paramedic In The Uk by tosinhtml: 3:18pm On Oct 31, 2023

You are the abnormal. He can take care of his baby, if he couldn't he should have remained a bachelor

Abi oh, what if she is sick for months, will he throw the baby away.


Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 5:34pm On Oct 27, 2023

if nothing comes up by November then i will give up, withdraw and return.

LMAOOO. Pounds is currently 1500, if you go back peren! Na die be that grin
Travel / Re: My Japa Plan Has Been Destroyed by tosinhtml: 6:16am On Oct 27, 2023
Na so them make millionaires thousandnaires o. 10million naira don dey less than 10k USD. Na only Gid go save us o.

I saw some of your posts about traveling, then imagine you actually didn’t travel when you did, you would have been regretting the decision to stay in Nigeria and be patriotic by now.

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Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 11:33am On Oct 26, 2023

sent. thank you

Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 11:17am On Oct 26, 2023

i paid with row cash... row dollars.

form a that is still laying there since February i filled it.
no one word from thr bank. about 4 banks.

i heard people used 500k upward to run that form A. before i could seek help from people who has link in bank it has ended.. unification of naira sets in

Send me a PM, there are two groups on Nigerians in UK on Twitter that once you post about jobs, someone should get in touch to help you. There is no way you'd be on that group & don't get a job for 1 month.


Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 11:16am On Oct 26, 2023
no be even about intelligent my guy. Dung for brains like that Atk1nson dude irk me. Absolutely empty with nothing to offer.

In one thread, they are the ones that will say even if you need to sell your testicle to japa, it is worth it, and yet in another they are quick to put down those who heed their advise and run into some trouble down the road. If not dung for brains, how can a normal person tell another determinately that UK isn't a fit for him and he should forget about the 15m he has spent and go back to Nigeria. Who dash the monkey man banana and made him PM? 🤣🤣🤣

As for OP, i have said this in another thread, you can't dip both feet in the river and now complain of cold. You should do all you can do to stay afloat, I don't think it makes any kind of sense to turn back now. Perish that thought. Keep pushing, keep searching, keep networking offline and online. Something will def pop up, eventually.

Yes, the travel issue is very relative depending on what city, what time of the year & what person you spoke to. Some had it easier when they came, it doesn't mean others are foolish. Many of the opposers on this thread maintain the opinion that students should have all their fees which goes into about 25Million naira before travelling which is unrealistic.

OP is a support job away from finding his feet, I can bet you that he will never leave that 15Million spent to return back to Nigeria.


Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 10:56am On Oct 26, 2023
stories stories stories...I'm very sure you haven't walked in his exact shoes for a month, and rather than shut up, you'd instead pontificate like you are special. Fact: some will always have it easier than others not necessarily cos they are better or better prepared. It's just life. Nairaland will scream to everyone who can hear to japa like your life depends on it, and when you do and fall into some troubles, same Nairaland will say you no sharp, you no wise, you no dey hear word, you should have paid all your fees. Crap talk!

I also know someone that just moved around the time he stated, only did Amazon jobs for two weeks and got the same kind of job he was doing in Nigeria, which is the role of a hygiene manager at a flour production company. Not necessarily like he has two heads, but was just at the right place at the right time and they needed him and there was a fit. If that person was at a different location, I'm pretty sure the story would be different. This guy is literally the only contact of mine who isn't doing a dead-end boy boy job, or gaddem carework.

The OP has asked you advisors to link him to jobs if you can...he isn't asking for money. He has asked like three of you to link him to jobs in other locations sef if you can so he can work on his free days and commute back somehow during school days, una still dey speak English, cos aside the English you have nothing else to offer, except to put him down. Smh

You're very intelligent! cheesy

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Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 10:55am On Oct 26, 2023

Not necessarily true. There are people willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

We were guaranteed by an Ethiopian who my wife only recently met. I have also guaranteed 2 people I do not really know so well. 1 is now fairly well settled. The other just came, and I hope she finds her feet.

A relative of mine came in, stayed away till she had issues paying tuition. Borrowed some cash and only paid 60% back running to 8 months now. The last time we spoke, she asked for an additional £8,000. Promising to pay all later.
I didnt borrow her and refuse to stand as a guarantor if she borrows it.

So its not by who you know. I stand as guarantor to 2 people I am not so familiar with, but will not stand for my own relation.

We are saying the same thing, because you already have knowledge that your relation is not trust worthy.
Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 9:02am On Oct 26, 2023

yes thats what I want to do rather than damage my profile.

Research about apps that give credit loans, get a quick loan & pay. Then work gradually to pay back. Start asking around.

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Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 8:55am On Oct 26, 2023

The guy is a comedian.

Complaining it cost him 35million to travel. Whose fault, is Rishi Sunak responsible for the exchange rate?

Landlord's are requesting for 6 months upfront or guarantor..and a guy that has no job is complaining. If he was in their shoes would he give it to someone in his situation without added safety to guaranteed their income.
Someone guaranteed for me when I came in, I also guarantee for a number of people who came in when I settled in. Rather than look for someone to guarantee for him, he came to make noise online

For someone to even guarantee for you, it means you must have been a trust worthy person. Nobody wants to guarantee for someone that knows they use to owe people back in Nigeria. It is very difficult mahn.

People are trapped in Nigeria forever at this rate.


Travel / Re: My Experience In UK Since I Japa:WARNING by tosinhtml: 8:53am On Oct 26, 2023

You will return to Nigeria after spending 13 million naira. Find a way to rough it. Reach out to Nigerians on Twitter and ask for work. If you go back to Nigeria you will regret it bitterly.

Justwise always dropping bombs that people shouldn't travel if they don't have complete fees, omo with this current rates, there is no way in hell your fees can be complete. Even if you sell all your father's land in the village grin


Travel / Re: "I Feel So Lonely & Sad" Nigerian Lady Residing In Canada Weeps (pic/video) by tosinhtml: 10:46am On Oct 22, 2023
You lied about western culture being isolated. It is far from that. The problem is the African upbringing does not readily train people to mingle easily with people from other cultures and races. Yes, there is a racist aspect to the average Nigerian that hinders socialization with people of other nations and races. And that is highly likely why this woman, though surrounded by so many people, believes she has to cry in silence and alone. undecided

Whatever you wrote here is a lie.

Stop lying through your teeth, every one who lives abroad knows Western culture is deeply isolated.

Infact even the natives in the country are complaining and thats one reason Metaverse by Facebook did not work because it further promotes physical isolation and keeps everyone in a virtual world.


Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Passion Over Paycheck: Is It Worth Taking A Lower-paying Job To Do What I Love by tosinhtml: 10:16pm On Oct 19, 2023

I won't bore you with long talk but what I'd say is from experience.

You will hardly find a job role that you're happy doing. You will eventually get tired of the monotony, office politics and even your wages after a while. Why? It's simply because companies do not give 2 cents about you or your passions no matter how much they talk about their social values and how they value their employees. Companies only want employees that improve their profit figures.

You can't get it in business as well because your client is your boss and you'd do what they want or you'd run out of business.

You can only follow passion when you have so much you don't need to rely on anyone ever again. And how do you do that?

Make as much money as you can right from yesterday. The earlier you hit your monetary value where you can't go broke again, the better for you. Everyone has their idea of this sum but for me it's a million USD.

If you earn 10% of $1.2m every year by stuffing your money in a hedge fund or something, you can live comfortably anywhere in the world on a salary of $10,000 per month doing absolutely nothing but following your passion.

This is very profound, I'm glad Nairalanders are thinking this way. My idea of a lump sum is half of the amount of you quoted in $, I'll just stash it somewhere & earn 10% yearly, I am good to go for the next 20 years.

Live a very decent & non-extravagant life, drive Toyotas & chill.

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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Passion Over Paycheck: Is It Worth Taking A Lower-paying Job To Do What I Love by tosinhtml: 9:34pm On Oct 19, 2023

Hello boss, I am a 200 lvl csc student student honestly I am at a crossroad, I want to start freelancing & earning tech money on freelance platforms like Upwork/Fiverr to help studies but I don't know what part is lucrative & easy for me to get in.

Also for career I also don't know what part of tech to focus on, we are currently being taught Java this semester & I am also side learning javascript, but I am just doing all this with no particular end goal.

Can you please advice me cause I have no information. 🤲

For freelance, focus on front-end web development, using basic core Javascript, React and PHP. Avoid all those other shiny new frameworks, they are for full-time roles majorly.

Then WordPress, Converting PSD to HTML, Chrome extensions, Salesforce etc.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: Passion Over Paycheck: Is It Worth Taking A Lower-paying Job To Do What I Love by tosinhtml: 12:42pm On Oct 19, 2023
Do it for a year & drastically save some money as backup, if possible save 60% of your earnings. Delete or block black tax family members or people from your phone.

Then after a year, start looking for opportunities in your preferred field.

Bottom line is you need money to survive to do what you love!

I currently work in a top firm in the industry as a young graduate and fairly compensated but I seriously do not like the team I'm assigned to. My team members are great but I do not see myself doing what we do in team in many years to come. Additionally, what the team does limits me to this same thing within the industry and the number of opportunities as a whole. The tasks are repetitive and not as technical like I would love. This demotivates me and does not make me actively develop myself in this field. I do not find joy in it. I have tried many times to switch teams but that did not work out for me. I work with members from the team I would like to join and I always wished I was in that team.

I'm determined to change this as early as possible as I believe this is the best time to take risk. I have decided that if I can't switch to my dream team, then I would have to find this dream in another firm (most likely smaller with lesser prestige but with opportunity to learn valuable skills). However, I am confused on if this is a wise decision.

I need your advice on this drastic decision I need to take.

Thank you all

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Programming / Re: Are Nigerians Too Poor To Pay For Software Subscriptions Or Just Too Stingy ? by tosinhtml: 12:19am On Oct 19, 2023

The bolded, naaaah. It's money laundering. Fact. Big wigs use this "fans donating" to launder money through the car vendors. It's same with Club business. But make we leave am...na tech thread be this

Huh, that's interesting cheesy

I never thought of this part, so basically just washing their money clean like drug dealers do.
Programming / Re: Are Nigerians Too Poor To Pay For Software Subscriptions Or Just Too Stingy ? by tosinhtml: 10:19pm On Oct 18, 2023

I don't know about betting, but you see that bug brother, don't be fooled. Loads of unwholesome things happening on the voting end. Many Nigerian youths only use the free 100 votes per week. The large number of votes comes from housemates, their representatives and unscrupulous Multichoice Nigeria employees engaging in very unwholesome acts.

Can't go into the details of what happens here but leave out multichoice "pumped" voting.

Yeah I know, I am quite close to some big brother females lol. Mercy probably dropped like 20M (not connfirmed) for this latest big brother voting & she unfortunately lost, so I know the game grin

Another thing to note is their fans actually donate money big time after they come out, buy them all sort of gifts, cars etc. This I have confirmed personally & big time. But what surprises me is that some of these fans don't even have a ceiling fan to their names. Some can't even pay their kids school fees & struggling. I can't understand it.

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Family / Re: How Do We Solve This Big Societal Marriage Problem? by tosinhtml: 2:37pm On Oct 18, 2023
This is indeed a big problem...women generally don't want to marry men who make less money than them...and men feel insecure in that type of relationship.

It is a problem that is meant to exist, It was just a matter of time. I saw a public article about some Americans complaining that they cannot find men who match their earnings & CNN reported it too.

So it means if a lady makes $100k yearly, she would require a guy making that amount or higher which isn't that common, what happens in essense is some women would run out of partners to date, and men too. In 100 years from now, marriages will drop significantly below 50% globally.

There is nothing anyone can do about it, the problem is meant to stay.

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Programming / Re: Are Nigerians Too Poor To Pay For Software Subscriptions Or Just Too Stingy ? by tosinhtml: 11:14am On Oct 18, 2023

Build a tools for them sport betting prediction sites and promote it like no mams business you go blow.

Yeah i thought about this but this system is difficult because if it doesn't predict properly, people will call you out.
Romance / Re: American Lady Reveals Why She Loves Dating Nigerian Men Over Her Countrymen(vid) by tosinhtml: 10:50pm On Oct 17, 2023

I tell you, Their society has conditioned them to be Baby-mamas, at least our ladies get respect unless someone married someone with bomb on their head.


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Romance / Re: American Lady Reveals Why She Loves Dating Nigerian Men Over Her Countrymen(vid) by tosinhtml: 9:07pm On Oct 17, 2023

Actually they do Nigerian women are more
homely, I'd take a Nigerian woman over an African American woman anyday. Them just get issues for head, that you have to iron out as a man.

Any Nigerian man that even marries an African American woman over Nigerian woman is not even an informed person except he has stayed in the US for a long time, because all of you get is threat of losing your sanity over divorce and then fighting over custody of kids like a crazy family. Next thing you'd hear is that she has become a lesbian & now has a lesbian partner, those people have no filter. I can not near them with an inch of pole even for an American citizenship, i rather work my ass off for it.

No go area for me.


Programming / Re: Are Nigerians Too Poor To Pay For Software Subscriptions Or Just Too Stingy ? by tosinhtml: 6:23pm On Oct 17, 2023
I wonder too, we are poor but they are always online and following every tiktok trend, voting on BBN and betting every day, nothing will make me build anything freemium ever again and I will continue to advocate that other developers do the same, by the time they can't find a free version for anything, they will be forced to pay

Yes that's correct, but once you ensure that your product covers those areas Nigerians pay for, you are safe. I used to wonder why Flutterwave & Patricia (Nigeria crypto exchange) payed 1 Billion Naira each to Big brother organisers, honestly it's because they know Nigerian youths are block-heads. It is only tiktok trends & BBN that appeals to us.

If Seun builds a betting platform today & name it "Nairaland Betting", you will see how Seun will become a Multi-Billionaire in few months.


Programming / Re: Are Nigerians Too Poor To Pay For Software Subscriptions Or Just Too Stingy ? by tosinhtml: 11:25am On Oct 17, 2023

Nigerians are too poor. One way to know how people are poor, check what they spend the most on. If it is food, then they are poor.

We are poor but then so many jobless youths spend their time and money voting for big brother and sports betting. These are the 2 things Nigerians spend money on.

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Programming / Re: Nigerian Employers Always Think They Are Doing You A Favor by tosinhtml: 12:03am On Oct 17, 2023


Now ur calling me names lol.

Like it or not... As an employee you're disposable and the one who employs you is your boss which you must show work respect that's why there's hierarchy and different positions in the office

Keep living in denial and forming Mr favor giver when you're away from work.

But behave like a subservient dog in the office.


Mr Favour giver grin

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Programming / Re: Nigerian Employers Always Think They Are Doing You A Favor by tosinhtml: 8:19pm On Oct 16, 2023

Seems we're talking or arguing about different things.

One person here said he's doing his employer a favor by giving them his time.

I said No!

It's the other way around...The employers are the one doing you a favor by helping you maximize your skill, potential, paying you and helping you aquire experience which will help you in other aspects of life or your career.

Yes the employers take more of the gains and profits.

But if the business was to collapse they'd be the one to take all the losses too not the employees.

9-5fers are ok with this setup.

Those who aren't Ok with this setup and think they're slaving away are usually the ones who becomes the Employers anyway grin

You're are definitely a block head with this response because they have already answered you that it is called An exchange of value NOT doing favour like you term it.

The employer is not doing me a favour & I am also not doing them a favour, they offer me money for the value I bring. Nobody is doing anybody favours here.

If the employer behaves like a slowpoke, you are free to resign as they aren't doing you a favour.
Programming / Re: Nigerian Employers Always Think They Are Doing You A Favor by tosinhtml: 10:55pm On Oct 15, 2023
They're no jobs

They're giving you a Job and paying you

In every way you can think of they're doing you a favor rubbish.

Are you not giving them your time, service & knowledge? If they can do the job themselves, they would have done it oga
Programming / Re: Nigerian Employers Always Think They Are Doing You A Favor by tosinhtml: 10:52pm On Oct 15, 2023
Aside: how can I join the group?

DM me your email & I'll send you an invite
Programming / Re: Nigerian Employers Always Think They Are Doing You A Favor by tosinhtml: 3:06pm On Oct 15, 2023

Lol. You will get it later

You're obviously an HR with your response because I don't see how this make sense.

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Programming / Re: Nigerian Employers Always Think They Are Doing You A Favor by tosinhtml: 2:51pm On Oct 15, 2023
If you can see the character flaw in the HR, you should be able to see the rage and burning anger and red hot dissapointment in yourself. And the understanding of this will help you apply tact in working with people that are not like you, however yet purposefully working with them to get the desired results you seek. Oftentimes, being blind ti fault helps

LMAO, the character flaw of an HR should be managed by the new recruit? Isn't that hypocritical? We should be blind to fault, lmao!

If an HR that represents the company already has character flaw, then that company is not worth working for because the same attitude will continue with the rest of the employees of that company. It is going to be a toxic company anyway, so the best thing is to Opt out of whole process and move on, not working to get any nonsense desired result from a useless HR.


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