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Webmasters / Importance Of SEO by Watsoneology: 3:17am On May 22, 2018 |
Here is given some importance of SEO. Keep your site very content rich. Have a lot of posts and pages. Update the site with quality contents at list once in a week or best every day if you have the time. Content is a golden word in SEO. If your content is Original then it's a big plus. High ranking websites in google, yahoo and MSN have a plethora of content. You can gain much on a poorly updated site. >>> No Spam and No Duplicates Updating your site does not mean that you copy paste content from other sites. That will only push your rankings further down. Don't have any duplicate content. At the same time, don't spam multiple contents or use the same keyword in a multiple post or pages on the same website. >> Clean URLs Clean Search Engine Friendly URLs have always been known to help. URLs like domain dot com /articles.php?id=455 are not bad. But domain dot com /articles/name of the article appear here /455.html is a great option. >> Have the Web User in Mind Build your website having the general layman who spends time on your website in mind. Having a site with good accessibility always has a good future. >>> No to excessive outbound links Don't have too many links on a single page. Instead, split your content into sections/categories. Too many outbound links are not good for SE rankings as well as visitors. It may look like a link farm or directory. >>> Never link to illegal sites Linking to sites that are not doing lawfull stuff may get your site blacklisted. Stay away from such sites even though you might lose some bucks. >>> No spyware / adware Never make your site a home for spyware and adware. Try to keep your site clean and easy to use. >>> No cloaking text/keyword stuffing Never ever try to hide text in a webpage to a user, and show it to search engines. Search Engines are smart these days and are not text only anymore. They even give importance to the graphical information on the site. >>> Reliable Web Host Get a web host which has more than 99.5% uptime. It's a total waste if you have a fantastic website but it's not online, always experience downtime, what to learn more about SEO, Grab Our SEO Masterclass by following source link below Source https://nairalearn.com/course/search-engine-seo-masterclass/ |
Webmasters / Re: 10 Tips For Tech-writers by Watsoneology: 9:36am On May 21, 2018 |
You are right bro Alot to learn about ICT We need more such niche blogger here in Nigeria chukzyfcbb: |
Health / Steps To Helping Asthmatic Child by Watsoneology: 4:13am On May 21, 2018 |
Parents and relations of asthmatic children often feel powerless to help. This article discusses the signs of child asthma, the best way to administer medication, and what to do during an asthma attack. The first and most important step to take is to decide to take charge of your child's asthma. Parents and relations of asthmatic children suffer a range of contradictory feelings. Strongest is the natural concern for their child. Are you giving them the best treatment, or is there something you have not thought of or are unaware of? Then there are the doubts about being over or under protective. If they have non-asthmatic siblings do you treat all of your children the same? Perhaps there is some guilt that asthma may have been inherited and it is your fault your child has the condition. Let's take charge of the situation and dispel this myth straight away. You have not willed it onto your child. It is nobody's fault or a judgment of some sort any more than an inherited ability that makes someone more likely to be good at sports or singing. You can also take charge by educating yourself about the condition. Do not waste time worrying if there are better treatments or medications for your child. Find out. Use the medical profession, library, and internet. The best prescription for an asthmatic is knowledge. The next step is to be aware of your child's health. One problem with having an ill child is their inability to clearly explain how they feel. An asthmatic child may not come to you in the middle of the night and mention difficulty breathing, or persistent coughing. Instead, they may leave their condition to worsen until their lungs have expanded enough to start pressing on their stomach. At this point, they may mention they feel sick. Some children just take a rest when their breathing becomes difficult and never mention they feel out of breath. If you suspect your child may have asthma you probably know the classic signs to look for: coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, changes in the color of skin, nails, or lips, and a tightness of the chest. But also be aware there are other signs that suggest there may be a problem: nausea, lethargy, and low appetite. Also, notice if your child has to hunch forward as they exhale if they are feeling short of breath. If possible take a look at your child's breathing as they sleep. This will enable you to see how they breathe when they are relaxed. Then you will be able to tell when their breathing becomes labored. Next, ensure your child takes any inhaled medication properly. Many asthma medications are delivered by inhalers and it is often difficult for a child to understand and perform the necessary sequence of breaths to take these medicines. How long did your child take to learn to blow their nose properly? I know of one child who insisted they were holding their breath while they kept their lips firmly together as they breathed through their nose. Many children feel they cannot hold their breath for the required interval and end up dramatically gasping for air. If your asthmatic child has to take medicines through a metered dose inhaler it is often best to use it with a spacer or aero-chamber. You need to be prepared for an asthma attack. Know what to do. If your child suffers an asthma attack keep calm and resist the urge to cuddle your child. Though this is perfectly natural it will constrict their chest and make it harder for them to breathe. To deal with asthma effectively you have to understand the disease and understand your child. You may be tempted to let your doctor make all the decisions, but there is so much more you can do than just administer medication. You can improve the condition by making changes to the home environment, to your child's diet, to how they breathe, and to the exercise they take. The more you know about asthma the more effectively you can control it. Source https://nairalearn.com/category/health/ |
Webmasters / 10 Tips For Tech-writers by Watsoneology: 9:34am On May 20, 2018 |
Tech-writing is a great business, but not everybody can afford to be in Tech-Writing Business. It’s a very high profile industry for those that understand how technology industries work. So there’s not much support around. Follow these 10 quick tips, and you’ll be well on your way to a satisfying tech-writing career. 1) Follow a sensible career path… Appling this 5 listed steps STEP 1: Start in a team STEP 2: Stay only just long enough STEP 3: Manage yourself STEP 4: Manage a team STEP 5: Go contracting (depends on the market) 2) Knowledge is your lifeblood – learn the politics of your company. Yes learn the in-depth of the technology industry, Know who knows what. Find someone who consistently gives you timely, reliable, technically accurate answers, and gets their name stamped among your team member on your follow up list personal! 3) Communicate WITH, not AT. Tech-writers don’t have enough power to get away with communicating at. You see, it is different between communicating at and that of communicating with, communicating with stand for two peoples communication, while that of communicating at, stands for a single person communication, so learn to communicate with technology, don't assume guru, be on learning mode always 4) Track stuff (take spreadsheet printout and write it up on the board). 5) Develop good product and domain knowledge – The more you can figure out for yourself, the better off you’ll be (and the more respect you’ll get from the techies). 6) Find out who your users are, what they are trying to do, what they are having trouble doing, and how they want to be helped. Then provide this assistance. Help the user do what they are trying to do. Don’t just tell them what the product can do… a help system is only helpful if it addresses the users’ needs. 7) Treat everyone as a customer. Then manage their expectations and your commitments. Always ensure they know what you’re doing. Tell them when you’ll be finished. And pull out all stops to meet your deadline. Provide a surrogate user testing mechanism for the development team – providing usability feedback. 9) Work as hard as required to get good quality doco finished on time and to budget – this is how you’ll get the satisfaction out of work that you need. 10) Have fun with it. Don’t become jaded and cynical by the high-tech, harsh, uncaring IT world. Use your smarts, and make the most of the resources provided. Most importantly of all, make work satisfaction your number 1 goal. It’s the best way to stay happy and get ahead. Discover How To Write, Create And Publish An Ebook Online By Following Source Link Source https://nairalearn.com/how-to-create-and-publish-your-book-online/ 1 Like |
Business / Explore Ebooks by Watsoneology: 5:06pm On May 19, 2018 |
Ebooks do not contribute to cutting down forests, they do not need to be trucked across the country, they do not produce waste, and they are usually a lot less expensive than printed books. Ebooks also have many other advantages. Depending on your ebook reader software, an ebook can be annotated, bookmarked and searched. An ebook can be optimized on a search engine and stay on first-page google listing for a long time Those who dismiss ebooks are missing out on a great and increasingly attractive alternative to the printed page. Here's why... As we all know, the Internet changed everything. The Net and the Web have brought the world closer together. Many older means of communication have either been replaced or changed so as to co-exist with and complement. Electronic communication. Email, for example, has replaced almost all business and a lot of personal letter writing, though our mailboxes remain filled with lots of mail, most unwanted. A lot of printed newspapers and magazines still exist, but their content is now also available on websites, and the websites are timelier and often offer more detailed information. Printed media is not dead by any means, as millions of people still prefer to curl up with a good book or grab a paper on their way to work. However there have been many efforts to popularize ebooks, downloadable books in digital form, but their acceptance remains in its infancy to some people. But that won't stay that way. Ebooks make eminent sense. Since books are almost all text, an ebook download is very fast and hundreds of ebooks can fit onto a small storage device and can be accessed with any of your electronic device such as TV, Computer, Mobile Phone etc. The latter is especially useful; I often want to go back to a certain quote or paragraph in a book, and electronic search is so much easier than leafing through a printed book. One of the problems ebooks face is that people do not know how to use them. They are confused by the many different ebook formats or think they need a particular piece of hardware to read them. In fact, the formats are not really a problem. Most computers and phones can read popular ebook formats and ebook reader software is freely available both for computer mac, pc, and mobile phone devices. Hardware is a bit more of an issue. Hardcovers and paperbacks are awfully convenient and they don't need batteries, so a lot of people shy away from reading on a computer screen Those who dismiss ebooks are missing out on a great and increasingly attractive alternative to the printed page. Those who are willing to give ebooks a chance are rewarded with lower costs and the ability to carry an entire library on a device of their choice, be that a notebook computer, a Tablet PC, a dedicated ebook reader, a PDA or even a smartphone. And they have access to a potentially much larger variety of books. That's because ebooks make self-publishing easy and lots of authors who don't have a chance of getting picked up by traditional print publishing houses can distribute their books electronically. Best of all, there is no waste and there will never be unsold books that end up on a bargain table or in a landfill. My advice is to give ebooks a chance. Make downloading and reading ebooks your passion. This post is part of my human capacity building to the world, If I May Ask, will you like to learn how to write, create and publish an eBook online for free, if yes click on the source link Source https://nairalearn.com/how-to-create-and-publish-your-book-online/ |
Health / Re: 12 Ways To Be Healthier by Watsoneology: 12:15pm On May 19, 2018 |
If You Want Good Health , dont just dream it... work it out,,, Starting form now, Read this post above |
Health / Re: 12 Ways To Be Healthier by Watsoneology: 7:01am On May 19, 2018 |
Learn To Live Healthy ..observing the this 12 tips |
Health / Re: 12 Ways To Be Healthier by Watsoneology: 5:22am On May 19, 2018 |
Good Health Is Good Business |
Health / 12 Ways To Be Healthier by Watsoneology: 10:31pm On May 18, 2018 |
To live healthier, watch your weight, sleep better and boost your immune system with proper diet, so pay attention as I take you on the 12 ways to good health 1 Always Exercise with a back lie-down daily Back pain can be avoided and the damage repaired with one easy exercise, which is lie down on the floor with your knees bent, hip-width apart, feet on the floor. Do this daily for about five to fifteen minutes to release and lengthen your spine. 2 Note your nibbles Crash diets don't work for long enough; instead, maintain a food diary to note your daily eating habits. With this, you'll.. be conscious of what you eat, and make healthier choices. 3 10 deep breaths Our breath power our lymphatic system, which removes waste from cells. By taking 10 deep breaths, three times a day, you'll clear more toxins and boost your thinking power by getting 20% more oxygen to your brain. 4 Put your fork down Put your fork down between every mouthful of food, it makes you chew your food properly, preventing digestive problems, and also prevents you from overeating. 5 Make a list The most effective stress buster is to make a list. Your short-term memory can only remember, on an average, seven things. So when you overload it, your stress level escalates. Making a list clears out all the stress from your brain you feel tension free. This saves you from headaches, depression and high blood pressure. 6 Massage your feet Poor circulation could be robbing you of much-needed sleep. Your temperature needs to drop slightly before you fall asleep, so your body dispels heat via your face, hands, and feet. But many women have poor circulation, which constricts the blood vessels in their hands and feet and prevents them from dispelling heat. A hot bath before sleeping or a hand and foot massage will increase your circulation. 7 An apple a day If you buy one organic item a day, make it an apple. The research found that pesticide residues in 71% of apples- the highest in fruits and vegetables. 8 Change your tea bag When it comes to tea white is the new green. White tea comes from the same plant as green and black but is harvested earlier and undergoes less processing, which means it contains more cancer-fighting antioxidants. 9 Eat dried apricots The most common nutritional deficiency is iron. Tiredness, irritability, and lack of concentration. Prevent it by having two helpings of lean red meat a week, or three dried apricots a day. 10 Stop skipping meals Eating three meals a day is very important for a healthy body. It's the simplest way to balance blood sugar levels, which will keep your mood, energy, and concentration balanced and strengthen your stress tolerance. 11 Keep it crunchy Include some raw vegetables in every meal. Many of the vitamins and minerals are in vegetables are lost through cooking, so raw food is as good as it gets. 12 Focus on your feeling Take two minutes to boost your resolve to do walk, jog or aerobics class. The instant gratification of that exercise high is far more motivating than the promise of thinner thighs two months down the line. Source https://nairalearn.com/category/health/ 1 Like |
Crime / Re: 58-year-old Man Arrested For Defiling A 12-year-old Pupil by Watsoneology: 10:32am On May 18, 2018 |
This is bad Well guys check out my signature Follow link to download free internet marketing softwares |
Webmasters / Re: 7 Things Every Webmaster Should Know About Links by Watsoneology: 7:03pm On May 16, 2018 |
08099 6888 39 lilstino: |
Webmasters / Writing, Creating And Selling Ebooks Online Success by Watsoneology: 5:38pm On May 16, 2018 |
This Article, Writing, Creating And Selling eBooks Online Success, is A Helping Hand to Online Success - for writers and ebook Lovers! who wants to earn from the selling of ebooks online Increase your chances of success online in earning money by Internet Marketing - create an eBook of valuable information for would-be entrepreneurs, and read my tips and tricks for producing one. If, like me, you’ve tried – and failed – in the past to achieve success online with internet marketing, then rest assured that Help is finally at hand. I certainly wish I had had access to such knowledge when I started out in 2011, and perhaps I wouldn’t have been so overwhelmed with the practicalities of website design, using autoresponders, joining affiliate programs, writing sales letters, and how to get traffic to my site. I know better now, but more of this in a moment. The simple fact of the matter is, that to enter the world of internet marketing, you need something to promote and sell (well you want to make money at it don’t you?), yes you do Whether a physical item or – information. The very nature of the internet – where knowledge can be shared and exchanged at the click of a button – lends itself perfectly to . . . Creating eBook The advantages of the eBook over selling physical items are that there is no need to buy or store stock, no time and effort incurred in packing anything up and shipping it off in the post – and your customer can pay their money for your product and get immediate access to it from a download page. In an age where demand is for instant gratification, an eBook Business is ideal – easy and effective! And once written, you can sell unlimited copies of it without having to produce each item – so it’s both time and cost-effective too. When thinking of a subject to write about for your eBook, the secret to greater success, and finding your ‘niche market’, is very simple. Like they tell all first-time budding authors – write about what you know. Whether it’s a few chapters on ‘How to Stop Smoking’ (if you’ve been successful at this), on the mechanics of owning a motorcycle, how to earn money online, or even ‘Tips on Flower Arranging’, or herbal remedy, you can bet that someone out there in ‘cyberspace’ wants to know about it. If the subject of your eBook is also your hobby, so much the better. If you’ve got the passion for your subject, you’re going to convey that enthusiasm in what you write, and make that eBook even more interesting and useful. Of course, if you have the knowledge or practical experience on a popular subject in which there is a large potential market to sell your eBook, perhaps health and fitness, or food and drink, you could be more likely of success, but remember you’ll also be competing with many others. So choose your subject carefully! However, in writing your eBook, don’t forget to give your customer value and they could become customers for your future eBooks too! Make the content and quality of your eBook meaningful – whatever its length, it has to be good, or you’ll leave your customers feeling disenchanted. Give away a few free bonuses – an extra report perhaps, or some free training that they would have to pay for elsewhere. Aim for customer satisfaction! If you don’t know how to go about creating an eBook (you could always write an eBook explaining how to do it!), then it brings me to the ‘more of this in a moment. .’ that I mentioned above – the launch of a FREE course in all aspects of internet marketing, including creating eBooks. Visit the website below for what you need to get started online creating and selling ebooks. Good luck! Source https://nairalearn.com/how-to-create-and-publish-your-book-online/ From Mbonu Watson C Whats app and Call 080 9968 8839 |
Webmasters / The Benefits Of Writing Articles by Watsoneology: 10:23am On May 16, 2018 |
You have a business; you are new and want to build a client list. However, the public doesn't know much about you. One of the best ways to build the relations, credibility and to help get people to know more about you and your area of expertise is to write articles. People are always looking for good articles for their websites, blogs, and newsletters. The important words here are good and content. Good articles are content rich. They help the reader understand that which you are writing about. It gives them insight, whether it is about Business, Communication, Health or any number of subjects. When you provide an article for your reader, whether you wrote it or published it, you are doing your clients a service by educating them in the areas that they wish to learn. Moreover, your credibility can be built or diminished by the article. Articles also help to keep your website updated and helped to increase your search engine ratings. Stagnate websites that never change, get a much lower rating with Google. As well, do not encourage your audience to come back. They are thinking, ok, I saw it. A summary of the benefits of article writing are For the author !: 1: Increased Exposure 2: Give Credibility (You show your expertise) 3: Develop Relations (People get to know you better) 4: Create links to your site 5: Give you free Publicity For the Publisher or Website Owner, it provides: 1: Content 2: Related Articles that you don’t have to write 3: Reference and information that you don’t have to write 4: A vast resource of free information However, it is important to remember that there can be a downside. Of which you can avoid, once you understand what it is. There is nothing worse than reading an article that is nothing more than a sales letter, a news release or an inflated glorified piece on how wonderful you are. You need to give the public something that they can use. Then they are much more likely to follow your link in your resource box, back to your site to find out more about you. Remember, that in each article, you are communicating something about you. You want the message that is one that encourages people to want to get to know you better, to learn more about you know and to become one of your clients or subscribers. In your resource box, make sure you are clear, stating who you are and where they can find out more about you. Most article directories and magazines have set limits on the size and amount of information you can place so it is important to ensure it is accurate and inviting. You are not writing articles just for praise and admiration. You do have a business to run and bills to pay. Even if you are a millionaire and want to write just for the sheer joy of it and love to teach for free, your resource box is still important, as you would want the readers to know that the information came from a credible source and you are an authority in the topic you are writing about So go ahead and get started. Don't stop at one article, it can easily become buried. Make it a habit and write them regularly whether it is once a week or once a month. And remember, have fun doing them. Believe Me To Master Communication is to Master Wealth" start writing today, follow the source link to learn more about writing articles and ebook that sells Source https://nairalearn.com/how-to-create-and-publish-your-book-online/ |
Business / Discover How To Create Ebooks Free by Watsoneology: 6:07am On May 16, 2018 |
Good Day Valued Friend here in Nairaland Today is a good day so We want to share this How to create an ebook with you For 100% free We will not only reveal to you How you too can create Your own ebook for free We are also going to reveal to you How you can publish your ebook online And make money from it by monetizing it If I May ask Have you always wanted an Unlimited income that you didn't Have to leave the comfort of Your own home for? Have you ever thought about Becoming a writer, and publishing books? Well, many people have Become well-known authors, and Have made quite a bit of money Writing books, but it seems That, even more, are making a Lot more money writing ebooks. Friend do you know Ebooks can be a very valuable asset. Let me just list a few of the reasons Why they have become so popular. First of all, paper books Take what seems an eternity To get published, not to mention that It costs quite a bit of money In printing and postage, and handling, and stuff. But that of Ebooks do not Have a publishing cost, Plus ebooks are digital and can Make you a lot of money Discover how to create ebooks That Sells for free With Thanks CLICK HERE https://nairalearn.com/how-to-create-and-publish-your-book-online/ To Get Started Today From Mbonu Watson C Online University Of NairaLearn |
Webmasters / Re: Google Page Rank by Watsoneology: 4:22am On May 16, 2018 |
Google first page ranking should be the dream of all online business owner, imagine where you are getting up to 5k visitors to your website just from google search alone.. imagine that |
Webmasters / Google Page Rank by Watsoneology: 12:45am On May 16, 2018 |
Understanding Google Page Rank Explanation of Google page rank: Page Rank is Google's way of showing the user a basic ranking of a webpage. The ranking is from 0 to 10 with 10 being the highest. To calculate page rank there are numerous variables involved but the most important is quality contents and link popularity. So the more unique contents and incoming links you have to that webpage of yours the higher Page Rank you will have. Google Page Rank is updated all the time but not visible to users. The visible Page Rank on the Google toolbar is only updated a few times monthly. Normally every month. There are a few ways that you can get a general idea of your Page Rank at all times. One way requires the site to be listed in the Google directory. It has become known that the directory lists in order of Page Rank. The directory uses current Page Rank data and not the visible one that only updates every 3 months. So if you have a site in the Google directory you can always get a general idea of what your current Page Rank is. There are also Page Rank predictor tools out there. Now, some of these tools used to be somewhat accurate, while some are not accurate, some have been shutdown with Google changing the PK parameters to all 0s. This may change again in the future but as of right now it simply does not work. One thing that gets me is how Page Rank consumes people that are new to the SEO world. To get a few things straight here is what Page Rank does for your. NOTHING! You do not rank higher in the SERPs, make more money, get more traffic, or look cooler. This number is just a basic guideline of how many incoming links you have to your site. But Page Rank is good for a few things at the same time. Most webmasters base link exchanges primarily based off of Page Rank. So the higher Page Rank you have the better chance of getting a good link exchange. Also, it is good for selling links on your site. The price pretty much always reflects what the Page Rank is on the page. and the best traffic you can ever get is from google search, so plan today to learn the core of SEO And start ranking your website and pages. get our SEO Masterclass now to get started with SEO Marketing, follow the source link With Thanks For Reading Source https://nairalearn.com/course/search-engine-seo-masterclass/ |
Business / Re: An Indispensable Writing Tool by Watsoneology: 7:57pm On May 15, 2018 |
If Your Need Grammarly PM |
Webmasters / The Benefits Of E-books by Watsoneology: 5:29am On May 15, 2018 |
The internet has brought us many great things including streaming music, online shopping, electronic bill pay and many more beneficial applications. One thing that I feel is often overlooked but very valuable is ebooks. Especially ebooks in the nonfiction and self improvement subject areas etc. Just as there are many great musicians that will never get signed - there are thousands of great authors who will never get the big book deal. Thanks to the internet and ebooks – we can tap into the minds of these great authors. One common misconception is that if the book was any good it would get signed by a major publisher. This is simply not true. The publisher may feel that the information is not marketable when indeed it really is. There can be numerous other reasons the e-book author does not get a big book deal but don’t let that stop you from missing out on some great information at a great price. An e-book author is free to write what they truly want and will not be influenced by a publisher, publicist, or anyone else. Ebooks usually contain much more than a printed book. They sometimes have printable worksheets, menus, lists, affirmations or any number of other beneficial items that relate to the particular topic of the ebook. Unlike mainstream authors, ebook authors are often times reachable and happy to answer questions you may have about their ebook. An e-book is purchased directly from a website and then downloaded immediately to your computer. You can read it right there on your computer screen or print it out and take it with you. You can enlarge the font if you are having trouble seeing the print, you can transfer it to a memory stick or other media so that it is portable, or you can simply read it as you have time. Most ebooks come with a money back guarantee and special bonus items. While some are freebies given away item used in building an email list I urge you to give e-books a try. Find a subject you are interested in and then shop around. You will discover new authors, new skills, new behaviors and perhaps a whole new you. Are You In Need Of Learning How To Write Quality eBook That Sales, You May Consider Getting The Rebirth Of Email Marketing Course By Following The Source Link Of The Post With Thanks For Reading Source https://nairalearn.com/course/rebirth-email-marketing-course/ |
Business / An Indispensable Writing Tool by Watsoneology: 5:15am On May 15, 2018 |
A small but indispensable tool if you're serious about writing is a notebook or diary; I mean the paper kind notebook or diary and not the computer and mobile phones. Yes, that's right, a notebook. It should be carried around whenever you leave your home or office. Here's why: 1. You just don't know when an idea will strike. Unless you have a photographic memory, you'd want to write down that idea immediately so you may study it at a later time. Ideas often come when you are aware of the sights and sounds around you. 2. It's better to write down experiences as much as possible in real time then try to relive and write about it later. For example, a first-time visit to a park, City Or Village in some cases can produce emotions or feelings that would be difficult to duplicate in writing if recalled by memory when it's long over. 3. You might meet an important or exciting personality whom you'd like to quote verbatim. To write about it later out of memory might cause you to misquote the person, which will render your article false. What's worse is that you might draw the ire of the person misquoted. 4. When you have a chosen subject matter, it helps very much to collect information. An article with lots of information endears you to readers, especially those who go to the Internet for information. Jotting down as much information you can get will also give you fodder for more future articles. Information will also generate those all-important ideas. Of course, it goes without saying, that carrying a notebook will entail carrying that other indispensable tool, a pen (or pencil). Carrying these are unobtrusive, lightweight and can easily be retrieved and used. They may seem old-fashioned, but they work nonetheless. so get a notebook or diary for your creative writing starting from today, you may also like to get our Rebirth Of Email Marketing To Learn The Art Of Effective Email Marketing By Following Source Link, with thanks for reading Source https://nairalearn.com/course/rebirth-email-marketing-course/ 1 Like 1 Share |
Business / Re: Starting A Small Business by Watsoneology: 6:24pm On May 14, 2018 |
Good Planning Will Make That New Business Of Yours Grow Faster |
Business / Starting A Small Business by Watsoneology: 10:55am On May 14, 2018 |
Starting a small business ranks close to having a child in the “major life event” category. This can be one of the most stressful times, but if done right It can also be one of the most rewarding things in your life. Some might think that to start your own business, you have to know everything. One thing you need to have and plan right is your marketing and advertising strategies for your small business startup. Small Business Start-Up can be very complicated if the average business owner thinks they know everything they need to know about this, They are kidding themselves. When someone has a heart problem, they go to a specialist. This is how you should treat your small business marketing. Having A Good Marketing Strategies could be one of the smartest things you could do to help ensure your business doesn’t fail. It is well known that 80% of all businesses fail within the first 5 years. How many of those millions of heartbroken owners could have been part of the 20% only if they would not have been a “know it all” and asked the experts for help in areas they didn’t have an idea in. One thing that new and existing business owners fail to do is create an actual advertising marketing plan for the year. As this can be done at any time during the year and not just January first. Create a plan for the next 12 months based on your target audience and your budget. If you have a running business and have no yearly plans, start now to great your yearly business marketing plans, you can send us a whats app on 0809 9688 839 for a guide on how to go about that Thanks For Reading Visit Source https://nairalearn.com/all-courses/ For More Smart Marketing eCourse You Need To Grow That Your Business Fast |
Webmasters / Re: An Active Facebook Page Of Over 160k Likes For Sale by Watsoneology: 10:43am On May 10, 2018 |
saasala:send The Facebook page to 0809 9688 839 with price tag |
Business / 7 Signs Of An Entrepreneur by Watsoneology: 7:32am On May 10, 2018 |
How do you know if you have what it takes to start a business? There's really no way to know for sure. But I do find things in common among the emotional and family fabric of people ready to consider an entrepreneurial venture. Do you have the right personality type to successfully run your own business? It takes an entrepreneurial fire in your belly to and makes it succeed. Not everyone has it. How do you know if you have what it takes to start a business? There's really no way to know for sure. But I do find things in common among the emotional and family fabric of people ready to consider an entrepreneurial venture. You don't have to fit all seven of these categories to be a good candidate for entrepreneurship. But it probably wouldn't hurt. In general, the more you have in common with these characteristics, the closer you probably are to being ready to try going out on your own. So Let Get Started 1. You come from a line of people who couldn't work for someone else. I don't mean that in a negative way. People who are successful at establishing their own business tend to have had parents who worked for themselves. It's usually easier to get a job with a company than to start your own business; people who strike out on their own often have the direct example of a parent to look to. 2. You're a lousy employee. No need to sugar-coat this one. People who start their own businesses tend to have been fired from or quit more than one job. I'm not saying you were laid off for lack of work or moved from one job to a better-paying one. You were asked to leave, or you quit before they could fire you. Think of it as the marketplace telling you that the only person who can effectively motivate and manage you is yourself. 3.You see more than one definition of "job security." I am truly envious of the few people I know who have stayed with one employer for 25 or 30 years. They look very secure. But how many people do you know who are able to stay with one company for that long? In a rapidly changing economy, job security can be frighteningly fleeting. 4. You've gone as far as you can go, or you're not going anywhere at all. Sometimes the motivation to start a new venture comes from having reached the top of the pile where you are, looking around, and saying, What's next?" Early success can be wonderful, but early retirement can sometimes drive energetic and motivated people totally crazy. 5. You've done the market research already. Don't even talk to me about your great business idea if you haven't put the time into figuring out if there's a market for your product or service. As the people behind any number of failed Internet ventures will tell you, "cool" doesn't necessarily translate into "profitable." Don't bother building it if you haven't figured out whether there's a good chance the customers will come. 6. You've got the support of your family. is stressful under the best of circumstances. Trying to do it without the support of your spouse or other significant family members or friends would probably be unbearable. 7. You know you cannot do it alone. You might excel at promoting a business. Maybe you love running the financial end of the enterprise. You could be someone who starts a business because you have unique creative or technical know-how to create a product. Any of the above is possible, but it's unlikely that you are going to excel at all of these tasks — or at all of the tasks involved in running any business. Forget all that doing it alone stuff. You are going to need some help sometime. The willingness to get that help — having employees, partners or consultants for those areas in which you are not an expert — is one indicator of likely future success. "No successful entrepreneur has ever succeeded alone," So Get The Support Of Other As, The person who is most capable of enlisting the support of others is the most likely to succeed. For More Entrepreneur and Business Tips, Follow Source To Get Our Business Consultation Courses Source https://nairalearn.com/all-courses/ |
Business / 6 Ways To Fund Your New Business by Watsoneology: 7:09am On May 10, 2018 |
I’m often asked: what is the best way to finance a new business venture. This question is usually followed by "So, do you ever invest in new business ventures?" The answers, respectively, are 1. There is no "best" way to fund a new business; and 2. I do invest in new business ventures, but darn it I can’t today because I left my checkbook in my other suit. Lol The truth is there are a variety of ways to finance a new business and which way is best for you depends totally on you and the type of your business, Or Best put this way, it depends totally on your product, your market, your financial requirements, your burn rate, and most importantly, your personal and financial situation as well as your passion for the new business So with that in mind, here are a few of the most common ways to finance a new business without hitting old Tim up for a loan. Keep in mind that all methods have pros and cons and some (or most) may not work for your specific situation. No matter what financing method you choose thoroughly investigate the ups and downs and don’t jump in with both feet until you’re sure you’ll land on solid ground. 1: Savings and Investments The first source you should consider tapping is your own savings and investments. I’m a huge fan of self-financing when it comes to business because it doesn’t make you responsible to others should the business fail. The bad thing is that it if things do go under, it will be your money that goes down with the ship. If you’re not willing to risk your own capital you certainly shouldn’t be willing to risk anyone else’s. 2: Friends and Family After tapping their own savings and investments, many entrepreneurs turn to friends and family for help. This works well for some, but here’s the creed I live by: NEVER borrow money from anyone you have to eat, Thanksgiving dinner with. Nothing causes tension in a family like lending money that is never paid back. And notice I say "lending money" rather than investing money. Venture capitalists invest money. Your relatives lend you money. They will expect it back someday even if they say they won’t. Remember, when a loved one invests in your business they are emotionally investing in you. It would be tough to tell mom and dad that their favorite son lost their life savings because his business went down the drain. 3: Credit Cards I financed my first international web hosting business on credit cards, which was an incredibly stupid thing to do given the fact that my business could have failed and left me with thousands of Naira And dollars in credit card debt that would have taken until the year God Knows When to pay off. It worked out in the end for me, but if you decide to finance your business on plastic keep in mind that you will be paying extremely high-interest rates on the money you’ve borrowed and unless you hit it big you will be paying for that money for many years to come. 4: Mortgage The Farm Bank loans are next to impossible to get if you don’t have collateral and a track record of business success, which is why many entrepreneurs use the equity in their homes to finance their business after being turned down for a bank loan. While this makes more sense than building a business on a deck of credit cards, the financial risks are no less abundant. You must pay this money back whether your business succeeds or not, when borrowing from banks in Nigeria, Look For low-interest money to get you started and also check on the interest rate and tax deductible (check with your accountant to make sure) you understands what your are on to. 5: Angel Investors An angel investor is typically a wealthy individual who invests in start-up ventures for a share of the ownership. Angel investors are usually the first formal investors in a business and provide the seed money to get the business up and running. Some angel investors will write you a check and leave you alone to run your business while others consider their investment a license to "help you" manage and make decisions. If you do accept angel money make sure the terms are clearly defined on both sides. Angel money always comes with strings. Make sure you know whether those strings come in the form of a bow or a noose before you accept an angel’s check. 6: Venture Capitalists Venture capitalists are to angel investors as pit bulls are to Chihuahuas. That’s not to say all VC is big, bad dogs, but they do have powerful jaws that can chew up your business and spit it out if things don’t go their way. VC money doesn’t come with strings, it comes with chains and locks and lots of legal documents. VC always have the upper hand in any deal they invest in. That’s just how it works and that’s the price you pay to get access to VC money. If your business gets to the level that VC money becomes a viable option, don’t jump at the first bone a VC dangles before your eyes. If one VC likes your idea, others will, too. Present to multiple VC and carefully consider each offer before you accept the check. Just remember, no matter how you finance your business, use the money wisely. Don’t spend money unwisely Have a very clear plan of how the money will be used and how it will be paid back. And remember this, the more you can shoestring the business, but more of the business you will own in the end. Have a Blessed Day, Visit Source For More Business and Investment tips and guide Source https://nairalearn.com/all-courses/ |
Webmasters / Re: Getting Backlinks, Banking High by Watsoneology: 5:50am On May 10, 2018 |
Backlinks secret reviewed... Give it a try |
Webmasters / Re: An Active Facebook Page Of Over 160k Likes For Sale by Watsoneology: 9:16pm On May 09, 2018 |
How much and pls show me the links URL of the page |
Webmasters / Re: Getting Backlinks, Banking High by Watsoneology: 9:13pm On May 09, 2018 |
Great SEO Tips Boss |
Politics / Re: El-rufai Introduces Electronic Voting To Nigeria. by Watsoneology: 6:22am On May 06, 2018 |
Ist the work of the Governor to introduce the said evoting or that of the INEC 7 Likes 2 Shares |
Webmasters / Re: Sport Prediction Website Of Over 7,000 Members For Sale by Watsoneology: 10:07am On May 03, 2018 |
URL and how much |
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