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Fashion / Re: Mass Production Of Trendy Clothes In Nigeria by XtremeBase(f): 10:00am On Sep 07, 2012
Ighoda: yes, briliat idea, i am interested. I am a professional suit,truoser, shirt designer,i beleive will can do stuff together. My number is 08064206400

Ighoda, where are you located?
Fashion / Re: That's Sew Naija! - Fashion Designers,tailors,accessory/jewelry Makers, Join In! by XtremeBase(f): 9:58am On Sep 07, 2012
This network sef, i tried posting on the blog n i culdnt.

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Fashion / Re: That's Sew Naija! - Fashion Designers,tailors,accessory/jewelry Makers, Join In! by XtremeBase(f): 9:52am On Sep 07, 2012
Onnari, your blog balls me over o!
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 9:23am On Sep 07, 2012
@extrim what a lovely sketches u av' gott but still you i'll need a very good tailor to bring them to life.. & ur work 'll atract more eye's... Nice work i could be of a help. Coz 'm 1 of the best tailor anyone can get...

Yes you are right Kaycee, what's your contact number.
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 9:22am On Sep 07, 2012
princysharma90: Good..Nice work.
I really liked that first sketch.
Well done.

Thanks Princysharma90 smiley
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 9:21am On Sep 07, 2012
Ighoda: nice stuff

Thanks Ighoda smiley
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 7:05pm On Sep 06, 2012
swtchicgurl: And why is this not on the front page?! angry

lovely thread and drawings! u will design for great men soon! smiley smiley smiley

Awww! @ ''u will design for great men'' amen. You brought tears to my eyes. I hope it gets on the front page someday, thanks a lot. God bless you..
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 7:03pm On Sep 06, 2012
y me:
And I will love to buy, all the best of luck sweetheart and let us know when u r done with them kiss

Thanks for the support, i appreciate itsmiley, il let you all know.when i am ready smiley
Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 2:45pm On Sep 06, 2012
at least both the rich and the poor are BOTHERED about something

Ofcourse they are both bothered about something, i am referring to them not being bother about the price of garri.
Fashion/Clothing Market / Re: Diana Stalder Soaps, Activewhite Soap And Creams, Hollywood Style Products, by XtremeBase(f): 6:43am On Sep 06, 2012

Thanks, really appreciate the advice but the thing is i get my products directly from the manufacturing countries and are not imitations, so adding shipping cost is what made the prices what they re now.

Alright then, i understand. What would you recommend for dark spots?
Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 6:36am On Sep 06, 2012
Garrilee: How does this affect the price of Garri sef......to much talk about money

The rich are not bothered about the price of garri in the market, they are only bothered about building their empire so they won't ever need to worry.
Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 6:32am On Sep 06, 2012
Zeus I: Good! For instance, i have only #50,000:00 which is not sufficient to buy me enough goods, while the goods in question totaled #350,000:00, and i deposited the one i actually have with a plausible promise to pay off the rest after packing the goods, then i makes sales the whole day, and was able to pay more #200,000:00 that evening, giving the excuse that the banking network was not available or that the ATM machine is not disbursing, and that the balance would be payed tomorrow, and tomorrow, by mid-day, you make more sales and pay the wholesaler off. You made money using others pocket, that is how you grow in business. 'Using other peoples money to make more money'. There are others, but i can't put them to writing up-here.

Or for example, someone supplies you goods you have a market for, you tell the person to come back for his money at so so time, you sell the good off, pay him his money when he comes, make profit for yourself without you even investing in it.

Your business idea invested in by someone is also another way. Some questions sha! And they wonder why they are stagnant, even God sef when such pple pray to them he wouldnt even bother with their prayers cause he knows when he presents an opportunity to them they would never recongnise it or it just slips out of their hands. He just won't bother.

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Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 9:37pm On Sep 05, 2012
vivacious vivi: I do agree with most of the points raised in this article. Points 2, 14, 15 and 17 especially. No single mega-rich person can possess all of the "qualities" listed here, but just having one or two can definitely give u the push to make it in life. D so called lower class need to shift their attitude a bit. At d end of the day, that's what all these traits are - attitudes and how u view life. I don't believe in luck. Like the writer said, find ur passion and let it make money for u.
That said, d so called richest woman shld sit somehwr jare, afterall all she did was inherit her late father's company. She keeps getting bad press anytime she opens her mouth!

Fine, she inherited her father's company, but with her attitude and views she has been able to sustain it. It takes someone with the guts, mind and balls to sustain such wealth and maintain its growth. She would always get bad press from the middle class who would always want to paint the rich bad, but her fellow world class elites couldnt agree more with her.

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Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 9:30pm On Sep 05, 2012

And accurate! No, I'm not rich (I dont have a private jet yet) but when I started distancing myself from complainers and "country hard" moaners, life started getting better. Experts at making excuses for everything usually remain poor.

Even the author Robert Greene of 48 laws of power, also said one should never be associated with gloomy or miserable people. They always try to rub it on you and give an excuse for every single thing. They never think to be the change they need.

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Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 7:16pm On Sep 05, 2012
miredia: Not applicable in all situations, u might want out, work extremely hard towards it and still not get out.The richest people aren't the hardest workers, or the savviest. There is no standard benchmark for being rich. It simply takes grace and favour. These two elements compliments all other subsequent factors like hardwork, education, time, chance, planning, Prudence and a tonne of others.

You misunderstand me, when i say work towards it, i don't exactly mean they must all toil towards it, they could achieve that status by various means.,

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Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 7:11pm On Sep 05, 2012
Billyonaire: You can do business with other people's money without putting a dime of your own, credit facilities are a clear example. Do you know about Private Placement Programmes and High Yield bullet alternative Investments ? Knowledge makes the difference
@Bill, please tell 'em
Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 7:08pm On Sep 05, 2012
millionairemind: What drives the rich to make more money is different from what drives the rich, the poor man sees making money as a struggle or calls it hustle as the case may be whilst the rich see it as fun and derive pleasure in doing what it takes...shikina

Spot on.
Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 6:57pm On Sep 05, 2012
skydeep: And how about those that were poor before they became rich. How do they think?

They thought the way of the rich, they examined the poverty around them and how people wallowed in it and how they always made excuses about being ok with it. They knew they wanted out and worked towards it.


Career / Re: 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently From Ordinary People by XtremeBase(f): 6:50pm On Sep 05, 2012
AjanleKoko: I think it's bullshyte.
Rich people don't think differently from ordinary people. They like to put a spin on things, like they are mavericks or something. Fat chance. They just have some advantage or opportunity that's not available to everyone else. Many times it is not of their own doing, just circumstance that puts them in a position to make money.

Rich people also don't believe in fairness and equity. Always willing to go the extra mile, even dishonestly. What you would normally find reprehensible, or morally impossible, rich people have no problem doing it.

Imagine that woman blaming the middle class for drinking and socializing. Who throws elaborate and expensive parties more than rich people?

Spoken like a true middle class, life isn't fair and the rich know this, when the rich throw parties, trust me its for business purposes, they are with like minds and intend to mingle with new like minds for the purpose of discussing new acquisitions, pending business deals and growing their business empire. They dont have the time to drown their sorrows in a couple of beers at the pub or be surrounded by gloom, or people who suck up to them which is what the middle class is all about all the time.
No offence, i totally agree 1billion and 1 percent with what Siebold wrote, he said the whole truth. I am not rich yet, but i know i would be some day, i would also live below my means in luxurious comfort and have some king's ransom stash in some place somewhere.


Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 8:55pm On Sep 04, 2012
modath: Lovely sketches,well done..

Modath, thanks smiley
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 8:54pm On Sep 04, 2012
y me: oh my goodness this is lovely kiss kiss kiss
I can see myself rocking pic 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6

Thanks y me smiley il be making that a reality real soon when my shop is ready, I would be bringing my designs to life and they would be affordable smiley
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 8:52pm On Sep 04, 2012
tennyadex: @extremebase. (tenitele@yahoo.com)

Wld mail ya in a bit.
Fashion / Re: Your Opinion On The Jewelry I Make by XtremeBase(f): 4:08pm On Sep 04, 2012
@Nnebui, you could have opened a new thread for your ad and not try to hijack another's persons.
@ OP, marvelous, do let us know when you begin to sell.
Fashion / Re: Mass Production Of Trendy Clothes In Nigeria by XtremeBase(f): 11:12am On Sep 04, 2012
This is what i am working on, i have a high street brand and my clothes would be affordable, and well made, with price range of 3000 upwards. Some of our designers don't know the business side of fashion and they are caught up in the red carpet facade and the glamour of dressing up our celebrities, who most times wear the clothes and return it back to the designers.

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Fashion / Re: Kim Kardashian Rocking An Ankara Print Dress- Beauty For Days! by XtremeBase(f): 10:03pm On Aug 31, 2012
Chanchit: Are you crazy...!? Where is the picture...?

Really was the sentence from your uncouth mouth neccessary? You need some soap and water to wash it. That was most rude. If you so badly wanted to see the picture you would have used your discretion and googled it up. Smh!
Fashion / Re: Industrial Sewing Machine Needed by XtremeBase(f): 6:59pm On Aug 31, 2012
At Ehonda sewing Machine Engineer,
we sale, install, service all type of industrial and domestic sewing Machine
the industrial machine are of various type with definite purpose.
I recommend emel if u need straight sewing u can call for futher enquiry/ installation

Ehonda, can you help with this question, can i use a 2 needle 4 thread overlocker for babylocking, and if yes, how much do you sell yours and what's the brand? Thanks.
Fashion / Re: That's Sew Naija! - Fashion Designers,tailors,accessory/jewelry Makers, Join In! by XtremeBase(f): 6:36am On Aug 31, 2012
@Onnari, don't blame me joor, i haven't had time o! Puttin' my place together has been taking most of my time. Thanks for the mannequin info, as for ur blog, its been bookmarked since na, i really must commend you. Great work smiley
Fashion / Re: Please Do Have A Look At My Cloth Sketches, Let Me Know What You Think. by XtremeBase(f): 3:15pm On Aug 30, 2012
@tenny, unfortunately i do not own a BB. I am also in the same predicament as yours. I am looking for tailors too. Where is your fashion centre in ikeja, you could leave your mail and il send you an email.
Fashion / Re: Sabunta.com Imcompetent Lamers by XtremeBase(f): 7:26pm On Aug 29, 2012
@mekadon, the appropriate thing for a company that's advertising everywhere would be to create back his account immediately and should have answered his first mail as well. Smh! Seems to me a fly by night company.
Fashion / Re: That's Sew Naija! - Fashion Designers,tailors,accessory/jewelry Makers, Join In! by XtremeBase(f): 11:05pm On Aug 28, 2012
@Onari, that jacket is the bomb o! I am also interested in the mannequin, pls where did you get it and how much did it cost?
Fashion / Re: Caro-light Cream. by XtremeBase(f): 5:36pm On Aug 23, 2012
It contains hydroquinone 4.7 percent, do ur research online.
Fashion / Re: My Hair Is Breaking Off!! Any Effective Product Out There I Can Use?? Plsss by XtremeBase(f): 7:53pm On Aug 22, 2012
Be careful Biotin could break you out seriously, when taken in large dosage, and MSM could cramp your tummy and u could feel bloated, but it depends.
Anyways next time you want to comb your hair put your head down in a way blood flows to your scalp, get vitamin D and E supplements, you could be lacking those. Lastly try to deep condition your hair, co-wash instead of shampooing most of the time, shampoo just once in a while.
After shampooing try the black tea rinse or coffee rinse method, u'd have to google the method for the black tea rinse. The rinse blocks the hormone that causes breakage .
Trim the dead ends off, and quit with the chemicals on your hair.

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