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Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against - Religion - Nairaland

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Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:05am On Oct 01, 2013
Nigeria is one of the worlds most religious countries. Nigeria has the highest rate of church attendance (89%) and also home to about 70 million muslims. Nigeria is also almost evenly divided between christianity and islam among its population.

With all this religiosity, has it benefited Nigeria?

Pros for religion
-Catholic church and some other churches built schools for their communities
-Muslim and Christian organisations give a lot of charity
-Pilgrimage opportunities to travel abroad (Jerusalem/Vatican for christians and Mecca for muslims)
-Magnificent church and mosque buildings

-Religious division, terrorism and conflict- example boko haram
-brainwashing of gullible masses of people- eg people donating salaries and houses to religious leaders while being broke
-child abuse eg child-witch killing, child beating, child molestation
-erosion of culture eg A Yoruba man bearing "Hamed Rahman" or "James Moses"
-wasting of resources eg Pastors buying private jets, building churches instead of libraries, govt sponsoring expensive muslim pigrimage with tax payers' money

What do you think?


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:08am On Oct 01, 2013
I worship at the Church of Materialism, and pray at the Altar of Money.

And So do 98% of the Nigerian Populace.

And our God has blessed us bountifully.

Amen cool


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:17am On Oct 01, 2013
At 53 years of age, what more can be done to help? I wonder. The positive side is the fact that people are beginning to ask question about the role and purposes of religion. Most of us who are lucky to have escaped the iron bars of religion know that we are living in a country filled with religious zombies. Why celebrate independence? We are not independent are we?


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Horus(m): 11:19am On Oct 01, 2013
Accepting an imported Alien Religion has killed our peoples minds!. Nigerians dont know the consequences of accepting AN ALIEN RELIGION. If a Nigerians accepts Judaism and Christianity as his religion, he has accepted the Caucasian as his visible God. The same with Islam, if a Nigerian accepts Al Islam and its many branches as his religion, then it accepts the Desert Arab as his God. That person cannot have power over, or be equal to the Caucasian, or Arab because here, the Caucasian and the Arab has been accepted as the superior power, and this is why trying to obtain liberty and equality in Caucasian or Arab religion or any alien religion is a CRUEL HOAX! If you look at all of the so called Holy Books that our people are into, they all portray the image of someone other than self. There is not a face of Black/African people of any of these imported religions. To divide Nigerians they have manipulated religion to an extent that it trains Nigerians to become mental slaves to Caucasians through Christianity and Arabs through Islam. Remember, you Africans are the original people of the planet earth yet you are following another races view as to who or what god is according to them. That’s why Caucasians will make bible prophets white looking and Arabs will make their prophets look like their race.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:31am On Oct 01, 2013
Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:36am On Oct 01, 2013
If only they would print the face of the Caucasian on the bible to let our brothers and sisters know how far they have gone into religious slavery. But as we know, the slave master will never free the slave,only the slave can.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:36am On Oct 01, 2013
Horus: Accepting an imported Alien Religion has killed our peoples minds!. Nigerians dont know the consequences of accepting AN ALIEN RELIGION. If a Nigerians accepts Judaism and Christianity as his religion, he has accepted the Caucasian as his visible God. The same with Islam, if a Nigerian accepts Al Islam and its many branches as his religion, then it accepts the Desert Arab as his God. That person cannot have power over, or be equal to the Caucasian, or Arab because here, the Caucasian and the Arab has been accepted as the superior power, and this is why trying to obtain liberty and equality in Caucasian or Arab religion or any alien religion is a CRUEL HOAX! If you look at all of the so called Holy Books that our people are into, they all portray the image of someone other than self. There is not a face of Black/African people of any of these imported religions. To divide Nigerians they have manipulated religion to an extent that it trains Nigerians to become mental slaves to Caucasians through Christianity and Arabs through Islam. Remember, you Africans are the original people of the planet earth yet you are following another races view as to who or what god is according to them. That’s why Caucasians will make bible prophets white looking and Arabs will make their prophets look like their race.

Says the User whose Moniker is the name of an Egyptian God.

Oh Lord My God.....The Irony!!! grin

These 'wise' Nigerians will not kill me...


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by mumumugu(m): 11:41am On Oct 01, 2013
It is not the duty of religion to deveelop nigeria. So why blame them


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by FOLYKAZE(m): 11:49am On Oct 01, 2013
Nigeria Politics is like Religion.


Tax equals tithe

we keep our treasures in foreign country as religious folks keep treasure in heaven.

We sell what belong to us and give it to those that dont need it.......Jesus taught his people to become poor

Britain jug around Nigeria like vatican jug around catholic churches.

We are not living as brothers.......whoever shall follow Jesus must hate his brothers.

The north and south are enemies......fulfillment of Quran and Bible.

We hope endlessly upon paying tax......just like endless hope in churches upon paying tithe

‪# kickRELIGIONand POLITICSoutOFafrika‬.

They are evolved diseases


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:54am On Oct 01, 2013
The Vatican is responsible for slavery,democracy,Nazi, everything wrong in our society one can think of. The aim is to keep Africa crippled so that the West will continue to benefit. Alien Religions are playing a huge role to keep us dis-united. We definitely need to kick them out. We need out Africanism back.

Moreover,Horus has always been associated with black Africans. The Europeans changed it to Jesus after the destruction and looting of Egypt by the Arabs.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 11:59am On Oct 01, 2013
Yes Religion is the reason why Africa is disunited.

Not Greed, and Severe Cultural Differences.

Religion Made Africans sell Other Africans into Slavery.

And Of Course Religion is the reason why Africa has the most useless set of leaders on the Planet.

Someone should shoot that gaddem Religion angry


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by nnofaith: 12:00pm On Oct 01, 2013
jackbauerspower: I worship at the Church of Materialism, and pray at the Altar of Money.

And So do 98% of the Nigerian Populace.

And our God has blessed us bountifully.

Amen cool
with poverty!


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Horus(m): 12:03pm On Oct 01, 2013
ifeness: The Vatican is responsible for slavery,democracy,Nazi, everything wrong in our society one can think of. The aim is to keep Africa crippled so that the West will continue to benefit. Alien Religions are playing a huge role to keep us dis-united. We definitely need to kick them out. We need out Africanism back.

Moreover,Horus has always been associated with black Africans. The Europeans changed it to Jesus after the destruction and looting of Egypt by the Arabs.

Because of religion no one has been able to really unite Africans in any considerable numbers, and it is also WHY Africans have not been able to make real progress toward freedom and equality. No more do we have to listen to liars who only wish to rule and control the masses with their made-up stories called religion. Let us Free our minds from the mental enslavement of religion


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 12:10pm On Oct 01, 2013
Religion laid the foundation of corruption in Africa. Who opened the foreign account for the corrupt leaders? Why must it be the West they keep the stolen money. An armed robber stealing money and keeping it in the pastors's save deposit box huh? The West are the most corrupt,our African leaders are only learning from them. The West are not a good example to follow, they have always been sneaky,with hidden agenda. Nigeria is exactly the way they want it to be. A country blessed by nature with crude oil importing petrol worth of 85billion dollars every year! And we claim we believe in a flying monster? Happy 53rd " independence" Nigeria


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 12:17pm On Oct 01, 2013

Because of religion no one has been able to really unite Africans in any considerable numbers, and it is also WHY Africans have not been able to make real progress toward freedom and equality. No more do we have to listen to liars who only wish to rule and control the masses with their made-up stories called religion. Let us Free our minds from the mental enslavement of religion

Once our people's mind become free,the sky can only be the starting place for us. I personally wanna see the uniting of all the African Big families .Only the Africans can solve their problem. Its time to say a big NO to the foreign aids.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 12:25pm On Oct 01, 2013
Yes of Course.

Africa will unite under atheism.

Africans will stop fighting over Africa's considerable resources and rally round the banner of Non-religion.

Afterall, Religion has been the cause of Africa's numerous Civil Wars.

Religion made Ojukwu and Biafra try to Secede from Nigeria, and Pope Charles Taylor was attacking Non-Religious Liberians.

Sheiks Laurence Kabila and Reverend Mobutu Seseseko were smiting Non Religious Africans Left,Right, and Centre.

E no go better for that gaddem Religion.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by plaetton: 1:18pm On Oct 01, 2013
mumumugu: It is not the duty of religion to deveelop nigeria. So why blame them

You are very correct, albeit, in an ironic way.

Religion failed humanity long long time before it even reached our shores.
When the Europeans brought it to us, they already knew that they bringing toxic dump to our shores, much like depleted uranium: Whoever comes into contact with it must suffer.

It is the stu.pidity of our people that makes them look upon religion to deliver in Nigeria, what it was incapble of delivering in Europe for more than 1500 yrs of its dominance in European history.

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Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 1:23pm On Oct 01, 2013
Human beings are the reason for naijas problems. Human beings have the same nature and character everywhere. Sin you see, is the problem. some People in nigeria think they can decieve God, or think he's their goodluck charm.
On the other hand, blaming religion for nigerias problems is terrible. There are non-religious countries today, like north korea. They have problems too. Sin is the problem. Corruption in the high places and in the low. Greed. Truly Knowing God will take sin away.
Jesus was against religious bigotry and ritualistic worship. He advocated knowledge of the true God. He was against the corruption of the roman officials, the religious hypocrisy of the pharisees, etc, etc. Jesus did not come to start a religion. He came to save people from sin. He is the answer to naijas problems. He came to reveal God. Once you take Jesus out. It all falls apart. Don't ask stupid questions. We've been through this before.
Jesus is the answer for the world today. Not religion, not atheism. Not deism. Jesus. Knowing God is deeper than a form of worship. Jesus is the way. There are witnesses through the ages of man's history.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 1:24pm On Oct 01, 2013

You are very correct, albeit, in an ironic way.

Religion failed humanity long long time before it even reached our shores.
When the Europeans brought it to us, they already knew that they bringing toxic dump to our shores, much like depleted uranium: Whoever comes into contact with it must suffer.

It is the stu.pidity of our people that makes them look upon religion to deliver in Nigeria, what it was incapble of delivering in Europe for more than 1500 yrs of its dominance in European history.
our people will even be more stjupid to think that atheism will deliver them. Your propaganda fails woefully. We all know what this is about

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Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by plaetton: 1:28pm On Oct 01, 2013
Chibuebem: Human beings are the reason for naijas problems. Human beings have the same nature and character everywhere. Sin you see, is the problem. some People in nigeria think they can decieve God, or think he's their goodluck charm.
On the other hand, blaming religion for nigerias problems is terrible. There are non-religious countries today, like north korea. They have problems too. Sin is the problem. Corruption in the high places and in the low. Greed. Truly Knowing God will take sin away.
Jesus was against religious bigotry and ritualistic worship. He advocated knowledge of the true God. He was against the corruption of the roman officials, the religious hypocrisy of the pharisees, etc, etc. Jesus did not come to start a religion. He came to save people from sin. He is the answer to naijas problems. He came to reveal God. Once you take Jesus out. It all falls apart. Don't ask stupid questions. We've been through this before.
Jesus is the answer for the world today. Not religion, not atheism. Not deism. Jesus. Knowing God is deeper than a form of worship. Jesus is the way. There are witnesses through the ages of man's history.

So , I guess in other more progressive and prosperous nations , they are not ruled by the same sinful human beings?
And you are willing to wager that those other prosperous nations are so because they know Jesus far more than we Nigerians?

Kindly show us just a few Jesus-loving nations that we should learn from.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 1:34pm On Oct 01, 2013

So , I guess in other more progressive and prosperous nations , they are not ruled by the same sinful human beings?
And you are willing to wager that those other prosperous nations are so because they know Jesus far more than we Nigerians?

Kindly show us just a few Jesus-loving nations that we should learn from.
nations(like the U.S and britain) were built on that foundation. They honoured God. But these days, they tamper with the foundation. And you get the classic things fall apart we see today.
A nation is made of people my friend.

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Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by FOLYKAZE(m): 1:39pm On Oct 01, 2013
Chibuebem: our people will even be more stjupid to think that atheism will deliver them. Your propaganda fails woefully. We all know what this is about

This is dull.

You people are deluded to think our ancestors were pagan. Nope.

My ancestors are naturalistic pantheist. That is what we call spiritual atheism. Go figure.

It worked for them. It working for Asian nations. We need to go back to our root for change


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by plaetton: 1:47pm On Oct 01, 2013
Chibuebem: nations(like the U.S and britain) were built on that foundation. They honoured God. But these days, they tamper with the foundation. And you get the classic things fall apart we see today.
A nation is made of people my friend.

Liar. Which god?
Britain and most of Europe began to progress when they started moving away from medieval churchianity that held them in the dark ages for more than a 1000 yrs. That they are seen as progressive today is because they have completely emasculated religion from their national affairs. Did you read your secondary school history?

America, on the other hand was founded by people who so much loathed religion that they made it a point to seperate the church from affairs of the state. History has shown that it was a wise move.
The founding fathers of America were eminent Freemasons, the knights of free thought and renowned emasculators of religion.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 2:11pm On Oct 01, 2013

Liar. Which god?
Britain and most of Europe began to progress when they started moving away from medieval churchianity that held them in the dark ages for more that a 1000 yrs. That they are seen as progressive today is because that have completely emasculated religion from their national affairs. Did you read your secondary school history?

America, on the other hand was founded by people who so much loathed religion that they made it a point to seperate the church from affairs of the state. History has shown that it was a wise move.
The founding fathers of America were eminent Freemasons, the knights of free thought and renowned emasculators of religion.
please show me your source and I'll show you mine.


Its amazing the length you would go to sir. Smh

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Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by mazaje(m): 2:25pm On Oct 01, 2013
Chibuebem: please show me your source and I'll show you mine.


Its amazing the length you would go to sir. Smh

Where does it say the American founding fathers were christians in the link you provided?. . .The American founding fathers were free masons and most were deist. . . .Go and educate yourself. ..They were against religion and made sure it was completely separated from state affairs. . .Most of them did not believe in your mythical Jesus. . .


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by mazaje(m): 2:26pm On Oct 01, 2013
Religion has NEVER helped any country to develop , so why will it ever help Nigeria?. . .


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 2:28pm On Oct 01, 2013

Where does it say the American founding fathers were christians in the link you provided?. . .The American founding fathers were free masons and most were deist. . . .Go and educate yourself. ..They were against religion and made sure it was completely separated from state affairs. . .Most of them did not believe in your mythical Jesus. . .
smh. Read the biography of each of those men and what they thought of God and Jesus. Just a click away.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by Nobody: 2:30pm On Oct 01, 2013

This is dull.

You people are deluded to think our ancestors were pagan. Nope.

My ancestors are naturalistic pantheist. That is what we call spiritual atheism. Go figure.

It worked for them. It working for Asian nations. We need to go back to our root for change

Yes,you can only change a problem not from the top,but from the foundation. For Nigeria to be changed,the rotten root needs to be changed.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by mazaje(m): 2:35pm On Oct 01, 2013
Chibuebem: smh. Read the biography of each of those men and what they thought of God and Jesus. Just a click away.

Stop lying for Jesus, just click George Washington nand James Madison on the link you provided, their religion is clearly written as deist. . .Most of the US founding father were freemason and deist who never believed in the mythical Jesus of the bible. . .Thomas Jefferson was a Unitarian who believed in Jesus but not the whole of the bible as such he created his own bible called the Thomas Jefferson bible, he refused to accept the god of the old testament and removed some books from the new testament go and read about the Jefferson bible. . .


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by JMOI: 2:36pm On Oct 01, 2013
Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by djeezy(m): 2:38pm On Oct 01, 2013
Religion is capable of building a nation and is capable of destroying it too. There is little or no religious tolerance in Nigeria and with the high rate of different doctrine and dogmas, it'll only create chaos, and confusion. We have so many churches here and there, we claim to be moralists and our nation is like this. So far it's a failure.


Re: Has Religion Failed Nigeria At 53 Years? For And Against by homesteady(m): 2:39pm On Oct 01, 2013

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