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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by Nobody: 10:09am On May 05, 2015
hello yall....long time in here.

there was a lil argument over the point given to the king on my chess thread...decided to bring it here. what do you all think about the link below

chessguru,haywhy28,jayriginal, goofyone, prof800,saintneo,kolooyinbo

Checked the link. I don't think you can place a worth on the value of the King, much less a mere 3.5points. If the King is gone, the game is up. So the King is gotta be priceless, infinity points.

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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 5:44am On May 07, 2015

Wow. I think this is referring to the relative STRENGTH rather than the VALUE! Otherwise I will trade my Queen for your King any and every time! cheesy

MMM..What do you mean by relative strength value?

lol! cheesy you wish! tongue


Checked the link. I don't think you can place a worth on the value of the King, much less a mere 3.5points. If the King is gone, the game is up. So the King is gotta be priceless, infinity points.

The king is priceless. The value is undefined. smiley
Joywendy, the King is priceless.
Same thing i thought, but have you ever thought why?
why place a value on an important piece as the king? There should be a concrete reason.


you brought this topic, oya defend yourself grin

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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by jayriginal: 8:55am On May 07, 2015

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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by jayriginal: 11:39am On May 07, 2015
I got the bronze medal in an online blitz competition on chess.com yesterday.

Im wyzoe. I actually beat the guy who won when we played in the tournament. Ill keep trying for the gold.

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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 6:13am On May 11, 2015
I got the bronze medal in an online blitz competition on chess.com yesterday.

Im wyzoe. I actually beat the guy who won when we played in the tournament. Ill keep trying for the gold.

congrats cheesy

Nice work!

I have improved a bit you know cheesy, i would like us to play a game later....when I get rid of this silly network finally..grin

Thanks for the link as well, i appreciate smiley

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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by jayriginal: 9:19am On May 11, 2015

congrats cheesy

Nice work!

I have improved a bit you know cheesy, i would like us to play a game later....when I get rid of this silly network finally..grin

Thanks for the link as well, i appreciate smiley


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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by KoloOyinbo(m): 12:37pm On May 11, 2015

MMM..What do you mean by relative strength value?

lol! cheesy you wish! tongue

Same thing i thought, but have you ever thought why?
why place a value on an important piece as the king? There should be a concrete reason.

you brought this topic, oya defend yourself grin

Merely a comparison of the strengths. Which Grandmaster said "The King is a strong piece"? For determining the position the value of the King outweighs everything else obviously.

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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joshphorlarb: 7:29pm On May 12, 2015
Hey. Need a game
Hello house, is there any chess lover in the house residing in abuja, message me 4 a game of chess this weekend I have the equipments. Gracias!
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by InesQor(m): 3:00am On May 17, 2015
I just finished a chess game on this new site I found (lichess) and the game was really odd to me.

I won, but I'm wondering if the Jerome gambit my opponent played could ever have been better played than it was. Or else, if it is so terrible an opening?! Better players in the house, what do you think?

My game is here. I played black.


Caveat: I haven't played chess in a while so I'm not in the best of forms. Secondly, we were playing a 3 minute blitz game so both of us were playing fast (thus, there are some blunders).
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by chessguru(m): 8:00am On May 19, 2015
Sorry guys i have been extremely busy with my ambitious chess study plans and training regimen.
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by Loluores: 11:11pm On Jun 22, 2015
Hi guys,

Nice thread y'all got here, just happened upon this thread.

New guy here, and new topic:

How many moves can you see ahead? And, what methods have you used to train how to 'see'? Let's have some interesting talk about this oft-ignored chess skill.

Enjoy this clip:

Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by Loluores: 11:49pm On Jun 22, 2015
I just finished a chess game on this new site I found (lichess) and the game was really odd to me.

I won, but I'm wondering if the Jerome gambit my opponent played could ever have been better played than it was. Or else, if it is so terrible an opening?! Better players in the house, what do you think?

My game is here. I played black.


Caveat: I haven't played chess in a while so I'm not in the best of forms. Secondly, we were playing a 3 minute blitz game so both of us were playing fast (thus, there are some blunders).

Just saw the game... there's nothing wrong with the opening (generally, any opening, even a gambit, is a good/playable one)... what was wrong was the handling of the game by White, cuz he just wasted time, which you don't do when you offer a gambit. He needed to have quickly developed, castled (maybe queenside) and shoot for d4, blasting open the centre and coming after your King, and not throw away more pieces, like the Rxh7+??. Your counter-sacrifice ...Bxf2+ was a good move, giving back the gambited bishop and making his own King unsafe too. Also, d5 by you was cool too.

You made a few mistakes though: Nxh5 was just unnecessary pawn-grabbing. Also there's a funny mate in 2, instead of taking White's queen (...Nxh1), there was ...Qb6+! Bf6 (only move, if d6 Qxd6+ etc) Qxf6#

All in all, after all my tori, your head still dey dere sha.

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Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by jayriginal: 5:01am On Jun 23, 2015
Hi guys,

Nice thread y'all got here, just happened upon this thread.

New guy here, and new topic:

How many moves can you see ahead? And, what methods have you used to train how to 'see'? Let's have some interesting talk about this oft-ignored chess skill.

Enjoy this clip:


For me, realistically, I think I can do five moves ahead. That is with great difficulty though and I will probably have piece retention errors in many lines. Mostly I try to do one and a half and its usually sufficient to give me an idea of whether to continue or to just end that line.

I've been playing a lot of blitz lately and now I just don't look ahead anymore. I play by feel which can bring on terrible blunders cos my ideas are always good but they don't always work tactically.

Any way, the best mode of training calculation is solving puzzles in your head. I'm not a fan of compositions though. I prefer problems taken from real games.
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 8:37pm On Jul 03, 2015
Saintneo wassup?
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 4:02am On Jul 04, 2015
Saintneo wassup?
This is gonna make me stronger.
Me: Black You: White
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 7:32am On Jul 04, 2015

This is gonna make me stronger.

Me: Black
You: White

Lol,I waited for you through out yesterday. Good morning btw chessguru hope you don't mind us derailing your thread with a lil chess game cheesy

All right,

1. d4
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 9:01am On Jul 04, 2015

Lol,I waited for you through out yesterday. Good morning btw chessguru hope you don't mind us derailing your thread with a lil chess game cheesy

All right,

1. d4
2. d5
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 9:06am On Jul 04, 2015

2. d5
No problem smiley
That's your first move
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 12:27pm On Jul 04, 2015

No problem smiley
That's your first move
2. Bf5
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 1:42pm On Jul 04, 2015

2. Bf5

3. Nc3
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 1:45pm On Jul 04, 2015

3. Nc3
3. e6
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 1:59pm On Jul 04, 2015

3. e6
4. e3
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 2:04pm On Jul 04, 2015
4. e3
4. Nc6
this more challenging than I thought
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 2:27pm On Jul 04, 2015

4. Nc6

this more challenging than I thought

Lol,why do you say so?
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 2:39pm On Jul 04, 2015


Lol,why do you say so?

playing using grid coordinates without a mat. So I refer to chess apps.

5. Bxd3
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 3:25pm On Jul 04, 2015

playing using grid coordinates without a mat. So I refer to chess apps.

5. Bxd3

shocked Haha u got to be kidding me. You don't have a mat or u have and don't have access to it now?

Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 3:49pm On Jul 04, 2015

shocked Haha u got to be kidding me. You don't have a mat or u have and don't have access to it now?

I don't access to it now.

5. Be7
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 4:10pm On Jul 04, 2015

I don't access to it now.

5. Be7

All right no problem,same here grin using a photo of a chess board now,not easy stuff. I understand

Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 4:35pm On Jul 04, 2015

All right no problem,same here grin using a photo of a chess board now,not easy stuff. I understand

6. Nf6
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 5:04pm On Jul 04, 2015

6. Nf6

Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by saintneo(m): 5:34pm On Jul 04, 2015

7. 0-0
Re: Nairaland Official Chess Thread! by joywendy(f): 5:42pm On Jul 04, 2015

7. 0-0
8. Bd2

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