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Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women - Romance - Nairaland

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Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by mumumugu(m): 8:27pm On Jun 28, 2014
Males cheat on loyal women to boost their ego. A woman can be perfect for him. Beautiful, career minded, own money, cooks, does whatever he wants her to do in bed, loyal, intelligent, educated, faithful and yet, he will still cheat on her with an ugly, kangaroo looking girl every time. But why?
How a male treats a woman is NOT a reflection of HER worth. Nor is it a reflection on anything she LACKS or is not doing. An overly macho, mentally weak, sensitive-minded male knows he does not DESERVE a strong minded woman. In his mind, he thinks one day she will mentally awaken to the realization she deserves better than him & leave him. This is why males cheat on a woman, to have POWER over her. He cheats on her to boost his ego.
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by mumumugu(m): 8:29pm On Jun 28, 2014
Most “males” are more insecure than women. Notice I referred to a “male” and not a “man”, as there is a distinct difference. Many males have VERY low self esteem. You can tell, that’s why he says, “I only Bleep with bad bitches”. He is saying this to convince himself, attempting to drown out his insecurities that are on repeat inside of his own mind.
By cheating on a good woman, it makes a weak minded male feel he has POWER over her. It makes him feel he is worth more than her. A male knows if he cheats on a loyal woman, she will care about him more. Yes, initially she will be shocked a man has the audacity to cheat on her, especially with an UGLY woman. No, not merely “physically” ugly, no. The word UGLY describes the particular amount of compassion, sweetness and being genuine and nurturing the woman he cheats with lacks.
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by mumumugu(m): 8:31pm On Jun 28, 2014
A woman whose loyalty is taken for granted will question herself like:
“what is wrong with me?
Am I not I’m pretty enough?
Is my ass not curvy and fat enough for him?
Is my stomach not slim enough for him?
Is it because I won’t let him bring another girl in the bedroom with us?
Is it my smart mouth?
Is it that I’m always “over emotional” like he complains?
What aren’t I doing right?
Should I do more?”
Then she will try to stay with him to PROVE to him she is better than the girl he cheated on her with. To prove to herself she can fight for love and can help him by help changing a bad boy into a good man, fooling herself. This is reverse psychology. A weak minded male just got a Good Woman to mentally submit herself to a mentally immature man, purely by cheating on her. Males use cheating to TRICK a good woman into SETTLING for him. But this mind game many males play cannot and will not work on a Loyal woman who knows her WORTH.

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Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Nobody: 8:32pm On Jun 28, 2014
I wonder if those same men realize the scares they leave on those very same women.. All in the name of boosting an Ego..
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by mstik(f): 8:33pm On Jun 28, 2014
Actually op, you're generalization is wrong. Men cheat because they got to. Like, it's genetic. It's a thing of conquest, men gotta 'conquer' as many women as possible. It's usually not emotional, but a thing of pride.

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Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Medunah: 8:41pm On Jun 28, 2014
A man dats goin to cheat will cheat irrespective of the fact that d woman is loyal or not. Blame the person that cheats, dont ever think its ur fault.

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Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Lordabas: 8:45pm On Jun 28, 2014
Because women spend too much time complaining about cheating men online and not enough time making them nkwobi.
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Talon05: 8:56pm On Jun 28, 2014
Every guy has been programmed to cheat, that's our default settings but thats not a big deal. It's easy to take off your clothes and have sex people do it all the time, but opening up your soul to someone letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes and dreams...thats being nakedd and only one girl deserves to be given such a chance.


Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Nobody: 8:57pm On Jun 28, 2014
A true write up. @Op very nice.
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Nobody: 9:05pm On Jun 28, 2014
Talon05: Every guy has been programmed to cheat, that's our default settings

Is this true or just a belief.

Talon05: It's easy to take off your clothes and have sex people do it all the time, but opening up your soul to someone letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes and dreams...thats being nakedd and only one girl deserves to be given such a chance.

Yeah being really naked is showing someone who you really are.
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Talon05: 9:08pm On Jun 28, 2014

Is this true or just a belief.

Yeah being really naked is showing someone who you really are.
You missed my point bae, go back and read again.
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Elsquidme(m): 9:09am On Jun 29, 2014
The same goes to the ladies cheating loyal guys
Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by mumumugu(m): 9:10am On Jun 30, 2014
Lordabas: Because women spend too much time complaining about cheating men online and not enough time making them nkwobi.

Re: Why Men Cheat On Loyal Women by Zanos: 9:16am On Sep 27, 2024
Every guy has been programmed to cheat, that's our default settings but thats not a big deal. It's easy to take off your clothes and have sex people do it all the time, but opening up your soul to someone letting them into your spirit, thoughts, fears, future, hopes and dreams...thats being nakedd and only one girl deserves to be given such a chance.

Not every Guy but most men or majority of men

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