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How Did The Races Originate? - Religion - Nairaland

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How Did The Races Originate? by vonn(f): 5:52pm On Jan 03, 2015
...So I was thinking.... God created Adam and Eve and they were the first humans on earth.
They must have come from a particular race too.
Now, if I get married to a Nigerian, my children will be blacks. If they get married too, my grandchildren will be same (albino not included) and so on.
That is how large populations of a kind of people are formed.

If Adam and Eve were from a race, how did other races come to be?
Or did God create some other people apart from them?

Re: How Did The Races Originate? by papercoin(m): 5:57pm On Jan 03, 2015
Variety is the spice of life
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by Nobody: 6:02pm On Jan 03, 2015
For africoid, someone was being naughty with an Ape
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by vonn(f): 6:10pm On Jan 03, 2015
For africoid, someone was being naughty with an Ape

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Re: How Did The Races Originate? by vonn(f): 6:11pm On Jan 03, 2015
Variety is the spice of life
U mean the colours and shapes changed just like that?
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by Weah96: 6:20pm On Jan 03, 2015
For africoid, someone was being naughty with an Ape

Why? Because the artist decided to use a photo of the late Paul Newman as Caucasoid?

Apes have pale skin btw.

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Re: How Did The Races Originate? by Raiders: 6:40pm On Jan 03, 2015
I think the races occurred as a result of mutations due to the climate.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by papercoin(m): 7:03pm On Jan 03, 2015

U mean the colours and shapes changed just like that?

Just like a farmer plant a corn...when its grows and ready for havest you see one or two ear(s) black or red amist white majority.
Well I think enveronment & genetics has something to do with it.
Hey I'm not a scientist.

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Re: How Did The Races Originate? by nobilis: 9:16pm On Jan 03, 2015
I thought your bible said the races and tongues originated after God put confusion among the builders of the tower of Babel.
Wasn't that what your bible said?
Why asking again?

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Re: How Did The Races Originate? by vonn(f): 10:26pm On Jan 03, 2015
I thought your bible said the races and tongues originated after God put confusion among the builders of the tower of Babel.
Wasn't that what your bible said?
Why asking again?
You mean their colours and faces changed also with the tongues?


Re: How Did The Races Originate? by vonn(f): 10:27pm On Jan 03, 2015
I thought your bible said the races and tongues originated after God put confusion among the builders of the tower of Babel.
Wasn't that what your bible said?
Why asking again?
You mean their colours and faces changed also with the tongues? undecided

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Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 11:10pm On Jan 03, 2015
what do you mean australoid or africoid? They are both Asiatic people and one and the same, we call them Black people but Asiatic is preferred and more accurate. Asiatic people has no known beginning, They have existed trillions upon trillions of years, from universes into making another universes. The master of the universe, He is so righteous however evil too also resides in him but He finds a way to suppress deep down into himself that he could not do bad/evil by himself even if he wants to. He knows evil but has not yet exprience evil, so he found a way to suppress is rigteousness which lives in his black gene/germ and allowed the evil to come to the surface which lives in his light/brown genes/germ, it took 44,000 years for the light germ to surface yet he could not do bad outside killing animals for food which he did not do prior to 50,000 years ago.
50,000 years ago was when the black spread all around the world away from civilization, thus we can call one africoid or australoid or pacificoid etc.
6000 years ago after the light germ had surface. A scientists just grafted the brown against the brown and in 200 years - brown people- Japanese, also the greeks, portugese, next 200 years of grafting the light brown to the light brown, the yellow man emerged (chinese), in some teaching/history, the arabs, persians etc emerged and then 200 years later yellow man and 66 years after grafting the yellow to the yellow, The caucasian emerged(white man) which put its completion to 200+200+200+66=666.

And so GOD created man in his own image and likeness=mankind. to rule for 6000 years after he disobeyed. mankind got angry and went to work to elongate his live by missing up his genes with mammals to get what we called pleides people(alien), with insects (grey alien), with reptiles, what is known in the conspiracy world to mean reptilians with the help of their creator GOD, the aliens were allowed to leave the earth into the galaxies etc for more true story, i can provide you a link, however this is a stupid talk to most.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by Weah96: 11:22pm On Jan 03, 2015
This Gatiano boy is back again with the black supremacy folklore.

Next we'll learn about the black scientist called Yakub who created white human beings in his laboratory.


Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 11:31pm On Jan 03, 2015
xaxaxaxax, i just knew you would reply, Yes, Yakub that was who i referred to as The scientists. i'm still learning, It turned out that Yakub is Yahweh, and he did not mean bad afterall. Weah! i am here and there and everywhere.

This Gatiano boy is back again with the black supremacy folklore.

Next we'll learn about the black scientist called Yakub who created white human beings in his laboratory.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by Weah96: 11:48pm On Jan 03, 2015
xaxaxaxax, i just knew you would reply, Yes, Yakub that was who i referred to as The scientists. i'm still learning, It turned out that Yakub is Yahweh, and he did not mean bad afterall. Weah! i am here and there and everywhere.

Have you seen the size of Yakub's head? A few years ago, my drug dealing neighbor gave me a book written by Malachi York and his picture was on the cover.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by vonn(f): 11:50pm On Jan 03, 2015
This Gatiano boy is back again with the black supremacy folklore.

Next we'll learn about the black scientist called Yakub who created white human beings in his laboratory.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 12:01am On Jan 04, 2015
xaxaxaxaaxax, i was like whaaaaat too, but his head is actually not like that, it just signifies how brilliant he is. The elders of my place calls the child that outsmart them "olori nla" big head. and physically and psychologically speaking, when you see people whose head is bigger in comparism to their body structure, know that they are filled up, however may not be money rich. from the book "how to analyse people on sight by the benedicts" confirm and tested, they are write, written by white people. so you see for me to actually find myself, i studied them.

Have you seen the size of Yakub's head? A few years ago, my drug dealing neighbor gave me a book written by Malachi York and his picture was on the cover.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by nobilis: 7:04am On Jan 04, 2015

You mean their colours and faces changed also with the tongues? undecided
Are u asking me?
Is it not what the Jews and Christians said their Torah and bible, respectively, said?
They said their bible and their God has the answer to everything.
Isn't that right, O ye Christians?
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by theunusualmoon(m): 11:02am On Jan 04, 2015
When people migrate from one place to another over a long period of time,it is only normal that the physical appearance of their offsprings will be affected by the different environments.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by manmustwac(m): 2:54pm On Jan 04, 2015
Ask this question in Google if you ask here you just limit yourself to Christians who can't think outside the box of religion
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 3:01pm On Jan 04, 2015
no way! their physical apearances can never change, the only thing that changes is the language, the accent and intonation. that could be explained through the process of breathing. example if you are a Nigerian man that moves to uk, your accent will be that of a Nigerian, however, you have stopped breathing the Nigerian air and breathing the uk air, it does not however change your accent, but when you have a child even with another Nigerian person, that child will speak english with a uk accent and can obviously be able to immitate his parent accent. for the next 1000000 years and more till a trillion years, physical appearances will never change except you intermarry with another races which will take 5 to 7 generations (150-200 years), to loose its melanin/black gene (Throne of GOD).
When people migrate from one place to another over a long period of time,it is only normal that the physical appearance of their offsprings will be affected by the different environments.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by theunusualmoon(m): 3:31pm On Jan 04, 2015
no way! their physical apearances can never change, the only thing that changes is the language, the accent and intonation. that could be explained through the process of breathing. example if you are a Nigerian man that moves to uk, your accent will be that of a Nigerian, however, you have stopped breathing the Nigerian air and breathing the uk air, it does not however change your accent, but when you have a child even with another Nigerian person, that child will speak english with a uk accent and can obviously be able to immitate his parent accent. for the next 1000000 years and more till a trillion years, physical appearances will never change except you intermarry with another races which will take 5 to 7 generations (150-200 years), to loose its melanin/black gene (Throne of GOD).
And what do you base your claim on?
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 3:45pm On Jan 04, 2015
genetics, sciences and mostly common sense(i do not in no way mean to be rude) study your own genes, the blackman's genes, it is the strongest and the most marvellous thing. There are two people inside one black person, the black germ and the brown germ or both the dorminant genes and the reccessive genes. The blackman can give birth to an albino if the dominant gene is being suppressed at conception, but then this albino still will have the black gene and can give birth to black children thus the albino is a black person. the black can give birth to all colours. have you ever seen a non-black give birth to a black kinky haired person?

And what do you base your claim on?
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by theunusualmoon(m): 3:55pm On Jan 04, 2015
[quote author=gatiano post=29483999]genetics, .
You don't sound covincing......Thinka about this too.
People living under harsh weather conditions end up with different skin tone and texture when they migrate and live in areas with mild weather conditions over periods of years.
What would you say causes this?
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 4:28pm On Jan 04, 2015
I understand what you mean, a persons skin tone might change, but not his blackness, because that blackness is all up from his genes, even if he physically turns white, his genes won't change thus his progeny will be black. there are black people that have been in babylon since over 6000 years ago, they are still black. there are african american had been in the united states for 400 years (history as taught today, in reality, black people have been in the americas for thousands of years, it was when the mongolians crossed from the barent strait from asia to the americas that they mixed with blacks to form what we call red indians, black had to breed with mongolian to hange their looks) so with other places on earth. i have an uncle that had been in the uk for over 50 years, he is still the same with the same accent, only his children and grand children have different accent but they are still has black as black can come. Now other races developed by a black scientists who understood that there was two genes in a black person. one black, the other brown. he grafted the brown gene against the brown gene over a long period of time (666 years and according to some 600 years) to form the final person called caucasian. read the bible history or story of Jacob where he is mixing the animals, they are not animals, they are people. the whiteman wouldn't agree that we made them on purpose.

[quote author=theunusualmoon post=29484215][/quote]
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by theunusualmoon(m): 4:37pm On Jan 04, 2015
I understand what you mean, a persons skin tone might change, but not his blackness, because that blackness is all up from his genes, even if he physically turns white, his genes won't change thus his progeny will be black. there are black people that have been in babylon since over 6000 years ago, they are still black. there are african american had been in the united states for 400 years (history as taught today, in reality, black people have been in the americas for thousands of years, it was when the mongolians crossed from the barent strait from asia to the americas that they mixed with blacks to form what we call red indians, black had to breed with mongolian to hange their looks) so with other places on earth. i have an uncle that had been in the uk for over 50 years, he is still the same with the same accent, only his children and grand children have different accent but they are still has black as black can come. Now other races developed by a black scientists who understood that there was two genes in a black person. one black, the other brown. he grafted the brown gene against the brown gene over a long period of time (666 years and according to some 600 years) to form the final person called caucasian. read the bible history or story of Jacob where he is mixing the animals, they are not animals, they are people. the whiteman wouldn't agree that we made them on purpose.

............ shocked shocked shocked A black scientist made caucasians.
.....Jacob was not mixing animals he was mixing people. grin grin grin
I guess Jacob was a black scientist cool
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by Weah96: 4:43pm On Jan 04, 2015

............ shocked shocked shocked A black scientist made caucasians.
.....Jacob was not mixing animals he was mixing people. grin grin grin
I guess Jacob was a black scientist cool

You haven't heard anything yet. It appears that we are aliens from another planet, and our original color is green. We only appear black because the atmosphere here on earth is toxic to our meat vessel.


Re: How Did The Races Originate? by theunusualmoon(m): 4:47pm On Jan 04, 2015

You haven't heard anything yet. It appears that we are aliens from another planet, and our original color is green. We only appear black because the atmosphere here on earth is toxic to our meat vessel.

Now I am laughing deliriously.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by theunusualmoon(m): 5:04pm On Jan 04, 2015
I understand what you mean, a persons skin tone might change, but not his blackness, because that blackness is all up from his genes, even if he physically turns white, his genes won't change thus his progeny will be black. there are black people that have been in babylon since over 6000 years ago, they are still black. there are african american had been in the united states for 400 years (history as taught today, in reality, black people have been in the americas for thousands of years, it was when the mongolians crossed from the barent strait from asia to the americas that they mixed with blacks to form what we call red indians, black had to breed with mongolian to hange their looks) so with other places on earth. i have an uncle that had been in the uk for over 50 years, he is still the same with the same accent, only his children and grand children have different accent but they are still has black as black can come. Now other races developed by a black scientists who understood that there was two genes in a black person. one black, the other brown. he grafted the brown gene against the brown gene over a long period of time (666 years and according to some 600 years) to form the final person called caucasian. read the bible history or story of Jacob where he is mixing the animals, they are not animals, they are people. the whiteman wouldn't agree that we made them on purpose.

Can you please share your understanding of the man Jesus+ your views on christianity and atheism.
Also please add your views on heaven,hell,the earth we live in and the forbidden fruit that was eaten by Adam and Eve.
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by vonn(f): 5:05pm On Jan 04, 2015
I understand what you mean, a persons skin tone might change, but not his blackness, because that blackness is all up from his genes, even if he physically turns white, his genes won't change thus his progeny will be black. there are black people that have been in babylon since over 6000 years ago, they are still black. there are african american had been in the united states for 400 years (history as taught today, in reality, black people have been in the americas for thousands of years, it was when the mongolians crossed from the barent strait from asia to the americas that they mixed with blacks to form what we call red indians, black had to breed with mongolian to hange their looks) so with other places on earth. i have an uncle that had been in the uk for over 50 years, he is still the same with the same accent, only his children and grand children have different accent but they are still has black as black can come. Now other races developed by a black scientists who understood that there was two genes in a black person. one black, the other brown. he grafted the brown gene against the brown gene over a long period of time (666 years and according to some 600 years) to form the final person called caucasian. read the bible history or story of Jacob where he is mixing the animals, they are not animals, they are people. the whiteman wouldn't agree that we made them on purpose.

......Mongolians......blacks...... How did they come to be in the first place before they could produce the red indians?
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 5:05pm On Jan 04, 2015
There is a truth and a lie. each and everyone of us have a freewill to take whatever path we love. Of what use is the grafting of animals to the bible history? why then was gregor mendel called father of genetics when Jacob had already grafted animals eons ago? and beside Lets us make man in our own image and likeness, and let us give them power and dominion... what does the pronouns, us and our? how many people was there? Do you even have any idea of who you are as a black person? do you think you are forty years old? well, you may ask in your mind, why do the white people rule and enslaved us if we (black people) made them? This is a very serious question to which the answer would daze you. but i can tell that we as the black people are in the cycle of self forgetfulness known to modern people as evil. Blackman wanted to know what self forgetfulness feels like. and he can because he is fearless. We have and it is time for self awareness (trumpet sounding) for the brain dead to ressurect. investigate for yourself, the truth is not far off.


............ shocked shocked shocked A black scientist made caucasians.
.....Jacob was not mixing animals he was mixing people. grin grin grin
I guess Jacob was a black scientist cool
Re: How Did The Races Originate? by gatiano(m): 5:25pm On Jan 04, 2015
The Mongolians (Mongoloid) are a yellow people which were grafted from the black people after 400 years(according to the Nation of Islam) or 600 years (according to the blackrootsscience of Africa), The crossed the bering straits thousands of years ago, thus you'd have the Eskimos they are mongolian or chinese looking people, moving down into american continent, they met black people. You know how light looking people treat the black. the mistreatment of black people is why GOD always send a comforter to comfort the black people in their time of oppression and warn the oppressors. Those we have 7 great messengers that had come to us who represent the seven churches of the revelations. does this answer your questions, if not tell me, i will try to explain better.

......Mongolians......blacks...... How did they come to be in the first place before they could produce the red indians?

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