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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / When you come across a Hopeless Situation. (3087 Views)
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When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Toks2008(m): 10:31am On Aug 23, 2015 |
I have come to realize that i don't know GOD as i thought i knew him neither do i understand his ways. But in my years of existence,i have come to realize one fact. GOD usually manifest himself in a seemingly hopeless situations and where men have always put a full stop is where GOD comes in. Now lets take a look at all these seemingly hopeless situations from the Bible *Joseph was sold and imprisoned *Israelis were cornered by the best soldiers in the world with the red sea as the only route of escape *Gideon was with 300men against 300,000 *Small David stood across the valley facing a blood thirsty giant goliath. *Esther was a woman trying to gain a word with a prideful king *Daniel's room mate was a lion *Shedrach,meshrach and Abedinigo were thrown into a terribly hot furnace of fire that even killed those who threw them in. *Job lost all he had. *Peter denied Jesus. *Paul was a terror to Christendom. *Ezekiel spoke to dry bones *Jonah got stuck in the belly of a whale. *The 5000 had no food. *Lazarus was dead. *Timothy was timid. *Abraham and Sarah were too old *The impenetrable thick wall of Jericho. *Jesus was humiliated,crucified,buried in a tomb and forgotten by the world. These situations appeared to be hopeless but the truth is that GOD's power is made perfect when all hope seems to dwindle. *Joseph became second in command. *The red sea parted. *Gideon won without lifting a weapon. *Goliath's head was on a plate. *Esther spoke and the king listened. *Daniel tamed the lions. *The oven felt like room temperature. *Jonah was delivered. *Dry bones lived. *Job got multiple fold restoration. *Peter became the rock. *Paul repented. *5000 fed and twelve full baskets were left over. *Lazarus was just kidding. *Timothy built a church. *Abraham and Sarah gave birth to a nation. *The walls of Jericho went flat. *And Jesus rose up defeating,Satan,death and sin,setting the world free from generations of bondage and hopelessness. [size=13pt] GLORY,HONOR,POWER,MAJESTY AND ADORATION TO JEHOVAH FOREVER MORE! [/size] [b]With GOD, what seems like a hopeless situation is not only possible but favorable. Just trust him like a new born trusts the mother and you will see the miraculous happen in your situation no matter how hopeles it may seem 4 Likes
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by kossyablaze(m): 10:35am On Aug 23, 2015 |
Hmmm 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Mbkite(m): 10:36am On Aug 23, 2015 |
Nice one.
Work on the topic and edit your post(e.g. Taught-thought)
God bless u. |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Toks2008(m): 10:38am On Aug 23, 2015 |
Mbkite: Doing just that but any idea for the topic? |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Nobody: 10:39am On Aug 23, 2015 |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Mbkite(m): 10:41am On Aug 23, 2015 |
Toks2008:maybe, "God always do the impossible" or somtin better. |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Toks2008(m): 11:23am On Aug 23, 2015 |
Mbkite: ok thanks.Have a great sunday ahead. 1 Like |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Toks2008(m): 8:04am On Jan 10, 2016 |
Jehovah the GOD of last minute. |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Toks2008(m): 2:30pm On Apr 24, 2016 |
lalasticlala help someone restore hope this sunday. |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by ifenes(m): 3:49pm On Apr 24, 2016 |
There is no hopeless situation. Our European counterparts have shown us that. Well at least with what we have seen them achieve a lot without a god. Pushing problems to god makes things hopeless. Learn to be creative. Creative minds are full of hope. |
Re: When you come across a Hopeless Situation. by Toks2008(m): 5:33pm On Apr 24, 2016 |
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