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The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 11:51am On Nov 05, 2015 |
[b]It's not so common to hear things like "Other planets in our solar systems do they have water?" Many of us used to think back in those days that our Earth is the only planet with water and many still trail that line of thought. Well our earth is not the only planet in our planetary neighbourhood to possess water neither does it even possess the largest amount of it but it does has the largest stable amount of surface water. Water has been associated with Life and a necessary factor for the emergence and survival of biological organism (This doesn't mean water is only exactly what we know it to be here) So this deep study into our neighbourhood has revealed some really fascinating things about us and the solar system. . . Below is a countdown of planets in our solar system with water or ice on it and these are possible candidates for our extra-terrestrial biological search.. (1)EARTH Ok there is no way i am not starting my list with this one, its a very pretty planet beaming blue from the enormous amount of surface liquid water it possess. To me this is the crown jewel of our solar system and my home so don't blame me if i give her much more than others.. ![]() This planet seats in a very good place in the Goldilocks zone (Not too hot or too cold zone of a planetary system) of our system. The third planet from the sun and possess almost 71% of it in contrast to 29% of land. a good percentage of this water is in form of solid ice mostly in it's poles. . 91% percent of the earth's total water is salty water... [/b] 19 Likes 5 Shares
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by hahn(m): 12:00pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
FTC ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Oahray: 12:06pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
Hmmm... *following* |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by ichommy(m): 12:36pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
Nice One J Don |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 12:54pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
MARS Well am sure people must have been expecting the red planet on my list because this planet gave us one of the most outstanding discoveries in 2015's science journal. It wasn't too long ago that NASA announced confirmation of liquid water on Mars, this water speculated to be sourced from maybe an underground Ice, salty aquifers or condensed humidity from Marsian thin atmosphere. This new discovery has tickled and pricked our imaginations on the breathe taking possibilities this back door neighbour of ours may harbour. stakes has gone high on the possible discovery of alien life maybe in microbile form on Mars... There is a solid ice cap on mars poles mainly frozen methane and Mars geographical signature has shown Mars had ancient oceans if not more than what we have here on earth. What ever happened to that huge amount of water, we may find out soon ![]() 4 Likes 3 Shares
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 3:12pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
CERES No doubt is one of our neighbours that has tickled our fancy with the amount of information we derive from and sometimes plays tricks on us. . mysterious smudge of light from time to time thats probably a reflection.. This asteroid cum dwarf planets seats in between almighty Jupiter and mean looking neighbour mars From what we know so far this dwarf has 25% ice water on it and a good percentage of which may be in liquid form. It is also anticipated that ceres may contain an ocean beneath it's surface. . Dawn space probe may give us more insights soon. 1 Like 1 Share
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Krystalzkris(f): 4:23pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
wonder why i didnt take my physics and geography class serious. ![]() ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by hahn(m): 4:27pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
Krystalzkris: Do you think johnnydon22 learnt all this via the Nigerian schooling system? It's apparent that he is self taught 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Krystalzkris(f): 4:37pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
hahn:your right,I also think he must have fallen in love with those subjects in school before trying to learn more on his own... I never loved those two subjects.. |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by hahn(m): 4:50pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
Krystalzkris: It doesn't necessarily work like that. I was a science student in school but then fell in love with business. I had to start learning business on my own. If you have interest in something, nothing holds you back from seeking it 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Krystalzkris(f): 4:54pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
hahn:maybe ![]() |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 5:03pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
hahn: I was in love with physics, geography and biology in school but my interest in astrophysics developed later. Its a fascinating and breathe taking subject that i can't help getting obsessed with, you are right it is self taught though and countless of such e-books on my phone nearly pass normal documents. Astronomical twitter handles are my favourite handles to follow, no celebrity stuff.. My girl friend once asked me why i like all the planets, astroids, galaxies, nebulas and other astronomical and physics pictures on my phone.. that it is boring.. ![]() I had to create folder for them (more than 400) so she can leave that side alone when using my phone and not complain again... That girl sef... 22 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by hahn(m): 5:12pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
johnydon22: Lol. A lot of women are not into those stuff. Neither am I. I more of business prone. When I am eventually rich, I will love to create a science institute here in Nigeria. Maybe we can work on it together when it's time ![]() |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 5:14pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
EUROPA Next stop on the list we port to Jupiter.. No! No!! No!!! not the planet jupiter, that humongous beast is a gas giant so finding water on it is a long story.. Am talking about Jupiter's moons. Europa is one of Jupiter's 4 main moons or Galilean moons as they are popularly called. Europa has a beautiful icy surface with salty liquid ocean beneath this surface. The tidal heat of its beast parent planet jupiter maintains this water in liquid form. Europa is slightly smaller than our moon, just a tiny bit smaller but is one of our best shots or should i say bets of having micobile alien life forms lurking within... 5 Likes 4 Shares
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 5:18pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
hahn: ![]() When i use a nebula as my whatsapp dp like i usually do, she will be like "Baby remove that thing and put my picture ![]() Hhmm science institution, sounds neat... future achievement dream things ba? ![]() ![]() 7 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by hahn(m): 5:22pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
johnydon22: Women love having their pictures on dp ehn ![]() ![]() |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by herald9: 5:50pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
johnydon22:What's water doing in a moon when planets needs it most? |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 6:10pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
herald9: Lol.. Most of these Moons are massive enough to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium under their own gravity...if they were orbitting the sun instead of planets, they would have been classified planets After all planets are not primary source of waters but Comets and Asteroids probably.. 5 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 6:32pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
GANYMEDE Everyone should give this crown jewel of the moons a standing ovation. . . This moon is the largest moon in our solar system and it's not a surprise it belongs to the largest planet in our system, Jupiter. Ganymede is one of the Galilean moons, the only moon to possess it's own independent magnetic field. Ganymede anyway has a trapped under ground salty ocean beneath is surface, it is truly a remarkable moon.. This baby should be a planet not a moon, jupiter nawa for you oo ![]() ![]() contunu !!! ![]() 11 Likes 3 Shares
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by herald9: 7:22pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
johnydon22:Was wondering, since the moon is made up of particles that reflects light, the surface temperature will be hot, which means water will be evaporated faster than its taken in. How is it able to retain water in its icy form? |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 8:16pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
herald9: Actually every planetary body can reflect light there are no special particles for it that suggest such body cannot retain water or possess a hot surface due to light..... The planets Venus and Jupiter are far more brighter than our moon, if venus was as close to us as the moon night here would look like evening because of it's brightness ever wondered why Venus was called the Morning star by the ancients. Our moon like many other moons is a planet-like body and so possess surfaces and geographical formations if i must add... So its typically like asking how other planets retain water. N.B: Asteroids that orbit a planet are also classified moons.. 3 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 8:31pm On Nov 05, 2015 |
CALLISTO Here we are yet again another of the great Galilean moons, my favourite Callisto. The moon is relatively large and has a very interesting look when picture and heavily cratered. Callisto has a decent amount of rocks and ice and a sub surface ocean beneath of liquid water. Quite a boring moon if you ask me, shows no form of activities like volcanic activities or tectonic movements.. Named after one of my favourite Mythical character the Callisto a nymph in hellinistic mythology... Have a huge crush on her ![]() But who wouldn't love having this baby on our night sky as another of our moon ![]() ![]() ![]() I.e: Galilean moons are four main moons of Jupiter discovered in the 1600s by the esteemed Galileo Galilei using his Galilean telescope. . . Can show you how to make a Galilean telescope at home and enjoy observing the night sky... 6 Likes 4 Shares
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 2:05pm On Nov 06, 2015 |
ENCELADUS Ok we have had enough of jupiter our next stop is saturn to the beautiful Moon of saturn named enceladus.. This moon is a very impressive one and is one of our top candidates for possible life forms in our neighbourhood. Shoots off an impressive jet steams of water from fissures in it's surface... This beauty has a milky-white colour that betrays an icy surface, a deep underground liquid ocean beneath the not so thick ice surface.. Enceladus is a very impressive active moon of the gas giant Saturn... 5 Likes 2 Shares
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 10:57am On Nov 09, 2015 |
TITAN Woooof this moon is a disappointment to me judging from it's name ![]() ![]() so Titan is a moon of saturn, The largest Moon of our dear wonder it is named TITAN, larger than our own Earth's moon. we are not really sure yet the nature of water on this moon but it is speculated that it has a salty ocean trapped between layers of ice .. If this is true then we aren't expecting this bad boy to have any surprised for us, via you know what i mean...... ![]() But one thing is certain Nature is far more crazier than we make it out to be, we may be surprised.. ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Gluthatione: 12:18pm On Nov 09, 2015 |
that's wonderful bro, 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by byteHead(m): 12:55pm On Nov 09, 2015 |
. |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by CltrAltDelicious(m): 4:17pm On Nov 09, 2015 |
Dude keep making me fall inlove with astronomy nice job bruh ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Nobody: 4:20pm On Nov 10, 2015 |
I have a theory that the reason why mars doesn't have much water on it's surface is because of solar winds blowing away liquid water away from the planet over the millennia. i need someone to work it out mathematically. my evidence is er . . . well, mars only has dense gases on it's surface right now. and a lot of sand. that is weathering. how did that happen? how is it possible for the surface of a planet to be so full of sand if there wasn't a consistent weathering system? and i recently read of how mars had all the lighter gases in it's atmosphere blown away by solar wind because it's magnetic field is very weak. it follows that as the gases were being blown away, water must have evaporated due to the decrease in temperature.. these would have then being blown away as well. johnydon22, what do you think of this? 2 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 4:35pm On Nov 10, 2015 |
Teempakguy: I doubt the solar wind hypothesis. . . We are much closer to the Sun than Mars and so i think Solar winds should have much effect on the earth than Mars... So If solar wind had such effects on Mars, Why is earth still hoarding an enormous amount of liquid water.. (tho waters on Mars must have been far more older than what we have on earth..)
Alongside Mars having an ancient ocean before, it is also thought mars had a much thick atmosphere like earth.. What ever murdered those Thick atmosphere took the water with it. My best guess is a Planetary Collision, Mars might have been a bit bigger than it is now, a collision with another planetary body e.g Asteroid Can really dismantle Mars' rich atmosphere remember Asteroids react like nuclear bomb on impact. So i think It was a collision which evaporated the Waters in the process, peeled off most of Mars' atmosphere until we are left with what we have now.. Debris from that collision must have contributed to the debris in the asteroid belt.. Take a look at the picture of Mars i put up there, You noticed the huge scar on the planets surface?.. Might be remnants from the impact.. ... 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Nobody: 5:00pm On Nov 10, 2015 |
johnydon22:The solar wind is actually very dangerous. and also, in space, distance doesn't matter. without atmospheric friction to reduce speed over time, things do not slow down at all. the solar wind will continue to move at the same speed . . . forever. earth still has a lot of water because of our magnetosphere. which deflects the solar wind. like a force field.. another of those cool things. ![]() Alongside Mars having an ancient ocean before, it is also thought mars had a much thick atmosphere like earth..Mars does not have a strong magnetosphere. because of this, the solar wind is in direct contact with it. no deflection. i think the reason mars doesn't have this magnetosphere is because of that collision you mentioned. it must have jumbled up the core very badly and must have destroyed it. a planet needs to have an intact core in order to have a functioning magnetosphere. I don't think the collision is solely responsible for the stripping of mars' liquid water because, earth has also been involved in such a collision. which gave rise to the moon. and yet, we still have water. i think the worst the collision could have done was to 1. convert a lot of the water into gaseous form, instead of liquid, 2. destroy mars' magnetosphere, the result would be an eventual stripping of water vapour and oxygen over the millennia. transforming the planet into what we now see. here is a picture (artistic representation) of what is going on. ![]() Another depressing fact. in the last 200 years, the earth's own magnetosphere has decreased by 15%. so . . . get ready, the earth is going to be loosing some weight in the next 5000 years. ![]() ![]() 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by johnydon22(m): 5:11pm On Nov 10, 2015 |
Teempakguy: Very true about the Magnetic field that is why i proposed a collision which is the only that should be powerful enough to severe Martian magnetic field that much.. Our collision with the body that formed our moon should not be as big as that Mars could have witnessed. The body must have been nearly half the size of Mars to powerful enough to diminish the planets size, severe it's magnetic field and slice it's atmosphere leaving the water and possibly life forms on it at the mercy of Solar Wind like you rightly postulated. The scar on Mars points towards a humongous collision.. I think understanding what really happened to the Red planet would give us incentive on how to prevent Earth from suffering such fate anytime soon.. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: The Solar System And Its Waters And Oceans by Nobody: 5:29pm On Nov 10, 2015 |
johnydon22:hahahaha. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() anyway, you're probably right as well. the problem now is, if humans are going to live on mars, they will have to plan their lives around it. it solar winds must be constantly monitored so that they can be indoors when it strikes. or . . . fried chicken, sir. ![]() meanwhile, ganymede is becoming somehow interesting to me . . . |
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