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How Can One Know Original Honey? - Food - Nairaland

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How Can One Know Original Honey? by sunshine01: 1:34pm On Jun 11, 2009
Pls fellow nairalanders your contributions will be apperciated.

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Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by iice(f): 11:11am On Jun 12, 2009
When you see parts of bees and honeycomb in it undecided
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by dominique(f): 1:11pm On Jun 12, 2009
Even that cant be enough guarantee. Some dubious people actually mix pure honey with adultrated one.
To answer the question. . . I really cant tell myself.
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by ifyalways(f): 8:57pm On Jun 12, 2009
Difficult to tell.
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Pepeye(f): 9:30pm On Jun 14, 2009
the price is always a tell tale sign if it’s real or not
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by igbi: 2:43pm On Jun 18, 2009
If u are buying from the road side or mkt.it will be difficult to tell, i usualy buy from my friend and we were thought to leave a drop of the said honey on the floor over night if ants surronds it by morning,know its not pure cos ants r attracted to sugar, but if u dont find ants on them then know its pure, like i said dnt know how u get urs cos u may not be able to return after buying.


Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by mamae(f): 4:32pm On Jun 18, 2009
Price don't tells at times, but the little I know is that pure honey is thicker than the fake one

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Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by tpiah: 4:59pm On Jun 18, 2009

If u are buying from the road side or mkt.it will be difficult to tell, i usualy buy from my friend and we were thought to leave a drop of the said honey on the floor over night if ants surronds it by morning,know its not pure cos ants r attracted to sugar, but if u dont find ants on them then know its pure, like i said dnt know how u get urs cos u may not be able to return after buying.

I dont know if that's a good test because honey also has sugar in it- fructose.

If it has bits of the honeycomb and maybe a couple of bees, thats probably an almost surefire way of knowing its original.

Pure honey should also be thick, and maybe have a certain color.

Honey in the supermarkets have the guarantee, but for the one sold on the street at home, one just has to know what one is buying i guess.
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by WAVixen: 7:10pm On Jun 18, 2009
There are different species of bees [color=#550000][/color] synonymous with different regions.So also the difference in taste and texture.Most supermarket honey is overly refined to give it a less thicker consistency.Dont trust all those honey combs you see on the road side. They are sometimes for 'show'!
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by jephiano: 4:20pm On Jun 20, 2009
original honey has various textures and colours but 2 things u should look out for are:
1)Original honey sinks to te bottom of the jar when poured into water.its denser than water and doesnt mix easily.
2)if u put some original honey on a broom stick and put it in a fire, it burns brightly with even a little spark
hope i was helpful


Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Itanola: 12:15am On Jul 03, 2009
There are different ways to detect pure unadulterated honey which are:
1.    If you dip your finger into the honey try to drop one or two drops on the ground, if it is pure honey it will go down like a thread without breaking.

2.    Pour water into a cup then pour some quantity of honey if it is pure honey it will go down to the bottom of the cup without mixing up with the water except if you stir it.

3.    Dip a stick of matches into your honey and strike it if it is pure honey the matches will burn even the honey will act as a fuel while burning.

4.    Drop some on the sand if it is pure honey it will not sink immediately.

As a professional beekeeper with experience, I want to say categorically here that pure honey attracts ANTS, honey contains sugar and it is sweet it is an erroneous belief that ants will not come near honey, even the bee hives in the farm are threatened by ants that wants to take over because of the sweet odour they are perceiving.

I advice you to take honey because it is very good for your health and highly medicinal. There is a book Amazing Uses of Honey, there you will discover various uses of honey and how to detect pure natural honey and the comparism analysis of honey with sugar.
For more information or clarification contact: uncommonhelen@gmail.com or call: 08064460886 (State Secretary Ekiti State Beekeepers Association) .

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Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by ThoniaSlim(f): 10:32am On Jul 06, 2009
I think the only way to know its fresh n real is when you buy it from the farm directly. . . undecided


Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by mamag3: 6:04pm On Jul 31, 2009
When it smells like an Original Honey.
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Nobody: 7:43pm On Jul 31, 2009
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Itanola: 10:20pm On Jul 31, 2009
Ekiti State has Beekeepers Association, we even have joint APIARY and we meet every second thursday of the month.

In response to detecting pure honey by smelling it, that may not be 100% guaranteed because they can mix it up, put combs and dead bee to deceive you. For quick check put a spoon in a glass of water if it dissolve or mix up with the water immediately without stirring it, its not pure.
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Nobody: 2:51am On Aug 02, 2009
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Nobody: 2:37pm On Aug 02, 2009

good advice there
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Nobody: 7:51pm On Aug 03, 2009
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by queenesthr(f): 4:31pm On May 18, 2010
Very interesting.
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by cessienboy(m): 4:21pm On May 29, 2010
Its very thick,its flamable
I do sell pure original honey.I get mine from Obanliku L.G.A ad Obudu L.G.A of Cross River Sate.You can easily find an original honey there cos mst of them are into bee farming ad the business thrives so well there cos of their location.

I sell 20 litres for =N=13,000 to =N15,000 but nothing less than 13K.
I also supply large commercial quantities if needed also.
I can suply to Anywhere in Cross River State,Anywhere in Akwa Ibom State,Aba,Owerri,Lagos,Abuja,Port-Harcourt,Delta,Bayelsa

Call me on 08039301995 or

A taste will convince you

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Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by bettyw7679: 10:54am On Jun 02, 2010
Thanks you for the post.
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by snthesis(m): 2:32pm On Jan 02, 2012
put a the jar of honey in a deep freezer, if it freezes over then it isnt original

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Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by Nobody: 7:32am On Jan 04, 2012
Take a match stick and insert deep into it, then strick it! if it lights then the honey is very pure.

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Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by deols(f): 6:49am On Jan 08, 2012

There are different ways to detect pure unadulterated honey which are:
1.    If you dip your finger into the honey try to drop one or two drops on the ground, if it is pure honey it will go down like a thread without breaking.

2.    Pour water into a cup then pour some quantity of honey if it is pure honey it will go down to the bottom of the cup without mixing up with the water except if you stir it.

3.    Dip a stick of matches into your honey and strike it if it is pure honey the matches will burn even the honey will act as a fuel while burning.

4.    Drop some on the sand if it is pure honey it will not sink immediately.

As a professional beekeeper with experience, I want to say categorically here that pure honey attracts ANTS, honey contains sugar and it is sweet it is an erroneous belief that ants will not come near honey, even the bee hives in the farm are threatened by ants that wants to take over because of the sweet odour they are perceiving.

I advice you to take honey because it is very good for your health and highly medicinal. There is a book Amazing Uses of Honey, there you will discover various uses of honey and how to detect pure natural honey and the comparism analysis of honey with sugar.
For more information or clarification contact: uncommonhelen@gmail.com or call: 08064460886 (State Secretary Ekiti State Beekeepers Association) .

After reading this thread, I went to buy honey. I tried two and three. while two worked, three did not. but, I have no reason to consider the honey fake. the name, price, everything suggests its pure honey except for failing test no.3 . what do u thnk of that??
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by sweetbeez: 11:28pm On Apr 09, 2012


- Pure Natural Honey

- Organically farmed

- Zero Additives

- Diabetes Friendly

- Healthy Sugar Substitute

- Several Therapeutic uses


Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by 19naia(m): 3:35am On May 19, 2012
i was in philippines for 2 years and bought honey there from road hawkers who carried it in buckest with bees and honey comb in it...the honey never tasted like honey and they would prove it as honey by dipping the head of a match in it and the honey will never soak into the fire starting compound of the match,it would roll off and not even make a wet mark..but still it was not real honey...the local sugar cane industry there produces so much sugar syrup and then honey men eat thier honey and use sugar syrup and coloring and small honey to make good sweet stuff,but just not the real thing....i found the real stuff by the taste test,its always the best if you already know the taste of fake and real many times before..no 2 real honey sources taste the same and that makes honey so much nicer...the taste and smell is what you must learn or go for chemistry and years of study and expensive test equipment just to eat one small serving of honey??

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Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by tuslakoncept: 12:12pm On Oct 30, 2012
So many comments on identifying original, I really appreciate the comments from jephiano and some others.
Original satisfies the match-stick test i.e. lights even when the stick in inserted in honey
Also water test, a drop of honey goes to the bottom of the bowl of water...

Like many claim and i object, honey contains sugar and will definitely attract ants. do not patronage other school of thoughts, people can be dubious, they mix original honey will ant-repulsive mixture that tends to irritate the ants thereby keeping them off. This kind of mixture is harmful to the human health.

I served in Yola where original bee honey is gotten, and I'l been to calabar also where good honey is sold. If anyone would like to buy original honey here in Lagos or you want to know more on what honey does for you contact 07031315222, BB: 2728B4F4(old pin) new 2A4E4D29
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by oduz: 1:13pm On Mar 17, 2013
Cool thread, cool
Re: How Can One Know Original Honey? by AdamJack(m): 9:24am On Mar 18, 2013
Get a glass of water.And a tablespoon of honey are all you need for the first test.
Empty the honey into the water. If the honey is impure, it will dissolve in the water- the most common additive to honey is syrup of jaggery, which dissolves. If it is pure, the honey will stick together and sink as a solid lump to the bottom of the glass.

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