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Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score - Education - Nairaland

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Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by kaysy(m): 12:36pm On Jul 05, 2016
Here is the way 2016/17 Post UTME Screening scores will be determined. No Examination will be conducted.

Number of sittings for O'Level
1) One Sitting = 10 marks
2) Two Sittings = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 10marks

O'Level Result Grading from 5 subjects
A (A1) = 6marks
B (B2, B3) = 4marks
C (C4, C5, C6) = 3marks
Total marks obtainable = 30marks

JAMB UTME Score Grades
Check the image below for your score grade
Total marks obtainable = 60marks

So start calculating your score now

Candidates of Federal Universities & Polytechnics whose Institutions have started online registration for their screening can visit out office at Shop 14, Bakassi Hall, Yabatech to Register. We only Register students whose institution uses Remita Platform for online payments. Thank You

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Dclique(m): 12:53pm On Jul 05, 2016
This method doesn't seem to be reasonable or logical. Better methods for screening should be implemented.

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by kaysy(m): 1:20pm On Jul 05, 2016
This method doesn't seem to be reasonable or logical. Better methods for screening should be implemented.
plz suggest 1 better method. For me i think this is good cos it makes them start preparing for admission from WAEC not just JAMB.

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Shedrack36(m): 2:41pm On Jul 05, 2016
When will jamb site be enble?
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by thecrush: 2:49pm On Jul 05, 2016

plz suggest 1 better method. For me i think this is good cos it makes them start preparing for admission from WAEC not just JAMB.
Can u kindly put down ur brain and analyse this?
UI used a method similar to this for three yrs but had to stop. Ui used a better method with jamb as 40 amd Waec as 60 marks.

Jamb is 60marks!!!
The highest 90% of students can get is 34/60
And two sittings gets 2 marks - no hope!
This will breed more corrupt practices to earn higher Marks

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Dclique(m): 3:11pm On Jul 05, 2016

plz suggest 1 better method. For me i think this is good cos it makes them start preparing for admission from WAEC not just JAMB.


UI used a method similar to this for three yrs but had to stop. Ui used a better method with jamb as 40 amd Waec as 60 marks.
Jamb is 60marks!!!
The highest 90% of students can get is 34/60
And two sittings gets 2 marks - no hope!


Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Papacypaul(m): 3:41pm On Jul 05, 2016

plz suggest 1 better method. For me i think this is good cos it makes them start preparing for admission from WAEC not just JAMB.
And it will give me enough reason to consult special centre to have As

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by thecrush: 3:48pm On Jul 05, 2016
And it will give me enough reason to consult special centre to have As
Thats the point...
This is wicked

Abeg tell me how many will get beyond 34/60 in jamb?

Even ur As in WAEC cannot help you.

Schools may just hav to use 30/100 as cutoff if they want to be fair.

At the University of Ibadan, waec and jamb combo was used for three yrs. The method was later seen as unfair cos it favoured only those with high jamb and waec scores and didn't givr chance to those who really worked hard... i mean those with the average marks...

Postjamb exams was a way to give a level playinh ground to them all....

This method no good!


Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by DesChyko: 4:08pm On Jul 05, 2016
Things were much easier when JAMB controlled admission. Score up to the cutoff mark and pack your loads straight to start up school. And if you don't, there's always the Supplementary Forms to look forward to.

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by STPEACE10: 5:15pm On Jul 05, 2016
please they placed two numbers and email in that pdf so that one can contact then for more enquiries about the screening, please try to reach them for an authenticity purpose. below is my little conversation with one of the number placed in that PDF. Thanks.

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by mrowen279(m): 5:16pm On Jul 05, 2016
thanks op
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by unapapadeycraze: 5:19pm On Jul 05, 2016
What's the consequence of registering for d.e without regularization? I did part time in yabatech.

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Nobody: 5:22pm On Jul 05, 2016
No comment

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by kaysy(m): 5:24pm On Jul 05, 2016
You guys saying this is not fair dnt know how much favor JAMB is doing for u, dnt u know that with this system, they have succeeded in decentralising the system such that school management does not become the semi God they have always been in the past years? There is high fradulent practices happening with the post utme era where mostly the rich and connected gets what they desires, but now, even at waec level u can start working ur way in which i believe everyone has access to. The only thing i would have loved jamb to do was to make 1 sitting in olevel = 4marks while 2sittings = 2marks, then ur jamb score will be divided by 6, the olevel grading is just ok the way it is, by dividing jamb score by 6, everybody will get what they truly deserve.


Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by lungtruth(m): 5:25pm On Jul 05, 2016
And it will give me enough reason to consult special centre to have As
And it will give me enough reason to consult special centre to have As
And it will give me enough reason to consult special centre to have As
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Immality(m): 5:26pm On Jul 05, 2016
Which one are we even to believe... Another strategy will still come out.. I must see the end product...
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Bwaal(m): 5:26pm On Jul 05, 2016
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by IamLukas(m): 5:28pm On Jul 05, 2016
Prepare for runs abi?
Not when waec is like classwork in most schools.

plz suggest 1 better method. For me i think this is good cos it makes them start preparing for admission from WAEC not just JAMB.

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by ijmbadmission(m): 5:28pm On Jul 05, 2016
JAMB is overrated, check my signature for best alternative to university admission without UTME...Join the moving train and forget about Jamb brouhaha!!!

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Genius101(m): 5:30pm On Jul 05, 2016
i dint seem to get why even some elite dont seem to understand this model?for goodness sake this point grade system was used by ibb which jamb clearly made remark on to be at a disadvantage to some candidates hence will not be used.. it was only a model sample just like the tafawa balewa's.
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by IamLukas(m): 5:30pm On Jul 05, 2016
Did U read where they said Jamb admission is only provisional?
Schools can always find a way to make it suit their corrupt practices.
You guys saying this is not fair dnt know how much favor JAMB is doing for u, dnt u know that with this system, they have succeeded in decentralising the system such that school management does not become the semi God they have always been in the past years? There is high fradulent practices happening with the post utme era where mostly the rich and connected gets what they desires, but now, even at waec level u can start working ur way in which i believe everyone has access to. The only thing i would have loved jamb to do was to make 1 sitting in olevel = 4marks while 2sittings = 2marks, then ur jamb score will be divided by 6, the olevel grading is just ok the way it is, by dividing jamb score by 6, everybody will get what they truly deserve.

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Rilwon: 5:31pm On Jul 05, 2016
You guys saying this is not fair dnt know how much favor JAMB is doing for u, dnt u know that with this system, they have succeeded in decentralising the system such that school management does not become the semi God they have always been in the past years? There is high fradulent practices happening with the post utme era where mostly the rich and connected gets what they desires, but now, even at waec level u can start working ur way in which i believe everyone has access to. The only thing i would have loved jamb to do was to make 1 sitting in olevel = 4marks while 2sittings = 2marks, then ur jamb score will be divided by 6, the olevel grading is just ok the way it is, by dividing jamb score by 6, everybody will get what they truly deserve.

Please stop putting up wrong info.
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by JoelXclusive: 5:33pm On Jul 05, 2016

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Nobody: 5:36pm On Jul 05, 2016
I think I've lost my faith in nigerians.

The High amount of stupidity going on here is painful.

cc Elxandre
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Gr8amechi: 5:42pm On Jul 05, 2016

Thats the point...
This is wicked

Abeg tell me how many will get beyond 34/60 in jamb?

Even ur As in WAEC cannot help you.

Schools may just hav to use 30/100 as cutoff if they want to be fair.

At the University of Ibadan, waec and jamb combo was used for three yrs. The method was later seen as unfair cos it favoured only those with high jamb and waec scores and didn't givr chance to those who really worked hard... i mean those with the average marks...

Postjamb exams was a way to give a level playinh ground to them all....

This method no good!
I fault your claims, post jamb exam is not and can never be a way out. Sorry to say but post ume is even the most corrupt in them all, first the rate of machinery used for post jamb is alarming, don't ask me how try find out yourself 2ndly most schools are very disorganized in conduct of post ume exams. Just note the true reason schools want to continue post ume is because of the money they are milking from it, just imagine a university sold form for 5k then 1k as bank charge that's a total of 6k do you think this is fair??

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Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by ANIEXTY(m): 5:43pm On Jul 05, 2016
I cleared all my papers in NECO, but my chemistry was canceled, i want to combine my NECO with my WAEC (same year), could that be 1 sitting ?
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by kennynelcon(m): 5:45pm On Jul 05, 2016
Cool, adopting UCAS method
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by eph12(m): 5:45pm On Jul 05, 2016
Thought someone said only the utme result would be used?
Re: Check How To Calculate Your 2016/17 UTME Screening Score by Noneroone(m): 5:51pm On Jul 05, 2016
a very stupid model
that jamb registrar should find his way out already
what has o level result acquired through special and magic centers got to with admission criteria? what then is the essence of jamb.
this country is indeed a zoo


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