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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Health / Original Aju Mbaise Herbs (8513 Views)
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Original Aju Mbaise Herbs by herbswonder: 3:42pm On May 27, 2018 |
The Wonder Herb Aju Mbaise. The wonder herb for women gynecological issues. Health is wealth as the saying goes. It is a healthy body,mind and soul that actually make wealth. Today am going to be sharing with us about a particular wonder herbs that God has blessed us with which has been used over the years by women to take care of their gynecological issues. Women are faced with lots of gynecological health issues right from the time puberty sets in through their child bearing. These could range from menstrual irregularities and complications,ovulation pains,delay in conception,pregnancy and complications, post natal issues. These cases most time could result to more complicated ones if not properly handled. For instance,menstrual complications like heavy/scanty flow,could be so disturbing and lead to infertility. So it is pertinent that the right and adequate attention should be given to such. Ajumbaise. These herbs is gotten from a town called Mbaise,in the city of Owerri in IMO state, Nigeria. It is made up up of leaves and bark of trees all wrapped together and tied to avoid loosening,hence the meaning of the name.Aju means wrapped.It is commonly marketed by aged women who have tested and can prove the efficacy of the herbs. Who Can Use the Herbs? ======================== These herbs are usually taken by women especially those who just put to bed. It helps to detoxify, cleanse and sanitise the womb after delivery. It gets rid of the stale and bad blood in the womb,the excess water and every post natal substances that may be left hence allowing the stomach to return to its normal size in good time. It also helps the woman’s cycle to normalize and ready for conception. A woman who just miscarried or had an abortion can take it too. Heavy/Scanty/painful menstrual low……these issues can be checked and normalized using this herbs and even in the cases where there has not been menses too. It also used by those going through anovulation or infertility. It enhances ovulation and hence fertility. Aju Mbaise is a wonderful gift from God to women folk. Contact 08181028990 1 Like
Re: Original Aju Mbaise Herbs by rexana: 6:41pm On May 27, 2018 |
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Re: Original Aju Mbaise Herbs by herbswonder: 11:24am On May 28, 2018 |
The Wonder Herb Aju Mbaise. The wonder herb for women gynecological issues. Health is wealth as the saying goes. It is a healthy body,mind and soul that actually make wealth. Today am going to be sharing with us about a particular wonder herbs that God has blessed us with which has been used over the years by women to take care of their gynecological issues. Women are faced with lots of gynecological health issues right from the time puberty sets in through their child bearing. These could range from menstrual irregularities and complications,ovulation pains,delay in conception,pregnancy and complications, post natal issues. These cases most time could result to more complicated ones if not properly handled. For instance,menstrual complications like heavy/scanty flow,could be so disturbing and lead to infertility. So it is pertinent that the right and adequate attention should be given to such. Ajumbaise. These herbs is gotten from a town called Mbaise,in the city of Owerri in IMO state, Nigeria. It is made up up of leaves and bark of trees all wrapped together and tied to avoid loosening,hence the meaning of the name.Aju means wrapped.It is commonly marketed by aged women who have tested and can prove the efficacy of the herbs. Who Can Use the Herbs? ======================== These herbs are usually taken by women especially those who just put to bed. It helps to detoxify, cleanse and sanitise the womb after delivery. It gets rid of the stale and bad blood in the womb,the excess water and every post natal substances that may be left hence allowing the stomach to return to its normal size in good time. It also helps the woman’s cycle to normalize and ready for conception. A woman who just miscarried or had an abortion can take it too. Heavy/Scanty/painful menstrual low……these issues can be checked and normalized using this herbs and even in the cases where there has not been menses too. It also used by those going through anovulation or infertility. It enhances ovulation and hence fertility. Aju Mbaise is a wonderful gift from God to women folk. Contact 08181028990, Whatsapp : 08181028990
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