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Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair - Fashion (12) - Nairaland

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Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by nolongTing: 8:01pm On Oct 05, 2011
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by nolongTing: 8:07pm On Oct 05, 2011
@anonymous6 you sound like a beautiful, Yoruba Queen you should be confident and get a job based on your skills not what you look like.

Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by ijawgirl: 8:26pm On Oct 05, 2011
I love the way yaya Dacosta  rocks her natural hair. Yaya Dacota is a proud African American, who is a proud of her African roots and also studies Yoruba religion

Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 9:21pm On Oct 05, 2011

But if you are confident, love yourself or are entrepreneurial you do not have to conform, there is a clear choice.  If black people make the sacrifice now to build up businesses then this will cease to be a problem for future generations.  Its a win-win situation because they will contribute more to the economy and not be intimidated into hiding their real identity.

I agree with you but how many western blacks would have that opportunity, you and I know it is not that easy. I plan on doing something in line towards a business but I want to research and prepare before I get right into it
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 9:23pm On Oct 05, 2011

I love the way yaya Dacosta  rocks our natural hair. Yaya Dacota is a proud African American, who is a proud of her African roots and also studies Yoruba religion

she is beautiful
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by MisterG: 2:15am On Oct 06, 2011
I agree to a certain degree with nlongting, there are similarities between the United States and England, due to their share history, and i lived in both countries,yet there are many differences as well. Even within the United States there is differences within the the given regions whether, historical or cultural. Take the eastern United States which was settlered by mainly british colonies, or the 13 colonies and we all know the history. NOw in Los Angeles, it was the total opposite, it was once part of Mexico, and later became the united states, due to conflict, in which the americans won. However, do you realize that the first colonist in Los Angeles from mexico was first settled by blacks, native mericans, mestizo spanish and indian mix, mulatto, and a few spanish here and there. This is a different history from the east, and somehow this region of the United States reflects that, especially with their hight rate of intermarriage with the diverse people here. What is interesting the Mexican Governor of California before the americans came was of African descent, his name was Pio Pico.


Above is the link of the first settlers in Los angeles, they mention the race and region they came from whether from mexico or aboard.
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by Ybutterfly: 1:14pm On Oct 09, 2011
^^^^^^^^^ grin

Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by 9janinja1(f): 1:16pm On Feb 07, 2012
for those saying weaves nd relaxed hair is self hatred , i tried growing one and in 2years i could not comb it, my eyes were red and i would cry every time , to comb hair, i might as well shave it , fashion is not by force.
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by imjustsayin: 9:10pm On Jun 18, 2012
OMG, I happened to read what someone said about black men being part of the reason black women resort to fake hair. Now I REALLY GOTTA to say something, and give away some rare male secrets, so ladies listen up closely while you can. Im a black man. In fact a very financially successful, handsome guy with an awsome personality and kind heart. Most women would say that I'm a "catch". (and I know that all sounds vain, but its to get a point accross, so read on). That being said,you should take the words from the horses mouth when I say we black men DO NOT like women with fake hair. Its disgusting, and shows a small minded, insecure mentality. The crazy part about it is that as gross and disgusting as it is, there are two types of men who actually do screw it up for all of the "fake hair wearing" women. The first guy is basically a loser. He is uneducated and not very smart, physically unattractive, not the best conversationist, and has low confidence as a man, but may actually have a good heart. The other is the complete opposite. He is the "dreamy" guy. He is very smart, educated, and can charm the pants off of most woman, but may or may not actually have a good heart. Both of them just want a pretty girl to have sex with, and neither wants a woman with fake hair. The difference is that the "dreamy" guy has options, so he doesnt want the girl for anything but sex, while the "loser" guy doesnt have options, so he has to take whatever he is given whenever he can, even if it comes with fake hair. They both see the same girl with fake hair and think the same thing... that its like taking candy from a baby. The fake hair is a dead giveaway. Its a huge sign that basically says "I'm completely insecure , and I am desperate for approval of a man, almost any man". When the guy sees this "flashing neon sign" on her head, he instantly knows just what to say to convince the girl to sleep with him because he now knows that she is looking for approval from others to validate herself. After he gets what he wants, you can bet that the "dreamy" guy will eventually find a way to get rid of her, while the "loser" guy wants to marry her and have kids, despite the fake hair, because he has limited options and thats the best that he can get. The problem with this scenario is that the "fake hair wearer" doesnt want the loser guy, and from this point on, thinks that the "dreamy" guys like women with fake hair. So, then you see her walking down the street, riding on the bus, or sitting in her car with what looks like a dead racoon strapped to her scalp, really thinking she is looking so so so good, and you can not convince her that men dont like that kind of thing because she has seen it first hand. Ladies, take it from me, fake hair is a complete deal breaker for the man that you really want.
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:29pm On Jun 19, 2012
imjustsayin: OMG, I happened to read what someone said about black men being part of the reason black women resort to fake hair. Now I REALLY GOTTA to say something, and give away some rare male secrets, so ladies listen up closely while you can. Im a black man. In fact a very financially successful, handsome guy with an awsome personality and kind heart. Most women would say that I'm a "catch". (and I know that all sounds vain, but its to get a point accross, so read on). That being said,you should take the words from the horses mouth when I say we black men DO NOT like women with fake hair. Its disgusting, and shows a small minded, insecure mentality. The crazy part about it is that as gross and disgusting as it is, there are two types of men who actually do screw it up for all of the "fake hair wearing" women. The first guy is basically a loser. He is uneducated and not very smart, physically unattractive, not the best conversationist, and has low confidence as a man, but may actually have a good heart. The other is the complete opposite. He is the "dreamy" guy. He is very smart, educated, and can charm the pants off of most woman, but may or may not actually have a good heart. Both of them just want a pretty girl to have sex with, and neither wants a woman with fake hair. The difference is that the "dreamy" guy has options, so he doesnt want the girl for anything but sex, while the "loser" guy doesnt have options, so he has to take whatever he is given whenever he can, even if it comes with fake hair. They both see the same girl with fake hair and think the same thing... that its like taking candy from a baby. The fake hair is a dead giveaway. Its a huge sign that basically says "I'm completely insecure , and I am desperate for approval of a man, almost any man". When the guy sees this "flashing neon sign" on her head, he instantly knows just what to say to convince the girl to sleep with him because he now knows that she is looking for approval from others to validate herself. After he gets what he wants, you can bet that the "dreamy" guy will eventually find a way to get rid of her, while the "loser" guy wants to marry her and have kids, despite the fake hair, because he has limited options and thats the best that he can get. The problem with this scenario is that the "fake hair wearer" doesnt want the loser guy, and from this point on, thinks that the "dreamy" guys like women with fake hair. So, then you see her walking down the street, riding on the bus, or sitting in her car with what looks like a dead racoon strapped to her scalp, really thinking she is looking so so so good, and you can not convince her that men dont like that kind of thing because she has seen it first hand. Ladies, take it from me, fake hair is a complete deal breaker for the man that you really want.

Interesting, if that is the case then black men need to start appreciating black women with their hair more and maybe they will start seeing a change of attitude from black women but it is beyond that though, when it comes to the western world. However I don't think we should demonize women who wear weave though, it is part of the norm now particularly in the african american community, especially in the western world



Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by Kayela: 9:27pm On Aug 13, 2012
I love this girl, she's a french blogger and has beautiful hair.

Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 6:09pm On Aug 22, 2012
Kayela: I love this girl, she's a french blogger and has beautiful hair.


wow like her hair, she looks nice
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by Monicam: 4:24pm On Apr 15, 2013
Hello! Just stopping by to say "Hey!" This is the product I used to help grow my natural hair. I did the big chop 20 months ago, and now I'm at shoulder length!



1 Like

Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 5:50pm On Nov 22, 2015
Hello! Just stopping by to say "Hey!" This is the product I used to help grow my natural hair. I did the big chop 20 months ago, and now I'm at shoulder length!



thanks for the post
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:36pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:37pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:39pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:39pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:40pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 8:21pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 8:23pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 8:25pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 8:29pm On Nov 22, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 3:20pm On Nov 23, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 5:07pm On Nov 23, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 6:31pm On Nov 23, 2015

Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:35pm On Nov 23, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:47pm On Nov 23, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 7:34am On Nov 24, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 5:13pm On Nov 26, 2015
Re: Black Women Rocking Their Natural Hair by anonymous6(f): 5:36pm On Nov 29, 2015

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