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Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Nobody: 10:48am On Mar 28, 2012

According to Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales, Nigeria’s internet speed is faster than New York’s. grin grin cheesy

Wales tweeted yesterday, “Broadband speed in Nigeria. Beats New York City”, with a link to the results of his speed test (see below).

Wales arrived in Lagos yesterday and is set to address the Youth Marketer Convergence Conference (YMC 2.0) which runs from 27-28 March.
Wales later posted another tweet saying: “To clarify my earlier tweet – I know this speed is not representative of broadband across Nigeria! But it is real bandwidth and the future!” (see below).
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Callotti: 11:06am On Mar 28, 2012
I think I prefer the presence of the New York hospitals, schools, electricity, roads and recreational facilities.
As for the internet speed. . .we all know it is a fat lie.


Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Nobody: 11:15am On Mar 28, 2012
Callotti: I think I prefer the presence of the New York hospitals, schools, electricity, roads and recreational facilities.
As for the internet speed. . .we all know it is a fat lie.

Why introduce hospitals into the equation?
Are you saying nothing good - however small - should ever be associated with Nigeria?
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Callotti: 11:18am On Mar 28, 2012

Why introduce hospitals into the equation?
Are you saying nothing good - however small - should ever be associated with Nigeria?

Is it only internet that you can use to compare Nigeria to New York?
Yes, nothing good however small can be associated with Nigeria.
Your internet speed is false.
Unless you have never used internet service in Nigeria.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Nobody: 11:29am On Mar 28, 2012

Is it only internet that you can use to compare Nigeria to New York?
Yes, nothing good however small can be associated with Nigeria.
Your internet speed is false.
Unless you have never used internet service in Nigeria.

If the above does not betray afro-pessimism on steroids, I don't know what does grin

Predictably, you failed to read Wales' clarification of his tweet in the same article, in your trigger-happy, see-no-progress mode: "“To clarify my earlier tweet – I know this speed is not representative of broadband across Nigeria! But it is real bandwidth and the future!”.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Callotti: 11:42am On Mar 28, 2012

If the above does not betray afro-pessimism on steroids, I don't know what does grin

Predictably, you failed to read Wales' clarification of his tweet in the same article, in your trigger-happy, see-no-progress mode: "“To clarify my earlier tweet – I know this speed is not representative of broadband across Nigeria! But it is real bandwidth and the future!”.

Damn right.
I don't read such junk!
Nice joke.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Nobody: 12:42pm On Mar 28, 2012
ROFLMAO. Notice they're comparing Broadband Connection.

Nigeria better than NY ko, Abakaliki better than San Diego ni. Rubbish.

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Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Kobojunkie: 12:47pm On Mar 28, 2012
I don't believe that for one minute. A family member has Nigerian Broadband and still cannot watch videos online. Downloads still take quite a lot of time, especially when we send home videos(mostly 3GB or less). grin grin grin

We should probably query Hyperia as to why other clients don't get the same speed even though most pay the same rates.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by blank(f): 1:10pm On Mar 28, 2012
The test even shows that is better than 96% of Nigeria. Now, if that test had shown that at that speed it was better than 30% of Nigeria, i would be really worried.

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Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Callotti: 1:11pm On Mar 28, 2012
Can't believe this piece of trash hit the front page.
Talk about 'steroids'!
I mean 'fake' steroids!

Good to see some other 'trigger-happy' peeps with the same 'afro-pessimistic' view-point!
PrAYS the lord!

Oh wellah!

If you can't find anything good to attribute to the hellish inferno of a so-called modafacking land. . .MAKE ONE UP!
Goood riddance!

Out of the political section!kiss
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Nobody: 1:33pm On Mar 28, 2012
Vodafone Ghana! Can you beat that?

Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by kcjazz(m): 1:33pm On Mar 28, 2012
I have seen some super fast broadband speeds here in Nigeria very expensive and different from what obtains in the general market
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by oladayo042: 1:35pm On Mar 28, 2012
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by logicboy: 1:36pm On Mar 28, 2012
Wow......what kind of lie is this? Where are all the Lagosians to refute this?

I pay almost N17,000 for monthly starcomms (and sometimes mtn?)internet in Lagos that can not even be compared to my BT broadband in London on its slowest day. I heard that there were some fast broadband companies in Lagos but their prices are ridiculous. Why should we pay more than what people pay in the UK for internet?

£15 a month can get you nice broadband speeds unlike nigeria where N17,000 a month(about £68) gets you nothing
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Nobody: 1:36pm On Mar 28, 2012
the question is How available is this faster broadband?
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Businesstools(m): 1:41pm On Mar 28, 2012
Who is he deceiving?
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by PapaBrowne(m): 1:43pm On Mar 28, 2012
To be sincere, I totally agree with him!! My Glo Broadband is faster than what I get in some world class hotels in Asia and Europe!! Recently, I had this argument with someone and he couldn't believe me!! The only problem is reliability!! Somedays you don't get that crazy speed!!

However, this guy is probably staying in some crazy hotel in Lag and as he said, it might not be representative of the situation across board!!
Truth be told, internet speeds have radically increased in Nigeria!!
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by eherbal(m): 2:02pm On Mar 28, 2012
Kobojunkie: I don't believe that for one minute. A family member has Nigerian Broadband and still cannot watch videos online. Downloads still take quite a lot of time, especially when we send home videos(mostly 3GB or less). grin grin grin

We should probably query Hyperia as to why other clients don't get the same speed even though most pay the same rates.
good question!I suspect they routed all their Subscribers speed to that particular test to fool people on the speed.It's just so unrealistic!.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Bawss1(m): 2:07pm On Mar 28, 2012
Where exactly did Mr. Wales conduct his speed test? If it was in the premises of an ISP then that is quite believable – or maybe an ISP provided internet connection for the conference. Getting that amazing bandwidth successfully to the last mile is a whole different story, one that many frustrated internet users, like yours truly, are tired of retelling.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Bawss1(m): 2:08pm On Mar 28, 2012
Richfella: Vodafone Ghana! Can you beat that?

Men that is something. If only I can get half of that speed at home. shocked shocked shocked shocked
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by eherbal(m): 2:08pm On Mar 28, 2012
Richfella: Vodafone Ghana! Can you beat that?
INCREDIBLE! ! ! ! !Meeeeen,see speed! ! !
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by tboy1(m): 2:13pm On Mar 28, 2012
Bawss1: Where exactly did Mr. Wales conduct his speed test? If it was in the premises of an ISP then that is quite believable – or maybe an ISP provided internet connection for the conference. Getting that amazing bandwidth successfully to the last mile is a whole different story, one that many frustrated internet users, like yours truly, are tired of retelling.

Probably an hotel room. A few hotels in nigeria have fast broadband connection/speed
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by mjconcept(m): 2:21pm On Mar 28, 2012
PapaBrowne: To be sincere, I totally agree with him!! My Glo Broadband is faster than what I get in some world class hotels in Asia and Europe!! Recently, I had this argument with someone and he couldn't believe me!! The only problem is reliability!! Somedays you don't get that crazy speed!!

However, this guy is probably staying in some crazy hotel in Lag and as he said, it might not be representative of the situation across board!!
Truth be told, internet speeds have radically increased in Nigeria!!
Supported,the problem with Nigerians is that we see nothing good in ourself.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Vergil: 2:33pm On Mar 28, 2012
Richfella: Vodafone Ghana! Can you beat that?

Fukkkkkkkkk noooooooo waaaaaaay!!!!!!! In Ghana?

60 fkinnnn megsssssss? 60Mbps?


Hard connection or wireless? Do they have fibre optics networks under ground in Ghana? Nigeria neighbors?

Surely, they can't get to that level b4 d "giant of Africa"! How dare them! Guy, na photoshop be dat jare!!

And to think Vodafone was actually in Nigeria b4. Heard it was anyway, before airtel. Nawa o
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by otokx(m): 2:35pm On Mar 28, 2012
That is how the white man deceives us.
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by soloqy: 2:36pm On Mar 28, 2012
Is Hyperia still in existence? I mean, when was the last time I heard anyone talking about Hyperia? Maybe they are servicing only that hotel or wherever it is the gentleman posted from..
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by yawatide(f): 2:48pm On Mar 28, 2012
To all the naysayers, it is actually an open secret that the US has perhaps one of the slowest speeds in the world, though we may be paying the highest rates. According to the same report I read (again an open secret to many), I believe it said South Korea has the highest speeds and cheapest rates.

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Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by okuya: 2:51pm On Mar 28, 2012
The guy no know wetin him dey yarn, anyway he said it does it does not represent band speeds across d the nation, it could be they somehow got him a special direct connection to some broadband in New-Jersey. U know how we go out of our way to give foreigners special treatment here in Naija!
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by tboy1(m): 3:18pm On Mar 28, 2012
Richfella: Vodafone Ghana! Can you beat that?

Doubt this is real
Re: Jimmy Wales Wiki co-founder : 'Broadband Speed In Nigeria,Beats NY City' by Nobody: 3:29pm On Mar 28, 2012
@ Vergil, e-herbal and Bawss1

That's actually from a Vodafone Cafe. The max you can get at home is 20Mbps - which is more than enough even if you're downloading the library of congress.

This is the sh*t we'd have been enjoying in Nigeria had NITEL been sold to the right guys. Vodafone bought over Ghana Telecom (their NITEL equivalent) and the stuff is delivered through fixed telephone lines.

Can't believe my Visaphone modem in NG used to give me 7kbps - when it's really fast! lipsrsealed


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