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Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2017 Npower N-tax Applicant That Have Successfully​ Written There Test by 100Th(m): 1:12am On Sep 22, 2017
technically without your nysc discharge certificate you won't be invited?
Romance / Re: What Is Your Relationship Status? by 100Th(m): 2:20am On Sep 18, 2017
single jawe
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2017 Npower N-tax Applicant That Have Successfully​ Written There Test by 100Th(m): 12:59pm On Aug 31, 2017
so technically those without Nysc discharged certificate won't be called. Naxo
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: N-Power: Participants That Have Never Been Paid Thread by 100Th(m): 10:55pm On Aug 17, 2017

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: N-Power: Participants That Have Never Been Paid Thread by 100Th(m): 10:52pm On Aug 17, 2017
As of last month it was displaying wait for SMS invitation,currently nothing like that again.even after I wrote my online test nothing has been heard since.this is what has been showing on my dashboard.
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: N-Power: Participants That Have Never Been Paid Thread by 100Th(m): 10:50pm On Aug 17, 2017
Sir can you kindly screenshot it for proper understanding .

Jobs/Vacancies / Re: N-Power: Participants That Have Never Been Paid Thread by 100Th(m): 10:52pm On Aug 11, 2017
good evening.
please I'm not seeing WAIT FOR SMS INVITATION on my dashboard again oh, and secondly I'm seeing Ntax-3 then my name with participant tagged at it.both my state,l.g.a and country is showing,
what does it mean please?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: 2017 Npower N-tax Applicant That Have Successfully​ Written There Test by 100Th(m): 10:23pm On Aug 11, 2017
I'm not seeing WAIT FOR SMS INVITATION on my dashboard again oh, and secondly I'm seeing Ntax-3 then my name with participant tagged at it.
what does it mean please?
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: How To Apply For Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) Recruitment 2017 by 100Th(m): 7:49am On Aug 08, 2017
Did you put your name there? Lol
Jobs/Vacancies / Re: How To Apply For Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) Recruitment 2017 by 100Th(m): 12:38am On Aug 07, 2017

Check their website
how do one check his or her name on their website?
Romance / Food For Thought For MEN. Well Boys Can Learn Too Though by 100Th(m): 9:19pm On Jul 08, 2017
My dear Jack, I think you need to sit down and ask yourself what this woman means to you. It’s something every couple should do – both the man and the woman should ask what they mean to each other. Such an appraisal helps one uncover the true value of a partner. We tend to get lost in all those “husband” and “wife” titular stuff. We use the phrases so much they hardly mean a thing anymore. A “wife” (or “husband”) is after all someone you married. It’s taken as the result of an activity – the taking of an oath. It’s like “Mr. & Mrs.” It’s what you write on an envelope. Simply identifies sexes and marital status, nothing more. It can’t and doesn’t give depth to marriage. In fact, it has no usage inside marriage. In the same vein, “husband and wife” has come to represent co-joined status. If care is not taken it can be devoid of depth.
This is why you need to sit down and do a subjective analysis. Not a global objective analysis, but a subjective analysis. It’s about what she means to YOU. (For her it would be about what you mean to HER in particular). For some men, for example, the wife is their salvation – in many respects. Marriage saved their life. Such men might have had their lives spiralling out of control. They were completely helpless until the woman came along. For some other men, the woman was the one who brought focus and perspective to their lives. They were life’s jaywalkers. Some couldn’t cope with life – the demands and pressures. Until the woman came along. For some men, the woman represents spiritual comfort and assurance. They had so much fear about this world. And yet for some other men, the woman was the one who brought purpose into their lives, brought direction. And still for some men they were in the depths of melancholy until the woman came along. She’s cheer and comfort. For yet other men the woman was their business breakthrough. She spoke to somebody who spoke to somebody. But for some men, the woman is everything – friend, lover, sister, companion, confidant, trustee, counsellor, encourager. It’s good to have introspection. A man without introspection is like the beasts that perish David wrote.
When you come to realise what your spouse means to you in very real terms, your commitment will get deeper. When you know what your spouse really means to you the bond gets stronger. There’s no value in a relationship in which one of the partners is seen as a mathematical variable or disposable. Such a spouse will be treated without respect or regard. That’s how we treat disposables. There’s no attachment to a disposable. It’s just utilitarian. Think of a plastic shaving stick. Those who are seen by their boyfriend (or girlfriend) as mere disposables will be making the mistake of their life marrying such. Chances are you’ll not be regarded, respected or treated fairly. You’ll not be given your emotional dues. But if you carry that “disposable” attitude into marriage your partner is going to suffer considerably. If a spouse is not even respected what’s the point! Respect is a minimum expectation in marriage. But all that is at the opposite end of the spectrum. I’m asking you to consider the other end. What does your spouse mean to you?
There are many who have lost things of worth by not properly appraising what they have. Some have lost good marriages thinking they’re doing the other party a favour. It usually turns out to be otherwise. Of course, some do it from carelessness but these are in the main negligible. They tend to be unaware. But many cases of under-appreciation of spouse stem from pride – the belief in a superiority without basis. Even if you’re superior to your spouse the moment you decide to marry her you acknowledge you’re not illimitable. No human is emotionally self-sufficient. Some think they are emotionally self-sufficient, until they meet someone who highlights their deep need. As long as you’re human you’ll have emotional needs. Even a psychopath like Hitler needed Eva Braun. Possessed psychopaths are not immune to emotional dependence. We all have emotional needs. It’s why we date, like people, fall in love, and want to marry. Marriage is affection privatisation, a proprietary subscription to custom happiness. And so we all need to appreciate our spouses and partners. You don’t want to realise you need someone after you have lost the someone.
When a woman is a major thing in a man’s life but he fails or refuses to realise it, he’ll trivialise the gift of grace. Some imagine getting in and out a marriage is like getting in and out of a taxi. But life is not a cab. They imagine if they lose someone wonderful, they can always get another wonderful person. They soon realise it’s not easy to get a replacement for a good man or woman lost. Good relationships don’t have parts you buy off the shelf. Don’t trivialise a good relationship. You may end up appreciating it in regret. You’ll forever be looking back, wishing otherwise. And whether you like it or not, you leave something behind when you leave a marriage, something you hope a new relationship will resupply. So sit down and write out what this woman means to you. It may help if you consider your state before you met her, imagine what life would be without her. Who knows, she may be the administrator of your life. You may not realise. In which case you can’t appreciate that role. She may be the one making your life run smoothly through assumption of fiduciary duty over you and your concerns. And perhaps she’s the one who brought order and structure into your life. Or even economic sense. Without her, you may not be able to do all those other stuff you’re noted for. And for all you know she may be your protector – your mother hen, constantly watching out for you, praying for you. Whatever truth you realise from this exercise, cherish that truth. It’s your compelling reason for union with her.
Take time to think about these things. And do the exercise, both of you. Your marriage will be stronger. I wish you a fruitful deliberation with your true self.

Your mentor, LA
© Leke Alder | talk2me@lekealder.com
Romance / Re: HOTTESSSSSST And YOUNGESSSST YAHOO BOY RIGHT NOW. [PHOTOS] by 100Th(m): 9:40pm On Jul 07, 2017
if this guy is into G+ technically he is using body I. p.
Romance / Re: Hushpuppi Blast Davido Again by 100Th(m): 9:18pm On Jul 07, 2017
is that his real Account �?
Phones / Help. by 100Th(m): 10:11pm On Jul 04, 2017
Greetings All

I humbly write wishes to know the kind of Android phone to buy with 30,000. to 40,000 naira

good battery life.
Good processor.
good version.
good camera
4G connectivity.
Screen resolution
Romance / Re: American Woman Who Met Nigerian Man Online by 100Th(m): 12:58am On Jun 27, 2017
I don't say everyone is a scammer but her guy clearly is.. That don't make me a rasist for speaking the truth

Udo di NNE.
Romance / Re: American Woman Who Met Nigerian Man Online by 100Th(m): 12:44am On Jun 27, 2017
im not a rasist for your information I am however a islamophob.. The definition of a phobia is a persistent irrational fear of something. Well, there is nothing irrational about fearing Islam, when their record of ongoing atrocities is observed. There is nothing irrational about fearing people, whose own book of worship contains over 100 verses instructing them to kill non-Muslims, commit genocide and subjugate the planet to their repulsive and perverted ideology. There is nothing irrational about fearing all Muslims, because they all believe in this doctrine, despite claiming that they are peaceful.
Of course whenever Islam and the atrocities committed by its followers are criticised, Muslims will accuse the critics of racism, despite the fact that Islam is not a race, never has been and never will be a race. It's just a repugnant, murderous and perverted ideology. When the racism card has been played out to no avail, Muslims will then accuse critics of that politically correct slander - Islamophobia. But it is not a phobia to be afraid of people who really are trying to kill you, as evidenced by the daily litany of atrocities Muslims commit against non-Muslims all over the world.
Is there just one nation where Muslims dominate, where freedom of religion, freedom of speech and equality under the law prevail The answer: No, there is not one Islamic nation that remotely allows those fundamental human rights.... So no I'm not a rasist..

na different discussion we dey reason here,
Nigeria no be Muslim country, na multi-choice religion, so you quoting islamists to our discussion is a different ball game,why I yarn you say you be Racist is because of your Ill words towards Nigerians.
you know weetiin you type, (I'm not a fan of long words )

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Romance / Re: American Woman Who Met Nigerian Man Online by 100Th(m): 12:26am On Jun 27, 2017
na true ooo
but true true you be Racist ooo.
Romance / Re: American Woman Who Met Nigerian Man Online by 100Th(m): 12:10am On Jun 27, 2017
Nina Lol. funny girl.

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Romance / Re: American Woman Who Met Nigerian Man Online by 100Th(m): 12:08am On Jun 27, 2017
The guy no sabi work.Choi this is how he pulled 19 million two times ,went to SA ,came back, He supposed collect your account login self, should in case you decided to ask about his real intentions, Lol an Australian woman visited him last three months, I'll show him this thread,haha him go shout haha.whity don dey get sense
Romance / Re: Excluding The USA , What Country Makes The Best Movies And Why? by 100Th(m): 7:24pm On Jun 16, 2017

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Romance / Re: How Can I Receive Money True Western Union by 100Th(m): 12:41am On Jun 16, 2017
thats what happend on western union for me.. It was blocked and they refused to send it lol

Uche gi kwesiri idi ya.
Romance / Re: How Can I Receive Money True Western Union by 100Th(m): 12:19am On Jun 16, 2017

i can read person mind,i read Ur mind just now i found out u are saying the truth nothing but the truthgrin grin grin

Romance / Re: How Can I Receive Money True Western Union by 100Th(m): 12:07am On Jun 16, 2017
i never had a problem with them..

I never say so,weetiin I mean be say if the money no pure,there will be road block,I know what I'm saying
Romance / Re: How Can I Receive Money True Western Union by 100Th(m): 11:56pm On Jun 15, 2017
Western union is a nightmare though.. I reseived money from someone and I was sending part of it to Lagos well western union stopped it and they called me saying do I know this person and for how long and how old the person is how we met.. So they refused to send the money cause they said it was a scam so I had to go pic up the money... I sent it through money gram instead with no problem

Naso.Money gram is too risky if the money no pure

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Romance / Re: How Can I Receive Money True Western Union by 100Th(m): 11:55pm On Jun 15, 2017
Bros if it is Wire wire ,no try Western or money gram, if you have someone living or residing in Egypt or Russia,tell the sender to send the money to your contact in one of those country, then Let the recipient credit you via Naira.

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