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Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria - Politics (5) - Nairaland

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by malele(m): 7:35am On Aug 14, 2012
Its unfortunate that the northerns are jaming our heads together, and using us for there selfish gains.
Let's leave the past,another war is looming, let's get it right this time.

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by malele(m): 7:38am On Aug 14, 2012
bayooooooo: In my opinion, the West and East lost the war.

Oga I respect u for that comment, u are really a matured person

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Dhelake: 7:38am On Aug 14, 2012
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Katsumoto: 7:39am On Aug 14, 2012
ACM10: This Fani-Kayode is a God-forsaken revisionist. I suspect that he is a nairalander with Katsumoto handle. Cos both of them regurgitates the same bullshyt

Can you read at all? Did you miss my attack on Fani-kayode? Like a dunce, you jump with both feet and run into an uppercut.

Did you miss this? Ok, I am Fani-Kayode in real life but I signed into NL to attack myself. shocked shocked shocked No wonder Biafra went to war and lost.

Katsumoto: It is only on NL that you will see a motley crue of ignorant, disingenuous, and downright foolish personas who will feed on the words of a drug-user like Fani-Kayode to malign the person of the GREAT Obafemi Awolowo.

1. How relevant is the individual
Who precisely is Fani-Kayode? Who appointed him a spokesman of the Yoruba? The only relevance Fani-Kayode derives, are from his former godfather, the gorilla of Owu and his father who was expelled from AG and too irrelevant to be killed by the Jan 66 plotters. . Has Fani-Kayode won an election any where in Nigeria? Was Fani-Kayode not a junkie when he was returned to Nigeria?

2. Motive
Fani-Kayode’s father was expelled from Awo’s AG and would fall into obscurity after Jan 1966

3. Knowledge
Was Fani-Kayode present when Gowon promised Awo presidency? Would Fani-Kayode and the resident idiots on NL have us believe that Gowon and Murtala were foolish enough to believe that Awo would fall for that cheap bait or that Awo was daft enough to fall for the said bait?

In any case, Fani-Kayode showcases the gaps in his history by stating that the 3rd Marine Commando was 98% Yoruba. The 3MC was formed from the Lagos Garrison Office (LGO) and that didn’t even have a Yoruba majority.


Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Rhino5dm: 7:39am On Aug 14, 2012
Ha ha ha ha ha. . .These ibo goons got more than what they bargained for. Like I earlier said, You can't continue to blame us for the misfortunes born out of your greed and crassness.

It is stupidity to start a war you have zero chances of winning, in other words your greed led you to pursuing a war that saw 3 million ibos dying . Awo was not perfect, but his sheer sophistication is resonating till this moment.

The question still unanswerd is, why was Akintola, Tafawa Belewa, Sardauna, Kashim and other prominent northern and south western politicians murdered, while Zik,Michael Opkara and other prominent south eastern people were allowed to slipped through the boarder at night?

It is on records that ibos invented tribalism in Nigeria.

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by ACM10: 7:41am On Aug 14, 2012

I hope you challenge Fani Kayode and not us.

Fani-Kayode = Katsumoto

Can't u notice the pattern? See how he suddenly appeared from the blues.

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Katsumoto: 7:41am On Aug 14, 2012
Dhelake: Letz take the bull by the horn .... I wasn't alive wen all dis tin appuned .. Buh to ma own reasoning ...
NB: I'm nt sayin dis is d reason y awo did wat he did o

if i was awo, i would neva had allowed biafra seccede .... Afta usin d yoruba cocoa money to explore oil ... Then, u're plannin to seccede ... Who would allow that

Awo not wanting Biafra to secede had nothing to do with Oil, it had more to do with the Igbos wanting Nigeria because they wanted to expand over Nigeria, despite Awo's warnings, and then wanting to leave when it didn't suit them. It was just the principle.


Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Yeske2(m): 7:42am On Aug 14, 2012

I don't need to ask anyone anything; you are the ones taking the words of a nonentity as gospel.

You guys make assertions and when you are asked to support it, you revert to 'go and ask northern elder or Fani-kayode'.

I ask again, how and when was Kwara conquered? With all this talk of Kwara, one would think Kwara was under foreign occupation.

And what if Kwara was conquered? What great nation hasn't had part or all of its territory under foreign occupation.
What a question! Is any part of Hausaland or Igboland STILL under 'foreign occupation' and ok you suddenly forgot how and whenKwara was conquered shey? Stop whining and be wise.

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Rhino5dm: 7:43am On Aug 14, 2012
Dammit! This guy wicked no be small ooooooo. choi!!!

see finishing. . ..


Can you read at all? Did you miss my attack on Fani-kayode? Like a dunce, you jump with both feet and run into an uppercut.

Did you miss this? Ok, I am Fani-Kayode in real life but I signed into NL to attack myself. shocked shocked shocked No wonder Biafra went to war and lost.

Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by ACM10: 7:44am On Aug 14, 2012

Can you read at all? Did you miss my attack on Fani-kayode? Like a dunce, you jump with both feet and run into an uppercut.

Did you miss this? Ok, I am Fani-Kayode in real life but I signed into NL to attack myself. shocked shocked shocked No wonder Biafra went to war and lost.

Stop decieving yourself my dear. Characters like you has no clear-cut line between decency and indecency
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Dhelake: 7:45am On Aug 14, 2012
Obiagu1: The truth shall set us free! I hope that the Yorubas will finally see reason with us rather than throw empty punches to cover the past.

Points to note:
-Biafran troops stopped at Ore and asked for free passage because their intention was not occupy Yoruba land as some NLers often talk about. Yorubas refused rather attacked Biafrans. Biafran intention was to get to Lagos, the seat of government.

-Awolowo really had a pact with Biafra but reneged when promised Presidency. He sold his conscience and killed innocent children with his policies.

hw would u get to lagos witout killing some yorubas? Do u tink d northerners ar dat foolish? Dey definitely had some boiz who wont allow dem get to lagos if dey ar allowed passage in ore
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Nobody: 7:47am On Aug 14, 2012
Oga Awo was desperate for power grin grin grin


Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by onatisi(m): 7:49am On Aug 14, 2012

Fani-Kayode = Katsumoto

Can't u notice the pattern? See how he suddenly appeared from the blues.
i think u are right
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Dhelake: 7:49am On Aug 14, 2012
Its unfortunate that the northerns are jaming our heads together, and using us for there selfish gains.
Let's leave the past,another war is looming, let's get it right this time.
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Nobody: 7:50am On Aug 14, 2012

Exactly my thought but can yorubas be bold enough to accept the fact that awo who told them to keep away from the war as the war is between the igbo and huasa suddenly lead them into the same war,are they not created with human brain to reason and figure it out that their great papa awowowowow has gotten some selfish interest.

Na too much of oil block dem brain
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Babaofor(m): 7:52am On Aug 14, 2012
Long live biafra!!!IKEMBA we miss u
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Nobody: 7:55am On Aug 14, 2012
onomeasike: the ibos wont just put the blame and loss they suffered during the biafra war in the right quarters.clearly,many of them have not learnt any lesson.Would you do as Ojukwu (who was reportedly killed by AIDS) did in and expect to win a war?It is only a foolishman that will do the same thing in the same but expect a different result.The average igboman,even okonkwo character of the things fall apart fame,is more of brawn than brain.War is first fought in the brain,the strategy and humility to disarm ur enemy without his knowing and element of surprise is beyond the ability of average igbomen.If I am igbo,i will rather have the more matured ,beautiful and submissive igbowomen lead a war.These crop of igbos on nairaland are typical empty vessels of the igbos.

grin grin grin. u re consoling yourself. stop crying and reserve your tears cause anoda war is looming
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Tolexander: 7:56am On Aug 14, 2012
Onlytruth: ^^
Nobody is interested in 16th century "history".
If that history were relevant, the Moors and the Turks would still be military powers today. lol
. Mr man! An history will always b an history no matter what year it occured just like biafra also is 1 today. Even this your contributions and mine today will be an history tomorrow. What we are interested is the legacy. The history is biafra fought nigeria and the fact is nigeria won, the legacy is what is naw happenin after the war which we are now demonstrating. The moors war today was like unwon biafran war in case you don't know.

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by onatisi(m): 7:56am On Aug 14, 2012
Its unfortunate that the northerns are jaming our heads together, and using us for there selfish gains.
Let's leave the past,another war is looming, let's get it right this time.
where is the war?who will fight it ?i beg please dont bring bad message early this morning.
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Yeske2(m): 7:56am On Aug 14, 2012

Can you read at all? Did you miss my attack on Fani-kayode? Like a dunce, you jump with both feet and run into an uppercut.

Did you miss this? Ok, I am Fani-Kayode in real life but I signed into NL to attack myself. shocked shocked shocked No wonder Biafra went to war and lost.

Sharrap dia, you've been shying away from my question so do justice to it.
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Yeske2(m): 8:01am On Aug 14, 2012
Tolexander: . Mr man! An history will always b an history no matter what year it occured just like biafra also is 1 today. Even this your contributions and mine today will be an history tomorrow. What we are interested is the legacy. The history is biafra fought nigeria and the fact is nigeria won, the legacy is what is naw happenin after the war which we are now demonstrating. The moors war today was like unwon biafran war in case you don't know.
Edit that shyte because it made no sense.
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by onatisi(m): 8:01am On Aug 14, 2012
gboss4sure: Oga Awo was desperate for power grin grin grin
end of discussion.all other points remain irrelevant.if awo had surpported ojukwu maybe the outcome could have been different.
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Nobody: 8:02am On Aug 14, 2012
onomeasike: @ PROUD-IGBO, pride made the silver-spoon[b] Ojukwu sacrifice innocent igbo blood[/b] for the lucre of power,dont humour yourself with any obasanjo-awo connection.Your arrogant war lord drew the first blood by leading troops into yorubaland killing yorubas in the process.The north,even uptill now,lament the way igbo schemed successfully to exterminate their honest selfless leaders along with Akintola.While the igbos had okpara,zik etc for years,providing guidance and political leadership to the ibos,the Yorubas had Awo,Ajasin et al for many years to nurture and guide the development of their regions.The north had no-one,they suffered untold hardship even till date as a result of what the igbos did to them.Clearly,northerners blame the igbos for their current poor political leadership.The north lost more than the Yoruba but the Yoruba had more at stake when the north and biafra wanted to make yorubaland their battleground.That was the swingboard.The yorubas reaped the greatest spoil of the war because they won the battle.It is not an accident that all the top corporate entities till date are owned by Yorubas and the large chunk of the bureaucracy is in the hands of the yoruba which constituted the backbone of all previous political leadership under northern military men!

Can you tell me what lead to Ojukwu declaring Biafra? i guess you don't know that
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Katsumoto: 8:04am On Aug 14, 2012
Sharrap dia, you've been shying away from my question so do justice to it.

What question? You asked a moronic question and was expecting a response? Ok, let me try to educate your porous brain. At the time Ilorin fell into Caliphate hands, there was no Nigeria. Now both the Yoruba and the Caliphate are part of the same country, how can any sane and rational mind state that one part of the country is under occupation by another section of the country? Perhaps you care to explain this occupation and how Ilorin was conquered in the first place. I wont hold my breath because I know it is beyond you but you can try to surprise me. For the avoidance of doubt, there were two questions in there.

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Nobody: 8:04am On Aug 14, 2012

We actually don't hate anybody (you may not believe it but it is true), especially the Yoruba, because honestly we think that you are no match to us in real brain work. Please no offense.
The way some of you react to your gap in that department is to lose your conscience: constantly betraying agreements and stabbing people in the back even if you will pay for it later.

There is a difference between intelligence and treachery. Some of you mistake the one for the other.

The "conquered territory" thingy is an open truth because the Hausa/Fulani constantly remind you of that.
The Igbo are only enjoying the reputation they acquired through their actions in the civil war. Nobody doubts what we Igbo can do as evidenced by facts from fairly recent history. We paid for our reputation in BLOOD.
Time to earn yours. wink

Bro tell it to them jor, Truth is bitter but they must learn how to swallow it weather they like it or not
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Yeske2(m): 8:04am On Aug 14, 2012

Can you tell me what lead to Ojukwu declaring Biafra? i guess you don't know that

Of course, he knows nothing about it.
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Katsumoto: 8:06am On Aug 14, 2012
end of discussion.all other points remain irrelevant.if awo had surpported ojukwu maybe the outcome could have been different.

Shut the Bleep up dunce, why should Awo support Ojukwu? Was Awo an Igbo man? On what basis should Awo have supported Ojukwu?
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Nobody: 8:06am On Aug 14, 2012

You paid for your foolishness in blood, that is the cold truth. Nothing about your experience in Nigeria points to the fact that you are smart at all. From the moment Azikiwe joined the Abokis in denying a secession clause in the constitution, your fate was sealed. If anybody can take ibos out of Nigeria, it is the same Yorubas you despise so much.

Guy please go and take some malaria pills, Yourobas take Igbos out of Nigeria? grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by mymadam(m): 8:08am On Aug 14, 2012
onomeasike: if you read the history of the Yorubas,you will know they are naturally gifted in the art of war.They even had their own civil war before the Nigerian civil war!they constitute the greatest number of Africans recruited by britian for the first world war(see BURMA BOY by Philip Barnaby of Aljazeera.Clearly,they are more war-tested than their southern neighbours.It is not an accident that even the biafran forces that made the greatest impact in the biafran war was led by a Yorubaman shocked shocked shocked.Clearly,that it took the Yoruba stopping him was not an accident.A northerner would never had matched the sophistry of Banjo!!

As regards the point where Fani-kayode refered to Awo,clearly,that is an attempt to denigrate Awo.Awo participated in Gowon's govt after Gowon promised to conduct elections and transfer power to the politicians.[/b]How Fani-kayode now decietfully infered that the patriotic request Awo made to Gowon automatically means that Awo was promised the presidency is typical Fani-kayode's loquacious personae.[b]If Awo wanted to be the president at all cost,he would not have resigned from Gowon's govt.

The Nigerian civil war has come & gone... but where do we go from here? "No victor, no vanquished"... Remember? What progress have we actually made regarding integration? Are you your brother's keeper... yet? Uhnnn! I must say that privileged information appears to confirm this post (in bold). Well, as we merrily chat away on NL, please let us always seek the truth and watch our backs. It is only a matter of time before all NL masquerades are unmasked! Meanwhile, please let us 'attempt' to keep Nigeria one. Yes, we may fail, but posterity will show that we tried our best! God bless Nigeria.

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by onatisi(m): 8:09am On Aug 14, 2012
chei ,sege .see wettin fani kayode cause for nl today.
yabis just dey flow.
Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Katsumoto: 8:09am On Aug 14, 2012
The problem with some Igbo sons is that they believe they are smarter than others. Zik reneged on several agreements with Awo pre-independence, Zik was part of the government that jailed Awo, yet Awo should have supported Biafra.

It is important to contextualize Awo’s actions before and during the Civil war. To do so accurately, one must scrutinize the actions of all parties pre-Independence, post-Independence, and pre-Civil war.

In 1957, the Governor-General, Sir James Robertson, gave the three regions the choice of self-autonomy and independence but it had to be a majority decision. Awo voted for independence for the Western Region, Ahmadu Bello said the North wasn't ready for self-governance and would prefer to remain under British rule. Zik voted to put off Independence for the Eastern region, preferring to wait for the North to be ready. Zik had the choice of a country for the Eastern region but he wanted Nigeria at all cost. Similarly, at the same constitutional conference in London, Awo wanted a secession clause inserted into the constitution but Zik and Bello refused. Guess who would later want secession.

Now fast forward to the general election in 1959. The North won the most seats in the house. Awo offered to join a coalition with Zik, with Zik as Prime Minister (the PM had the real power) but Zik preferred to form a coalition with the North and accepted a redundant position as Governor-General with no real powers.
When Zik aligned with the North in 1959, guess who got most of the ministerial and administrative positions allocated to the South? Yes, you guessed it, the Igbos. The Yorubas and other Groups were left on the sidelines until Akintola broke away from the AG with the help of who? Zik and Okpara who thought that Akintola would defect to their party but played a fast one by preferring to form his own party and aligning with the North. Now when the situation of the Igbo changed with Akintola joining Balewa's government with positions held by Igbo now going to Akintola's supporters, what do you think happened next? Coup by Igbo officers.

In 1962, there were problems in the Western Region between Awo and Akintola who both belonged to the Action Group. Akintola was sacked but due to actions of NCNC (Zik's Party) members, the removal of Akintola wasn't effected. Balewa and Zik imposed a state of emergency on the West because of chair throwing in the Western House yet there were no states of emergency in the North and East for far more violent actions on the streets there (the TIV crisis and the Okrika riots). Awo was subsequently jailed on trumped up charges.

Now after the imprisonment of Awo, Zik thought that his party NCNC would take control of the Western region but Akintola decided to form his own party (NNDP) rather than join the NCNC. In the elections of December 1964, NNDP took control of the Western region. The NCNC cried that elections were rigged. According to Fazil Ope-Agbe (Akintola's right hand man), the ensuing mayhem in the West was sponsored by Okpara and Zik. With the AG in retreat, NCNC calculated that if Akintola's party fell apart, the NCNC would be in a position to pick the pieces. This is not far-fetched considering Zik's antecedents in the West.

With Akintola holding firm, NCNC didn't gain the advantage it sought. One year later, a group of officers who were predominantly Igbo, executed a coup that eliminated leading politicians and officers from the North and West. Despite the murder of these Northern and Western leaders, the Northerners, who were senior partners in the coalition with the East, picked another leader, Dipcharima, to replace Balewa. The East, even though it was the junior partner, had selected Madiwe. When the North refused to budge to this proposal, Nwafor Orizu, chose to handover to Aguiyi-Ironsi another Igbo man and in the process, Nigeria’s nascent democracy was truncated.
Awo was imprisoned on trumped up charges by the Balewa/Zik government and thrown in prison. Awo wrote to Ironsi in March 1966 requesting to be released from prison but was obviously ignored. Awo would later be released from prison by Gowon and driven home in Murtala Mohamed’s car. Despite his time in prison and his political difficulties with Zik/okpara, Awo would assume the role of a statesman and try to find a solution to the impasse between the North and the East. That speech by Awo to the Western regional house was a very noble one. Awo would also travel to Enugu to advise Ojukwu against armed conflict.

So putting all these into consideration, would any sane person expect Awo to simply just follow the East in a secession bid? Awo's loyalty was to his people. He did what he felt was best for his people concerning the circumstances. Despite all that, Awo advised Ojukwu not to go to war. When Awo offered to organise a meeting with Northern officers, Ojukwu replied, 'On the specific question of whether there is a possibility of contract with the North, the answer is at the battle field.'

Other than trying to play the role of an elder statesman and finding a solution to the problem, Awo owed no loyalty to the East. To betray the East, he would have had to have come to an agreement with the leaders in the East. Other than this speech which the OP and other Biafrans erroneously rely (due to a bad educational system), what other reasons exist to suggest a betrayal? NADA

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Re: Fani-Kayode: Yorubas Won The Civil War For Nigeria by Onlytruth(m): 8:12am On Aug 14, 2012
But why is aboki always picking on you Yoruba sef?

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