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The Mark Of The Beast - Religion - Nairaland

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STRANGE :666 = The Mark Of The Beast President Obama Vs Revelation13:15 -18 / 666 Aka The Mark Of The Beast: President Obama Vs Revelation 13:15-18 / The Mark Of The Beast - If You See It, It’s Too Late. (2) (3) (4)

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The Mark Of The Beast by MP007(m): 9:04am On Dec 29, 2007
"He (The Beast) forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark in his right hand or in his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name." The Book of the Revelation to John, Chapter 13, Verse 16-17.

The Number of the Beast  

"Let he that has wisdom count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666." The Book of The Revelation to John, Chapter 13, Verse 18.

The Number 666 is so pervasive in direct use and thoughtful calculation as to approach mathmatical impossibility for it to be a mere coincidence. We would be at a loss for where to begin, were it not for the previous Bible verses.

MasterCard Corps' official policy is to replace money. We shiver at the concept of any card as our master, but to them it is a corporate goal.

VISA Card is also "interesting" to say the least. If you look at a VISA credit card you see three previous world empires represented. "VI" is the number 6 in the Roman numerals, "S" is the Stigma in the Greek culture whose value is 6, and lastly the "A" in the Babylonian culture is 6 ,  i.e, VISA = 666! We are sure they didn't plan it that way. This whole thing is MUCH MUCH bigger than they are. It is only a sign of the nature and origin of their success.

1998 divided by 3 = 666. That's this year. When was the last time that happened? Never before,

2000 divided by 3 = 666.666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666,  on into forever,  That's year after next,  When was the last time that happened? Again, never before,

We are told that the ancient Chaldeans, during the time of the Babylonian Empire when the prophetic Book of Daniel was written, had a numerological technique that can be applied to the english alphabet today. In that system, each succeeding letter of the alphabet was equal to 6 more than the one before it. In our system A would equal 6, B would equal 12, etc. as shown in the chart below,

New York





So the $666 question is: What words in english add up to 666? I've only been able to find 4, and two of those were from combining two other words. You see, no words in english with 7 or less letters seem to add up to 666 at all. The very first english word that equals 666 is COMPUTER. The next one I can find is KISSINGER. The third, a combo word, is NUCLEAR HELL. The fourth is FEDERAL RESERVE. As Spock would say, "Interesting!"

C   3 x 6 =  18      K  11 x 6 =  66      N  14 x 6 =  84      F   6 x 6 =  36
O  15 x 6 =  90      I   9 x 6 =  54      You  21 x 6 = 126      E   5 x 6 =  30
M  13 x 6 =  78      S  19 x 6 = 114      C   3 x 6 =  18      D   4 x 6 =  24
P  16 x 6 =  96      S  19 x 6 = 114      L  12 x 6 =  72      E   5 x 6 =  30
You  21 x 6 = 126      I   9 x 6 =  54      E   5 x 6 =  30      R  18 x 6 = 108
T  20 x 6 = 120      N  14 x 6 =  84      A   1 x 6 =   6      A   1 x 6 =   6
E   5 x 6 =  30      G   7 x 6 =  42      R  18 x 6 = 108      L  12 x 6 =  72
R  18 x 6 = 108      E   5 x 6 =  30
===============      R  18 x 6 = 108      H   8 x 6 =  48      R  18 x 6 = 108
Total        666     ===============      E   5 x 6 =  30      E   5 x 6 =  30
                    Total       666      L  12 x 6 =  72      S  19 x 6 = 114
                                         L  12 x 6 =  72      E   5 x 6 =  30
                                         ===============      R  18 x 6 = 108
                                         Total       666      V  22 x 6 = 132
                                                              E   5 x 6 =  30
                                                              Total       858-192=666

One of the newest entries we have found is "NEW YORK" = 666, the obvious implication being that NEW YORK is the home of the United Nations and the New World Order.

Last but not least, it has been pointed out that "US OF AMERICA" = 666. As a proud American, I never in my wildest dreams thought the good old USA could be one of the major bad guys in the coming reign of the Anti-Christ. But over the last few years actions by the federal government too numerous to name here have completely changed my mind about that. The fact that "US OF AMERICA" = 666 comes as no suprise to me,

Oops. Found another one this New Year's Eve just 2 hours before 1998. I have for years used SSNUMBER as a variable name to hold Social Security Numbers in many programs I have written. Guess what? You guessed it. SSNUMBER = 666 too. It's a bit more of stretch than the other words and phrases, but is it really all that far out?

You can try out these and other words and phrases for yourself easily thank to Terry Stough and his great phrase calculator program. Most words and phrases work best if you use all capital letters and skip the spaces, but feel free to try it any way you like.

Right now you are probably saying "Wait a Minute! How does FEDERAL RESERVE = 666?"

That is a very good question. Remember, the Bible says "Let he that has wisdom count (i.e. calculate) the number of the beast." If you looked closely at FEDERAL RESERVE you'll see it equals 858, and I deduct 192 to get 666. Where does the 192 come from? Because of the way the computer math works out, the space between the words actually deducts 192 from the total, yielding the end result 666. We find it quite interesting that it took a computer to figure out that the number of the Federal Reserve is 666, not that we think anyone will be suprised,  8-)

' 666 Searcher
' Helps you keep on the lookout for the Beast, whose number is 666
' Public Domain program written by Brian Francis Redman, Editor-
' in-Chief, Conspiracy Nation, June 7, 1995
' Compile using QuickBasic 4.5 or may be portable to BASICA

' Example names: try "Kissinger", "Computer", "NuclearHell", and "Federal Reserve"

L1% = 0: X1% = 0: X2% = 0: X3% = 0
PRINT "Enter name";
Sw1% = 1
WHILE Sw1% = 1
   L1% = LEN(A$)
   FOR X1% = 1 TO L1%
       X2% = ASC(MID$(A$, X1%, 1))
       IF X2% > 90 THEN X2% = X2% - 32
       X2% = X2% - 64
       X2% = X2% * 6
       X3% = X3% + X2%
   NEXT X1%
   LOCATE 4, 1
   PRINT A$; " = "; X3%
   B$ = ""
   WHILE B$ = ""
       B$ = INKEY$
   LOCATE 6, 1
   PRINT "Again?"
   B$ = ""
   WHILE B$ = ""
       B$ = INKEY$
   IF B$ <> "Y" AND B$ <> "y" THEN
       Sw1% = 0
       L1% = 0: X1% = 0: X2% = 0: X3% = 0
       A$ = "": B$ = ""
       LOCATE 2, 1
       PRINT "Enter name";
PRINT "Thank you for using 666 Searcher."

Re: The Mark Of The Beast by Nobody: 9:22am On Dec 29, 2007
hmmm ,you dey try o MP.

Where did you get all these?

The internet is apparantely evil grin
Re: The Mark Of The Beast by Bobbyaf(m): 4:39pm On Dec 29, 2007
To put it simply. To know the mark you must first know the beast. Secondly, the mark is not a number. Its a seperate entity from the number. Its not 666 nor will ever be. The number the bible says is that of a man, and it has described the characteristics that will help you in seeing who exactly that beast power is. So that would mean that you'd have to go through the relevant chapters of Revelation that pertain to the beast power, and put all the pieces together.

Listen to how the bible puts it, He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

So right away the verses mention three seperate entities:

a) the mark of the beast

b) the name of the beast

c) the number of the beast

Here are a few characteristics about the beast that will help anyone to get a better picture of what we are dealing with.

1) 1 Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a [b]blasphemous name.

It rose from the sea.

It has 7 heads and 10 horns and every horn had 1 crown each.

2 Now the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like the feet of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion.

Here the beast is further described has having the very same animal characteristics that were used as symbols to represent the past kingdoms Babylon, Persia, and Greece as mentioned in Daniel 7.

The dragon gave him his power, his throne, and great authority., Who is this dragon? Prinmarily it represents Satan, and secondarily it represents Pagan Rome. In chapter 12 we see the dragon representing Rome, attempting on the life of Jesus. In other words Satan used Rome to try and prevent God's will from manifesting, but it failed. After Rome collapsed in AD 476, the power was transferred to the Catholic Church that is referred to as papal Rome. The Roman pontif assumed state power while the barbarian tribes took on state characteristics.

5 And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies, and he was given authority to continue[c] for forty-two months. 6 Then he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His name, His tabernacle, and those who dwell in heaven. ,

Daniel 7:25 says likewise, 25 He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time and times and half a time.

I want you to notice something about the two verses. Revelation uses a time period of 42 months while Daniel uses 3 1/2 times or years. Both symbolic time periods mean the exact same thing.

3 1/2 years = 3 1/2 x 360 days = 1260 symbolic days = 1260 literal years

42 symbolic months = 42 x 30 days = 1260 symbolic days = 1260 literal years.

Both John and Daniel described the same power. In Daniel 7 its called the little horn while in Revelation 13 its called the beast. The Roman catholic church was established as the papacy by decree of Justinian, in Ad 538. It ruled until 1798 when the French authorities placed the pope in exile. If you subtract 538 from 1798 you get 1260 years.

The scripture says that its wound was healed and in AD 1929 Moussilini re-instated the RCC and gave it a state from which to operate which is called the Vitican State.

It is this apostate power called the RCC that is described in Revelation 13. It is this power that God is calling His people from who are scattered throughout her congregations. It is this power that has currupted christendome with her false doctrines. She is called the w.h.o.r.e (see Revelation 17) that has daughters, and these daughters are the denominations that have followed her teachings in one way or the other.

Now that her wound has been healed she has risen to ascendancy once again. She has formed an alliance with the evangelicals and others, in the name of unity.

For further details see http://teachinghearts.org/dre17hdan08b.html
Re: The Mark Of The Beast by handell(m): 11:20am On Jan 02, 2008
wow, thats a load of information! but i think am more concerned about not being around when that time comes.
Re: The Mark Of The Beast by dafidixone(m): 2:13pm On Jan 04, 2008
Ever heard of MASON?

This I suppose the cult behind the propagfation of the New World Order.

The issue of 666 as in number might not be totally correct of the beast.

The beast is here already. The beast rules the world economy today.

The power of the beast is just in variuos strategy he is adopting to rule the world.

Have you heard that Satan has his temples? in some part of the world including Africa.

The satanic Pentagram is also beautified and turn survenair.

Very soon the mark will be tattoo of satanic Pentagram on those who will not be raptured.

This is just the begining of an end.
Re: The Mark Of The Beast by dafidixone(m): 2:15pm On Jan 04, 2008
Ever heard of MASON?

This I suppose the cult behind the propagfation of the New World Order.

The issue of 666 as in number might not be totally correct of the beast.

The beast is here already.  The beast rules the world economy today.

The power of the beast is just in variuos strategy he is adopting to rule the world.

Have you heard that Satan has his temples? in some part of the world including Africa.

The satanic Pentagram is also beautified and turn survenair.

Very soon the mark will be tattoo of satanic Pentagram on those who will not be raptured.

This is just the begining of an end.
Re: The Mark Of The Beast by Bobbyaf(m): 2:44pm On Jan 04, 2008
@ Handell

wow, thats a load of information! but i think am more concerned about not being around when that time comes.

Unfortunately Handell no one will escape it. Not even the church will escape it. God's people must bring themselves to the stage where we see it for what it is now before its way too late. We must choose while there is religious freedom. The Bible is our only guide in terms of knowing God's will and truth.

There is a teaching in christendome that has taken on popularity, which says that the church will escape this period of severe trial, but if you search the scriptures there is no such teaching. God didn't promise to remove the trials, but to help us through them. Listen to Daniel:

Daniel 12:1-2 says, 1 "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered. 2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.

Jesus picks up on the same subject in Matthew, Matthew 24: 21For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again. 22 If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.

So this time of distress will overtake the whole world including the people of God. However, the difference lies in the choice we make. Will we choose God and His word, or will we choose a system that appears to be true, but instead is a counterfeit. Jesus alludes to us having to endure to the end in order to be saved.

So the "Left Behind" series is just a device used to confuse Christians into thinking that somehow Jesus will whisk the church away into heaven, while the unconverted will be given a chance to choose between Christ and the Anti-Christ.

The Anti-Christ is here. Soon we will see its mark. Its just a matter of time. And Like I said its not 666.
Re: The Mark Of The Beast by Bobbyaf(m): 3:20pm On Jan 04, 2008
Ever heard of MASON?

This I suppose the cult behind the propagfation of the New World Order.

The issue of 666 as in number might not be totally correct of the beast.

The beast is here already. The beast rules the world economy today.

The power of the beast is just in variuos strategy he is adopting to rule the world.

Have you heard that Satan has his temples? in some part of the world including Africa.

The satanic Pentagram is also beautified and turn survenair.

Very soon the mark will be tattoo of satanic Pentagram on those who will not be raptured.

This is just the beginning of an end.

Yes those agencies are known. The difference though, is that the beast doesn't come up front. He uses the state to do its dirty work. If we look at Revelation 13 carefully we will notice another beast that arose from the earth. It is this beast that will create an image to the first beast that rose from the sea. Its extremely important to see that.

The lamb-like beast that came from the earth represents the USA. This beast will create a similar situation or an image, that once existed in Europe from which the first beast came. The symbols "sea" and "earth" both mean people. The US came out of a population that was sparse, while the beast came out of a dense population. So if you look at the order of development of nations, you will notice that Europe initially had the power and was the centre of historical importance, followed by the US, which was a fairly new power on the rise.

Look at the order of Kingdoms as outlined by Daniel 7.

The four kingdoms of Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, and the 10 European nations or kingdoms, Papal Rome or the RCC.

John in Revelation 13 picks up on the beast arising from Europe initially, and while it lost power temporarily due to the French revolution, a new and powerful nation was on the rise. That new kid on the block was the US. Its called the lamb-like beast because of its initial advocacy of religious freedom. It was as gentle as a lamb based on its constitution that guaranteed freedom of religion. But John noticed something. He noticed that this gentle creature would eventually speak like a dragon.

11 Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon. 12 He exercised all the authority of the first beast on his behalf, and made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose fatal wound had been healed. 13 And he performed great and miraculous signs, even causing fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men. 14Because of the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast, he deceived the inhabitants of the earth. He ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived.

At first the US constitution protected people's right to choose according to their conscience, but if we look at the US today we can see the subtle changes. When the puritans landed in the US in the early 17th century they were running from Papal persecution. They ran from the beast. No catholics were allowed to even work in the US. As time progressed all that has changed. Today RCs have taken over the US. They are everywhere and have taken up root in the halls of Congress in order to carry out their Papa's wish.

If you live to see it, you will one day see the US pass legislation forcing all to worship on Sunday. The Sunday Blue laws are already on the books. The RCC's objective is to establish Sunday observance as its mark of authority. And the sad thing is they are using the evangelicals and other Christians to lead the way while they stay in the background.

Those who have ears let them hear!

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