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The Price Of Garri - Food (23) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Food / The Price Of Garri (47974 Views)

The Price Of A Bottle Of Heineken Is Too High In Nigeria. Protest Here !!. / Price Of Garri Skyrockets Astronomically / What Are The Health Benefits Of Drinking/ Soaking Garri ? (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Price Of Garri by lagerwhenindoubt(m): 6:48pm On Sep 14, 2012
Having served my 3-day ban. i realized in those moments off Nairaland.. i attained a certain peace only attainable through constant soaking of Manihot Esculenta.
It was a pleasant discovery hence my renewed, rejuvenated assault on the senses of the powers that be.. Manihot Esculenta.4EVA grin grin grin grin
Re: The Price Of Garri by lagerwhenindoubt(m): 6:48pm On Sep 14, 2012
Muki baby.. i know you are just waiting in the bleachers grin
Re: The Price Of Garri by searay(m): 2:56pm On Sep 15, 2012
filly supported.
Thk God, I'v regain my freedom
Re: The Price Of Garri by Okijajuju1(m): 5:00pm On Sep 24, 2012
The God of GARRI, FUFU & Cassava Bread,will surely reward all those Garri Mujahadeens, GarriTalibans and Garri Harams who fought in this great Jihad against the western oppression of Seun and his band of Infidel mods..

No matter what they do to us, the Price of Garri shall never exceed 50 Naira a cup


Re: The Price Of Garri by searay(m): 7:38pm On Sep 24, 2012
Okija_juju: The God of GARRI, FUFU & Cassava Bread,will surely reward all those Garri Mujahadeens, GarriTalibans and Garri Harams who fought in this great Jihad against the western oppression of Seun and his band of Infidel mods..

No matter what they do to us, the Price of Garri shall never exceed 50 Naira a cup


Re: The Price Of Garri by bbpreye2: 9:14pm On Sep 25, 2012
Presido is back!

1 Like

Re: The Price Of Garri by BusHouse(m): 10:32pm On Sep 25, 2012
Presido is back!
You are wellcome sir, honestly we missed you. The house (assembly) is still intact, now that you are back from your oversite functions,we are requesting for your directiøns on the next line of action. Thanks presido. From the chief whip. Garri republic.


Re: The Price Of Garri by glogift(m): 5:08am On Sep 26, 2012
U r just occupying thread space
Re: The Price Of Garri by BusHouse(m): 8:50am On Sep 26, 2012
glogift: U r just occupying thread space
waka pass, if you have nothing to say. This tread is for the G'peeps.
Re: The Price Of Garri by Omolulu(m): 9:00am On Sep 27, 2012
[/code]Garri is the soak dat i soak everyday
If u soak garri you will feel ontop the world[code]Garri is the soak dat i soak everyday
If u soak garri you will feel ontop the world
Garri is the soak dat i soak everyday
If u soak garri you will feel ontop the world
Re: The Price Of Garri by Librate(m): 10:02pm On Sep 27, 2012
Its time we host our Garri Republic Inaugaural Annual General Meeting so as to discus isues affecting or militating on our dear garri price so as to serve garriland effectively

frm d OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR GENERAL Ministry of garri production, exportation, garri surveys n urban garri renewal

Garri labour congress,
garri cabal
garri house of assembly,
CJN garri republic
manihot rock villa ijebu,

1 Like

Re: The Price Of Garri by GARRIWARLORD(m): 8:48am On Sep 28, 2012
My fellow garri brothers in the house. I was banned for defending the flood victims with garri ideology.. For how long will this continue? People who start tribal and religious wars are spared,but the garri community are the targeted victims.. Does this even make sense...
i advice all my garri brothers to come to this thread and tell the world how garri has been more helpful than our greedy leaders....
Re: The Price Of Garri by Nobody: 4:13pm On Sep 28, 2012
To: Seun

Mr. Seun Osewa,
I have noticed with utter dismay how you and your mods have subjected to word "garri" to humiliation and riddicle. I beg to ask, is it every post about "garri" you and your mods send to the food or joke section? This is unacceptable.

One thing you should know is that more than half of the real members on nairaland (as other handles are dormant) are all "garri" advocates as we would not hesistate to move to other forums and you know that will be bad business for you.

You eat "garri", you know how important "garri" is in the lives of Nigerians, it is more important than nairaland itself! You and your mods especially that kid, sexkid that has banned almost all the "garri" advocates till 2106, if he'll still be alive by then; you all know that.

Seun, when we start again, the first revolution will be a childs play cos all the threads on the frontpage will have "this post has been hidden" as the only comments there and we will force you to close more threads. Its going to be red!

Please be more sensible and respect the right to freedom of speech from us all and I believe we will all have peace and Nairaland will become a better place.

A word is enough for the wise!



1 Like

Re: The Price Of Garri by Nobody: 4:17pm On Sep 28, 2012
bbpreye: From: GARRI PRESIDENT
To: Seun

Mr. Seun Osewa,
I have noticed with utter dismay how you and your mods have subjected to word "garri" to humiliation and riddicle. I beg to ask, is it every post about "garri" you and your mods send to the food or joke section? This is unacceptable.

One thing you should know is that more than half of the real members on nairaland (as other handles are dormant) are all "garri" advocates as we would not hesistate to move to other forums and you know that will be bad business for you.

You eat "garri", you know how important "garri" is in the lives of Nigerians, it is more important than nairaland itself! You and your mods especially that kid, sexkid that has banned almost all the "garri" advocates till 2106, if he'll still be alive by then; you all know that.

Seun, when we start again, the first revolution will be a childs play cos all the threads on the frontpage will have "this post has been hidden" as the only comments there and we will force you to close more threads. Its going to be red!

Please be more sensible and respect the right to freedom of speech from us all and I believe we will all have peace and Nairaland will become a better place.

A word is enough for the wise!



cc: Ebamma
cc:Garri House of Assembly
Re: The Price Of Garri by GARRIWARLORD(m): 6:06pm On Sep 28, 2012
@ presido bbpreye... I dont know what is wrong with seun and the mods... How can you ban someone for calling the name garri. It doesn't make sense nah...
If this continues,then i will be forced to use my manipulating skills on nairaland.. If care is not taken,me and the whole garri community shall be immune to ban...
Re: The Price Of Garri by Librate(m): 10:47pm On Sep 28, 2012
From d desk of d Surveyor General of Garri republic
Our correspondence in d middle belt of dis republic is givin d impression dat garri price per cup has increased tremendously due to heavy Floodin in dat area and as thus our G peeps there r in grievance over dis illwind.
Ministry of Garri Affairs, Garri Market Surveys n Urban Garri Renewal
Re: The Price Of Garri by Rick9(m): 7:59am On Sep 29, 2012
Love Garri. Mehn
Re: The Price Of Garri by Rick9(m): 8:04am On Sep 29, 2012
bbpreye: From: GARRI PRESIDENT
To: Seun

Mr. Seun Osewa,
I have noticed with utter dismay how you and your mods have subjected to word "garri" to humiliation and riddicle. I beg to ask, is it every post about "garri" you and your mods send to the food or joke section? This is unacceptable.

One thing you should know is that more than half of the real members on nairaland (as other handles are dormant) are all "garri" advocates as we would not hesistate to move to other forums and you know that will be bad business for you.

You eat "garri", you know how important "garri" is in the lives of Nigerians, it is more important than nairaland itself! You and your mods especially that kid, sexkid that has banned almost all the "garri" advocates till 2106, if he'll still be alive by then; you all know that.

Seun, when we start again, the first revolution will be a childs play cos all the threads on the frontpage will have "this post has been hidden" as the only comments there and we will force you to close more threads. Its going to be red!

Please be more sensible and respect the right to freedom of speech from us all and I believe we will all have peace and Nairaland will become a better place.

A word is enough for the wise!


Presido have Spoken. The Revolution will start soon. And i hav discovered a way not to eva get banned. By mentioning garri. Presido fix. A meeting let all the garri activist. Hold a meeting
Re: The Price Of Garri by Librate(m): 9:31am On Sep 29, 2012
Rick9: Presido have Spoken. The Revolution will start soon. And i hav discovered a way not to eva get banned. By mentioning garri. Presido fix. A meeting let all the garri activist. Hold a meeting
Our Garri Inaugural AGM
Re: The Price Of Garri by searay(m): 10:08am On Sep 29, 2012
As the Minister of Agriculture, Garri republic, let me assure all the G-peeps that all artificial hinderances to the production of garri has been taken care of. Enjoy garri with no fears.
God bless the G-Republic
Hon Minister for agric
Re: The Price Of Garri by Rick9(m): 2:23pm On Sep 29, 2012
We will take over Nairaland
Re: The Price Of Garri by Librate(m): 2:56pm On Sep 29, 2012
searay: As the Minister of Agriculture, Garri republic, let me assure all the G-peeps that all artificial hinderances to the production of garri has been taken care of. Enjoy garri with no fears.
God bless the G-Republic
Hon Minister for agric
Re: The Price Of Garri by Rick9(m): 8:35pm On Sep 29, 2012
Just finish drinking garri. Mehn what can ieva do without Garri ?
Re: The Price Of Garri by searay(m): 9:20pm On Sep 29, 2012
Rick9: Just finish drinking garri. Mehn what can ieva do without Garri ?
I wonder how life would have been without Garri.
Re: The Price Of Garri by Augustinaz(m): 8:34am On Oct 01, 2012
I like Garri with Afang soup. Then drinking it with groundnut. UP GARRI

Re: The Price Of Garri by Nobody: 10:03am On Oct 01, 2012
sexkillz: If it doesn't distract discussion, why is it such a big issue now? Imagine a life and death discussion in progress and someone decides to ask how the discussion affects the price of garri?

Does that make sense to you?

After discussing d life and death issue GEJ implement it ba. U and ur oga dey take nairaland so serious. Maybe cos it put garri on ur table. Garri must stay. Ok. Sexkillz u re not fit to be a moderator in a public forum.
Re: The Price Of Garri by Nobody: 10:06am On Oct 01, 2012
sexkillz: I am igbo, from abia state. But my signature is in yoruba. . . What does that tell you about me?
Dat u re stupid


Re: The Price Of Garri by Rick9(m): 8:37pm On Oct 01, 2012
@ presido bbpreye... I dont know what is wrong with seun and the mods... How can you ban someone for calling the name garri. It doesn't make sense nah...
If this continues,then i will be forced to use my manipulating skills on nairaland.. If care is not taken,me and the whole garri community shall be immune to ban...
do it am right beside you
Re: The Price Of Garri by Rick9(m): 8:40pm On Oct 01, 2012
bbpreye: From: GARRI PRESIDENT
To: Seun

Mr. Seun Osewa,
I have noticed with utter dismay how you and your mods have subjected to word "garri" to humiliation and riddicle. I beg to ask, is it every post about "garri" you and your mods send to the food or joke section? This is unacceptable.

One thing you should know is that more than half of the real members on nairaland (as other handles are dormant) are all "garri" advocates as we would not hesistate to move to other forums and you know that will be bad business for you.

You eat "garri", you know how important "garri" is in the lives of Nigerians, it is more important than nairaland itself! You and your mods especially that kid, sexkid that has banned almost all the "garri" advocates till 2106, if he'll still be alive by then; you all know that.

Seun, when we start again, the first revolution will be a childs play cos all the threads on the frontpage will have "this post has been hidden" as the only comments there and we will force you to close more threads. Its going to be red!

Please be more sensible and respect the right to freedom of speech from us all and I believe we will all have peace and Nairaland will become a better place.

A word is enough for the wise!


thank u Presido. Dont mind Sexkid or wateva his name is.
Re: The Price Of Garri by Rick9(m): 8:41pm On Oct 01, 2012
Garri brings life.
Re: The Price Of Garri by Nobody: 8:56pm On Oct 01, 2012
GARRIRick9: Garri brings life.

If GARRI brings life,
It can be deduced that,
SEXKID hates what?

a) Life
b) Garri
c) Sex
d) Himself
Re: The Price Of Garri by searay(m): 6:13am On Oct 02, 2012

If GARRI brings life,
It can be deduced that,
SEXKID hates what?

a) Life
b) Garri
c) Sex
d) Himself
d) himself

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The Meal I Prepared with just #500 As Dinner / Check How Much My Mother Used To Buy Garri And How Much I'm Buying Now / What's The English Name Of This Fruit.

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