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Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity - Religion - Nairaland

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Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 8:20pm On Sep 10, 2012
Hello everyone!

Its been a while since I posted anything here o! wink

This is just to invite those of us interested and able to attend a bible-based discussion focusing on the Tithing Ordinance & Christianity. I've attached the JPEG flyer but here's the details just in case (copy & paste):


Bible Expose Edition 6 comes up this Saturday, 15th September, 2012!

We continue with our series on the old & new covenants. Only this time we'll be focusing on the issue of TITHING and Christianity! Ensure you bring your friends along and be there on time! It promises to be very revealing & thorough!

God bless you!

Time: 10am PROMPT (no African time, as usual) smiley

Venue: [/b]Finicky Fastfood (Function Hall), beside Oando Filling Station, Iwaya Road
Onike, Yaba, Lagos.

Saturday 15th September, 2012

Facebook page - https://www./bibleexpose


Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 8:35pm On Sep 10, 2012
I strongly urge those of us on this sub-forum living in or around Lagos who're not booked for that Saturday morning/early afternoon to consider attending.

I've been around here a while, long enough to know that tithing has been a major point of fierce debates. Lots of religion section big wigs both for and against Christian tithing. I'm hoping some of us here (both for and against) would be so kind as to attend this bible discussion meeting, bringing their "strong reasons" (Is 41:21 paraphrase) with them.

Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 8:43pm On Sep 10, 2012
@everyone. . .

I'd like to appeal to you not to post any arguments for or against tithing in this thread. There's a bunch of threads already for that. I'd like this to remain as just the invite it is. Only related comments please. Thanks! wink
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Zikkyy(m): 8:45pm On Sep 10, 2012
Forget it. Don't expect to see a pro-tither at the event. What will they be doing there? Probably be spending their Saturday sourcing their tithe for Sunday. Consider holding a press briefing instead.
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 8:52pm On Sep 10, 2012
Zikkyy: Forget it. Don't expect to see a pro-tither at the event. What will they be doing there? Probably be spending their Saturday sourcing their tithe for Sunday. Consider holding a press briefing instead.

LOL grin grin grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Zikkyy(m): 8:53pm On Sep 10, 2012
Okay just seeing the venue now. Some peeps fit show if you have item 7 on the agenda. e no easy smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 8:55pm On Sep 10, 2012
Zikkyy: Okay just seeing the venue now. Some peeps fit show if you have item 7 on the agenda. e no easy smiley

Item #7 should be on the menu. . . not a feast sha. . . probably just something to nibble. smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by danwo: 9:11pm On Sep 10, 2012

@everyone. . .

I'd like to appeal to you not to post any arguments for or against tithing in this thread.

There's a bunch of threads already for that.

I'd like this to remain as just the invite it is.

Only related comments please. Thanks! wink


Hi, greetings . . .

Why is Malachi 3:8-10 the flyer's scripture of choice

and/or what is the reason Malachi 3:8-10 was the flyer's scripture of choice?

- drew the short straw?

Also which Malachi 3:8-10 translation is referenced here?
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Zikkyy(m): 9:19pm On Sep 10, 2012
. . probably just something to nibble. smiley

Sound like cabin biscuit to me. You no serious ooh grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 9:21pm On Sep 10, 2012


Hi, greetings . . .

Why is Malachi 3:8-10 the flyer's scripture of choice

and/or what is the reason Malachi 3:8-10 was the flyer's scripture of choice?

- drew the short straw?

Also which Malachi 3:8-10 translation is referenced here?

Nna mehn! See JAMB questions!! grin grin grin

I said no debates here na! cheesy

My take is that Malachi 3:8-10 is the Church's chair passage for the tithing teaching. wink
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 9:23pm On Sep 10, 2012

Sound like cabin biscuit to me. You no serious ooh grin

Abi na... make I no go talk say dem go share chicken & chips na. . . dat day, the hall go just full enter main road. . . you go think say na bible everybody find come true, true grin grin grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by danwo: 9:25pm On Sep 10, 2012

Nna mehn! See JAMB questions!! grin grin grin

I said no debates here na! cheesy

My take is that Malachi 3:8-10 is the Church's chair passage for the tithing teaching. wink


It was one of them awkward "curiosity killed the cat" moments

Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Goshen360(m): 9:27pm On Sep 10, 2012


Hi, greetings . . .

Why is Malachi 3:8-10 the flyer's scripture of choice

and/or what is the reason Malachi 3:8-10 was the flyer's scripture of choice?

- drew the short straw?

Also which Malachi 3:8-10 translation is referenced here?

I too love you this my dearest brother "danwo". Obviously, k'oseni to le danyi wo. T'alo fe gbena woju ekun? Love your lines bro..... cheesy.

@ OP, wish am there but can't since am now a new convert for tithe.....a pro-tither grin grin grin. I for come rock the floor small. Anyway, update or hint us after the event. Thank you.
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Goshen360(m): 9:29pm On Sep 10, 2012

Abi na... make I no go talk say dem go share chicken & chips na. . . dat day, the hall go just full enter main road. . . you go think say na bible everybody find come true, true grin grin grin

grin grin grin. I do fall from my chair......still dey laugh grin grin grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Zikkyy(m): 9:35pm On Sep 10, 2012

Abi na... make I no go talk say dem go share chicken & chips na. . . dat day, the hall go just full enter main road. . . you go think say na bible everybody find come true, true grin grin grin

Before nko grin when you dey hold event for fast-food joint.
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 9:38pm On Sep 10, 2012
@ OP, wish am there but can't since am now a new convert for tithe.....a pro-tither grin grin grin. I for come rock the floor small. Anyway, update or hint us after the event. Thank you.

Yeah, I just read through your hilarious "new tithing convert thread" grin

Woulda been nice to have you around o! No wahala smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Goshen360(m): 9:46pm On Sep 10, 2012

Yeah, I just read through your hilarious "new tithing convert thread" grin

Woulda been nice to have you around o! No wahala smiley

Na as dem open my yansh for that thread na eim I run comot from there becuase that guy "truthislight" just dey follow me instead make him dey follow Jesus or Apostle Paul. Na eim I say make I run comot there only to come jam "danwo" for here again......wetin I go do now, na to pick race comot here....."Pastor Kun" come enter this thread again even I don see "Zikky" here too on standby. I no think say my kind of new pro-tithe converts fit challenge ALL this anti-tithes GIANTS. Except say I will need backup from "Image123" and "Olaadegbu" with other pro-tithers not forgetting to mention "Joagbaje" and "Snowwy". grin grin grin grin grin grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 9:04am On Sep 11, 2012

Na as dem open my yansh for that thread na eim I run comot from there becuase that guy "truthislight" just dey follow me instead make him dey follow Jesus or Apostle Paul. Na eim I say make I run comot there only to come jam "danwo" for here again......wetin I go do now, na to pick race comot here....."Pastor Kun" come enter this thread again even I don see "Zikky" here too on standby. I no think say my kind of new pro-tithe converts fit challenge ALL this anti-tithes GIANTS. Except say I will need backup from [b]"Image123" and "Olaadegbu" with other pro-tithers not forgetting to mention "Joagbaje" and "Snowwy"[/b]. grin grin grin grin grin grin

You go dey disappointed if you dey wait backup from those guys o. . . with all the hard feelings wey dey between una over this topic. . . like when Saul first convert to Christianity, dem go doubt your conversion tyre grin grin grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 12:59pm On Sep 11, 2012
bump ^ smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by Goshen360(m): 1:05pm On Sep 11, 2012
I don repent for the other thread ooooooo. Go check it out.
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 3:19pm On Sep 11, 2012
Goshen360: ^^^
I don repent for the other thread ooooooo. Go check it out.

I just see am now. . . grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by JeSoul(f): 3:54pm On Sep 11, 2012
Agent dorbu ho sevin,
just make sure pounded yam and egusi is being served and I'll be on the next flight. Also make sure there's a bucket full of rotten tomatoes beside my seat so I can fire anybody that dare to oppose tithe...how is a WMOG supposed to chop?
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 6:17pm On Sep 11, 2012
JeSoul: Agent dorbu ho sevin,
just make sure pounded yam and egusi is being served and I'll be on the next flight. Also make sure there's a bucket full of rotten tomatoes beside my seat so I can fire anybody that dare to oppose tithe...how is a WMOG supposed to chop?

Ah! Madam mod! Shebi na you... no be only pDiddy & egusi soup o. . . we go also arrange driver and front seats for your royal highness and escorts cohorts grin grin grin

Come, dis one wey una don dey mention item #7, egusi/pounded yam, chips & chicken and even cabin biscuits. . . hmmm... I no fit shout o grin
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 7:39pm On Sep 11, 2012
bump^ smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by JeSoul(f): 7:48pm On Sep 11, 2012

Ah! Madam mod! Shebi na you... no be only pDiddy & egusi soup o. . . we go also arrange driver and front seats for your royal highness and escorts cohorts grin grin grin

Come, dis one wey una don dey mention item #7, egusi/pounded yam, chips & chicken and even cabin biscuits. . . hmmm... I no fit shout o grin
Now you are talking. Front seats aren't that necessary though, I prefer luxury suites in the balcony. Goshen and co can manage cabin bisquits & pure water, no refreshments for non-tithers.

So...will you be speaking at the event? It may not be a bad idea to record, youtube and paste here smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by PastorKun(m): 7:50pm On Sep 11, 2012
I am just seeing this, definitely going to be there.

I know you are reading this in the shadows and you reside in Lagos. I expect you would be coming for the programme to teach us a thing or two on the subject.
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by PastorKun(m): 7:55pm On Sep 11, 2012
It would be nice if you can recommend the thread for the front page so we can get as many people as possible to attend. It can also be a fora for NL members based in Lagos to meet in person. smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by PastorKun(m): 8:00pm On Sep 11, 2012
Great work, keep it up. I would like to suggest you set up a poll where NL members can indicate if they wld be attending, this can help in organising the venue and planning for item number 7 smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by JeSoul(f): 9:38pm On Sep 11, 2012
Pastor Kun: @Jesoul
It would be nice if you can recommend the thread for the front page so we can get as many people as possible to attend. It can also be a fora for NL members based in Lagos to meet in person. smiley
Good recommendation uncle, I shall do so now. Make sure you bring gist back for us to hear oh smiley.
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 9:48pm On Sep 11, 2012
JeSoul: Now you are talking. Front seats aren't that necessary though, I prefer luxury suites in the balcony. Goshen and co can manage cabin bisquits & pure water, no refreshments for non-tithers.

This is unrighteousness! grin

So...will you be speaking at the event?

I should

It may not be a bad idea to record, youtube and paste here smiley

Don't know about plans for smth like this o. Would sure be a good idea sha smiley
Re: Invitation To A Bible-based Discussion On The Tithing Ordinance & Christianity by petres007(m): 10:30pm On Sep 11, 2012
Pastor Kun: @Petres007
Great work, keep it up. I would like to suggest you set up a poll where NL members can indicate if they wld be attending, this can help in organising the venue and planning for item number 7 smiley

I give up. I know I've done it before but for the life of me can't remember how to setup a poll. Could use some help.

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