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2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? - Music/Radio (2) - Nairaland

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Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by elvin(m): 4:45pm On Apr 17, 2006
what is 2face still singing when people like p-square are available?
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by datluv: 5:57pm On Apr 17, 2006
elvin, you have to be kidding me right, if you count knockin off other peoples songs talent then mabe psqure has talent, you are insulting 2face by even comparing him to psquare, i do like their shows and costumes tho but they should spend the amount of time they do into wardrobe and image into creating an ORIGINAL song, then again maybe they cant,
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by 4real(m): 1:46am On Apr 18, 2006

I have had the opportunity to hear two songs from the new album and they are VERY nice, quality, lyrics, his voice, you can really see an improvement from his first album. One of the songs i heard is grammy winning quality too. Soo im pretty sure it was a mistake or this person is just telling tales since no one else has heard the song he/she is talking about, And to those shouting kennis this and that, Is he the only artist with kennis? How come the others one dint win an MTV award? Please lets get real here, the guy has talent, plain and simple, Listen to all the platation boyz CDs and tell me whose voice stands out,
you are joking right, where you put faze everybody knows that faze has the best voice in the group and still those till date 2face my ass
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by beyunce(f): 10:44am On Apr 18, 2006
well me i want to listen to the songs oh.
Maybe i have even heard it before but just didnt noticed it was 2 face.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 1:46pm On Apr 18, 2006
yeah fazw has the best voice in the group without a doubt and 2face, his last album is the best he will ever do and from here on end, he will only be using reputation without melody to sell
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by kulinkuli: 8:27pm On Apr 18, 2006
Na Curse? y una dey cause this guy? all of y'all are going "his first album is the biggest he'll ever do. he dont have nuhin after that." y'all just cursing him. wait till the next album comes out b4 u start to critisize him. this is why Nigeria cant come up. Because we using our own tongue to kill ourselves. He won and MTV award. other african nations are Happy except Nigeria. instead make una dey pray say ihn go win a grammy una dey curse am. Now i'm hearing P-Square this and that. Good. let that Be. Let P-square prove theirselves. I'll Buy their Cd and if itz Good then it is. if they are as Good as y'all say they are, they would surely come to the light but plz Let Tuface do his thing. i'm Happy for him. i'm also eager to hear his next Album. now of itz wack then y'all can start yappin ur mouth but for the main time abeg make una "gbe enu e si oun" (in other words, shattap)
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by 4real(m): 1:46am On Apr 19, 2006
well i have nothing against the guy ok, i pray he makes it,
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by Impression(f): 4:05am On Apr 19, 2006
2 face in US Tour.

Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by Rageouz: 6:47pm On Apr 19, 2006
meeeeen! me i jus tire, y all of unah jus cry 4 anutha man pain, na so unah jobless?, unah 4get say monkey weh liv free banana weh deh market com chop d only pineaple weh deh house say na him last meal e chop, so unah guy 2face or na 3face b him name don chop him own finish, now na time 4 am 2 rest b4 e start 2 deh miss yarn, as i deh c sef him mouth don deh lik wata, ma guy say na eba n turkey him face now, so pleeeeeas dont xpect anytin good from ur fake loud mouth 4face again, im own don finish, if u go fit make uremind am say somtin, i still deh tire 4 unah!
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by Seun(m): 1:27am On Apr 20, 2006
Can someone supply us with tangible information about this album. I'm dying to listen to some of the songs or at least know the title of the album of some of the wordings from the tracks you guys say you ehard on radio!
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by beyunce(f): 9:42am On Apr 20, 2006
i would really want that to.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by LoverBwoy(m): 2:07am On Apr 21, 2006
this must be a rumour, how can someone like 2face release a new album and only very few people know about it or just heard few tracks shocked shocked maybe he just did a remix or featured in someone else's song

what happened to kennis music and their marketing campaign, maybe they ran out of steam shocked
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by ocho(f): 6:57pm On Apr 24, 2006
kai, 2-face na better person naw, shooou angry
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by Scorpio(f): 9:40pm On Apr 24, 2006

kai, 2-face na better person naw, shooou angry
my wifey, i got gist for ya wink cheesy
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by slimjoe: 1:52pm On Apr 25, 2006
well about 2face's new album, i heard one of the tracks called FOR INSTANCE.its not that bad but i believe he can bring up something better,since composing a song aint easy,thanks. undecided
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by Eastcoast(f): 2:21pm On Apr 25, 2006

kai, 2-face na better person naw, shooou angry
have you watched da ole video? i have put a link in that thread.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 3:07pm On Apr 25, 2006
the song is not to standard he has place for himself so it is disturbing
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by geniusmuyi(m): 6:43pm On May 30, 2006
I think the song is now fully out and everyone on nairaland would have heard it so give us your views
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by Badman888(m): 6:55pm On May 30, 2006
nahh havnt heared it yet.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 8:45am On May 31, 2006
If his album is out for real then it most have been a flop of an album cos we aint heard of it!
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by TheMaveri: 5:49pm On May 31, 2006
I never really had much interest in the music scene in Nigeria, and it wasn't my industry anyway. However, I was exposed to P Squared through a friend who was involved with them. They make good music, but their style is not original at all. Nonetheless, they got it going on.

On the other hand, a friend of mine did a rap remix of African Queen on his album and that was how I got to know about Tuface. My interest peaked when I was recently hired to direct him in a concert in Baltimore(alongside Amplifyd Crew, Banky & Majek Fashek). In order to create a lighting and visual style for his performance, I requested a copy of his album so I could listen to his music to help me design and coordinate his performance, and I must say his music and style is very good and unique. His performance was off the hook, and everyone else that performed that night seemed to be on top of their game, even Majek in his dreadful looking phase.

Tuface is working on his new album right now, and discussing plans to shoot a new video for his first single. I personally think the guy has done well. Kenny and D1 are doing a good job with and for him. We should be proud of our musicians for putting a positive spin to Nigeria internationally, from P Squared to Tuface and everyone else in between, both established or struggling,

My two cents!
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by akamihe(m): 8:47pm On Jun 04, 2006
I also saw the video of one on tv last week or so! Titled 'forgive and forget'. It may not be as noicy as the 'point n kill' track or as melodious as 'african queen', but I think it's good.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 12:24pm On Jun 06, 2006
Yeah i think we should forgive him for not meeting up and then forget him
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by geniusmuyi(m): 6:35pm On Jun 06, 2006
dont get it wrong forgive and forget is not is not tuface song ooooooooooooooooo
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by tianshie(m): 6:27pm On Jul 26, 2006
Where carm at anyway?
tuface tuface tuface what can I say?

I haven't heard his new thing yet, but we've got to realise that seldom do sophomores compare to debuts. considering the fact that you can count the songs he wrote on the last album on the fingers of one hand and still have five fingers to spare (so I heard) an average performance on this latest effort would wow me.

I'm sick of hearing people say tuface had the best voice in platashun boiz.every infant knows faze has a better voice! to sing falsetto no be beans.

Like I said on a different thread,tuface would have to be castrato to best faze in a singing contest.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 8:35pm On Sep 26, 2006
Pls where is the thread at, I need to tell them a few things about the tuface of a mistake
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by mrmetoo(m): 3:49am On Sep 27, 2006
If faze is so much better than 2face how come you really don't hear about him outside Nigeria. I have heard only one of the dude's songs (Alone Rmx). I must admit the video was great prob better than any 2face video but as for the songs I can't say he's better. Tuface won a frigging MTV award and that wasn't a fluke ppl from all over the world love that song. Its the only Nigerian song that I know has everybody dancing and singing in general African parties. I have heard one of 2face's new songs "For Instance" not great but not bad at all. Seems like a lot of Nigerians are mad at that guy. God knows what he did except put Nigerian hip pop/r&b on the map. If faze is really that good they should step up their game with promoting him and lets see if he'll snatch himself an MTV award too.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 9:03pm On Sep 27, 2006
Thats naive cos u know there are some musicians selling the records but are not as good as a few who dont sell as much. It is about marketing. With the right marketer, u would sell a crapy song and people will be looking forward to it!! Tuface does not hold a candle to Faze
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by mrmetoo(m): 12:26am On Sep 28, 2006

Alright your defense actually is that Tufaace's songs were crappy. I knew someone would say because of marketing. I heard that guy's song through word of mouth (meaning it was good) not any sort of marketing. Infact it was later when his songs blew up that he was all over the media. If faze is so much better his songs too would have found a way to spread outside Nigeria. I'm still very open to hear faze's songs then i'll make up my mind. So pls if u have his songs i'll appreciate it if you can upload them since there are no other ways i can get them.
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 7:31pm On Sep 28, 2006
correction, I did not say tuface is crapy. all am saying is that if faze was to be marketed by the same marketers, more people will know of his talent kand will appreciate him better thats all!
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by Radiant(f): 12:26am On Sep 29, 2006

Yeah i think we should forgive him for not meeting up and then forget him

lmao how mean d'u guys tend to be eh? grin
Re: 2Face Idibia Finally Releases Another Album? by cabali(m): 12:31pm On Sep 30, 2006
it aint being mean girl, it is looking at the reality past the surface

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