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Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by nedostic: 8:22pm On Sep 15, 2012 |
Sometimes, I wonder if there is any difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the present day Protestant Churches. Frankly,I do not see any major difference both in doctrines and outlook. Just three main points to buttress my assertion. The Roman Catholic Church operates a Bazzar system(highest bidder option) in the name of harvest,the daughter church-protestant church(most and not all)hoard miracles and sell all spiritual materials like apron,prayer book,anointing oil,etc to their members. The Roman Catholic Church hinges all authorities of the church on the POPE,its more of a taboo by any priest within the Roman Catholic Church to speak against the actions of the POPE even when the POPE errs being a mortal like every one of us. As a matter of fact, most catholics belive more in what the POPE says compared to what the word of God(Bible) says. The same applies to most protestant churches, most members believe more in what their pastors/prophets/bishops say rather than what the Bible says.Even the protestant flocks would tell anyone who disagrees with what their supposedly 'spiritual' memtors taught them, 'touch not my annointed'. Suffice to say that both the POPE and most protestant church leaders are more or less idolized and hero-worshipped by their members. Also, there is a noticeable seggregation between the poor and the rich in any one of the two churches. The rich are virtually the elders and deacons in any one of the two churches. You need to be financially empowered to have a voice in these two church systems. Kindly share your thoughts on the smilarities between the Roman Catholic Church and the present day protestant church. |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by k2039: 8:30pm On Sep 15, 2012 |
their is a clear distinction between both
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Nobody: 8:37pm On Sep 15, 2012 |
nedostic: Sometimes, I wonder if there is any difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the present day Protestant Churches. [img][/img] The Roman Catholic Church hinges all authorities of the church on the POPE,its more of a taboo by any priest within the Roman Catholic Church to speak against the actions of the POPE even when the POPE errs being a mortal like every one of us. As a matter of fact, most catholics belive more in what the POPE says compared to what the word of God(Bible) says. [img][/img] Also, there is a noticeable seggregation between the poor and the rich in any one of the two churches. The rich are virtually the elders and deacons in any one of the two churches. You need to be financially empowered to have a voice in these two church systems. [img][/img] |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Nobody: 8:42pm On Sep 15, 2012 |
Examine religious organizations. |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by tidytim: 11:02pm On Sep 15, 2012 |
Our Emeritus Professors of Theology on Nairaland find this a rather dangerous topic to involve themselves with , it just might open a can of worms ![]() ![]() |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Ubenedictus(m): 3:46am On Sep 16, 2012 |
nedostic: Sometimes, I wonder if there is any difference between the Roman Catholic Church and the present day Protestant Churches.u are most certainly joking, wen i saw ur thread i thought it had something positive, i checked and all i see is some atheist game. Well done. |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Ubenedictus(m): 3:52am On Sep 16, 2012 |
[quote author=frosbel][/quote] if frosbel isnt here spining her fairytales no else will. Wow! Ur hatred for d catholic church is so great that u dont mind spread nonesense just to discredit her. Weldone, i would love 2 see ur face on judgement day when those u call harlot and prostitue make their way to God's kingdom. An academia without a open mind is lost, his intellect will rust. Peace |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by nedostic: 12:43pm On Sep 16, 2012 |
@Ubenedictus, Please treat the issues I raised and stop personalizing issues. Need I remind you that being a Christian by tradition,birth, religion or even denomination is not a 100 percent guarantee that one indeed is a child of God. If there is anything you and I need to know is that Christianity is not rhetoric,it involves personal sacrifice and ultimately displeasing oneself most times in order to stick to what God wants. Methinks, you are always fond of attacking 'virtual' personalities rather than addressing issues holistically. Kindly feel free to debunk my assertions of the similarities between the Roman Catholic and most protestant churches, albeit using the Bible as a standard for your critique. |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Ubenedictus(m): 2:24pm On Sep 16, 2012 |
nedostic: @Ubenedictus,it is beautiful that u know that. Methinks, you are always fond of attacking 'virtual' personalities rather than addressing issues holistically.not true, u didnt present any holistic issue, u post didnt seek any objective truth instead u were only interested in condemning some practices probably in d hope of asserting that urs is better. Kindly feel free to debunk my assertions of the similarities between the Roman Catholic and most protestant churches, albeit using the Bible as a standard for your critique.sorry my friend, i didnt attack anyone, the thread seem silly to me, ur aim is to disprove both protestant and catholic, my dear, lately i have done my best to abstain from arguement that are not helpful this particular one is one of such. I have learnt not to argue scriptures with pipo whose sole interest is not to seek understanding but to issue condemnation. If u have a problem with catholic practices do well to open a thread and ask catholics to explain, the original post doesnt help, it shows u are not ready for a good discussion, i consider it offensive. 1 Like |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Nobody: 10:31pm On Sep 16, 2012 |
I want to add another point. Many of us like to make excuses for our multiple denominations because we love the approval of man more than the approval of GOD. We are pastor, prophet and crowd pleasers, doing the right thing and adhering to God's word can mean a lot of things , such as segregation , ostracization , branding and even slander. But we have to make our standard scripture. Now to my point. The Spirit is ONE and he leads the Body of Christ. It therefore follows that the Spirit will give a uniform message to his CHURCH and not 30,000 different messages. Something is desperately wrong when we all claim to have the leading of the Spirit yet we differ not on one but numerous issues. God is not the author of this confusion , it is US , MAN. "For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit." - 1 Corinthians 12:13 We have to always test the spirits, because many spirits have gone out into the world to deceive the elect , otherwise Jesus would not have made the following statement : "For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible." - Mark 13:22 1 Like |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by ichuka(m): 11:44am On Sep 17, 2012 |
Hmmm,interesting topic. My take is,in the so called Christain countries,Catholics have brought in the judiastic Judaism,there was the priestly class.the priest acted as an intermediary class.if a Jew wanted to see God,he had to pass through the hand of the priests;there was no way for him to go directly to God. The question now is what is Judaism? Its being kept away from worshipping God in a direct way.between God and man,there was the need of priests to serve as a intermediary class.the Israelites had to go through the priest before they could see God.the same is true with Catholicism.God is on one side,and man is on the other side.there is no direct fellowship between them,and the priests serve as a medium in the the Catholic Church,every time there is mass the priests are there.everytime there's a preaching the priests are responsible for it,and everytime there is prayer offered,the priests are the ones to do the this way,men are brought back to the situation of the Old Testament. Protestantism is divided into state churches and private churches.the Anglicanan Church in England serves as an example of state the Anglican Church,there are the clergy and the laity.the bishops,archbishop, and deacons are all called priests,just as they are in Catholicism.this has likewise brought in Judaism.God is on the top,and the people, who are called the laity,are on the the middle are the clergy,who call themselves priests.the laity can come to God only through this class of people,who monopolize all spiritual matters. Among private churches in Protestantism,there is also the intermediary class.God is on top,and the members are on the between the two there are pastors.the pastors are the intermediary class,who replace the believers and monopolize all the spiritual matters that belong to the members.for example,administering the Holy Communion,baptism,and preaching are all done by pastors.they do everything for the members and become intermediaries between God and man. From Judaism until today,including all the denominations in Protestantism,God has always been on the top and man has been down on the bottom,with an intermediary class in between.ALTHOUGH THE NAMES MAY HAVE CHANGED,NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN SUBSTANCE. Peter said that we are a royal Rev1:6 John also said that every Christain is a priesttherefore,,there is no need for any man to be a medium between us and other words,we are all "pastors" and "priests". |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by ichuka(m): 11:45am On Sep 17, 2012 |
Hmmm,interesting topic. My take is,in the so called Christain countries,Catholics have brought in the judiastic Judaism,there was the priestly class.the priest acted as an intermediary class.if a Jew wanted to see God,he had to pass through the hand of the priests;there was no way for him to go directly to God. The question now is what is Judaism? Its being kept away from worshipping God in a direct way.between God and man,there was the need of priests to serve as a intermediary class.the Israelites had to go through the priest before they could see God.the same is true with Catholicism.God is on one side,and man is on the other side.there is no direct fellowship between them,and the priests serve as a medium in the the Catholic Church,every time there is mass the priests are there.everytime there's a preaching the priests are responsible for it,and everytime there is prayer offered,the priests are the ones to do the this way,men are brought back to the situation of the Old Testament. Protestantism is divided into state churches and private churches.the Anglicanan Church in England serves as an example of state the Anglican Church,there are the clergy and the laity.the bishops,archbishop, and deacons are all called priests,just as they are in Catholicism.this has likewise brought in Judaism.God is on the top,and the people, who are called the laity,are on the the middle are the clergy,who call themselves priests.the laity can come to God only through this class of people,who monopolize all spiritual matters. Among private churches in Protestantism,there is also the intermediary class.God is on top,and the members are on the between the two there are pastors.the pastors are the intermediary class,who replace the believers and monopolize all the spiritual matters that belong to the members.for example,administering the Holy Communion,baptism,and preaching are all done by pastors.they do everything for the members and become intermediaries between God and man. From Judaism until today,including all the denominations in Protestantism,God has always been on the top and man has been down on the bottom,with an intermediary class in between.ALTHOUGH THE NAMES MAY HAVE CHANGED,NOTHING HAS CHANGED IN SUBSTANCE. Peter said that we are a royal Rev1:6 John also said that every Christain is a priesttherefore,,there is no need for any man to be a medium between us and other words,we are all "pastors" and "priests". |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Nobody: 11:48am On Sep 17, 2012 |
i.chuka: I agree with your comment but I disagree with the bolded. In these last days of apostasy , MAN ( the MAN of lawlessness ) is actually at the TOP preventing God's children from hearing from him directly. |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Ptolomeus(m): 10:34pm On Sep 17, 2012 |
Both (Catholics and Christians) are arising sects of Judaism. They have a common root. It is difficult to speak of "Christianity, when so many Christian sects, so different, and vying with each other (with great fanaticism), the right to nonexistent absolute truth. |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Ubenedictus(m): 1:56pm On Sep 22, 2012 |
frosbel: I want to add another point.this is probably the first of your post that i agree with. Good post. |
Re: Any Difference Btw The Roman Catholic Church And The Today Protestant Churches? by Ubenedictus(m): 2:04pm On Sep 22, 2012 |
i.chuka:the picture u paint of catholicism is bogus, that is not what the catholic church teaches, if u heard that somewhere, it isnt d whole truth. I hope to paste d catholic view, but time wont allow me me, pls check for it later and till then try to hold off on pasting this ur idea. |
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