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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? (2122 Views)
This Is Why Fulani Herdsmen Behave Like Animals (pictures) / I Hate Nigeria With A Passion / Why We Hate Nigeria So Much - By The Diasporians A.ka. Nigerians Abroad! (2) (3) (4)
Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by prophet(m): 9:29pm On Apr 12, 2006 |
Why do we help the enemies of Nigeria by hardly (if) ever seeing anything good in Nigeria? No matter what God Does for us in Nigeria, why do we fail to Honour God? Even when we claim to be Godly, why does it hardly (if) ever whow in your daily life? Why have we chosen to glorify evil and promote negativity and reward same mostly? Why is it that in families, jealousies and wickedness prevails most of the time? How can we choose not to encourage marriage, family values and sensible moral values? At the end of it all, we blame the leaders for everything when our homes are in jeopardy … affecting the whole nation. Honour no longer for the elderly, but for the bully, the spendthrift bribing us (in)directly for almost everything, including our votes. My people, God is watching us. Should we wait to experience His wrath? Do we think we have seen the wrath of God? We are communicating to God that we can never be satisfied. This must change urgently. If not, we shall experience the true wrath of God. Pray, my brethren. Pray. The wish of the enemy must not prevail upon us and our families. We are not better than the nations experiencing untold evil currently. Time for sober reflection before it is too late. Evil shall slay the evil. Wickedness likewise. Nationbuilding is a must for all. Get involved in one way or another. I am not far away from you says the Lord. Why do you despise me so? May God Bless and Save Nigeria. Amen. Prophet. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by exu(m): 11:51am On Apr 14, 2006 |
This post is evidently in the wrong section, with the wrong heading to boot. If you want to rant about 'god' then go to the section titled 'Religion'. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by prophet(m): 12:47pm On Apr 14, 2006 |
Nation building devoid of God = 0. Politics = Nationbuilding and vice-versa. Like it or not, God is in all for all. The choice is individual. Sow and Reap. Reap what you sow. Advice: (wanted or not) Focus on the contents of the post and hopefully comment on same politely. Finally, go find out the meaning of ranting. Too much knowledge is why some fail all the time. Many never focus on the issues before them and end up blaming God. Bye for now and Shalom. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by exu(m): 5:42pm On Apr 14, 2006 |
Seun should consider deleting this thread. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by Hero(m): 8:08pm On Apr 14, 2006 |
exu: Or maybe he should delete you, mental midget!! ![]() |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by segun06: 5:26am On Apr 15, 2006 |
This is becoming very common on Nairaland. Someone starts a thread with a very meaningful post, but by the next two or three posts the direction of the thread as totally changed. To some extent i understand what prophet is trying to say, but when you introduce religion into such a wide post, you create conflict. The post refers to all Nigerians, but since not all Nigerians believe in God you are excluding some people. Hence i understand why Exu would believe this thread should be in the religion section. Don't understand why Hero sound so mad, maybe he has a crush on the prophet (just kidding). |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by segun06: 5:39am On Apr 15, 2006 |
Why do we act like we don't want to see Nigeria grow? Why do we try so hard to be something, we are not? Why do we try to ignore the problems in our country? WHy do we not support eachother? Why do we let our leaders, lead us astray? Why do we play while our house is on fire? Why do we trade our culture in exchange for someone elses? Why are we so willing to kill our brothers and sisters for money? Why do we believe that we are better than every other Nigerian? Why do we need anymore form of segregation, in this overly diverse society we live in? Why can't we all just come together as one, and work for the betterment of Nigeria? Perhaps it is THE CURSE OF HAM. The prophet might understand what this means. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by prophet(m): 12:42pm On Apr 15, 2006 |
Segun, I am not introducing religion into anything. I am a servant of God. He is in me. That is who I am and anything am doing is Guided by the foundation that lives in me. Should I be excluded because of that? What am I expected to do when it's burning in my heart to contribute. Shall I keep quiet like others do so that am not abused? These are things I have considered. My choice is to continue to help , lending a hand to making my fatherland, Nigeria, better. This may not please some people, but from your last interesting post on coming together, should we encourage disunity by bullying someone like me? If I am put off by those contributing negatively to Nigeria's progress, I will not join hands with anyone will I? Then, if some are put off because of what I have to contribute and so want me excluded, is that unity? I appeal to everyone to unite and be tolerant. We must however not encourage indiscipline. I believe it is a lack of discipline for me to be abused because of my write up. People should contribute what they have , not destroy others. Prophet. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by segun06: 1:32pm On Apr 15, 2006 |
Point taken. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by Abeem(m): 5:18pm On Apr 15, 2006 |
Prophet Why do we help the enemies of Nigeria by hardly (if) ever seeing anything good in Nigeria?Who are the enemies of Nigeria? Please let us know. And how did you come to the conclusion that Nigerians do not honour God for what He has being doing for us. Need some explanations, pls. Discipline is about orderliness and following rules and laid down procedures in policies. If you want to discuss politics, go to politics and bare your minds out. Similarly, if your topic is on religion, go to that section and preach to the people. Mixing both topics will always lead to rancor or resentment from people who are opposed to your religious point of view hence the wise decision by the Administator to split the sections. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by prophet(m): 9:57am On Apr 17, 2006 |
Abeem, My point is made in the post if you honestly want to know. It's a free world, so, you like others must make your own deductions from it. If you ever believe that you can be absolute in separating God(liness) from Politics (Nationbuilding) or any other aspect of life, you may be deceiving yourself. You cannot ever exclude people who are servants of God (whether you believe they are or not) from having a say in their nations' affairs. Why do you think Pastor Chris Okotie wants to be President of Nigeria? Prophet. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by debostar(m): 11:45am On Apr 29, 2006 |
I made bold to say that Prophet is in the right direction.This is because if WE EXCLUDE GOD from politics what we get is problems.I must say without any fear of contradiction that anything that is done with the exclusion of GOD always end in disaster.So Prophet ,ride on and God bless you. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by toshmann(m): 3:50pm On May 01, 2006 |
i guess prophet's thread is in the right place. this is because in our country, politics can hardly be separated from religion and vice versa. at least 3ice in our recent history, the heads of state has "waited on God" to take vital national decisions. our politicians play God daily in public affairs. churches are involved politically, clergymen have been elected governors three times, a pastor wants to be president etc. so our socio-political culture is -fortunately or unfortunately-intertwined with religion. so if occasionally religious spices enter political threads then we should understand. i'm sure that political spices enter religious thread too(i have to check that out since i'm not a regular visitor to religious threads) more importantly, we should try to be polite on nairaland. this is one forum where we feel at home though we are in diaspora and we should make it hoely and fertile for all nigerians. we can disagree, but we should be civilised about it. thank you |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by toshmann(m): 3:59pm On May 01, 2006 |
@prophet, i don't always see only negative things about my country. i was glad when the debt payment was completed(4 paris club). nigeria remains one of the friendliest countries in the world(the british are very polite, but i'm not sure they are friendly). nigeria has the best food in the world. we have the most beautiful women on earth(yes, i mean it. these white girls are so funny). we have a beautiful land(save for the niger delta that has been destroyed by negligence.hopefully something will be done about it). we have no earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes etc. we are blessed. the only problem we have is bad government. that is man made. we can change it. i'm not too negative though, but i must be realistic, the way we are going ,it may take centuries to get us to some reasonable place. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by segun06: 12:00am On May 02, 2006 |
I think the only problem with Nigeria, are Nigerians. We do not appreciate the consequences of our actions, and even when we do we don't care. Nowadays, our future leaders are too busy trying to be something they are not (American/ European, you pick). We are giving up our way of llife for the way of life of others, not realizing that the people we are trying to imitate are the way they are because they can afford to. They can afford to be materialistic, because they have a good government that will most of the time take care of them; now if in Nigeria everyone knows that the goverment is as unreliable as the Nigerian weathermen, why are we still relying on them, why do we expect the government to provide for us? Nigeria would be a much better place if we had more producers of relevant goods and services. Paraphrasing from some great man's words: Ask not what your government can do for you, but what you can do for your government. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by prophet(m): 10:24am On May 21, 2006 |
Debostar & Toshmann , kudos to both of you for speaking up for what is Truth. Peace. Prophet. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by deb(m): 10:54pm On Jul 17, 2009 |
Wow! I'm so happy to read this post by prophet. Nigeria has a future with people like you. I will personally make sure this messages gets to the ministry of information. This is what the whole exercise of re-branding Nigeria is all about not the interpretation some negative minded Nigerians are trying to give to it. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by vigasimple(m): 11:07pm On Jul 17, 2009 |
Prophet have point in asking us to give reverrence to GOD. By the way we do not hate Nigeria, we just have issues with ANIMALS leading us calling themselves 'LEADERS' We should all prayed, find a way to dislodge these evil and satanic leaders who has no compassion for the ordinary people/their own citizen. No country in the world is perfect. In the developed world, people will get angry and mad when their leaders don't care about them and have the power to vote them out every 4 years or so. In Nigeria, it is a do or die by our 'leaders' . They have NOT being voted in, and in order to continue to plunder the resources of the country, they will find any means to stay put. So, when we are discussing and deliberating about Nigeria, we should not only shout on top of our voices but also prayed that GOD in his infinite mercy grant us GOOD LEADERSHIP. NIGERIA: GOOD PEOPLE , GREAT NATION, AWFUL LEADERSHIP ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by Kobojunkie: 1:00am On Jul 18, 2009 |
Isn't this the same "Prophet" who claimed to have a radio show in the UK where he hopes to ONLY focus on the good news from Nigeria as his way of conributing to Mis Dora "the explorers" Rebranding project? ![]() ![]() Is this not the same "Prophet" that conveniently refused to answer the questions I posed him based on his own claims on that thread but decided to open yet another "feel good" thread in the politics section of nairaland?? |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by kosovo(m): 1:49am On Jul 18, 2009 |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by deb(m): 3:26pm On Jul 20, 2009 |
Isn't this the same "Prophet" who claimed to have a radio show in the UK where he hopes to ONLY focus on the good news from Nigeria as his way of conributing to Mis Dora "the explorers" Rebranding project? Tongue Grin Whatever. |
Re: Why Do You Behave Like You Hate Nigeria So Much? by generalzango(m): 6:09pm On Jul 20, 2009 |
@exu,please, do me a favour,just SHUT UP,this is not Romance section. |
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