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Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by darlingD(m): 4:01pm On Mar 17, 2008
Don't be wicked angry That is not a good advice.

@poster, abegy, pester the girl to tell your brother, if not threaten her you will if she doesn't.
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by Nobody: 4:05pm On Mar 17, 2008
Wtf!!! shocked shocked shocked
Hell nooooo!!!! shocked
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by sweetberry(f): 4:17pm On Mar 17, 2008

Why would I tell my bro? It's an opportunity for me to shag her again and again

is this a joke or what? undecided if that is your honest opinion you need help.

@ poster

the truth will come out one way or the other, if the lady is not telling i suggest you do and pls do so before they get married.
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by randy(m): 5:00pm On Mar 17, 2008
if i hear,

Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by PurestBoy(m): 5:10pm On Mar 17, 2008

is this a joke or what? undecided if that is your honest opinion you need help.

@ poster

the truth will come out one way or the other, if the lady is not telling i suggest you do and please do so before they get married.

This is no joke, It's a gospel truth
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by jpphilips(m): 4:49pm On Jul 04, 2008
day walker,

u must have gotten more replies that u ever bargained for ,what an interesting topic.

from your tonacity, i percieve you re having some guilty prick, dats why it automatically became an issue dat demands your attention.

secondly, i also percieve that dis your brother pays or paid your school fees as the case may be,

for everybody in the house, why is it that whenever an issue bothers around sex, every1 panicks?
when will we africans understand what social liberation is all about,
you slept with her and so what?
where you the first? why do u think u will be the last?

that young man is your brother just by virtue of circumstances of birth nothin more nothin less, in other words; he could have been some1 elses' brother,
so wot re we talking;
casually TELL HIM,
if he pukes
ask him the following questions

1, was he expecting to marry a virgin too bad
2, is he 1? if not who re his victims? ghosts i guess

your mission to tell is reasonable only if u infected her with a life threatning
illness outside that i dont see any reason

if he has accepted her a non virgin in the first place, den whoever doesnt matter ,your brother should be thankful ,what if it was a hooligan from the gutters, miscreant, charlatan,rapist, rifraff or other societal never do wells, i guess he wudnt prefer them,

my advice;;

if he has a good sense of humour TELL
if he is uptight or the straight jacket type
SEAL ur lips

but if i were ur broda, i will laugh and buy u a drink aftaall shit happens
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by texazzpete(m): 5:04pm On Jul 04, 2008
I see no difficultly in coming up with an answer.

the only betrayer here is the Poster. Why didn't he tell his brother he had slept with the girl when he first say them together?

if you think this is some way to show loyalty, you're mistaken your broither probably loves the girl to think of marrying her. If he breaks up with her, he'll place MOST of the blame on daywalka for not telling him before he got hooked on the girl.
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by Cayon(f): 2:23pm On Jul 05, 2008
Did you slept with her because she is an "all arounder" or loved her?

If she is a nice girl, then keep it as y'all dirty little secret. If she is a "bicycle" where everybody is riding it then definitely tell your brother.
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by esolutionpoint(m): 3:31pm On Jul 21, 2012
Cayon: Did you slept with her because she is an "all arounder" or loved her?

If she is a nice girl, then keep it as y'all dirty little secret. If she is a "bicycle" where everybody is riding it then definitely tell your brother.

Whether she is all arounder or bicycle girl, just let your brother know you have dated the girl before, then if he want to continue the journey..then your hands are clean and u shuldnt go b/w them again.
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by Nobody: 5:20pm On Jul 21, 2012
Re: Would You Let Your Brother Marry A Girl You Slept With? by donchiluvcutegu(m): 6:52pm On Mar 12, 2022
I met a girl and she's just Everything I want in a woman, in her imperfections I loved her perfectly, the very day we met she said she knew my elder brother, then later I got really attached to this girl because she's the definition of what I call my completeness, so the day I finally asked her out, she opened to me that she has had sex with my brother, not like they are dating, it just happened and from her voice you could feel guilty of a woman, me ion care for I found a woman I want to settle down with.
I later went on making inquiry to know if it was a taboo traditionally or religiously and there was nothing wrong about it, so I approached my brother to tell me about the girl and that I was dating her, but he kept quiet and so I felt he doesn't want me to be discouraged and as a big bro he can bury the secret, one week later, after I've gone to my dad and told him I found a woman I'd love to marry and he was so happy, of which he had to inform my brothers one day my brother sent me a message that the girl has been to our house, and I told him I know that she told me everything and I still want to marry her,what my brother did was to contact all my siblings and my cousins and my friend and dad that the girl I am planning to marry he has slept with her, he didn't stop there he contacted her aunt and told her that him and myself has slept with her and that they should ask her to avoid my family, this caused me my relationship, I really need advice because I'm loosing my mind and heart breaking...

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