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Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? - Health - Nairaland

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Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Seun(m): 10:18pm On Aug 04, 2005
I've just noticed something about the way our men and women react when the word "plastic surgery" is mentioned (Latoya, Vieiera, Jogego, hot-angel, bootysue. They start saying "oh no", "never!", "what a despicable suggestion!" as if plastic surgery is a sin.

Plastic surgery is one way the stars you adore get to become and remain as beautiful as they are. Name your favorite pop star or actor/actress, and you've named another plastic surgery recipient! Plastic surgery is "something that everyone does" in hollywood, and those are the stars you're idolizing.

Really, one can't look down on a woman who chooses to help nature a little bit. Of course her children will turn out less attractive, but they can go through the same cosmetic surgery procedures, too, when they're old enough! grin
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by hotangel2(f): 3:23am On Aug 05, 2005
You are right Seun. But wait, i am not against plastic surgery. I only said if there's something else you can do to avoid it, you should do the something else [/i]and not [i]plastic surgery. Anyways you are right about the hollywood stars thingy. My mother (jennifer Lopez) Got her butt toned. Hahaha cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by hipcaramel(f): 10:57pm On Sep 19, 2005
i'm not a fan of plastic/cosmetic surgery but when u do it for the right reasons, i'm not against that. take Latifah for instance; she had surgery to reduce her breasts cos she was having back problems and all that. i totally identify with her; it can get real painful sometimes and if i had money like her, i would have the surgery myself.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by goodguy(m): 11:38pm On Sep 19, 2005
There's nothing really bad about plastic surgery. It only becomes bad when it's excessive and done unneccessarily. But then, I believe being natural is the best thing, except, of course, if it's needed in a critical situation like incase of a ghastly motor accident.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Latoya(f): 5:42am On Sep 20, 2005
I am not a plastic surgey fan at all.how about if something goes wrong? i am just too scared of it.i guess u can find better solutions that plastic surgery,most stars do it,put the side effects are a lot.i hate any thing surgery.I can get my ass toned in a lot of ways other that PS,u can get bigger boobs other that implants,u can get thinner thigs other than surgery.I am not a surgery fan for looking good.I will rather be the ugliest gal on earth than go for surgey.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by goodguy(m): 10:47am On Sep 20, 2005
I love the spirit Latoya wink
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by layi(m): 2:45pm On Sep 20, 2005
Corrective cosmetic surgery isnt bad but for enhancement? Rubbish. We need to appreciate the wonderful work of God on us.
Plastacine used in cosmetic (plastic) surgery isnt easy to manage. Ask MJ.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Seun(m): 3:15pm On Sep 20, 2005
What about all the other celebrities that routinely perform these operations? MJ's case doesn't prove anything but that maybe he had an incompetent plastic surgeon.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by joshjosh(m): 5:24pm On Oct 29, 2005
most of these actors and actresses are insecure vulnerable people. seeking public approval. that is a fact. all the enhancement and beauty doesnt make a better person. pamella anderson and jordan and those lovely miserable drug addicts in the porn industry would have been best people you come across. having had the misfortune of working with some of these people, i bet most ordinary people would not change your life for theirs.

photoshop and other retouching softwares does wonders.

most people would be amazed to know how many hours of coaching these so call idols get to go through a 10minute interview.
most of the interesting things ascribed to them comes from the "rent a quote" bank.

i just read jessica alba said " after five hours of hair and make-up, i can look sexy in the right push-up bra, but then so should anyone. how right but sadly i think joan collins said something like that word for word about 5/6 yrs ago. and guess what i cant even say it was original with her.

i mentioned my shock at the fact that nigerians are now celebrating these "idols" when we are just barely getting rid of the ogun and shango and its consequences in our society.

some one told me years ago all idols are bad. living or dead. i hope you have enough money for your worship. conde nast and co are happy to take your money because they make all these idols for you and it is a big business.

have a good weekend you all.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by lauryn(f): 11:43am On Dec 16, 2005
Well to me,,cosmetic surgery is wrong. At the end of the day, u still get side effects, and u could look worse than u already were,so what's the point.
Everyone is unique in their own way,,,,,,,if u think u look weird, then trust me that's the beauty of nature and that's what makes u stand out in a crowd(unique)
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by 1ofall(f): 1:29pm On Dec 20, 2005
Plastic surgery isn't bad in itself. I think the issue is people's attitudes to it...."just a nip here" or "a tuck there" or "a bit of this added/removed" as if it's the butchers/fishmongers! It is still major surgery, and carries all the usual risks!It 's as though some people think because they are doing it for vanity, it automatically becomes"not so serious"
Its ok not to want to show the ravages of time and look as good as you can but I'd rather take care of what I have to make it last longer!And as for enhancement...I 'll go for making the best of my good bits...perfection is an illusion!
Not to say I would condemn people who decide to do it haven responsibly thought about it...as in Latifah's case..
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by marashashu: 2:38pm On Feb 12, 2006
could anyone tell me 3 reasons why cosmetic surgery should not be done? I'm doing a speech on it so I want to prove people why it shouldn't be done!Please write as soon as possible!Thank you! smiley
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by marashashu: 2:39pm On Feb 12, 2006
send to sweet_pirate92@yahoo.com if you have ideas!Thanks!
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by beatty(f): 12:00pm On Mar 17, 2006
what is the alternative for PS
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by chinani(f): 9:24am On Mar 23, 2006
@ beatty

A good & natural beauty regimen. (Natural products have less risks and have stood the test of time but can be harder to get etc.)
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by countrygal: 5:08am On Jun 06, 2006
can any one tell me y is plastic surgery bad for the skin?
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Oracle(m): 9:08pm On Sep 27, 2006
As far as i'm concerned it is bad, it is an alteration to the natural beauty bestowed on man by GOD.
Except for specific reasons(like war, and other severe injuries) Plastic surgery is not advisable

Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by bimbayo: 9:18am On Jan 04, 2007
Some wont mind getting their tribal marks removed.

Is there any cosm surgery service in Nigeria, anyway?
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Ollie39: 11:33pm On May 12, 2007
It is not only stars that have plastic surgery. I have had procedures done on me and I couldn't be happier smiley smiley
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by spoilt(f): 4:59am On May 24, 2007
it depends on what you are trying to correct. some people have very prominent features that need help. grin
you shouldnt overdo it so that the people you grew up with will no longer recognize you.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by suko(f): 12:03pm On Aug 24, 2007
hi seun,thank God is allow the white stars go for this cosmetic [plastic surgery] at least i am proud of nollywood stars i think they don't fashion it,or is there any of them you know that goes for it pls let me no ok.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Njoy1(f): 2:24pm On Aug 24, 2007
Beauti is a temporary asset, most men/women dream of having cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks/jobs, I see nothing wrong in that. Cosmetic surgery is on the up if you can afford it go for it. But don't let it become an obsession, one look at Michael Jackson you'll know what I mean.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Nobody: 4:25pm On Aug 24, 2007

what did you have done?
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by spoilt(f): 2:27am On Aug 25, 2007
after 6 kids with your boobs hanging to the floor, trust me i would lift those twins up!
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by geegee(f): 10:52am On Aug 28, 2007
i really dont see anything wrong with going under the knife if u don't feel good about the way u look.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by simibrazil(f): 11:33pm On Oct 08, 2007
Is important to looK at the mirror and think : hmmm I am delicious!
You should do it if you ll feel better and not for please someone
I have already made liposuction, I eat a lot of bullshit and my belle keeps in shape and I am very happy about it , was the best gift I gave to myself
And after breastfeed if my boobs get down I ll fick it :-)
Beauty is not temporary asset, my mom have 60 yo and she is more beautiful than me, people ask if she is my sister.
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by Dmajesty(m): 4:36pm On Nov 10, 2007
Cancer is a very deadly disease which every one should be careful on how he or she handles his life. What you eat and drink and how you take those things matters a lot.

Check well on how you expose your skin to dangerous rays and body creams. Ladies should always pay attention on their breast as often as possible.

Details on information concerning cancer, please visit:

Pass the information to others.

Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by shadow0000: 8:17am On Feb 11, 2009
Ya i am agree with you Seun, to have plastic surgeon is to bad, it have an bad effect but not immediate effect it took time before it feel the bad effect in those person who have an plastic surgeon, I am happy with God gift it to me,

Plastic Industry
Re: Cosmetic [Plastic] Surgery is So Bad? by briensmith: 11:32am On Mar 10, 2012
Nowadays, cosmetic surgery has become more popular for modern people. Some people believe that it is a science to increase the beauty of a person. The basic aim of this surgery is to enhance the appearance of the individual that is done by altering the parts of the body. On the other hand, other people disagree with it. They said that cosmetic surgery involves risk which may cause serious diseases such as heart attack. If a person did get into an terriable accident,and in thier unfortunate case their body was severly damaged .Then (I think) they would not only suffer physical dismay but mential dismay as well. Can you imagine having the same appearence for most of your life and then suddenlly you look in the miorror and you see,not you but someone/something (there have been cases where these poeple refer to themselvs as something instead of someone) else? If most people we under these circumstances then they would not be able to handle the emotional warfare between what they see and what they know, and the only way SOME might find out of hell, is to plastic surgery.


Plastic Surgeon

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