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The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE - Foreign Affairs - Nairaland

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The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by PAGAN9JA(m): 10:22pm On Oct 16, 2012
[size=16pt]Desecration of Pagan Trad. Shines in Zimbabwe[/size]:

Two Masvingo chiefs have taken Econet Wireless to court for allegedly defiling a traditional shrine by exhuming human remains and destroying relics while installing a base station at a local hill. Chief Murinye (Ephias Munodawafa) and acting Chief Mugabe (Matubede Mudavanhu) said in their urgent chamber application that Econet workers scattered the human remains after excavating tombs.

They want construction of the base station stopped forthwith.

They filed the urgent application before Justice Joseph Musakwa on Friday who reserved judgment on the preliminary arguments raised by lawyers representing both parties.

The chiefs pleaded with the courts to issue the urgent interdict, saying Sviba Hills where Econet was installing the base station was a burial site and a place of ancestral worship for the Duma people.

They argued that the traditional customary rights preserved at Sviba Hills had become exposed to desecration as a result of Econet's construction activities.

"Without regard for the authority of the traditional leaderships and contrary to the construction industry's best practice and ethics, Respondent (Econet) in 2011 intentionally destroyed parts of the sacred site, excavating tombs, scattering human remains, destroying relics and artifacts," said Chief Murinye in his founding affidavit.

"I am also advised that at general law, as at customary law, it is an offence to violate a grave. The construction that Respondent is carrying out is in violation of a burial site."

Chief Murinye said Econet's actions were a violation of the rights of the Murinye and Mugabe people and the entire clan of the Duma.

"Construction ought to be stopped to protect our customary rights and to prevent further desecration of the sacred site," he said.

"It is extremely urgent that the exposed human remains should be properly buried by second applicant (acting Chief Mugabe) and myself, the descendants of the people who are buried at Sviba."

Acting Chief Mugabe concurred with the arguments raised by Chief Murinye.

The two chiefs were represented by Mr Lispen Zinyengere of Mutumbwa and Mugabe partners who said the matter should be treated as urgent.

The case sucked in National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe executive director Dr Godfrey Mahachi who instructed Econet to rehabilitate the vandalised shrine.

This was after NMMZ carried out a cultural heritage impact assessment study which confirmed the cultural and spiritual importance of the Sviba Hills, including its significance to the community under Chief Murinye.

"The said recommendations as submitted in our report were discussed with the community leadership and I am advised that there is concurrence on the matter," said Dr Mahachi.

"However, we find it difficult to comment on Mambo Murinye's letter dated 22 November 2011 and copied to yourselves that requests Econet to build the chief's homestead."

Dr Mahachi's letter to Econet was attached to the court papers.

Econet's lawyers Mtetwa and Nyambirai argued that the matter should not be treated as urgent because the chiefs knew since July 2010 that the company was granted permission by the Masvingo Rural District Council to put up the base station on the site, but did not take any action to stop construction. But they concurred that Econet's activities at Sviba Hills resulted in human remains being exposed.

"Excavation work started in 2011 and continued till November 2011 when it stopped after human remains in question were exposed as the Respondent's constructors were picking stones for use during construction," the lawyers said.

"The exposure of the remains is quite unfortunate. It was never foreseen nor intended. I repeat that Respondent did not know that when it commenced work that the hill was sacred.

"It had no reason to believe that it was sacred as it was never advised so. Respondent does not accept that it is guilty of any offence."

The lawyers said the chiefs would not suffer irreparable harm if the remedy they sought was not granted.

They implored the court to grant an order for construction work to continue, arguing that the chiefs had not shown any regard or care for the exposed remains.

Econet attached a lease agreement it entered into with the Masvingo Rural District Council to establish the base station at the hill. The company also attached a letter written to Chief Murinye last year asking for permission to resume work at the site and undertaking to restore the vandalised graves.

[size=32pt]THE BIG QUESTION IS, Why is it that only Pagan shrines are being destroyed under such base pretexts? why dont we see churches, etc., being destroyed to make way for technology or communication? OF ALL THE PLACES THEY COULD FIND, WHY IS IT THAT THEY CHOSE THE LOCATION OF THE SHRINE?!!! WHY NOT A CHURCH? This discrimination is just geeting too far. The indigenous religions are being forced out of their own homeland to make way for foreign religion. [/size] angry angry angry angry angry

Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by Horus(m): 11:05pm On Oct 16, 2012
THE BIG QUESTION IS, Why is it that only Pagan shrines are being destroyed under such base pretexts? why dont we see churches, etc., being destroyed to make way for technology or communication? OF ALL THE PLACES THEY COULD FIND, WHY IS IT THAT THEY CHOSE THE LOCATION OF THE SHRINE?!!! WHY NOT A CHURCH? This discrimination is just geeting too far. The indigenous religions are being forced out of their own homeland to make way for foreign religion.

Why dont we see churches, etc, being destroyed?,the reason is simple. Accepting an imported Alien Religion has killed our peoples minds!. The Black/African does not know the consequences of accepting AN ALIEN RELIGION. If a Black/African accepts Judaism and Christianity as his religion, he has accepted the Caucasian as his visible God. The same with Islam, if a Black/African person accepts Al Islam and its many branches as there religion, then it accepts the Desert Arab as his God. That person cannot have power over, or be equal to the Caucasian, or Arab because here, the Caucasian and the Arab has been accepted as the superior power, and this is why trying to obtain liberty and equality in Caucasian or Arab religion or any alien religion is a CRUEL HOAX! If you look at all of the so called Holy Books that our people are into, they all portray the image of someone other than self. There is not a face of Black/African people of any of these imported religions.

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Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by GhostFaceKiller: 11:14pm On Oct 16, 2012
nobody gives a fark of this barbaric culture
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by PAGAN9JA(m): 11:19pm On Oct 16, 2012
GhostFaceKiller: nobody gives a fark of this barbaric culture

you have just insulted all African tribals by making such a statement. if you ever say such a thing to my face, you will be lying half-dead at my feet, where you belong.

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Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by PAGAN9JA(m): 11:21pm On Oct 16, 2012

Why dont we see churches, etc, being destroyed?,the reason is simple. Accepting an imported Alien Religion has killed our peoples minds!. The Black/African does not know the consequences of accepting AN ALIEN RELIGION. If a Black/African accepts Judaism and Christianity as his religion, he has accepted the Caucasian as his visible God. The same with Islam, if a Black/African person accepts Al Islam and its many branches as there religion, then it accepts the Desert Arab as his God. That person cannot have power over, or be equal to the Caucasian, or Arab because here, the Caucasian and the Arab has been accepted as the superior power, and this is why trying to obtain liberty and equality in Caucasian or Arab religion or any alien religion is a CRUEL HOAX! If you look at all of the so called Holy Books that our people are into, they all portray the image of someone other than self. There is not a face of Black/African people of any of these imported religions.

i have alwayz maintained that the sole purpose of abrahamist religion is man-worship. they lack SPirituality.
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by GhostFaceKiller: 11:22pm On Oct 16, 2012

you have just insulted all African tribals by making such a statement. if you ever say such a thing to my face, you will be lying half-dead at my feet, where you belong.

i will d1ck slap you silly, u cu.nt
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by GhostFaceKiller: 11:26pm On Oct 16, 2012

i have alwayz maintained that the sole purpose of abrahamist religion is man-worship. they lack SPirituality.

one man one God... that formula is better than slaughtering chickens to idols
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by Nobody: 11:31pm On Oct 16, 2012
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by GhostFaceKiller: 11:42pm On Oct 16, 2012
stillwater: ^^^Buhahaha!

dont get me started son
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by PAGAN9JA(m): 11:58pm On Oct 16, 2012

one man one God... that formula is better than slaughtering chickens to idols

just as there is no one man, so there is no one God. The Spiritual Forces (Gods) is an infinite all-encompassing concept. it is therefore impossible for there to be one God. our ancestors recognized this.

Idolatory Clarification :

there is nothing wrong with idol worship. It is not the wood or stone that we worship, but what it represents. The abrahamist filth are just intent upon spreading lies about us. Let it be known that there is no true devotion involved in worshipping 'thin air'. anyone who says e is devote to this invisible God and truly feels for it, the person is a LIAR! We humans are materialistic in nature. We need to touch, sense, smell or see something b4 we entertain any feelings towards it. Even the sly and crafty roman catholics, though involved in man worship (unlyk us Pagans who worship God), still keep an idol of jesus in their place of worship, though they shamelessly deny idolatory outside.
AGikuyu Pagan traditionalists from Kenya on the other hand, though partial monotheists (they have lesser spirit-Gods), worship 'God'/Ngai by worshipping him through his creations by worshiping nature and Mt. Kilimanjaro. This is also a form of idolatory and it is good. even the most fanatic of muslims sees an 'image' of God in his/her mind, while praying. It is just in our human nature and how it was meant to be..

blood sacrifice clarification: when you want something, you must give back something in return. this is called a sacrifice. when you want money, you sacrifice your effort to obtain it, when you want to eat, you sacrifice your money to buy food. in the same way, when people want simething from the divine forces, such as rains for good crops, etc. they have to give back something in return. now what they give back depends on the ritual, mode & context. it maybe a chicken, or a goat or vgetables, or something like that.

Traditional Pagan Religion:

-has no man-founder like judaeo/islamo/christianity. There are almost as many Traditional Religions in this world as there are tribes which is in the millions. yet Not ONE has been founded by man or has any form of proof as to that. They are the true religions as of divine providence.

-are the oldest religions. ALL Traditional Religions are as old as time immortal. there is no date attributed to them,. it is from the dawn of mankind.

-DO NOT proselytyse OR seek converts. you have to be BORN to a tribe to be Pagan. only reversion is possible for a person to his tribes/ethnicities traditional form of Paganism.

- are a form of Spiritual Science connected to the material Sciences. most Ancient Pagan Druids, Shamans and Priest were adept at healing, the sciences, chemistry(alchemy)_philosophy, astronomy, etc. unlike monotheistic religions, Pagan religions accomodate the Sciences and cannot exist without them.

-worship and influence the Supernatural forces through its various manifestations. e.g., its creations such as nature, animals, forces or through a carved stone idol that symbolises an aspect of a Spiritual force, i.e., for example an idol of a Spiritual Force/God of Fertility and Pro-Creation. the idols are themselves not worshipped but what they represent and act as an object to help concentrate prayers and Spiritual forces on. humans being materialistic in nature, cannot worship or feel REAL devotion to thin air. even the most hardcore christian/muslim while praying must see an image of a God in his mind if he really means his prayer. anyone be it christian or muslim claiming "undying love" to an invisible God is a LIAR!

-do not believe in religious wars, massacres or killings. The Pagans have never attacked anyone unless provoked. as in the case of the Quraysh Tribe of Arabia, when they were being forcefully converted by the sword, their people and shrines looted and destroyed and their women defiled, when in fact they were the FIRST to be there. they were kicked out of their own homes. such injustices can only account for Pagan religiouswars and even then very few such retailiations have taken place.

- Worship the Gods as Spiritual Forces that govern various spheres of being/life and dont indulge in man-worship.

- involved in nature conservation and do not consider man above other animals or plants. humans are just more intelligent than a Chimpanzee which is in turn more intelligent than a chicken.

- do not go by a book. Pagan religions are flexible and can change with time. more advanced form of Pagan religions such as Ancient Greek Religion, Ancient Egyptian Religion, Hinduism, Ifa-Orisha, etc have as a result a large number of treatises, interpretations, versions, etc. books are merely guidelines which can be enhanced further with time. Pagan religions, however small, have a potential to grow if given the proper resources, support, research/universities and time.

-the religion is personal. you tribe, culture and trad.religions is inseparable. therefore it is part of your very identitity and beliefs naturally attributed to you.

etc. .

Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by GhostFaceKiller: 12:06am On Oct 17, 2012
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by Abagworo(m): 12:23am On Oct 17, 2012
Africans were abused and made to believe alien religion is better than their ancestors religion. All religions have undergone modification and there's nothing wrong with adjusting our traditional faith with modern realities like phones, internet and TV. Hinduism, Shintoism, confuscianism and a lot of other non-Abrahamic religions have thrived in their home base but that of Africa is almost dead.

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Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by PAGAN9JA(m): 8:10pm On Oct 17, 2012
Abagworo: Africans were abused and made to believe alien religion is better than their ancestors religion. All religions have undergone modification and there's nothing wrong with adjusting our traditional faith with modern realities like phones, internet and TV. Hinduism, Shintoism, confuscianism and a lot of other non-Abrahamic religions have thrived in their home base but that of Africa is almost dead.

all the religions you named are Pagan. Pagan religions do not go by the book, and are therefore progressive in nature if given a chance to thrive and survive in the right conditions. this is evident from the progress in the sciences, medicine, asttrology and technology exemplified by ancient Egyptian, Hinduism, Greek , etc., relgions.
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by j50wells: 8:35pm On Oct 17, 2012
It's just like what the pilgrim's in Americas did to the Native Americans....they brang them guilt and syphilis. The Indians rebelled and were destoyed. The Indians fought back with the cancer that tobacco brings, but in the end they lost. I think part of the problem is that colored people too often take the white man's word as gold. Stop doing that! I am a white man but I feel the plight that many of you suffer from. I say this with gut wrenching remorse. It's not really white people that are the enemy, instead it is the Christians that can't think and are whipped into a frenzy by their evangelists. You must resist. Your spiritual practices that you already have are much more effective to healing the soul anyway. Don't let guilt and fear be an obstacle to the practices that you already have. The white evangelists will bring the guilt and fear just as the Communists did to the Russians. You must resist!
Re: The Descration Of Pagan Trad. Shrines Under The Pretext Of Development: ZIMBABWE by PAGAN9JA(m): 8:07am On Oct 19, 2012
white people should stay away from tribals. that is the hard fact. whenever you associate with us, it leads to our destruction, assimilation, etc.

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