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List Of 2014 And 2015 Korean Dramas / The Best Season Film You Have Watched / Website For Downloading Korean Movies For Free.., (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Nobody: 6:27pm On Jul 26, 2013
Lee min-ho(Gun ju pyo) is so cute kiss looking for 'Faith' now. That guy iz da best.

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Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Muthiu(m): 5:18am On Jul 27, 2013
ajasa4link: that makes it a 4cking tragedy like most Korean movies.... what about d north Korean guy and team leader Jung's girlfriend
d north korean guy was killed n d galfrewd is alive
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Akeema14: 11:00pm On Aug 29, 2013
Korean series is the best. I really love their films. I av watch many of their flims such as Gumiho. Fashio king. Warrior baek don su, coffee prince. Iris. dong yi. chuno the slave hunter. Princess man. Royal princess. City hunter. Jumong. Sweet spy. Mine tailed fox. Boys before flower. Iron king. Ijimae. Lobbyist. Dae jo young. Yellow boot. And lot more (some i couldn't recollect anymore). Anyone here to post me with hilarious film and good korean season films. Tanks 4 ur concern.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by dimplecakes(f): 12:00pm On Sep 04, 2013
Akeema14: Korean series is the best. I really love their films. I av watch many of their flims such as Gumiho. Fashio king. Warrior baek don su, coffee prince. Iris. dong yi. chuno the slave hunter. Princess man. Royal princess. City hunter. Jumong. Sweet spy. Mine tailed fox. Boys before flower. Iron king. Ijimae. Lobbyist. Dae jo young. Yellow boot. And lot more (some i couldn't recollect anymore). Anyone here to post me with hilarious film and good korean season films. Tanks 4 ur concern.

Waooo, I love fashion king... Still looking for season 3
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by swiftz(f): 3:41pm On Sep 05, 2013
Please I need the site/sites for
Korean movies. I'm downloading
with BB. Thanks.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by topsole(f): 11:08pm On Sep 19, 2013
there a lot of korean movies, likes of coffee prince, boys b4 flower1-4, glass mask, jang ok jung 1- 3, dream of the empror, when a man loves, my girl, mildas,conqueror, guen woon shi, choi kang chi, deajoyoung, doyea, broken heart, bodyguard, secret garden, personal taste, dreamhigh, four Gods, iron empress, giant, president, fugitive plan B, the magistrate and many more dat i cnt even remember even flames of ambition, playful kiss,sweet spy abeg if u neva watch all dis den u r missin :Dthere a lot of korean movies, likes of coffee prince, boys b4 flower1-4, glass mask, jang ok jung 1- 3, dream of the empror, when a man loves, my girl, mildas,conqueror, guen woon shi, choi kang chi, deajoyoung, doyea, broken heart, bodyguard, secret garden, personal taste, dreamhigh, four Gods, iron empress, giant, president, fugitive plan B, the magistrate and many more dat i cnt even remember even flames of ambition, playful kiss,sweet spy abeg if u neva watch all dis den u r missin

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Re: Korean Season Film Gist by kaze4blues(m): 1:00pm On Sep 21, 2013
I love korean films but......

The damn movie boys over flower is overhyped. Its too childish and their actions are predictable.

Still on still....korean films rock

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Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Holuwahvicky: 9:04pm On Oct 03, 2013
yea yea
Muthiu: I dnt watch all of them ave any one watch personal taste?
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Nobody: 9:47am On Oct 04, 2013
Muthiu: I dnt watch all of them ave any one watch personal taste?
personal taste is wonderful. Boys before flower too
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Eifeh(m): 11:29am On Oct 04, 2013
have only watch 49 days? the movie is bad Korea rock
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by FatBest(m): 6:28pm On Oct 04, 2013
I hav watched a few Korean series. My favourite is 'Sad Sonata', in which Kim Hee Sun played a role of a blind girl.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by sexyberry06(f): 11:15am On Oct 06, 2013
Try and watch Love me again, very interesting
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Eifeh(m): 12:34pm On Oct 06, 2013
Eifeh: have you watch 49 days? the movie is bad Korea rock
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by SalC: 4:42pm On Oct 06, 2013
Currently watching Boys over flowers. Still on season 2 interesting.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by eleojo23: 5:24am On Oct 07, 2013
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by ceira(f): 7:50am On Oct 07, 2013
eleojo23: Korean series are not all in seasons. They are usually 16-24 episodes and they run for months. Some are 36 epi, some 50 or 80 (like jumong). It is the DVD makers(probably nigerians) that split them into all these seasons. For me i usually download all episodes and watch at a stretch. korean series rock!
pls whc site do u download 4rm
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Nobody: 6:45pm On Oct 07, 2013
Sal C: Currently watching Boys over flowers. Still on season 2 interesting.
very very interesting. You will sure love it and also cry if u are very emotional
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Eifeh(m): 8:27pm On Oct 07, 2013
Gullible yet cheerful Shin Ji-
hyun ( Nam Gyu-ri) is living
a perfect life: she is the
only daughter of wealthy,
doting parents and is
surrounded by supportive
best friends. She is also
engaged to be married to
the perfect man, Kang Min-
ho ( Bae Soo-bin), in just a
few weeks. Meanwhile,
Song Yi-kyung ( Lee Yo-
won) is in an existential
crisis following her
boyfriend's tragic death.
She works third shift at a
convenience store, sleeps
in the afternoon, and often
spends what little time she
has left in the day
contemplating suicide.
One fateful day
interweaves the two
characters' stories as Yi-
kyung attempts to kill
herself by walking into
oncoming traffic. A
bystander saves Yi-kyung
by pulling her out of
harm's way. However, a
massive pile-up ensues
from her actions. Ji-hyun
fails to hit the brakes as
she approaches the
collision site and crashes
into a truck. When she
regains consciousness
after the accident, she
shockingly finds that she
could neither make
physical contact with the
people crowding around
her car nor could any of
them hear her protests.
She also sees her own
body being carted into an
ambulance. A motorcyclist
nearby seems to be the
only person who can see
her. After Ji-hyun leaves
him to follow the
paramedics attempting to
revive her body in the
ambulance, she meets the
cyclist again at the
hospital. The cyclist reveals
to her that he is indeed
the 'Scheduler', an angelic
being charged with
guiding souls to their final
destinations. He explains
that since it was not yet
her time to die, she is
given the chance to
recover from her
comatose state and live
again. The offer is
contingent, however, on
the completion of a
mission: Ji-hyun must
gather three teardrops
shed out of pure love by
three people not related to
her by blood within the
next 49 days. Elated by the
seemingly easy task, Ji-
hyun immediately thinks of
her fiance and two best
friends and is certain she
will live again. She then
finds herself in the body of
the suicidal Yi-kyung for
which she will remain for
the duration of her quest.
Ji-hyun proceeds by
seeking employment as a
waitress at a restaurant
owned by her high school
friend, Han Kang ( Jo Hyun-
jae). While in the process
of obtaining her proof of
employment at a hotel
where the real Yi-kyung
worked, Ji-hyun's memory
begins to return to her.
Before the accident, Ji-
hyun had agreed to meet
up with her best friend
Shin In-jung ( Seo Ji-hye) to
show her the bridesmaid
dress Ji-hyun had chosen
for her. Ji-hyun's
excitement is muted when
she makes an earth-
shattering discovery that
opens her eyes to the
deception around her. She
soon realizes with painful
clarity that her life was not
so perfect after all and that
it won't be as easy to find
people who truly love her.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Eifeh(m): 8:32pm On Oct 07, 2013
Lee Yo-won as Song Yi-
kyung/Shin Ji-min:[4][5] a
despondent night-shift
worker who lives in a run-
down apartment alone. Yi-
kyung is shown to be stoic
and chronically depressed,
with no interest
whatsoever in living after
her boyfriend's death. She
partly contributes to Ji-
hyun's fatal traffic accident
as she unsuccessfully tries
to end her life, one of
many attempts. She
develops a bond with Ji-
hyun and rediscovers the
strength to go on living
from that friendship and
after moving on from her
tragic past.
Nam Gyu-ri as Shin Ji-hyun:
a beautiful, pampered yet
kind bride-to-be. From the
start of the series, Ji-hyun
evinces deep feelings for
her seemingly perfect
fiance, and strong
attachment to her friends.
She is nicknamed
"Optimistic Princess" by
her friends because she
was known to view
situations through rose-
colored glasses prior to
the accident. Throughout
the drama, Ji-hyun
develops the most as a
character. While she
gradually learns to accept
the harsh realities of life,
she is still able to maintain
her faith in the goodness
of others.
Jo Hyun-jae as Han Kang:
one of Ji-hyun's friends in
high school, although they
are no longer as close as
before due to an
unfortunate incident. Han
Kang puts up the facade of
being cold and rude
towards Ji-hyun although
in reality, he deeply cares
for her. The depth of his
feelings for her is revealed
in such a way that he
knows more about her
than her own fiance and
friends. He is Ji-hyun's
pillar of support
throughout her 49-day
Bae Soo-bin as Kang Min-
ho: Ji-hyun's seemingly
perfect fiance who
possesses good looks and
admirable talent. Min-ho
initially showed strong
romantic feelings towards
Ji-hyun as he was
apparently emotionally
shattered upon receiving
tragic news of her
accident. Nevertheless, his
manipulative and
malicious nature is later
revealed in his efforts to
defraud Ji-hyun's family.
Jung Il-woo as Scheduler/
Song Yi-soo:[6][7][8][9] a
happy-go-lucky guy who
has been working as the
Scheduler for almost 5
years. He does not retain
any memories of his past;
thus, he rarely evinces any
sympathy towards
humans. Nevertheless,
after meeting the
troublesome 49-day
traveler Shin Ji-hyun, his
perspective has changed;
he even violated a few
rules pertaining to his duty
as a grim reaper to help
her myriads of times. He
volunteered to be a
Scheduler to realize his
final wish.
Seo Ji-hye as Shin In-jung:
one of Ji-hyun's best
friends. In-jung is first
shown as the dependable
friend when she lends her
own shoes to her, not
minding at all that she run
on in her stockings as a
consequence, so that Ji-
hyun would arrive at her
engagement party on time.
However, her altruistic
image as the 'caring and
trustworthy best friend'
veils the envy and deep
resentment she harbors
against Ji-hyun and her
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Eifeh(m): 8:36pm On Oct 07, 2013
49 DAYS to Live

Re: Korean Season Film Gist by SalC: 10:49pm On Oct 07, 2013
mz mariah: very very interesting. You will sure love it and also cry if u are very emotional
Am watching season 4. People giving up love to make their friends happy. Really touching!
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by SalC: 10:52pm On Oct 07, 2013
A Man Called God was the first Korean film I watched and still watch it till date.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Nobody: 12:10am On Oct 08, 2013
Sal C: True
Am watching season 4. People giving up love to make their friends happy. Really touching!
my dear when I watched it too,I cried.I realized when it comes to love,I mean very strong love,the rich also cry becauseit is something even money can not buy or stop
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by leunamme93(m): 12:24am On Oct 08, 2013
Finally am now watching the last season of God of war. Very interesting I must admit..
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by ADEBOSOLA: 3:45pm On Oct 28, 2013
Wow,u guys re really missing.ve watched d ''D good doctor''nd ''+ can hear ur voice''dis movie re recent movies nd dey re so intersting nd inspiring,u can also watch ''Dream high''it is also good.pls let me hear from u wen u watch dis movie.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by tobyblaze(m): 2:31am On Oct 29, 2013
where can I donwload this movies
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Afekhiku: 6:32pm On Jul 05, 2014
Here are some interesting movies----- d great seerer, choi kang chi, faith, heartstrings, seaGod, personal taste, faith,city hunter, bad guy, lovers in prague, sharp blade, iris, plan B, swallow d sun, gumiho, my girlfrd is a nine tail fox, 28 days, tree of heaven, ijumah, bichumo, warrior dang so, four Gods, giant, crime squad, boys after flower, I am sam, prince coffee , don't lie to me, a man called God, chuno d slave hunter.......dats d few I can remember, dey are very very interesting. 100%Here are some interesting movies----- d great seerer, choi kang chi, faith, heartstrings, seaGod, personal taste, faith,city hunter, bad guy, lovers in prague, sharp blade, iris, plan B, swallow d sun, gumiho, my girlfrd is a nine tail fox, 28 days, tree of heaven, ijumah, bichumo, warrior dang so, four Gods, giant, crime squad, boys after flower, I am sam, prince coffee , don't lie to me, a man called God, chuno d slave hunter.......dats d few I can remember, dey are very very interesting. 100%Here are some interesting movies----- d great seerer, choi kang chi, faith, heartstrings, seaGod, personal taste, faith,city hunter, bad guy, lovers in prague, sharp blade, iris, plan B, swallow d sun, gumiho, my girlfrd is a nine tail fox, 28 days, tree of heaven, ijumah, bichumo, warrior dang so, four Gods, giant, crime squad, boys after flower, I am sam, prince coffee , don't lie to me, a man called God, chuno d slave hunter.......dats d few I can remember, dey are very very interesting. 100%
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by CeiW5k: 7:16pm On Jul 05, 2014
Very Strongly...
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by ettygal09: 7:23am On Jul 06, 2014
dimplecakes: Sup guys!!!!

Am just in luv with Korean movies.....they are the best!!!

I luv their love stories....though "mumu" sometimes...lol...but I still luv them die.

-boys over flowers
-city hunter
-tree of heaven -faith
-lovers in Prague
-playful kiss
-stairway to heaven
-Cinderella man
-coffee prince

Am currently watching "FASHION KING"......its equally interesting.

So is there any Romantic Korean movies Oya tell me...lemme go and buy them.
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Oyizzti(f): 9:46pm On Sep 23, 2014
There are some more like love rain,my love frm anoda star,emergency couple,pretty boy,you are beautiful,to the beautiful you,empress ki,our english teacher,heartstring,angels revenge,two weeks,the moon that enbrace the sun,city hunter,personal taste,playful kiss and some odas more and all dis films are all interesting.......
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Laitesmart(m): 10:35am On Sep 24, 2014
If you think Boys before flowers is too interesting... Try watching lee min ho (Gu jun pyo) in THE HEIRS and then compare... That guy is just too good...

Presently watching summer scent... Also interesting.. But not as interesting as the heirs..
Re: Korean Season Film Gist by Shriteg: 7:01pm On Sep 25, 2014
u lux sexy

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