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Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud - Romance - Nairaland

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Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by ivorybabe88(f): 6:43am On Oct 23, 2012

46 Likes 1 Share

Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by ATMC(f): 7:37am On Oct 23, 2012
You just made my day!
Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by ivorybabe88(f): 7:42am On Oct 23, 2012
ATMC: You just made my day!
good to know wink wink wink grin grin grin

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Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Oahray: 7:45am On Oct 23, 2012
Abeg tell them o! Wish all girls would realise that merely telling her you love her isnt a true sign you actually do. Nice one there.

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Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by ivorybabe88(f): 7:47am On Oct 23, 2012
very true^^^ but its still nice to hear your man say i love you once in a while grin


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by JojoArmani(m): 8:28am On Oct 23, 2012
did u guys dat commented above me actually read dat long tin, bookmark it to read on sunday.


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by mirob(f): 8:31am On Oct 23, 2012
My man does all these but he doesn't call everyday so I'm really realy doubting his love for me, grin


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by teemac01(m): 8:33am On Oct 23, 2012


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Nobody: 8:35am On Oct 23, 2012
ATMC: You just made my day!
..na wa oh..early dis mornin..barka da sallah in adv
Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Leobreezy(m): 8:37am On Oct 23, 2012
To be candid. If the guy is fully loaded with cash, those words become mere scribbles to a nigerian lady even if he is as hideous and temperamental as Calibus. Undeniable axiom


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Nobody: 8:38am On Oct 23, 2012
Same as if a man wanna get between an woman's legs.


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Okijajuju1(m): 8:41am On Oct 23, 2012
All that thing na wash...

When a guy truly loves you... YOU WILL KNOW..

Not all men have these traits listed up there by default, does that mean they are incapable of love?!

Abeg make women drex jor, stop trying to profile our behavior.. Men are impulsive creatures.. I could be all that written up there to 5 different women at once..


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by bid4rich(m): 8:42am On Oct 23, 2012
Nice one from OP but not all ladies deserve this. Can you imagine a lady that has never in her life and by herself say to his man ''I LOVE YOU'' except the man says it first and meanwhile the man has done all a man can do to support her.

But you have just say it all. Its a quality of a good intimacy relationship


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by slimyem: 8:46am On Oct 23, 2012
Okija_juju: All that thing na wash...

When a guy truly loves you... YOU WILL KNOW..

Not all men have these traits listed up there by default, does that mean they are incapable of love?!

Abeg make women drex jor, stop trying to profile our behavior.. Men are impulsive creatures.. I could be all that written up there to 5 different women at once..

All these rules and signs na wash!
When a man loves you...you just know it...except you choose to deceive yourself!!


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Nobody: 8:47am On Oct 23, 2012
ivorybabe88: very true^^^ but its still nice to hear your man say i love you once in a while grin

Spoken words are very powerful ; I agree, but Op my question is this.why will a lady after seeing and feeling all this love from a man, choose to break his heart and go after a guy that doesn't give a heck about her, why do ladies prefer bad boys ? Hope I am not derailing the thread


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by bolaino(m): 8:47am On Oct 23, 2012
mirob: My man does all these but he doesn't call everyday so I'm really realy doubting his love for me, grin
your man can't be doing all the things mentioned above and not call u regularly, if he doesn't call u, he doesn't miss u, no matter how busy he is, unless he is in a place where there's no phone network, tell him to call more often if he really loves u,

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Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Whobedatte(m): 8:49am On Oct 23, 2012
A fat bank account connected to an ATM is the key jare.


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Oahray: 8:50am On Oct 23, 2012
slimyem: Agree!!
All these rules and signs na wash!
When a man loves you...you just know it...except you choose to deceive yourself!!
not all gals can tell. I still wonder why. Could be the romantic movies they watch or those silly novels. They expect guys to be like their dream character.

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Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Oahray: 8:52am On Oct 23, 2012
bolaino: your man can't be doing all the things mentioned above and not call u regularly, if he doesn't call u, he doesn't miss u, no matter how busy he is, unless he is in a place where there's no phone network, tell him to call more often if he really loves u,
only lil boys call every minute. What's wrong if she calls him, or isnt he entitled to some love too?


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by cowgurl: 8:53am On Oct 23, 2012
1000000 Likes on that article right there!

If I ain't seeing signs and wonders, then fuccck those words!
Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Nobody: 8:58am On Oct 23, 2012
How can a guy do ALL THESE THINGS and not have the courage to tell u aloud: I Love You?...i'm perplexed


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Okijajuju1(m): 9:01am On Oct 23, 2012
cowgurl: 1000000 Likes on that article right there!

If I ain't seeing signs and wonders, then fuccck those words!

Then pray our paths never cross..

I will bring you to your knees and have you crying on your pillows every night in under 2 weeks.. All these traits listed above are not a problem for serial good guys like me who grew up mostly around women and know what they like..

I am all these things to many of my female friends.. BUT that doesnt mean I love them either.. I just believe that every woman should be treated nicely..


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Nobody: 9:01am On Oct 23, 2012
mirob: My man does all these but he doesn't call everyday so I'm really realy doubting his love for me, grin
he's busy making money,so that when next he calls,u'll be showered with gifts

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Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by dammyking1(m): 9:02am On Oct 23, 2012
I do most of dis o! Nd I don't stil luv her.gurls don b deceived, boiz ve stepped up dier game.they'll do al dis just 2 get 2 second base.

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Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Theben(m): 9:03am On Oct 23, 2012
Nice article op, you should however note that men are great actors, they might act the enlisted points without having an atom of love for the babe.


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Beautiful4u(m): 9:04am On Oct 23, 2012
this is cool man
Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by cowgurl: 9:04am On Oct 23, 2012
And I ask,
how can a lady tell if a man loves her or not, is it not by those telltale signs?

I, personally can tell when a guy digs me or not even when he's spitting those exact words to 50 ladies.

ps...and I do agree there exist guys who do not SAY how they feel but instead SHOW how they feel.
Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Raxxye(m): 9:05am On Oct 23, 2012
Will a lady really expect all of these from one man?


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Okijajuju1(m): 9:06am On Oct 23, 2012
Theben: Nice article op, you should however note that men are great actors, they might act the enlisted points without having an atom of love for the babe.

Sadly, for me, no be acting.. Its just natural..

I guess thats why I have more female friends than male friends..

If you are truly a guy who understands women, all those things listed up there should be like a natural part of you..

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Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Nobody: 9:07am On Oct 23, 2012
And you girls are want a dude that can do all that? And then some more? Don't worry jesus is coming soon. lipsrsealed


Re: Signs He Loves You Even If He Doesn’t Say It Out Loud by Goldieluks: 9:07am On Oct 23, 2012
I love this article because it speaks volumes. Love it!

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