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TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by seunmustwac: 8:54am On Oct 27, 2012
TITHING: New Testament Practice or Old Testament Bondage?
Scriptural giving or control and greed within the churches?
Are you being led by God's Spirit, or legalistically giving your 10%?


I know many of you dont like to read, but this is very important. But let me try to summarize it:
- Abraham was the first to give tithe (to Melchizedek)- he did so without being told, and before moses wrote the law
- The people of israel paid the tithes, but later on the levites f**kd up, and were cursed by God
- So there was a defect in the law, and the law could no longer bring righteousness
- The point in mentioning the priesthood of Melchizedek is to draw a parallel between the similarities of Christ's priesthood. A new and better priesthood had to be introduced because perfection was not attainable thru the Levitical priesthood

- The new priesthood, that which replaces the Levites (descendents of Aaron), is not based on a Law of physical requirements (7:16), but "..according to the power of an indestructible life."Heb (7:16) Like the prophecy mentioned previously in Malachi 3:4 which says, "..the offering of Judah ... will be pleasing to Yahweh", our Lord's offering of Himself to purchase for God men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation with His own blood pleased God so much, that He raised Jesus from the dead to live an indestructible life as our Great High Priest and Mediator of the New Covenant. (see Rev.5:9-10,15) Our Lord descended from the tribe of Judah, not Levi, proving that His priesthood was not based on physical requirements of the Levitical Law.

- Because Jesus' priesthood has brought about a change of the Law also, the physical requirement of the tithe, clearly mentioned in the context, has been set aside because of it's weakness and uselessness (7:18). This weakness can be clearly seen in the fact that not even the priests themselves were able to keep the Law of the tithe. The Law made nothing perfect, it only ministered condemnation. But Jesus is the guarantee of a better covenant that allows us to draw near to God through Him.

- Jesus is the only One who is able to save those who draw near to God thru Him. Unlike the weak men who were appointed as priests under the Law, Jesus did not have to offer up sacrifice for Himself first, then for the people. Jesus offered Himself up once for all, the sinless Lamb of God. Therefore God also highly exalted Him and made Him a priest forever. Heb (7:21-27)

- Because the first covenant had faults, God instituted a second, and a better covenant. The new covenant was similar to the promise of Abraham, who gave his tithe of the choicest spoils, not because he was commanded to by Law, but because it was in his heart to do so. When Christ became our High Priest, God began to write His laws in our minds and hearts. The tablets of stone under Moses )with its physical requirements to tithe by command) have become obsolete and have disappeared.

The Hebrew text says that the Levites had robbed God in "tithes" (plural) and the "heave offering." The heave offering was the tithe of the tenth to be given to the LORD by the priests (see Numbers 18:25-30). As a result of the greed of the Levites, who were to be the spiritual leaders of Israel, God said He did not receive a "whole" or completed tithe, and this was exemplified by the fact they were even neglecting to tithe on the tenth received from the people. Remember the example given in Nehemiah 13:4-14 where the priestly household of Tobias was expelled from the oversight of the storehouse for greedily turning it into a place for their own use.

God said that the sons of Levi had been defrauding Him, and cursing Him, yet God also equated this as a defrauding of the nation of Israel as well. How did they defraud Israel? Malachi 3:5 says that they failed to feed the widows, orphans and aliens. The poor of the nation went neglected because of the greed and sorcery of these wicked priests.

The reason this is important in our study of tithing is because ABRAHAM GAVE A TENTH PART of spoils without having to receive a command of the Law to do so. In other words, he gave to Melchizedek out of the gratitude in his heart to God, not out of compulsion to obey a written commandment in stone. In this, Abraham becomes our New Testament example for motivation.

Melchizedek was a priest to God even before the Aaronic priesthood was established, and unlike the priests in Aaron's line (i.e.-the Levites) his lineage is not mentioned in
either the Old Testament or the New Testament text. The Holy Spirit inspired both the writer of Genesis and Hebrews to omit his lineage so that he could be representative of the priesthood of Jesus Christ. Christ's priesthood was to be perpetual and nontransferable; in other words, “He is the Great High Priest of God in the New Covenant forever.”

Heb 8:6-10 But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by as much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion sought for a second. For finding fault with them, He says, "Behold, days are coming, says the Lord, when I will effect a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah; Not like the covenant which I made with their fathers On the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt; for they did not continue in My covenant, and I did not care for them, says the Lord. "For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their minds, and I will write them upon their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be My people. (NAS)

Source: Read the complete article here
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by seunmustwac: 8:58am On Oct 27, 2012
Now someone might want to ask "Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar":

I included a bible commentary here for clearer explanation. Read it and understand that Jesus paid the tribute to avoid a trap and to shame them.

Matthew 22:15-22

Verse 17. [Is it lawful to give tribute unto Caesar?] Tribute was the tax paid to the Roman government.
[Caesar] The Roman emperor. The name Caesar, after the time of Julius Caesar, became common to all the emperors, as Pharaoh was the common name of all the kings of Egypt. The "Caesar" who reigned at this time was Tiberius-a man distinguished for the grossest vices and most disgusting and debasing sensuality.

Verse 18. [Jesus perceived their wickedness] This must have been done by his power of searching the heart, and proves that he was omniscient. No more man has the power of discerning the motives of others.
[Tempt ye me] Try me, or endeavor to lead me into difficulty by an insidious question.
[Hypocrites] Dissemblers. Professing to be candid inquirers, when their only object was to lead into difficulty. See the notes at Matthew 6:2.

Verse 19. [The tribute-money] The money in which the tribute was paid. This was a Roman coin. The tribute for the temple service was paid in the Jewish shekel; that for the Roman government in foreign coin. Their having that coin about them, and using it, was proof that they themselves held it lawful to pay the tribute; and their pretensions, therefore, were mere hypocrisy.
[A penny] A Roman denarius, worth about 14 cents = 7 d (circa 1880's).

Verse 20. [This image] The likeness of the reigning prance was usually struck on the coins.
[Superscription] The name and titles of the emperor.

Verse 21. [Render, therefore, to Caesar...] Caesar's image and name on the coin proved that it was his. It was proper, therefore, to give it back to him when he called for it. But while this was done, Jesus took occasion to charge them, also, to give to God what he claimed. This may mean either,

1. The annual tribute due to the temple service, implying that paying tribute to Caesar did not free them from the obligation to do that; or,

2. That they should give their hearts, lives, property, and influence all to God, as his due.

Verse 22. [They marveled] They had been foiled in their attempt. Though he had apparently decided in favor of the Herodians, yet his answer confounded both parties, and wholly prevented the use which they intended to make of it. It was so wise; it so clearly detected their wickedness and foiled their aim, that they were confounded, and retired covered with shame.

- pastormustwacc
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by seunmustwac: 9:12am On Oct 27, 2012
Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42 are the favorite verses for the tithe teachers because in this verse Jesus “commands” people to tithe!!!

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cummin, and have neglected the weightier provisions of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness; but these are the things you should have done without neglecting the others.

Tom Brown, a Word of Faith preacher says the following in this website:

Notice Jesus said, “You should have practiced the latter (justice, mercy and faithfulness), without neglecting the former (tithing)….Some argue that Jesus’ words are not applicable to us today, because Jesus was under the Law and spoke to those under the Law. Their theory goes something like this: Jesus was giving an instruction to the Jews so His words are not binding to us. The problem with this interpretation is that these teachers are bringing Christ down to the level of a Jewish prophet or Teacher of the Law. Jesus is the Word of God made flesh, so this means every word that comes out of His mouth is eternal. He cannot say anything without it being “spiritual law” and everlasting. Jesus emphasizes this point by saying, “Heaven and earth may pass away, but my words will never pass away” (Matt 24:35). These supposed Bible teachers are making the words of Jesus pass away—obsolete and out of date.

If Christians need to use the logic of the likes of Tom Brown, then we should also consider the other saying of Jesus and obey them! Shouldn’t we?

1. Thou shalt not tell anyone about thy healing…

Matthew 8:4 / Mark 8:40-44

Then Jesus said to him, “Don’t tell anyone about this. Instead, go to the priest and let him examine you. Take along the offering required in the law of Moses for those who have been healed of leprosy. This will be a public testimony that you have been cleansed.

Matthew 9:30

And their eyes were opened. And Jesus sternly warned them: “See that no one knows about this!”

a) Christians are not supposed to tell anyone if they get healed.

b)Take the offering prescribed by Moses to the Pastor of the local Church?

2.Thou shalt evangelize ONLY the Jews and not other people group.

Matthew 15:24

Then Jesus said to the woman, “I was sent only to help God’s lost sheep–the people of Israel.

3. And say to non-Jews that God’s blessings are not for gentiles

Matthew 15:26

Jesus responded, “It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs.

4. Thou shalt not proclaim that Jesus is the Messiah to anyone…

Matthew 16:20

Then He warned the disciples that they should tell no one that He was the Christ.

Wondering if tithe teacher John Hagee referred this verse before declaring that Jesus was not the Messiah.

5. Christians must sell all their possessions and give them to the poor.

Matthew 19:21

Jesus said to him, “If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

6. Christians must follow all man made laws including Corban offering!

Matthew 23:1-3

v1. Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples,

v2. The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses.

v3. So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach.

Notice, in verse three Jesus says “So practice and obey whatever they tell you…”

7. The Word of Faith people should NOT call Kenneth Hagin Sr., Dad/Papa.

Matthew 23:9

Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.

The WoF community often describes Kenneth Hagin Sr., as Dad Hagin or Papa Hagin.

8. No tithe “teachers” in our midst, only tithe brothers!

Matthew 23:8

But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.

We have a lot of WoF teachers.

9.Christians need to call Apostle Peter as Apostle Satan (and remember the scripture cannot be broken)

Mark 8:33

But turning around and seeing His disciples, He rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind Me, Satan; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.”

10. Justification is NOT by faith but by obeying the commandments of Moses!

Matthew 19:17

And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”

So in order to lead an unbeliever to salvation, Christians must ask them to keep the commandments of Moses instead of asking them to trust Jesus.

11. Thou shalt randomly enter into any house and thou shalt not stay in Hotel rooms!

Luke 9:4 / Luke 10:7

“Whatever house you enter, stay there until you leave that city.

When we go to minister to the lost, Christians should randomly enter into a house and stay if they accept Christians. We should not make reservations to stay in hotel rooms! No continental breakfast and wireless internet for tithe teachers!!!

12. Thou shalt not attend thy Father’s wake/funeral and when thy Father dies, thy shall proclaim the Gospel everywhere!

Source: http://thewordonthewordoffaithinfoblog.com/2010/05/30/did-jesus-command-us-to-tithe/
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by pastormustwacc: 2:33pm On Oct 27, 2012
I am still expecting your responses people.
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by BERNIMOORE: 5:22pm On Oct 27, 2012
if you expect joagbaje to come out with logical explanations, its not going to happen, unfortunately he and his colleagues knew their preys! but im waiting for his response!
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by pastormustwacc: 6:03pm On Oct 27, 2012
You do have a point
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by pastormustwacc: 8:34pm On Oct 27, 2012
This is the first tithing thread i will see on this board, that people are not running their mouths.
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by LemonBoy1: 7:04am On Oct 28, 2012
LOL, hw will de run dia mouth wen evn d first tither was'nt coersed by any degree, besides d source of ds tithe was evn ill-gotten (4rm a loot)
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by pastormustwacc: 7:15am On Oct 28, 2012
Well, they read the thread, and just walk silently away, but they still will not hear. I am sure some of them will be praying fire to come and consume me for trying to take their source of livelihood.
But, truth has to be said. I have talked on many threads against tithes, just to show that i am not just running my mouth, i created this thread.
Lo and behold, them don go hide behind cocoyam leaves. THIS THREAD IS AN EYE OPENER.
Re: TITHING: New Testament Practice Or Old Testament Bondage by pastormustwacc: 2:42pm On Oct 28, 2012

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