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Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 11:52pm On Nov 18, 2012 |
CONCLUSION As I CONCLUDE MY STORY today I want to use this opportunity to thank all my readers especially those that have contributed their opinions and comments to this blog. I also want to inform you that I will be taking a couple weeks off to organize a Business Idea that came to me in the course of doing this writing. As a source of inspiration to you, I want you to know that I have absolutely no capital now. I had to leave my house in Lagos to go stay with my brother in Port Harcourt, Rivers State because I needed to clear my head from the disappointment I experienced in my business. All I have is MY IDEA, MY INTEGRITY and most importantly MY SUPERNATURAL FORCE - MY GOD ( Remember the 3 key factors I mentioned in THE BUSINESS IDEA - I). These are all I will be needing for my next project. Always remember this, "The world we leave in works on PRINCIPLES and there are SEASONS for everything. A crop needs a combination of fertile soil, moisture and air to grow (PRINCIPLES) without any of these it dies. A farmer plants his crops before the rains and harvests them afterwards (SEASONS), if misses the Planting Season, he misses the Harvest. We cannot leave through life without sowing seeds of Faith and being connected to our CREATOR. We have to discover our purpose in this life. We have to search for Him within us and we MUST find Him. Without Him, all we do in this life is FUTILE. Vanity upon Vanity, ALL IS VANITY. Thank You All For Staying With Me Through This Journey And May God Bless You As You Go In Search of His Grace And Your Purpose In Life. You have all read MY STORY and hopefully, have learnt the lessons therein. If you are out there and you have an inspirational story you will like to share. Pls send it to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com Let us join hands to Inspire Souls of All Humanity because I believe that is our primary Assignment and Purpose in Life. FOOT NOTES - Jesus used the fig tree to teach his disciples an important lesson about reading the "signs of times". The fig tree was a common and important source of food for the Jews. It bore fruit twice a year, in autumn and in the spring. The signs of spring are evident for all who can see. Just so are the signs of God's kingdom and his coming in judgement. The "budding" of God's kingdom begins first in the hearts of those who are receptive to God's word. God's word is utterly reliable, because God Himself is utterly trustworthy. Those who trust in God's word will bear the fruit of His kingdom, namely righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Do you look with joyful hope for the fulfilment of all God's promises? - King David once said, 'What is man, that thou art MINDFUL of him?....' Note this, " No matter what you are passing through, always remember if God could give you Jesus His beloved son, then there is NOTHING ELSE He will not release to you. He is always MINDFUL of you. FOR MORE INSPIRATION, PLEASE VISIT inspiresouls4christ..com *P.S. Leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* God Bless You As You Do. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 7:29pm On Dec 05, 2012 |
Where were we? |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 2:17pm On Dec 10, 2012 |
THE SECRET OF SUCCESS (GREAT WEALTH) - I Welcome back my brothers and sisters in Christ and peace of Our Almighty Father be with you all. I'm glad to be back again as I have really missed writing to you all. It wasn't intentional, as I said in THE CONCLUSION OF MY STORY, I was going to take some time off to work on 'MY NEXT PROJECT'. I faced and I'm still facing a lot of discouragements putting things together. Though, I have not kicked off the project yet, I'm glad to announce to you that I have overcome most of the obstacles hindering my progress and by His Grace, have discovered THE SECRET OF SUCCESS (at least in my opinion). This was made possible due to the fact that I received a number of calls (+234-8-083267777) and emails from my readers both from my email (inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com) and my nairaland thread, of individuals who have had similar experiences like mine. This made me do a lot of soul searching and research to find the solution to these problems. Though my opinion may not be a guarantee to solving the problems for all of you reading this now, I strongly believe it can be A GUIDING PRINCIPLE for all who care to apply it their lives and businesses. Due to the length of this write-up, it will come in four (4) parts; PART 1: The Success Principle PART 2: The Secret of Success I PART 3: The Secret of Success II PART 3: The Secret of Success III As you read this guidelines, I implore each and everyone of you to have an open mind to my opinion and pray for the Grace to understand the message therein. May God Bless You As You Do. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 2:46pm On Dec 10, 2012 |
PART 1: THE SUCCESS PRINCIPLE The Major Principle of Success is simply LOVE. Hard to believe? I will explain. The inspiration of this Principle came to me when a very dear friend of mine told me about the function of A MAGNET. In her words, 'A MAGNET only attracts that which it was designed or created to attract i.e METALS.' In other words, if we had a mixture of objects with various properties e.g. wood, paper, pebbles and of course, metals, A Magnet will only attract that which it was designed to attract - metals. As humans, we know that the best way to get someone to smile back at you is when we have a lovely smile too on our face. That is exactly how LOVE works. If you want LOVE, just give LOVE and you will most likely get LOVE back. Though, we all know that there are always exceptions, for instance, even Our Lord and Saviour was HATED by His own people whom He LOVED so much. The reason is seen in Ecc 7: 29 which says; '...God made us plain and simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated.' But I guarantee that we cannot give HATRED and get LOVE in return. The same dear friend of mine also told me that the word LOVE appeared 365 times in the Bible (though I cannot verily substantiate this claim now). If however, this is true, and basically we have 365 days in a year, could it be a message to mankind on the importance to constantly LOVE every single day of the year? Your guess is as good as mine. As I said earlier, these are my opinion with the help of my dear friends inspiration. Now looking from the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ in John 13: 34-35, 'And now I give you a new commandment: LOVE one another. As I have LOVED you, so you must LOVE one another. If you have LOVE for one another then everyone will know that you are my disciple.' He gave this New Commandment on the night of the last supper, the night He was arrested, the night before He was crucified for our sins. This is to show how important this Commandment/Principle is. Also in the book of Mark 12: 28-31, 'Jesus was asked which commandment is the most important of all?' He replied, 'The most important one is this: Listen, Israel! The Lord our God is the only Lord. LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' The second most important commandment is this: 'LOVE your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment more important than these two. From my little years of experience in business, it is very clear to me that when you have the peoples interest genuinely at heart, irrespective of what your product or services are and also with wisdom from God, you will definitely succeed. Some people call it LAW OF ATTRACTION (like things attract each other), others call it LAW OF KARMA (what goes around comes around) but I simply call it FAVOUR. Think about the richest, most successful and most celebrated people in the world: Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Oprah Winfrey, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi e.t.c. (If you do not know any of these people please read their profile on my blog - inspiresouls4christ..com). They all gave LOVE directly or indirectly to millions mankind from products, services to even HOPE (Read Mother Theresa and Mahatma Gandhi's Profile). I started this blog not because I wanted attention but it is amazing the number of people that have called or emailed me for one reason or the other. For your concerns I say A BIG THANK YOU AND MAY THE ALMIGHTY GOD WE SERVE HELP YOU ALL DISCOVER YOUR TRUE PURPOSE IN LIFE. I have so much I want to share with you reading this now but I have to stop here now, duty calls. I will continue tomorrow with PART 2: THE SECRET OF SUCCESS I If you are out there and you have an inspirational story you will like to share. Pls send it to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com. Let us join hands to Inspire Souls of All Humanity because I believe that is our primary Assignment and Purpose in Life. FOOT NOTE: - By healing a paralytic and forgiving his sins, Jesus shows that He has the power to restore internally the human being. The healing and the pardon are conditioned by the faith of the sick man as well as that of the community to which he belongs. In fact without my awareness, the Church often - perhaps every day - carries me in the arms of its faith to place me in front of Jesus. I can recognize myself in the paralytic adventurously let down from the roof, with his bed. The man could never do it himself. Probably not only his body but also his spirit was paralyzed. Perhaps his sin was this: to be tired of hoping! And seeing their faith, the Lord forgave his sins. - When the Jews saw Goliath THEY RAN FROM HIM because he was bigger than them ON THE INSIDE! When David saw the same Goliath, HE RAN TOWARDS HIM because he (David) was bigger than Goliath ON HIS INSIDE! WHAT IS INSIDE OF YOU WILL DETERMINE WHAT YOU WILL DEAL WITH ON THE OUTSIDE! So the key to becoming more and more successful is NOT to AVOID PROBLEMS. They MUST SURELY COME! The key to success and greater success is to KEEP GROWING YOURSELF to become BIGGER than your problems, and to become bigger than any problem! It is NOT THE SIZE OF YOUR PROBLEMS; IT IS THE SIZE OF YOUR CAPABILITIES AND MINDSET! IT IS THE SIZE OF YOU! In other words, don't wish for things to get better, make yourself better. An INVESTMENT IN KNOWLEDGE PAYS THE BEST INTEREST.' David knew what others did not know and he did what others could not do! The three dangerous enemies of your life are "PROCRASTINATION", "LAZINESS" and "LACK OF KNOWLEDGE". Spend MORE TIME with the WORD OF GOD! Ask for the Grace to grow within; Grace to study and read (THE BIBLE) more; Grace to seek knowledge which makes the difference. FOR MORE INSPIRATION, PLEASE VISIT inspiresouls4christ..com You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* God Bless You As You Do. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 10:33pm On Dec 10, 2012 |
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Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 11:20pm On Dec 11, 2012 |
PART 2: THE SECRET OF SUCCESS I Good day brethrens. Hope we all had a wonderful day. I'm must apologize for not writing today's message earlier. I was out all day and have been very busy with 'MY NEXT PROJECT'. I'll go straight to the point as I have very little time to post today's write-up before we cross over into a brand new day. Yesterday, I started a new episode titled - THE SECRET OF SUCCESS (GREAT WEALTH) and I gave a detailed account on The Principle Of Success which I said was simply LOVE. Jesus's answer to the question of which was greatest commandment was, ' To LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' and also, 'To LOVE your neighbour as yourself.' These are the greatest and most important commandment of all. I will be giving excerpts from Our Daily Manner Devotional (Please buy this book for yourself, friends and family. It is a wonderful guide for all seeking direction in life. It has really helped yours truely - ME) Now this takes us to the 1st Secret of Success: DIVINE POWER! Note this, 'There is a Power to get wealth and when you are disconnected from that power source, then getting wealth becomes a struggle beyond the biblically allowed hard work! Proverbs 10:12 confirms this; 'It is the Lord's blessing that makes you wealthy. Hard work can make you no richer.' This simply means that to be rich is not by hard work. The first day I read this part of scripture, I almost shed tears because I realized that I have suffered in this life for lack of wisdom. I worked so hard pursuing wealth but it was all in vain all because I did not have THE DIVINE POWER as my foundation. For those that read and followed, 'THE REASON I STARTED THIS BLOG (MY STORY - PT II) on this blog or 'HOW I MADE OVER N15M IN LESS THAN 3 YEARS WITH LITTLE CAPITAL' on www.nairaland.com, you will understand a little of what I'm talking about. But the painful truth is, no matter how I try to describe in writing or speaking, one will never truly understand what I went through. It is all in the past now, the lessons are well taken, I'm ready to fly now and most importantly THE DIVINE POWER IS IN CONTROL. Remember the 1st part of the greatest commandment which says, 'LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' Our God is a jealous God. Love Him to a fault and see His wonders in your life. Loving Him means Loving yourself the way He created you irrespective of your numerous weaknesses (we all have them). And also, that which you cannot do to yourself, do not do unto others which is the 2nd part of the greatest commandment 'To LOVE your neighbour as yourself.' God is Love. He Blesses the Work of Our Hand. He is THE DIVINE POWER. So my brethren, THE 1ST SECRET OF SUCCESS IS THE BLESSING OF THE DIVINE POWER! Seek for this blessing in all you do and your little will become your MUCH to be envied. May THE DIVINE POWER remain with us now and forever more. FOOT NOTE: - Jesus places the merciful attitude of the Father who goes in search of the one sheep that is lost, and when he finds it, he is so happy that he carries it on his shoulders to the sheepfold. All Christians, especially the Church leaders, should imitate this behaviour in dealing with the straying or fallen brethren, so that none of them may be lost. - Always remember, HARD WORK IS NOT ENOUGH! Just working hard alone can knock the engine of your life and business As 2012 ends, always remember He is the Giver of all you have or will have and it is HIS BLESSING that makes you rich. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 9:08pm On Dec 12, 2012 |
PART 3: THE SECRET OF SUCCESS II Welcome! Today I will be discussing the 2nd Secret of Success: FIND AND SOLVE BIGGER PROBLEMS FOR MORE PEOPLE! Note this; Problems are the source of Wealth. Jesus said , 'Seek first the kingdom and all other things will be added to you.' Seeking the kingdom means putting others and their problems first. Then 1st Cor. 10: 24 says: 'Let no man seek his own, but every man another man's wealth.' This means your wealth and greater wealth is hidden in people's problems! One advice I always give people is this, 'Never run after money! Look for problems to solve with a passion for people and money will pursue you! So instead of asking, 'How can I get more money?', you should ask, 'How can I help more people solve their problems?' By focusing on helping more people solve their problems, wealth and money will come to you as a natural by-product! (Culled from Our Daily Manna Devotional - ODM) Have anyone ever wondered why pastors are very wealthy? Simple. They are selling (preaching) salvation or solutions to Great Wealth and Success which a vast number of mankind seek (especially in Nigeria). I have seen and read these things happen to a lot of people and its no coincidence. Presently, I'm using the same principle on 'MY NEXT PROJECT'. Be sure I will keep you updated on events as they unfold. I listened-in a radio program last night (96.9 Cool Fm's - The Overnight Lounge) and the Presenter Amaka (nicknamed; Maxi) was trying to advice the young to take advantage of their youth. And so I called into the show to tell her to fire-up even the adults because I feel they need this advice more. My reason is this, when the adults give it a shot and succeed even with all the difficulties and obstacles inherent in our society, they can stand as leaving examples and role models to the youth. Funny enough, you don't even need a college degree to be successful this days. For crying out loud, our own Tuface Idibia (with all due respect) could not even speak english fluently at the start of his career. But from time, he new what he wanted and he worked towards it. I was really hurt hearing adults whine and complain about the government. IN THIS AGE? Please WAKE UP. The government cares little about you if at all. A graduate of Economic with 4 years working experience called in and said he lost his job on the 28 Feb this year (2012) and since then he has been unemployed, and you are complaining about the government and the fact that you don't have a girlfriend? My brother, WAKE UP! You have misplaced priorities. In fact, as far as I'm concerned, you don't deserve a girl friend. Who says you even need a job to keep a girl friend? There are ladies out there who appreciate hard working guys. Go out there and join your mates to hustle instead of whining. There is no time. WAKE UP! Another guy called in and said he wanted to start importation business but government policies....(blah! blah! blah!). My friend WAKE UP! Majority of what you can import into this country already has a wholesales market. Start there (small), learn quick, and grow fast, so that you don't fall into the many pit holes waiting for you if you go directly into importation. A lot of people have misplaced priorities. An example is; one of the fastest selling commodity in the Nigerian market today is 'The Hundred Naira -N100- Recharge Card' sold by small business owners for the GSM providers. While some determined young Nigerians are making money from it, some who cannot afford a decent breakfast, wake up first thing in the morning, go buy credit just to say hello to a babe 'who doesn't even appreciate them'. And they do this every other day with very expensive BB or phones. I advice again, 'Look for problems to solve with a passion for people and money will pursue you!' Give it a try yourself. Start today and see things for yourself. God Bless You All And Do Have A Lovely Day. FOOT NOTES: - To those who follow Him in humility and meekness Jesus promises rest from their sufferings and labours. Carrying the yolk of our weak human condition, He gives us the possibility of assuming His 'sweet and light burden'. He invites us to substitute our egoism that enslaves us with loving surrender that liberates us. - By putting peoples problems first, you get money! Your income is a result of the amount of problems you can solve. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by j8class: 10:12pm On Dec 12, 2012 |
I'm short of words. I just finish reading your story and i must confess, something big is starred inside of me. I don't know how you managed to write all of this, it's a long writeup..but it has fulfilled its God given purpose in my life already. I reckon with you that the greatest mistake to make in life is to say 'There is no God' or to believe that we live and succeed by our own power. It is the grace of God. Irrespective of my religion, I know I did not stumble on this post by accident. It's a divine arrangement. I love your story, it's a didactic one. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by fistonme(m): 11:02pm On Dec 12, 2012 |
Great walk brother. May God uplift you and make you more better in multiple folds than all you humbly walked away from. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by afolabisegun(m): 10:07am On Dec 13, 2012 |
good one, i read something good |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 10:15pm On Dec 13, 2012 |
j8class: I'm short of words. I just finish reading your story and i must confess, something big is starred inside of me. Thanks my brother for your comments. I want concur with what said that you did not stumble on this post by accident. I have come to realize that what ever happens to us in life whether GOOD or BAD happens for a reason. The most important thing is to learn the lessons therein and always worship God for the gift of life. Thanks a lot and I wish you the very best in life. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 10:19pm On Dec 13, 2012 |
fistonme: Great walk brother. May God uplift you and make you more better in multiple folds than all you humbly walked away from. Thanks a lot bro. May God also lift you to your destined level and bless you a million fold, AMEN! |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 10:23pm On Dec 13, 2012 |
afolabisegun: good one, i read something good Thanks for reading Segun. Please ensure the message goes on around you about the LOVE for God, LOVE for Oneself and LOVE for Neighbours. May your life be a living example for people around you to follow and may the Name of the Almighty God we serve be Glorified by your words, action and deeds. Thank you. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 10:29pm On Dec 13, 2012 |
PART 4: THE SECRET OF SUCCESS III Today we come to the final chapter of the 4 part series. Before I go on, let us take a look at a summary of PART 1-3. In PART 1, emphasis was made on the major Principle of Success which is simply, LOVE. - Jesus instructed His disciples thus, 'The Lord our God is the only Lord. LOVE the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. And also to, 'LOVE your neighbour as yourself.' PART 2 was about the 1st Secret of Success which is DIVINE POWER. - Here, we are reminded that, 'There is a Power to get wealth and when you are disconnected from that power source, then getting wealth becomes a struggle beyond the biblically allowed hard work.' PART 3 discusses the 2nd Secret of Success; a call to FIND AND SOLVE BIGGER PROBLEMS FOR MORE PEOPLE. - Here we are told that, 'Seeking the kingdom means putting others and their problems first.' The Holy Scriptures in 1st Cor. 10: 24 concludes thus; 'Let no man seek his own, but every man another man's wealth.' Finally in PART 4, we come to the 3rd Secret of Success: UNDERSTAND THE PURPOSE OF MONEY. - Money is not meant to be stored in a bank account or frozen in a fixed deposit. It is meant to be in constant flow like an electric current. I believe that is why it is called 'CURRENCY.' God's purpose for blessing Abraham was clear in Gen 12: 2, '...I will bless thee and... thou shalt be a blessing.' NOTE: THOU SHALL BE A BLESSING! God wants to bless you and make you wealthy so that you can be a blessing! THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF MONEY OR FINANCIAL WEALTH - TO MAKE YOU HIS VESSEL TO REACH THE WORLD AND TO CAUSE HIS PLAN ON EARTH TO MOVE UNHINDERED. If we can understand this 3rd Secret of Success, then we can NEVER LACK. May we never end up in financial shame in Jesus Name, Amen. FOOT NOTE: - LORD GOD of Abraham, bless me and I vow to be a blessing from this day. LORD, make me a financial pillar in Your house. LORD, make me a solution to my generation. Give me ONE IDEA that would change my story forever. FOR MORE INSPIRATION, PLEASE VISIT inspiresouls4christ..com You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* God Bless You As You Do. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 10:56pm On Dec 14, 2012 |
WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? - I Good day all! Hope we are having a wonderful Friday and looking forward to a fun filled weekend. The festive season is around the corner and the feeling of Christmas is in the air. But wait a minute! What does the season bring to your mind? What does the term 'Christmas' really mean to you? That brings us to today's topic: WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? Let me rephrase the question: WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY IN LIFE BE? I am just coming in from an end-of-the-year party organized by TAADEL NURSERY AND PRIMARY SCHOOL, OKOTA, LAGOS. My niece and nephew attend the school. It was a glamorous event which took place in the schools newly built Auditorium - A Massive Edifice with Architectural Splendour. There were cute little kids all over place beautifully dress. And their parents, very glad and excited by the efforts of the school in giving their wards a worthy celebration. At least, their investments are paying off. Though, I was late for the event and missed out on most of the fun, none-the-less, something caught my attention. What! You may ask? And the answer is; 'The Staff (Teachers) of The School. The Happiness, Excitement and Warmness emanating from these individuals was highly INFECTIOUS. I could practically feel the connection between the Teachers, the Pupil and the Parents. These is not very common in this part of the world and that is because the Teaching Profession is not a properly regarded profession in our society. So in essence, most people you find there (especially university graduates) end up there due to lack of jobs or as a transit point awaiting their dream jobs. But the experience I had today was different. The teachers I saw looked (by my assessment) very passionate and happy with their jobs (there were lots of dancing). Maybe its the orientation they got on coming on board into the system or maybe its pure passion for teaching; whatever it is, I give The Management of Taadel School THUMBS UP. At some point my in-law pointed out the proprietress of the school to me. A very Simple, Pretty and Humble-looking lady. Though, I can't tell what her age is but it was obvious she's still young (at least at heart). I could feel her aura even though I was a distance a way. Yes! Its possible she makes a lot of money from running the school which I am sure she does (and duly deserves it), but the point here has nothing to do with riches. It has everything to do with PASSION and COMMITMENT. If I were to speak for her, I would say she has committed her life to give the best of academic, moral and possibly spiritual support to the numerous number of kids that pass through her institution. And to me, that is the definition of leaving A LIFE LONG LEGACY. So as we go into the weekend and continue to prepare for the yuletide season, let us remember to ask ourselves; 'WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY IN LIFE BE? WHAT WILL YOU BE REMEMBERED FOR BY YOUR GENERATION AND BEYOND?' Ask yourself sincerely, 'WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE?' May God Bless You As You Do. FOR MORE INSPIRATION, PLEASE VISIT inspiresouls4christ..com You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* God Bless You As You Do. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 11:56pm On Dec 18, 2012 |
WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? - II Seasons greetings all! Hope we all had a happy day today. I had a very exciting day. Actually, there was nothing really special about the day but for a quote I heard which I have decided to term as my 'QUOTE OF THE YEAR 2012.' The quote reads thus; "WITHOUT MY WIFE I WOULDN'T HAVE SURVIVED, WITHOUT ME, LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN DIFFICULT FOR HER." Quotes such as this can only come from someone who has 'A LEGACY IN LIFE.' These were the words of my Dad referring to my Mum. They have been married for close to 40 years now with Five (5), by my opinion, WONDERFUL KIDS. Saying I respect and revere my parents is an understatement. I honor them not just as individuals but as couples whose love and marriage has flourished and withstood the test of time. Now you would ask, what has my writing thus far got to do with the topic, 'WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE?' I will explain. Let me give a brief history; my parents got married in the 70's and as I said earlier, they have 5 wonderful kids. Growing up, we the children had the best of training in terms of education and morals which we all are proud of and will forever be grateful. We are A LIVING LEGACY IN THE LIFE OF MY PARENTS. But it goes beyond that. My Dad started his career on the humblest of notes. From high school he was employed as a draftsman in a multinational Oil Producing Company. He worked diligently and rose through the ranks to the top of his career as the Chief Cartographer of his department until his eventual retirement. Asides his achievements in the corporate sector. He also held several positions in his home community and till date, his duration as the Head of his Town Union, has been recognized as one of the most transparent and with great achievements. He is most revered in his home town today. THIS IS LEAVING A LEGACY IN LIFE. My mum also had a very humble beginning in her career. She started as a secretary in a multinational Gas Manufacturing Company and also worked effectively and efficiently rising through the ranks to Head of the Computer Department until her eventual retirement after years of meritorious service. In the society, she has also received numerous awards both from her hometown and from her service in the (Catholic) church. Till date she still serves as a marriage counselor in the church, giving hope and motherly advice to the scores of prospecting couples especially in this time of financial difficulties and increase in social degradation. THIS IS HAVING A PURPOSE IN LIFE. If I, as an individual is someone's legacy, I'd better be asking myself. 'WHAT IS MY PURPOSE/LEGACY IN LIFE.' Let us remember to ask ourselves; 'WHAT WILL YOUR LEGACY IN LIFE BE? WHAT WILL YOU BE REMEMBERED FOR BY YOUR GENERATION AND BEYOND?' Ask yourself sincerely, 'WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE?' May God Bless You As You Do. FOR MORE INSPIRATION: You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* God Bless You As You Do. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 8:14pm On Dec 19, 2012 |
This is just to wish all my readers a lovely preparation towards to yuletide season. May the spirit of Christmas bring eternal joy and heavenly peace to you and your families. Compliments of the season. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by Eseries(m): 9:20pm On Dec 20, 2012 |
nice one bro!.......it has been inspirational following your thread. will check out your blog Maybe send u mail 2. Compliments of the season! |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 11:02pm On Dec 20, 2012 |
Eseries: nice one bro!.......it has been inspirational following your thread. will check out your blog Thanks Eseries for compliment. I pray God gives you the Grace to leave a LEGACY for your family and generation, IN JESUS NAME. Happy Holidays. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 9:27pm On Dec 21, 2012 |
WHAT IS YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE? - III Welcome once again! The deadline for the end-of-the-world as predicted by the Mayans some 5000 years ago has finally come and gone. And yes! We are still here. But at what cost? If the world had coincidentally come to its end yesterday by some cataclysmic, supernatural event, how will the the story of your life on earth read? WHAT LEGACY WILL YOU BE LEAVING BEHIND? I start off today on a bitter/sweet note. Yesterday in the news was the coverage of events on the burial of a serving Governor a state in Northern Nigeria - Kaduna State- who died in a helicopter crash in the company of 5 others. It was a tale of woe as people cried, wept and shed tears as he was laid to rest. A common event as seen at the demise of a loved one. But what caught my attention was a statement during the burial that read thus; 'He lived a LEGACY of Simplicity, Service and Sacrifice.' Yes! Some may say these are common political statements made by men in the helm of affairs on the loss of one of their own. Now, I wouldn't say I know the elder statesman enough to comment on his life. The little I know is that He was chosen to succeed the present Vice President as the Governor of the state when he (the vice president) was selected for his present position. I am made to conclude that irrespective of his achievements in politics and whatever else he was evolved in, to be extolled with such gracious words at the event of once death goes to tell a little about the live he lived here on earth. As I read from the Our Daily Manna (ODM) Devotional yesterday was a comment credited to someone, it reads, 'When you were born, everyone else was smiling and you were crying. Live so that when you die, everyone else is crying and you are smiling.' As the Mayans predicted and also from the lessons of today's story, it is obvious that our days on this earth are numbered. One of the primary goals in our lives should be to prepare for our last day. The LEGACY we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives.' So the BIG question is, HOW WILL YOU END OR BE REMEMBERED? WHAT LEGACY WILL YOU BE LEAVING BEHIND AT THE END OF YOUR LIFE'S RACE? THINK! THINK! THINK! May The God We Serve Take Control Of Our Every Thought, Words and Actions As We Live Towards Leaving A LEGACY In This World, in Jesus Name, Amen! FOR MORE INSPIRATION: You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* God Bless You As You Do. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 9:19pm On Dec 31, 2012 |
This is wishing all Nairalanders and Nigerians at large a wonderful transition into 2013. (THE AGE OF HUMANITIES SPIRITUAL DISCOVERY) |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 2:34pm On Jan 01, 2013 |
IN SEARCH OF GOD'S GRACE: HOW TO PLEASE HIM - INTRO Welcome to the year 2013. It's that time of the year when all of mankind irrespective of tribe, race or colour come together to celebrate for a singular reason; a brand new year and also not to forget the birth of OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. Hope we are all having a lovely time with our families and friends. I spent the crossover night i my church (OUR LADY OF LOURDES CATHOLIC CHURCH, COKER) with my family and it was worth every bit of it. It was as if, I could feel our Praise and Worship section serenading the gates of Heaven. IT WAS AN AWESOME EXPERIENCE. I'm also reminded of a gospel musical concert I attended on the 25th of Dec, 2012 - COOL FM'S CHRISTMAS PRAISE JAM - believe me when I say it was also a night to remember. IT WAS A BLAST. It's aim i.e The Praise Jam, was to promote the very essence of Christmas which is the celebration of the birth of Christ. And if Christ Himself is Love, therefore Christmas is the celebration of Love. The event is been organized annually by Cool/Wazobia FM Radio Stations. I finally got to see an on-air presenter I admire so much because of her life views, the all beautiful, all sexy Amaka (alias MAXI) of the Over Night Lounge. Listen-in to Cool FM from 1am-5am GMT and I assure your life will never remain the same again. For this years event, I personally recommend it for all families who will be in Lagos, Nigeria, to come out as one because its always a Spirit-filled atmosphere of Praise and Worship. What a wonderful way to Please God: TO PRAISE AND WORSHIP HIM. For today's topic, I'll be speaking from My Personal Experience. I want to mention something of utmost importance to me that I feel will be an eye opener for you reading this now. Pls visit inspiresouls4christ..com for the rest of the story (IN SEARCH OF GOD'S GRACE: HOW TO PLEASE HIM - INTRO). FOR MORE INSPIRATION: You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* God Bless You As You Do |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 11:40am On Jan 02, 2013 |
Its the 2nd day of 2013. Thank God no pronouncement yet on removal of fuel subsidy. Still watching though. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 11:41pm On Jan 02, 2013 |
IN SEARCH OF GOD'S GRACE: HOW TO PLEASE HIM - I Welcome dear friends! Yesterday, I outlined a series of steps that lead me to GOD'S GRACE. Those steps are as follows: STEP 1: CHANGE IN DIRECTION. STEP 2: BUILDING A SPIRITUAL LIFE. STEP 3: AVOIDING WORLDLY DISTRACTIONS. STEP 4: LOVE! LOVE! LOVE! STEP 5: SING! SING! SING! (REMAIN IN LOVE). I shall take them a step at a time. STEP 1: CHANGE IN DIRECTION. In my previous post I mentioned I had two major problems while still in business last year and one of the problems was that I was very unhappy, frustrated and tormented. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by neksummi(m): 12:44am On Jan 03, 2013 |
This is such a beautiful thread. Very inspirational. I'm looking forward to making N10m this year with this simple yet powerful programme. I'm not doing it alone. I want to carry nairalanders along i.e. those who believe that with hardwork on their part and support from me, they can make N1million in 6 months. Here's what we're doing: https://www.nairaland.com/1142592/lets-team-up-ensure-all May God help us all. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by omanifrank(m): 1:38am On Jan 03, 2013 |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by Audinowing(m): 8:02am On Jan 03, 2013 |
lovemoneyn: Nice. I will be waiting for 2moros update. My friends say ure a good writter. Keep it up broWot do you say about him? As for me, I think he is our Robert Kiyosaki. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 12:43pm On Jan 03, 2013 |
STEP 1: CHANGE IN DIRECTION. In my previous post I mentioned I had two major problems while still in business and one of the problems was that I was very unhappy, frustrated and tormented. I sought after answers but I could't find. It was a very painful time in my life because I had cut off from my family and those that cared about me. I had no where to go. Then all of a sudden out of the blues, something administered to me to have a CHANGE IN DIRECTION. At first it was a very difficult task to undertake but I knew I had to do something (Read MY STORY in my November 2012 posts). So I conceded. I decided I was going to leave my business, my relationship, in fact, everything I had at the time. It was not an easy decision. As the year 2012 began, January precisely, I drew a blueprint of my intended plans. By February, I put structures in place to ease my proposed exits. By March of 2012, I broke up from a 4+ years relationship (this particularly was very painful and difficult). And by April of same year, I bade farewell to my business partner. It feels so easy writing this story on sheets of paper or typing it on my laptop, sometimes I wish could express how it really feels, how heavy my heart was, the endless fears I had about the future, were was I to start from... The only saving Grace I had was that I was not acting alone. Some how I was been guided but didn't know it at the time. Apparently, just as IRON passes through fire to become STEEL, it was very important for me to go through this process of CHANGE IN DIRECTION. And today, I am very much happy I did. Though I still pass through many trials and tribulations, I'm of the conviction that HIS GRACE is leading me home. So what was my next course of action? What direction did I take? Find out tomorrow in STEP 2: BUILDING A SPIRITUAL LIFE. FOR MORE INSPIRATION: You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 12:47pm On Jan 03, 2013 |
neksummi: This is such a beautiful thread. Very inspirational. I'm looking forward to making N10m this year with this simple yet powerful programme. I'm not doing it alone. I want to carry nairalanders along i.e. those who believe that with hardwork on their part and support from me, they can make N1million in 6 months. Here's what we're doing: Thanks a lot for your compliment. I will check out your thread to see what you are up to. I believe in the principle of helping others achieve their own goals. Its never too much to offer a helping hand. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 12:55pm On Jan 03, 2013 |
Audinowing: Wot do you say about him? Thanks a lot for your compliments. Coincidentally, Robert Kiyosaki is my mentor. I will recommend the following books written by him to all who want learn about new generation ideas in business. The books are as follows: 1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad 2. Cashflow Quadrant 3. Rich Dad's Guide to Investing I'm currently reading a book he co-authored with the Real Estate Magnate, Donald Trump (also my mentor) titled MIDAS TOUCH. Its a wonderful read too. Highly recommended. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 1:03pm On Jan 03, 2013 |
omanifrank: NICE Thanks Frank Omani, I am grateful. |
Re: How I Made Over N15m In Less Than 3 Years With Little Capital - My Story. by souls4christ: 11:58pm On Jan 03, 2013 |
IN SEARCH OF GOD'S GRACE: STEP 2 - BUILDING A SPIRITUAL LIFE. Good morning my dear friends. I will continue from where I stopped yesterday. After I left my past life in a process of CHANGE IN DIRECTION. I did not know what course of action to take next. With the guidance of a dear friend who was inspired by the Holy Spirit, I was gradually guided to God. And that was how BUILDING MY SPIRITUAL LIFE began. Between April and May, I was at a stand-still. I didn't know what to do or where to go. FEAR became my second nature. My dear friend stood by me all the way and at some point I was advised to do a 21 Days Fasting and Prayer Program. This was something I hardly believed in before now but I felt I did not have a choice then because I was in search of a solution; ANY SOLUTION! After my Fasting program I decided to leave town (Lagos) for a while - my plan was for a week or two - to organize myself. So on the 23rd of May, 2012, I packed a small back-pack and I was off to Port Harcourt. I returned to Lagos 6 months afterwards, precisely on the 22nd of November. I returned a completely different person. While in Port Harcourt, I experienced HIS GRACE. It did not come easy but truth is, It can always be done. The most important thing to me is, one has to be very sincere to him/herself. It all starts from within you, your conscience, your soul. My whole life opened up to me like in the pages of a novel. Today, there is no question I ask God that I do not get the answers directly or indirectly. Sometimes I want to be stubborn when it doesn't favour me but I always end up 'getting my fingers burnt.' Sometimes the answer doesn't come immediately but it always comes anyway. This is one thing all humanity should know about God. "HE DOES NOT ANSWER TOO EARLY, HE IS NEVER LATE EITHER,BUT HE IS ALWAYS AND FOREVER ON TIME" And believe me His timing is always perfect. The lesson for today is this, Fasting and Prayer is the key to building your Spiritual Life. This is what Fasting does to you. 1. It builds your Spiritual Being. 2. It helps you connect easier with the Holy Spirit. 3. It helps you overcome trials and temptations. 4. It helps you avoid sin (Sin is a Killer). 5. It makes you healthier (improves blood flow). But also remember that during and after your fast you will experience temptations. In the Bible, it was after fasting that Jesus was tempted by the devil (See Matt: 4; 1-11, Mk 1;12-13, Lk 4;1-13). Your loved ones will tempt you, evil ones will attack you, trials and jealousy will come from loved ones. I admonish you, remain steadfast in faith and you will overcome. *P.S. The Our Daily Manner Ministries organizes a 21 Day Fasting and Prayer Program annually in January This year it on the 5th-21st. Get the ODM devotional and 21 Day Fasting Guide (WAR AGAINST HAMAN-8 ) from any distributor around you. It is highly recommended by me. As God did for me, He will do for you too as you attempt to BUILD YOUR SPIRITUAL LIFE. Tomorrow, I continue with STEP 3: AVOIDING WORLDLY DISTRACTIONS. FOR MORE INSPIRATION: You can also send an email to inspiresouls4christ@gmail.com or call +234-8-083267777 *P.S. Remember to leave a comment below to inspire other readers of this blog.* |
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