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University Of Abuja Shut Down - Education (2) - Nairaland

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Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by oderemo(m): 4:06pm On Nov 19, 2012
Too many problems in Nigeria. . .
am surprised u still havent run out of ink
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by ayobase(m): 4:09pm On Nov 19, 2012
all4naija: .....
What's temp and perm site?[/i]

Temporal and permanent sites!
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by ayobase(m): 4:10pm On Nov 19, 2012

What happened to dubem?
banned...which one be 'val' again?
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by mequz(m): 4:15pm On Nov 19, 2012
am just passing by... heyyy!!! i 4got my shoe)))))
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by ayobase(m): 4:15pm On Nov 19, 2012

And u r one of d people dat patronises them abi?...mtcheewww
Some people go just dey talk something dem no notin abt...
UniAbuja was established under IBB's regime...so na baby Uni

Lady, pls next time properly regurgitate my post before quoting and replying......its not too late to do that!
Im sure you didn't understand where I was coming from with that post.....so, how will you know my destination.
U even dey hiss for me...okay o...good day!
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Mgbadike80: 4:46pm On Nov 19, 2012
godstino: it is a relief since you know u r a capital MUMU. SO i wud assume it was ur MUMUISH nature that made u spit that MUMURISED comment above...
ur a typical nigerian mumu that can't deal with the truth. An average nigerian will rather die than think. Deal with the truth, this country is adrift without direction, the gov is confused with confused policies, d ppl can't even reason well or how can u explain that despite the well publicised accreditation problems facing that school, ppl still applied for admission there just to answer students of uniabuja.where should i start to talk from? I still stand by my earlier post, if ur opposed to it, then prove ur point logically, otherwise i dare to add ur among d nigerians with an IQ of 69.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by tremor86: 4:53pm On Nov 19, 2012
hmmmm ma alma mata...somtimes i regret goin to dt university..buh 4yrs wos all fun sha, no regrets no more,xept for d way d sch is ben run now by Golddiggers.i weep for naijas educational system. #tearsalmostfulltothebrimofmybucket
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Clemzy16(m): 5:09pm On Nov 19, 2012
Still can't believe a federal university in the federal capital of Nigeria is that immature. Why can't they do normal accreditation and conduct their exams since other faculty has started theirs?! Last time i checked, uniabuja don't have dept. of medicine. No wonder universities in other under-developed state in the country are far above them. And some people would still come out here on NL to spill crap like "Students that graduated from federal universites are far respected that students that graduated from state universities." Mcheeewwwwww....
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by godstino(m): 5:10pm On Nov 19, 2012
Mgbadike80: ur a typical nigerian mumu that can't deal with the truth. An average nigerian will rather die than think. Deal with the truth, this country is adrift without direction, the gov is confused with confused policies, d ppl can't even reason well or how can u explain that despite the well publicised accreditation problems facing that school, ppl still applied for admission there just to answer students of uniabuja.where should i start to talk from? I still stand by my earlier post, if ur opposed to it, then prove ur point logically, otherwise i dare to add ur among d nigerians with an IQ of 69.
so because uniabuja is facing some challenges,that made u say evy1 is a mumu rite? Wat have u as a person done to correct dese confused policies?? talking abt IQ, which sane person wud call a country and even his parents mumu??i wont reply you again cos u are one of those myopic awareness-seeking ignoramus on nairaland...
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Mgbadike80: 5:19pm On Nov 19, 2012
godstino: so because uniabuja is facing some challenges,that made u say evy1 is a mumu rite? Wat have u as a person done to correct dese confused policies?? talking abt IQ, which sane person wud call a country and even his parents mumu??i wont reply you again cos u are one of those myopic awareness-seeking ignoramus on nairaland...
ur all rant and no point, further compounded by a self delusion of grammatical grandeur otherwise u should know that a true patriot don't mince words in d critique of his country when they completely go off track. Continue playing d ostrich while 9ja goes down d drain.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by valdubem(m): 5:26pm On Nov 19, 2012

What happened to dubem?
banned...which one be 'val' again?

U can ask that question million times over and I'll keep on answering. val_dubem is MY NAME. Any qualms with that?
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by kofo365: 5:37pm On Nov 19, 2012
I guess most of u don't anytn abt d protest nd wat bring abt d protest. Early april dis year d minister of education announce on national tv d suspension of four faculty in unibuja due to lack of practical equipment nd lecturers.d stdnt of dis four faculty went on a peaceful protest to d office of d minister stating dr demand in a clear form dat D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ wnt d suspension lifted,D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ want d federal govt to fix d problem in d four faculties,nd also glamour fr d removal of d vc prof.sunday adelabu.bt in d presence of d minister nd d student of dis faculties d vc beg to b given 6month to fix d prob.which d minister nd d stdnt agree.d six month has expire notin to show nd d faculties are still unacreditd nd without accreditation D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ can't graduate nd serve like other stdnt. Engineering especially has 3 set who has graduated bt sittn dwn @ home hoping fr accredditation.for ♓☺w long shud we wait.am a 400l engr stdnt unibuja
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by hagma37yahoocom: 6:12pm On Nov 19, 2012
OkwaIfugo: MAULAG, UNIZIK, UNIBEN, UNN, still remains the best.
Na wch Uni be MAULAG

1 Like

Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 6:37pm On Nov 19, 2012

And u r one of d people dat patronises them abi?...mtcheewww
Some people go just dey talk something dem no notin abt...
UniAbuja was established under IBB's regime...so na baby Uni

After 30 years, still call ur child a baby...no accreditation. no anything.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by solbil: 6:56pm On Nov 19, 2012
i am at the uni gwags campus as i type this. The school messed up this time. They should have transfered these boys to other uni. This is so possible because jonathan himself was directly interested in this isssue. He should have used his influence to transfer the students. Givin 2bn naira to put inplace infrastructure in 6months isnt realistic.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by puntersmind: 8:11pm On Nov 19, 2012
safarigirl: What is up with this school and their taking people's lives for granted? This is a 2-way thing, first, they shouldn't have admitted students for an unaccredited course, second, why would you apply for a course when it's accreditation isn't totally confirmed? Don't they do their research? The school is already behind on the calendar, yet to even paste an admission list, and now, this
. Well said. Sincerely, Uniabuja is the worst federal university I have visited in this country, and that speaks volume considering the fact thatI have visited a lot of them. I shiver when I remember that I almost had serious problems with my family years ago when I insisted it was the only University for me as I wanted to school in the Capital territory University. Everything there is a mess. No proper academic calender, erratic lecture schedules, lack of accreditation in key science faculties etc. I pity the students sha. The Federal government really needs to do something to help the students of this Uni. Peace, am out.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 8:39pm On Nov 19, 2012
Which university in Nigeria has been largely considered as a glorified secondary school?
ANSWER: university of Abuja.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by lukzy500: 9:16pm On Nov 19, 2012
Dat uni Abuja is so small,it looks like chicken cage.and u want make ASSU accept una courses abi. No wayyyyy
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 11:02pm On Nov 19, 2012
My former skool...I waz very smart to leave
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 11:12pm On Nov 19, 2012
kofo365: I guess most of u don't anytn abt d protest nd wat bring abt d protest. Early april dis year d minister of education announce on national tv d suspension of four faculty in unibuja due to lack of practical equipment nd lecturers.d stdnt of dis four faculty went on a peaceful protest to d office of d minister stating dr demand in a clear form dat D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ wnt d suspension lifted,D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ want d federal govt to fix d problem in d four faculties,nd also glamour fr d removal of d vc prof.sunday adelabu.bt in d presence of d minister nd d student of dis faculties d vc beg to b given 6month to fix d prob.which d minister nd d stdnt agree.d six month has expire notin to show nd d faculties are still unacreditd nd without accreditation D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣ can't graduate nd serve like other stdnt. Engineering especially has 3 set who has graduated bt sittn dwn @ home hoping fr accredditation.for ♓☺w long shud we wait.am a 400l engr stdnt unibuja
dude with ur englisg how do u expect to gain accreditation
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 11:17pm On Nov 19, 2012
I cant imagine after 6months deadline my the min.of education and NUC. The faculty still have nothing to write home about.(well equipt laboratory nd studios) i'm a 500l student in civil engineering. I cant write exams and dont know when i'll graduate..my pioneer colleques are still at home with no results, not to talk of serving. We had to go to FUT Minna for our practicals(2 weeks for a session's practical courses).yet the VC is enjoying himself comfortable.since we are few in numb. Why cant they send us to other universities? But NO they wont. Our only option is to either change department and start from 200L or wait till it is acredited before we continue(with no sign of serious comitment from the school authorities)..I'm in pain over this for a long time. cant imagine wasting 5yrs in that advance secondary school called uniAbuja.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by s3nn2x(m): 11:35pm On Nov 19, 2012
It is a known fact that Uniabuja has a lot of problems. To say the University is underdeveloped is an understatement. A lot of people just came here and spill crap. I am an Alumni and I can say that I did not have the best of education due to the infrastructural challenges, but what she failed to achieve in Infrastructure she made it up in the quality of lecturers. Let's not forget that there are other departments in the University of Abuja and not just Engineering and Medicine. The Mini campus might be a glorified primary school because that was what it was originially made for, but the permanent sight when completed would be.a sight to behold...it is still underconstruction but some department has moved there along with the Administration and other staff. The place is in a serene environment that would give the students the opportunity to read in a conducive environment. The school is not there yet, thanks to the inefficiency of the present vice. Chancellor. Please, all those criticising the school, have u been to the permanent sight? As for the Medicine and Engineering issue, both the university and the students are at fault, it is a know fact that university is more of Arts/Social science/Law/Science/Education/Management science kind of university. Every other thing na just trial and error. I do not and will never regret gratuating from the university of Abuja because my stay there prepared me for Nigeria as a whole. BTW University of Abuja is the only truly Nigerian university where u can see people from every part of Nigeria staying together in unity.

1 Like

Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by s3nn2x(m): 11:38pm On Nov 19, 2012
It is a known fact that Uniabuja has a lot of problems. To say the University is underdeveloped is an understatement. A lot of people just came here and spill crap. I am an Alumni and I can say that I did not have the best of education due to the infrastructural challenges, but what she failed to achieve in Infrastructure she made it up in the quality of lecturers. Let's not forget that there are other departments in the University of Abuja and not just Engineering and Medicine. The Mini campus might be a glorified primary school because that was what it was originially made for, but the permanent sight when completed would be.a sight to behold...it is still underconstruction but some department has moved there along with the Administration and other staff. The place is in a serene environment that would give the students the opportunity to read in a conducive environment. The school is not there yet, thanks to the inefficiency of the present vice. Chancellor. Please, all those criticising the school, have u been to the permanent sight? As for the Medicine and Engineering issue, both the university and the students are at fault, it is a know fact that university is more of Arts/Social science/Law/Science/Education/Management science kind of university. Every other thing na just trial and error. I do not and will never regret gratuating from the university of Abuja because my stay there prepared me for Nigeria as a whole. BTW University of Abuja is the only truly Nigerian university where u can see people from every part of Nigeria staying together in unity.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 1:04am On Nov 20, 2012
MuhMubRaj: My former skool...I waz very smart to leave
why did u leave??
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Chigorkizz(m): 4:29am On Nov 20, 2012
U guys shud nt use this event 2 vomit crap jst because u've bin denied admission once or twice in2 d university of Abuja.Dnt 4get dat is nt all abt infrastructure cos unibuja student cn tell u more abt d course u tink u've studied.Unibuja is a school For d talented.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Omen100(m): 4:31am On Nov 20, 2012
OkwaIfugo: -(MA). UNILAG, UNIZIK, UNIBEN, UNN, still remains the best.

I don't think you are mentally Stable
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by ortopazz(m): 6:55am On Nov 20, 2012
mehn this school is allergic to trouble, why cant the government screw their problem once and for all, other than being an everyday national discussion. Besides the school should be thru by now but problems have interferred in their activities,just hope their ish is settled quickly.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by ortopazz(m): 7:11am On Nov 20, 2012
Chigorkizz: U guys shud nt use this event 2 vomit crap jst because u've bin denied admission once or twice in2 d university of Abuja.Dnt 4get dat is nt all abt infrastructure cos unibuja student cn tell u more abt d course u tink u've studied.Unibuja is a school For d talented.

seriously, crap like seriously? Its sad to think that people will speak against the school coz of ur reasons, apart from that look at their problems and tell u wish u were in their shoes, if ur nt already there, I mean with all due respect one who does not know pretty much abou the system will gv high credence to tha school wen all they do is really screw people up, just months ago there were in the news for admission problems and students lost lives as a result, now this again, its only tragic that u accuse people wrongly when they speak their minds which obviously is the enviable truth.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 11:54am On Nov 20, 2012
University of Abuja Senate Building

Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by rcb34: 11:56am On Nov 20, 2012
[/color][color=#990000]Judging a school by its gate tells how daft some people are. Whether una like am or not we don get certicate from there...and you can't compare Gwags product with youself... Or is it because you could nt get admission there? If you want a modern state of the art building of tertiary institute in nigeria, go to the park and be on your way to gwags permanent site.
Re: University Of Abuja Shut Down by Nobody: 11:56am On Nov 20, 2012
all4naija: Off-topic - Can anybody post images of the university,please?!

Uniabuja Senate Building

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