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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Why Are Women Made Inferior To Men In Islam? (2603 Views)
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Why Are Women Made Inferior To Men In Islam? by mike404(m): 10:50pm On Dec 11, 2012 |
Muslims often complain of popular "misconceptions" about their religion in the West. I took a hard look, however, and found that the most prevalent myths of Islam are the ones held by Muslims and Western apologists. The only glaring exception to this is the misconception that all Muslims are alike (they aren't, of course), but even Muslims often believe this as well, as evidenced by the various contrary factions insisting that they are the true Muslims, while those who disagree with them are either infidels, hijackers, or hypocrites. Don't be fooled! Hear the myths, but know the truth. THE MYTH The Quran places men and women on equal foundation before Allah. Each person is judged according to his or her own deeds. Women have equal rights under Islamic law. THE TRUTH Merely stating that individuals will be judged as such by Allah does not mean that they have equal rights and roles, or that they are judged by the same standards. There is no ambiguity in the Quran, the life of Muhammad, or Islamic law as to the inferiority of women to men despite the efforts of modern-day apologists to salvage Western-style feminism from scraps and fragments of verses that have historically held no such progressive interpretation. After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men. In at least one case, he advocated that they be raped in front of their husbands. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers. There are four Quranic verses in which "Allah" makes clear that a Muslim master has full sexual access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits rape. The Quran gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience, but nowhere does it command love in marriage. It plainly says that husbands are “a degree above” wives. The Hadith says that women are intellectually inferior, and that they comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants. Under Islamic law, a man may divorce his wife at his choosing. If he does this twice, then wishes to remarry her, she must first have sex with another man. Men are exempt from such degradations. Muslim women are not free to marry whom they please, as are Muslim men. Their husband may also bring other wives (and slaves) into the marriage bed. And she must be sexually available to him at any time (as a field ready to be “tilled,” according to the holy book of Islam). Muslim women do not inherit property in equal portion to males. This is somewhat ironic given that Islam owes its existence to the wealth of Muhammad's first wife, which would not otherwise have been inherited by her given that she had two brothers and her first husband had three sons. A woman's testimony in court is considered to be worth only half that of a man’s, according to the Quran. Unlike a man, she must also cover her head - and often her face. If a woman wants to prove that she was raped, then there must be four male witnesses to corroborate her account. Otherwise she can be jailed or stoned to death for confessing to “adultery.” Given all of this, it is quite a stretch to say that men and women have “equality under Islam” based on obscure theological analogies or comparisons. This is an entirely new ploy that is designed for modern tastes and disagrees sharply with the reality of Islamic law and history NO INSULT PLEASE!!! |
Re: Why Are Women Made Inferior To Men In Islam? by Sweetnecta: 12:23am On Dec 12, 2012 |
@Mike404: After military conquests, Muhammad would dole out captured women as war prizes to his men.should they be doled out to women or to themselves or not doled out at all? In at least one case, he advocated that they be Molested in front of their husbands.that will be incorrect and malicious on your part. Reason is that the muslim man will not be willing to be naked in front of another man, captive or not. Captured women were made into sex slaves by the very men who killed their husbands and brothers.i remember reading one of the christian posters saying a brother from her church said he was using the church sisters to keep body because body no be wood. male and female who experience se.x or mature enough to have it will be prone to having the experience of se.x, just like food is necessary because the body wants and must have it. The slave woman is still a woman. i bet you can count many numbers of women that if they are your slaves, God help them. Master relationship elevates the servant. Believe it. There are four Quranic verses in which "Allah" makes clear that a Muslim master has full intimate access to his female slaves, yet there is not one that prohibits molestation.i dont understand your point of molestation. The Quran gives Muslim men permission to beat their wives for disobedience, but nowhere does it command love in never read the Quran because you would have read that God puts love between your hearts for each other, as mates. I never beat my wife. Infact i do all my cooking. Few 9ja christian do this. My wife does nothing for me as long as she is happy. It plainly says that husbands are “a degree above” wives.that degree is the power that male gender has over the female gender. The Hadith says that women are intellectually inferior, and that they comprise the majority of Hell’s occupants.most women by gender follow the husband and women are the larger population, so by proportion, yes. But every man in Paradise will have women, which says women will be more than men in Paradise. Under Islamic law, a man may divorce his wife at his choosing.women can do the same for even simple reason as i dont love any more. woman can divorce a man who refuses to practice Islam or go into haraam business. If he does this twice, then wishes to remarry her, she must first Be Intimate with another man. Men are exempt from such degradations.wrong. he and her have to be divorced 3 times. then she is free to marry another man and never returns to him. if he wishes after the new husband has divorced her in the third marriage, she can say no. first divorce, the wife can say no. again. she can initiate the divorce in the first place. you ma me laugh when you said men are exempt from such degradations. imagine how rampant and easy se.x would have been if this was allowed? imagine that. Muslim women are not free to marry whom they please, as are Muslim men. Their husband may also bring other wives (and slaves) into the marriage bed. And she must be sexually available to him at any time (as a field ready to be “tilled,” according to the holy book of Islam).muslim man can only marry muslim, christian and jewish women. others are forbidden. it is not permissible for husband to have 2 women under 1 roof whereby each can be at hearing distance of what happens in bed. husband must also be available for wife, when she is ready. both are covers and protector of each other so that neither strays. Muslim women do not inherit property in equal portion to males. This is somewhat ironic given that Islam owes its existence to the wealth of Muhammad's first wife, which would not otherwise have been inherited by her given that she had two brothers and her first husband had three sons.fingers are not equal. let me tell you about how privileged muslim women are. every male in her life fans and coos over her. my older sister takes my portion and her portion of our father's properties. I give to all my women folks as they need, regardless of their wealth. i work to satisfy women. interestingly, a 5 year old male and 35 years older brother will have same amount. was the 35 years old older brother been short changed or the young 5 years old boy over compensated? Which one of them owns the properties they now inherited because their parent died? The sisters and brothers in my own view got free properties. No one should complain because they didnt sweat to get it. The brothers should keep loving their sisters so that her inheritance, she does not even touch. Thats what is expected of family. A woman's testimony in court is considered to be worth only half that of a man’s, according to the Quran.women could be emotional. you now that emotion clouds reality, somewhat? Unlike a man, she must also cover her head - and often her face.i know that beauty includes the face. cover all. whats beautiful about men are covered, too. If a woman wants to prove that she was Molested, then there must be four male witnesses to corroborate her account. Otherwise she can be jailed or stoned to death for confessing to “adultery.”no one will witness molestation and keep quite or didnt do something about it when the woman was protesting. if any does nothing, he is evil. i hope that you are not one of those who witness evil being committed and does nothing, but eager to testify, later? A woman who accuses a man must be heard. there is due process in Islam and where piety resides, justice must prevail for the sake of God. Given all of this, it is quite a stretch to say that men and women have “equality under Islam” based on obscure theological analogies or comparisons. This is an entirely new ploy that is designed for modern tastes and disagrees sharply with the reality of Islamic law and historyi will not insult you. what you have against is myth. the reality you have called myth, above. Islam for man and woman is same. From believing in One God and shunning all others. To the littlest of good deeds and abstaining from evil. We all stand shoulder to shoulder, in different lines and spaces because of gender purity. a wife who is wealthier than the husband can give to husband. what she gives is charity because there is no obligation on her to do so. the sister who gives to brother is being charitable while the not as wealthy brother has obligation to care for the much wealthy sister. oppression of women, indeed. |
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