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Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? - Islam for Muslims (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by freenature: 5:08pm On Dec 15, 2012

To be honest, I have hears from many muslims that no islamic country has is truly practicing sharia. I aksed about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan etc.....they all said no.

Is that a problem with Sharia itself?

To be honest with both of you and all those who count sharia law as something good let me tell you something, it ain't good and also Turkey,Syria,Egypt and Morocco are not muslim countries,they are circular countries where christianity,islam and jewdaism exist...so when next you want to talk about this countries be factual and also what kind of law is a law that permits a person's hand to be cut off, if both of you were accused of stealing or doing anything that warrant i quote the so called sharia law will you be happy that your hand is going to be cut off?
wouldn't you try to plead for forgiveness and ask for a second chance to be forgiven ?
and without anybody cutting of your manhood for committing adultery ,you all should know that there is a curse attached to commiting adultery even without sharia law cutting of your manhood
....so i want to let you know that if you review sharia law critically you all will know that its an outrages law that calls for an outcry an also goes against human rights. ....

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Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by MrCork17: 5:09pm On Dec 15, 2012
no ooofesese but Muslim people should be exported to another planet.. they are too violenceangry


Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by babaireti(m): 5:11pm On Dec 15, 2012
Saluman: I think there is a failure in the religion already.

What is emerging is that there is no united leadership in Islam. Whichever cleric or imam shouts the loudest gets the most followers. Unfortunately, the extreme ones who are empty barrels shout the loudest and take their followers on a fundamentalist reading of the Quran. We can see this as how liberal islamic speakers are accused of heresy by the radical ones.

It is a pity that you Guys are unrepentantly anti-Islamic in nature and that is why you always strays in your views and opinions,you should for once be detached from bias and sentiment while commenting on Topics that affect religion or faith of those other than yours.

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Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by Nobody: 5:12pm On Dec 15, 2012
Bro, leave them. They're only proving that the adjective I qualified them with (brainless) fits them perfectly.
u are actually the brainless one. You first post shows you are a tactless person. Those who post less than civil post were responding to you.
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by freenature: 5:18pm On Dec 15, 2012
lets all be candid with ourselves , sharia law is not suppose to be allowed in existence its an outrageous law
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by tbaba1234: 5:24pm On Dec 15, 2012
I wrote this earlier


A little background

“If it wasn’t for their political problems and constant fighting between each other, the Muslims would have been on the moon by the 1400’s” was the statement made by a non-Muslim professor in a 400-level undergraduate class on the history of science.

Looking at the history of the Islamic Civilization, it is incredible to see how much the early muslims acheived within a short period of the advent of Islam. From medical surgeries and lighted streets in Islamic spain to astronomy, mathematics and libraries in baghdad. Few people know that theories of micro-evolution were formed by muslim religious scholars way before darwin and It was never a reason to disbelieve in Allah. The muslim world was hundreds of years ahead of the rest of the world and It took europe hundreds of years to get to the level of Islamic spain and baghdad... The muslims however lost baghdad and Spain to the mongols and the christians respectively.

The rate of advancement and development by the early muslims is yet to be replicated and only the last century of scientific advancement compares to it.

So what was responsible for this growth?

The muslims had spread into new territory and preserved the knowledge of the cities. They were spread across different parts of the world and were able to develop on the ideas that they acquired from these territories. Also, the basis of Islamic education was the Quran, so even when universities were established in the muslim world at that time, the Quran was the center of their education. The Quran inspired this quest for knowledge. No wonder many of the early muslim scientists were religious scholars too...

Up to the late 18th century, the muslims still had the Quran as the center of their education and made amazing strides... The madrasas were centers of learning...

What went wrong?

Constant in-fighting- This ranks as number 1 for me, I remember getting mixed feeling of pride and anger when i watched a documentary of Islamic spain... one of the reasons Spain fell is the fact that muslims were more interested in fighting each other for power rather than being united. They were ready to become allies with an invading army against their own brothers...

The abandonment of our scientific traditions: By the early 19th century, the ottoman empire of the muslims was having economic problems. As a result, instead of a selective application of science from europe to satisfy the need of its territory as it used to be, it became dependent.... The ottomans used to see themselves as superior to the europeans but the need to maintain political, military and economic strength saw them become dependent on european nations and an inferiority complex set-in... They began to think that science and development could only come from looking the western way, they began to even abandon islamic law... This led to their eventual fall, when the colonialists came calling... At this time, the religious scholars were still the most important people in muslim societies...

When we began to abandon the Quranic values and base to our education, we started lagging behind... but it was about to get worse:


Anyone that studies the algerian battle against the french colonizers would be amazed at the lengths they went to become independent.. Muslim scholars were massacred across the muslim world in battles against the colonizers. This led to an almost simultaneous movement by muslim scholars across the muslim world... Muslim scholars withdrew from society and went into seclusion.

The aim was to preserve Islamic knowledge, so they refused to learn the language of the colonizers or dress like the colonizers. They maintained the arabic language.... They were isolated from society... This turned out to be a big error in my opinion...

Something changed within the years of colonialism, the muslims had adopted western values of materialism. The muslim scholars could no longer integrate into the society because they were seen as those who belonged in the mosque. They were no longer the most important people in muslim society for probably the first time in Islamic history...

The most dangerous thing left by the colonizers was a mental colonization, the average algerian, tunisian or morocan today dreams of living in france or spain... We began to feel that the white man is better, smarter. This mental state is true of many african countries as well. We abandon our values and adopt the worst of western values.

The muslim scholars were no longer in touch with the needs of their society, the opinions (fatwas) they gave were seen as very distant from the realities of the societies in which they lived. The influx of the western idea of a divide between religious scholarship and 'secular' scholarship became a reality in the muslim world for the first time.

In the last century, there have been many angry movements across the muslim world to bring Islamic rule back to the muslim world. The humiliation of a great civilisation by invading forces has left many angry muslims, this anger has fed extremist groups amongst muslims to commit acts that are not only unislamic but inhuman. There are also many non-violent groups advocating for the the return of an Islamic State.

So is the solution to bring back Islamic rule right now? The answer is quite frankly a big NO. Why? We are simply not ready. The muslim world needs a deep reform before this can successfully happen and the way to do this is to use the prophetic formula.

Islamic Law and reforming the Islamic Society

We will look at this from two angles:

i. Individual
ii. Society

i. Individual: When an individual accepts islam, Islamic law becomes compulsory on him immediately.. So he fasts, prays, zakat, stays away from intoxicants, eats halal food...

So we have the first two steps for the individual as

Step 1: Faith
Step 2: Law

It might take some time for a new Muslim to adjust but it doesn't mean the laws do not apply to him immediately.... The level of compliance with the law depends on the individual conviction and effort.

As time goes, the person begins to adopt the Islamic morality and change habits, he is kind to his neighbours and the needy, he maintains family ties, he avoids financial corruption etc...This leads us to the third step

Step 3: Morality

So the three steps are faith - law - morality

The second area and more important area is that of society

The society:

The steps needed to implement islamic law on a society is slightly different but we must not confuse the two... Before Islamic law can be implemented on a society, two steps must be fulfilled first

Step 1: Faith
Step2 : Morality

Without these two, the law is either a complete failure or a joke.... Throughout the meccan life of the prophet, the morality of his companions were built up and two thirds of the Quran is about faith and morality.

In the 1920s, the united states placed a ban on alchohol. This is an element of Islamic law. It was a complete failure, there was more alcohol produced in the US at that time than at any other time in its history. It failed because the moral values were at odds with the law. Alcohol was not seen as a bad thing by society.

Many muslim countries who claim to be practicing parts of Islamic law, have the worst kinds of financial corruption by the elite, the worst kind of racism and class society, the very worst kinds. Even though they claim to follow Islamic law, they make a mockery of the entire process. Islamic justice system is based on reliable witness testimony, but if a society is morally bankrupt, it is not difficult to get people to tell lies so as to get someone punished.

Therefore, it is my view that muslims have to work towards building accountability and morality within their societies before we can talk about establishing Islamic law on the land...

The Prophet Musa and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them) were not given the permission to fight until the basis of faith and morality were built. To fulfill the demands of law, you need authority and authority was gained by fighting.

So how do we achieve this?

We need to first reclaim our identity...

1. It has to start with our education. We must bring religious education and acquired education back together again and stop seeing them as separate things... Religious scholars should come together with professionals from different fields and form think-tanks to come up with islamic solutions to modern day problems in line with the Quran and the sunnah. I am absolutely convinced that we can come up with a better way to deal with the economics of the world and eliminate usury, which is in my opinion is a plague in the modern economy and would lead to many more recessions. There is a need to merge Islamic knowledge with acquired knowledge and develop curriculum for Islamic psychologists, sociologists, psychiatrists etc in tertiary institutions.

This way, we will once again merge religious knowledge with what is now called 'secular' knowledge.

Also, Islam can guide thee development of science and lead to a situation where research is done in things that would actually benefit people instead of in things like the Nuclear bomb. It will clean up the incredibly corrupt pharmaceutical sector and the price of drugs would plummet. ( The profits made by these companies are obscene.)

At the same time, we need to develop a better curriculum for primary and secondary education by reintroducing the Quran back into our education. Muslim kids today know very little about the Quran even amongst arabs apart from memorization. We need them to do what they Quran asks us to do, reflect on the message. Every kid should be vast in his Islamic knowledge as well as his knowledge of the sciences and arts. We will once again have professionals who let Islam guide the application of their Knowledge. There is a school like that already in the US that i know of. I think, it will produce incredible people... Unfortunately, we do not have these in many parts of the muslim world..

ii. Corruption in Government - Periodic audits

Most muslim goverments are incredibly corrupt, any plan on properly implementing the Islamic law must be done by first eliminating corruption in government. Fortunately, as muslims we have a model we can build on... During the time of the second Caliph of Islam, Umar (RA) , public officials were made to declare their assets before and after service. Any extra wealth was given back to the state.

Governments are more complicated now but we need to look at ways of dealing in corruption in muslim governments before we can start moving towards a more Islamic society.

iv. Corruption in society

Once the corruption in government is taken care of, Societal corruption will gradually take a dive because government will be doing its job.

If we can handle the problems of faith and morality in our societies, then we can start talking about implementing the Islamic law... If it is done without this, the people will revolt against it and it will fail or like i said earlier, it will just be a joke.

For this to happen, the governments in the muslim world must build programs designed to re-establish the concepts of accountability and morality in muslim countries.

This will form the basis of a future Islamic state, any islamic state formed today will probably collapse in a decade or two and would be impossible to rebuild... The foundations have been lost... We need to regain it.

Assalam Aleikum

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Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by eggheaders(m): 5:26pm On Dec 15, 2012
the Mad dogs are at there games again.abusing Islam is their hobbies. who give a damn about the opinion of uneducated brainwashed pastorpreur slaving low life's.
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by babaireti(m): 5:27pm On Dec 15, 2012
No religion out there is trying to seperate people from their heads.
Islam is not a religion. It is an instrument of terror.
Then if you call Islam an instrument of terror! what would you call the West (Israel,America,Britain) and the likes who monopolize the development of Nuclear power,use it on other Nations while at the same time feeling uneasiness in them on suspicion of their victims developing same? Islam abhor injustice and it has zero tolerance for cowardice,hence Muslims are only reacting to actions of the real terrorist christian Nations.
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by tbaba1234: 5:28pm On Dec 15, 2012
The sharia law encompasses all aspects of law: family law, criminal law, an economic system, civil law: It is all encompassing. A lot of the negative impressions of the sharia is based on a lack of information on the legal processes of the sharia.

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Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by freenature: 5:28pm On Dec 15, 2012
tbaba1234: I wrote this earlier


Pleasemay i ask you if you know the anthropology of islam , if you do and know much about it like you have posted you will know that there are so many things wrong with its idea, even from its advent . . . . .

Also is there any good in capturing places where people are already existing and also have a sovreign state, making a stupid statement of creating an islamic state, killing people and causing bloodshed, or what good does it have when they punish a child who doesn't want to practice islamor want to believ in it and inturn the parents beat the child to death?
And you call it a religion of peace !!!!

MR i would tell you categorically that islam as always attached itself to extremism and violence, if want to quote me wrong find out more on attrocities commited all in the name of islam especially in the middle east countries,asia and even in our own countries where your own family wages war against you cos you turn down islam and they start use " Tirrah " against you ,then you will know what i am talking about
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by Nobody: 5:29pm On Dec 15, 2012
baba ireti:
It is a pity that you Guys are unrepentantly anti-Islamic in nature and that is why you always strays in your views and opinions,you should for once be detached from bias and sentiment while commenting on Topics that affect religion or faith of those other than yours.

Not when Islam is Blowing Up the World. It becomes everybody's business.


Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by olawalebabs(m): 5:32pm On Dec 15, 2012
Can't we for once have intelligent, civil presentation of our arguement? Must we always allow our emotion to overrule our sense of judgement?
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by cyril83(m): 5:32pm On Dec 15, 2012
baba ireti:
Then if you call Islam an instrument of terror! what would you call the West (Israel,America,Britain) and the likes who monopolize the development of Nuclear power,use it on other Nations while at the same time feeling uneasiness in them on suspicion of their victims developing same? Islam abhor injustice and it has zero tolerance for cowardice,hence Muslims are only reacting to actions of the real terrorist christian Nations.
you dey hear dey talk when tunde ur neighbour don dey carry ireti enter bedroom
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by princemol: 5:36pm On Dec 15, 2012
Man, you don't believe everything you hear. Not every Muslim knows much about his religion. And most Muslims who'll open their mouths to tell tales about other countries have never been there.
The sharia is in use in Saudi Arabia and most other middle East nations. Though the implementation might not be 100%. In fact, it's not. But for someone to say they're not following it at all, that's a blunder.
Why not 100%, islam claims dat her book came frm God direct n I believe d sharia law is included so why partial implementation? Can som1 answer dat pls?
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by freenature: 5:40pm On Dec 15, 2012
Why not 100%, islam claims dat her book came frm God direct n I believe d sharia law is included so why partial implementation? Can som1 answer dat pls?

If i may ask you, did God ask any right thinking human being to cut off another man's manhood cos of his sins?
Did God ask any1 to cut his brother's harm off cos he stole ?
Think of other extreme laws in the sharia law and you will know that there are some extreme issues dat needed to be thrashed out and also i will let you know that all this laws were made to make people fear islam and let you followers think that its a good thing....know this for sure that the measure you use to judge others will also be used to judge you.
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by jimino(m): 5:43pm On Dec 15, 2012
If u luk at it critically, islamic leader in nigeria nd some oda countries r failure because all der preach 2 der follower is war nt peace. Bt islamic leaders in Ghana preach peace. Y is nigeria islam diferent?
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by ade95: 5:47pm On Dec 15, 2012
Don't get it twisted pls....islam Is a religion of peace,but in every form of human organization there always good nd bad eggs, @least we have also seen pastors nd bishops who within ourselves know have badacts, when u take d middle east crisis as a basis of judgement against islam,bros nd sis u re making a mistake, dese leaders causing springs nd crisis re selfish ones nd greedy*egypt presido,libya nd so on...nd islam doesn't preach greediness, now when we talk abt haram boys been muslim, what about Niger-delta boys..without deceiving ourselves dey are mostly christians toooo,we re all human beings nd have faults....neva accredit faults 2 any religious group, dat y nigeria isn't moving foward
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by Ibrahimmrfish(m): 6:09pm On Dec 15, 2012
Kindly point out were in sharia law,that God ask anyone to cut an adultrer manhood.
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by Nobody: 6:15pm On Dec 15, 2012
All these confusion is pointing at the suspect nature of the foundation of this cult known as Islam begining with its founder.


Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by talkmarkay(m): 6:22pm On Dec 15, 2012

To be honest with both of you and all those who count sharia law as something good let me tell you something, it ain't good and also Turkey,Syria,Egypt and Morocco are not muslim countries,they are circular countries where christianity,islam and jewdaism exist...so when next you want to talk about this countries be factual and also what kind of law is a law that permits a person's hand to be cut off, if both of you were accused of stealing or doing anything that warrant i quote the so called sharia law will you be happy that your hand is going to be cut off?
wouldn't you try to plead for forgiveness and ask for a second chance to be forgiven ?
and without anybody cutting of your manhood for committing adultery ,you all should know that there is a curse attached to commiting adultery even without sharia law cutting of your manhood
....so i want to let you know that if you review sharia law critically you all will know that its an outrages law that calls for an outcry an also goes against human rights. ....

My brother, I have perfect belief that you know nothing about sharia law.
Please seek knowledge about it and get the fact.

My brother Sharia is more about what you think you know. plssssss seek the knowledge and contribute better next time.
Thanks. May God continue to increase us in knowledge AMEN
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by ade95: 6:53pm On Dec 15, 2012
Am sure wot u christian guys are thinking of now, is muslim are boko-haram? Have u tot within irsef dat if dey are truly muslims why do dey blow mosques...if they are muslims dey wldnt waste fellow muslims...this ma question who blew d mosques? That 2 show u political pple are only using islam as a way of disrupting stabilization,ISLAM STANDS FOR PEACE....
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by amobii: 6:56pm On Dec 15, 2012
If you go to Dubai and misbehave either by kissing in public, you will be sanction according to sharia law, if you go to saudi arabia & you steal once they get witnesses to confirm then your hand will be cut off, those are part of sharia law practise by those if you have not been there never assume they dont practise it. I watch a documentary on bbc about somalia sharia law couldnt believe it
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by aryzgreat: 7:05pm On Dec 15, 2012
eggheaders: the Mad dogs are at there games again.abusing Islam is their hobbies. who give a damn about the opinion of uneducated brainwashed pastorpreur slaving low life's.

y are ur type so engrossed in people u perceive as insulting islam rada than the topic at hand? hw does insulting isalm affect u? Na wa o. As a muslim i expect u to comment on the topic at hand nt looking for who insulted islam.
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by amobii: 7:06pm On Dec 15, 2012
jimino: If u luk at it critically, islamic leader in nigeria nd some oda countries r failure because all der preach 2 der follower is war nt peace. Bt islamic leaders in Ghana preach peace. Y is nigeria islam diferent?

Some people with their funny lies, must you comment by force, why ? To s
ay preaching in Ghana is,about peace but in Nigeria is about war, I am Nigerian, I do go to mosque and I have never heard summon about war in mosque, may be when you heard JIHAD you think is dat same war.
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by amobii: 7:07pm On Dec 15, 2012
jimino: If u luk at it critically, islamic leader in nigeria nd some oda countries r failure because all der preach 2 der follower is war nt peace. Bt islamic leaders in Ghana preach peace. Y is nigeria islam diferent?
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by Nobody: 7:11pm On Dec 15, 2012
Sharia belong to the stone age when swords and bloodsheds reign supreme. When people were forced to follow and practice the extreme and fanatical idea of a strong violent man.
The imans themselves are like blind and empty vessels. Can a blind man lead another blind man. Definitely no!!
Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by Nobody: 7:18pm On Dec 15, 2012
ade95: Am sure wot u christian guys are thinking of now, is muslim are boko-haram? Have u tot within irsef dat if de are truly muslims why do de blow mosques...if they are muslims dey wldnt waste fellow muslims...this ma question who blew d mosques? That 2 show u political pple are only using islam as a way of disrupting stabilization,ISLAM STANDS FOR PEACE....

Easier said. Actions speak louder than words. The islam I know is all about violence even from inception. Instead of saying islam is peace start practicing peace


Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by ziccoit: 7:19pm On Dec 15, 2012
Saluman: I think there is a failure in the religion already.

What is emerging is that there is no united leadership in Islam. Whichever cleric or imam shouts the loudest gets the most followers. Unfortunately, the extreme ones who are empty barrels shout the loudest and take their followers on a fundamentalist reading of the Quran. We can see this as how liberal islamic speakers are accused of heresy by the radical ones.

Religion is not failing; well, Islam is not and I am very sure of that. When the people who are supposed to uphold the tenets of Islam failed, do we still have to put the blame on the religion? No?

@OP, after the prophet of Allah(SWT) died and people including the forefront followers were confused, Abu Bakr said:

"He who worships Muhammad should be informed that Muhammad has died. He who worships Allah should know that Allah is ever-living and does not die."

Abu Bakr then recited the following verse:

"Muhammad is no more than a Prophet: many were the Apostles that passed away before him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back your heels?"

This is where I am going Mr @OP;

Do you worship Allah or the Rulers and the Scholars?

When we are all equal in His sight, what does a scholar or ruler misdemeanor has to do with well laid down Islamic rules?

Worship Allah alone and follow the saying of the prophet as much as you can and you will be among the successful.

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Re: Are Islamic Religious Leaders Failing Islam? by ziccoit: 7:19pm On Dec 15, 2012
Saluman: I think there is a failure in the religion already.

What is emerging is that there is no united leadership in Islam. Whichever cleric or imam shouts the loudest gets the most followers. Unfortunately, the extreme ones who are empty barrels shout the loudest and take their followers on a fundamentalist reading of the Quran. We can see this as how liberal islamic speakers are accused of heresy by the radical ones.

Religion is not failing; well, Islam is not and I am very sure of that. When the people who are supposed to uphold the tenets of Islam failed, do we still have to put the blame on the religion? No?

@OP, after the prophet of Allah(SWT) died and people including the forefront followers were confused, Abu Bakr said:

"He who worships Muhammad should be informed that Muhammad has died. He who worships Allah should know that Allah is ever-living and does not die."

Abu Bakr then recited the following verse:

"Muhammad is no more than a Prophet: many were the Apostles that passed away before him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back your heels?"

This is where I am going Mr @OP;

Do you worship Allah or the Rulers and the Scholars?

When we are all equal in His sight, what does a scholar or ruler misdemeanor has to do with well laid down Islamic rules?

Worship Allah alone and follow the saying of the prophet as much as you can and you will be among the successful.

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