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Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? - Family - Nairaland

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Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by OCTAVO: 12:01pm On Dec 13, 2012
It becomes very necessary atimes to employ house help(s) due to the nature of job or business parents do.
Yet, some don‘t do any serious job (some full time house wives) and they still employ maids just because they are affluent enough to afford it.
If you check out majority of the spoilt kids, they have maid(s) in their house. Those children end up growing to become very lazy (talking about doing domestic chores).
Now, my questions are these:
1. Is it possible to employ house helps and still raise vibrant children that can do domestic chores at thesame time?
2. At what stage of a child bearing does employing a house help becomes necessary?
Let your unbiased comments roll in.
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by k2039: 12:57pm On Dec 13, 2012
The fact that a house help is employed doesnt mean he/she will be the one doing all the house chores.

When the children are around they will also do chores like assisting in the kitchen, cleaning their rooms and washing their own clothes.

The maid should be responsible for the parents not necessarily the children.
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by TableLeg(m): 1:02pm On Dec 13, 2012
I dont think so ... It is down to how you train your kids
We had househelps all through till i left home to go abroad ... My mum never indulged us!
I can cook, clean, wash and manage effectively ... Things were delegated nicely and evenly
Home training was on the regular ... Several times, my mum would even tell the househelps not to do any designated chores for us or scold them if they did!
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by zayhal(f): 1:06pm On Dec 13, 2012
we had househelp in my home almost all through my growing-up. I can't remember any of them helping me or my siblings to do anything. Even the house chores:sweeping, washing, cleaning etc were shared among us. And they were usually much older than us.
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by tpia5: 4:25am On Oct 23, 2013
not necessarily- it depends.
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by sholay2011(m): 8:46am On Oct 23, 2013
k2039: The fact that a house help is employed doesnt mean he/she will be the one doing all the house chores.

When the children are around they will also do chores like assisting in the kitchen, cleaning their rooms and washing their own clothes.

The maid should be responsible for the parents not necessarily the children.
It has been a long tym I saw a post from this moniker. Hope you're good bro?
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by Ngenge(m): 1:24pm On Oct 23, 2013
If ur eldest kid is up to 12, I dont think u need a househelp. Unles a housekeeper who is paid & does not live in dat house & provided d wife is a full time working class lady. Some will not agree here dat they are spoilt by d presence of house helps. What of ladies dat cant cook in their hubby's home cos it is strange to them? E concern una
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by k2039: 7:36pm On Oct 23, 2013
It has been a long tym I saw a post from this moniker. Hope you're good bro?
I'm great o, busy, but I come online often, just that I observe most times.
Re: Does Employing House Help Encourage Laziness In Children? by mumumugu(m): 7:57pm On Oct 23, 2013
Since akwaibom governor declare free education for im state, all househelp don pack go house. Even dat mumublockhead wey call herself Ekaete wey dey open gbese for me don go skool.
Now housegirl don scarce

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