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WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by KOLA7: 7:49pm On Feb 21, 2008
Please list 3 things a church should do for you?

Thanks ans take care!!!
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Horus(m): 8:54pm On Feb 21, 2008


Please list 3 things a church should do for you?

Thanks ans take care!!!
A church should:
2-Stay closed
3-Never reopen
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by bawomolo(m): 8:57pm On Feb 21, 2008
reduce noise pollution during night vigil or crusade.
abolish 10% tax on church members.
be honest about the accuracy of the bible
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by KOLA7: 9:43pm On Feb 21, 2008
A church should:
2-Stay closed
3-Never reopen

That's interesting, why would you want them gone? Do you think they don't make an contributions to the society?
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by KOLA7: 9:47pm On Feb 21, 2008

I can understand your points? Are you a Xtian? The first one is really fare to ask, and r u referring to TITHE as TAX?

From my understanding Tax is imposed by the goverment while tithe is required by God-------Malachi 3:10
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by therationa(m): 9:49pm On Feb 21, 2008

A church should:
2-Stay closed
3-Never reopen

That's interesting, why would you want them gone? Do you think they don't make an contributions to the society?

Can you name one thing that could NOT be done by other institutions if we did not have churches? The churches are superfluous to requirements in The Age of Reason. All they are now are a thinly-disguised means of exploiting the simple and vulnerable.
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Uche2nna(m): 9:56pm On Feb 21, 2008
LMAO @ Horus

Everyone to his wishes. Well, the churches were there b4 u were born and I figure they would still be thier long time after u are gone. So, bro, just live with it.

Stuff I would love the church(es) to do
Be more involved with the day to day lives of members. Does not make sense (@ least to me) that a pastor or a priest would be driving in posh cars while members lack transport fare. Not make sense that a pastor be living in a 6 bedroom complex with a family of four while members are struggling accomodation problems. Eating 5 meals a day while members pray for just one meal a day.
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Uche2nna(m): 9:59pm On Feb 21, 2008

Can you name one thing that could NOT be done by other institutions if we did not have churches? The churches are superfluous to requirements in The Age of Reason. All they are now are a thinly-disguised means of exploiting the simple and vulnerable.

Well, ur argument will be valid if everybody in the world thinks there is no God. But as far as the majority of the earth's population believes in God then there is a need for churches, synagogues, mosques, temples etc
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by therationa(m): 10:04pm On Feb 21, 2008

Well, your argument will be valid if everybody in the world thinks there is no God. But as far as the majority of the earth's population believes in God then there is a need for churches, synagogues, mosques, temples etc

You are right. These "houses of gods" are Institutions For the Promotion of Ignorance and credulity". As long as there as such people who feed of the falsehood of the clerics, they will want these "houses".
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Horus(m): 10:20pm On Feb 21, 2008

A church should:
2-Stay closed
3-Never reopen

That's interesting, why would you want them gone? Do you think they don't make an contributions to the society?
They contribute to the division in society.The churches, are all competing against one another. There are churches who are of the same denomination, in the same town, the same diocese, which mean they have the same beliefs and worship the same God. Yet, they never come together. What is so ironic is that these churchgoers all feel that church is the place for unification and love.
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Rlst84sale(m): 10:20pm On Feb 21, 2008
1) Reduce/completely eradicate Noise polution night or day

2) Establish an institution of a minimum criteria in developing leaders of integrity for the society

3) Let churches be accountable for how the funds they collect is appropriated by 1. giving statement of yearly contribution to each member. 2. Providing or publishing their total collection for the year to the goverment and make it a public record. 3. Let there be distance, and space requirements for churches to be located in the same vicinity.
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by KOLA7: 10:26pm On Feb 21, 2008
Thanks for input, what would be the goal of giving church statement to every member? like what would that achieve?
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Uche2nna(m): 10:59pm On Feb 21, 2008

You are right. These "houses of gods" are Institutions For the Promotion of Ignorance and credulity". As long as there as such people who feed of the falsehood of the clerics, they will want these "houses".

That is ur interpretation which is completely subjective.
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Gamine(f): 11:08pm On Feb 21, 2008
Lol @ Horus

too funny grin grin\\


Me, i go to church
cos God commands us not to forsake the gathering of believers
Listen to teachings
get blessed, praising and worshipping Him smiley

so a church which
teaches d word
does praise n worship is ok 4 me
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by KOLA7: 11:18pm On Feb 21, 2008
That's really good, word, praise, and worship!!!
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Horus(m): 11:46pm On Feb 21, 2008
Yeah the worship of an Alien Dead white man,a Ghost !! grin
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Backslider(m): 11:59pm On Feb 21, 2008
PRAYER witha righteous heart

Jesus said

My house shall be a house of prayer.
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by TheSly: 12:07am On Feb 22, 2008
i go to church to look for nothing but ''babes'' tongue tongue tongue
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Uche2nna(m): 1:31am On Feb 22, 2008

i go to church to look for nothing but ''babes'' tongue tongue tongue

Well thats a start cheesy St Paul was actually going to Damascus to kill off the christians but we know what happened in the end. grin So my bro just keep going even if na for babe sake , one day ,,,,,
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by TheSly: 1:35am On Feb 22, 2008
wink wink wink tongue tongue cheesy cheesy cheesy

Praise The Lord. . . . cool
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Gamine(f): 1:45am On Feb 22, 2008
Looking for babes?

Great, you will find enough!
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by TheSly: 1:54am On Feb 22, 2008
is it my fault? undecided u need to see what them gyals are puttin on err sunday. . . . cheesy
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by Gamine(f): 2:00am On Feb 22, 2008

who no wan find husband??

u blame them grin
Re: WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING FOR IN A CHURCH? by dafidixone(m): 12:34pm On Feb 22, 2008
1. Increase Evangelism
2. Preach on diluted word of God no matter how bitter say the truth.
3. Turn every man to Christ.

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