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Religious Dog by lazchuks(m): 12:18pm On Jan 19, 2013 |
Loyal dog attends mass every day at church where owner's funeral was held, waiting for her to return Tommy, a German shepherd, had been adopted by Maria Lochi as a stray He would accompany her to church everyday and sit at her feet A heartbroken dog whose owner died two months ago is missing her so much he is attending services at the Italian church where her funeral was held patiently waiting for her to return. Loyal Tommy, a seven-year-old German Shepherd, belonged to Maria Margherita Lochi, 57, and had been her faithful companion after she adopted him when she found him abandoned in fields close to her home. Mrs Lochi adopted several strays she found but friends said she developed a particular close affection for Tommy and would walk to church with him from her home every day - where the priest would allow him to sit patiently by her feet. Pining: Tommy the German Shepherd waits faithfully during Mass at the church where his owner Maria Margherita Lochi's funeral was held Following her death at San Donaci near Brindisi, a funeral service was held at which Tommy joined mourners and since then he has been a regular at the church arriving on time when the bells ring out to mark the start of services. Father Donato Panna said:''He's there every time I celebrate Mass and is very well behaved - he doesn't make a sound, I've not heard one bark from him in all the time he has been coming in. 'He used to come to Mass with Maria and he was obviously devoted to her - I let him stay inside as he was always so well behaved and none of the other parishoners ever complained to me. 'He's still coming to Mass even after Maria's funeral, he waits patiently by the side of the altar and just sits there quietly. I didn't have the heart to throw him out - I've just recently lost my own dog so I leave him there until Mass finishes and then I let him out.
Re: Religious Dog by collins125: 12:54pm On Mar 21, 2013 |
Dogs Love. Na so so BB girls go dey ask! |
Re: Religious Dog by PastorOluT(m): 8:16pm On Mar 21, 2013 |
wow! |
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