Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Nobody: 3:31pm On Jan 23, 2013 |
This letter is specifically for you, NORTHERN NIGERIAN MOSLEMS and those who partook in this show of shame in protest of the Miss World pageant, bringing disgrace and opprobrium to all of us. I’m ashamed of you, I’m ashamed of your barbaric actions. It's evident that some of you need to attend anger management classes. What do I mean by this? To answer this question, it is crucial we evaluate the methods which some of you, northern Nigerian Muslims, choose from time to time to address affronts on your religion, real or imagined. It seems from past events that violence is the preferred method. Am I wrong? The violent events in the last few days in Kaduna and Abuja serve as a reminder of this grim fact.
In light of the irresponsibility of ThisDay Newspaper and distasteful publication, one would have expected, you, northern Nigerian Muslims, to protest in a manner most would consider congruent with civility, such as orchestrating a civil boycott of the newspaper until it offers a sincere and acceptable apology. Or educating the faithfuls to write letters of protest to the management, the federal government or the Nigerian Union of Journalist. There are many acceptable avenues you could have addressed this malfeasance besides taking the laws into your hands. This seems to be the trend, which in most cases, have caused you heavy losses.
Tell me, how does killing and maiming innocent people take you to heaven? How does destruction of churches, God's own house of worship, put you in good stead with Allah? How does that work? Are you doing all this because of the seventy-two virgins who are supposingly waiting for you when you get there? Do you get any rewards for killing and destruction? Are you not concerned with your image? In Kaduna 2000, in Jos 2002, in Kano 2001, remember the Osama riots? In Zaria, in Kafancha, in Maiduguri.
In this Miss World riots which has yet again brought out the worst in you, I fail to see the connection between the journalistic error of ThisDay and the destruction of churches and killing of Christians. Could you be so kind to clue me in on the connection? This is puzzling to say the least, as ThisDay is not a religious organization neither is it representing any Christian organizations. The newspaper is a secular one which is dedicated to the dissemination of secular news. How did the violence progress from destruction of the newspaper's offices in Kaduna and Bauchi to making the Christians and their places of worship as co-enemies? This question has to be answered.
Many of you contribute to the perception of Muslims as being violent with such rush to wanton destruction of lives and properties at the slightest tension. Can you blame anyone for seeing you as such? What are you going to do about this? Is this what you want the world to think of you and your religion which you so love and are willing to die for? Think about this question real hard the next time you pick up that dagger to terminate the life of a fellow human being because he does not look like you or profess the same religion. Seemingly, many of you have not shown the tolerance which Christians or should I say, southerners, those who share fifty percent of the country with you have shown you.
[b]In Port-Harcourt, for example, a Christian enclave from all accounts, many streets [Victoria, Bende, Niger, streets, etc] are closed for hours during Friday prayers, bringing traffic to a halt in an already congested city during Friday prayers. The good people of Port-Harcourt are giving you in Port-Harcourt this privilege to block public streets so that you can pray. Mind you, most of you do not have jobs in Port-Harcourt besides selling "suya" and pushing trucks and as such do not pay taxes. But yet, the public streets which are sustained by tax payers are closed for you for hours on Fridays. This has been happening for more than twenty years. And this is a state where there is less than 1 percent Muslim population. So tell me, could this happen in Kano? Could this happen in Kaduna? Could this happen in Sokoto? Could this happen in Zamfara? Do most of you know what it means to be tolerant of others? Does the word accommodation mean anything to you? Aren’t you tired of killing, killing and killing?[/b]
[b]You say that you want one Nigeria. Are you serious? Are you really serious? Let’s be frank now. The time for shenanigan has gone. You have Shariah law in twelve states and the rest of the country has common law. Is this your one Nigeria? Is this your idea of tolerance? [/b]Is this how you are accommodating other? If you want your way of life, why don’t you leave the rest of the civilized world alone? Why don’t you do us all a favor and declare your Islamic Republic where you can stone women all you want and cut limbs? Why are you still holding tight to Nigeria? What are you afraid of? That you will starve to death if you declare that republic? That none of you is qualified to lead your universities? That you do not have the know-how to run your industries? Why don’t you call on Saudi Arabia to send in their experts? Maybe Afghanistan can help? Maybe Iran can send a few bearded mullahs to teach you how to cut limbs and stone women.
I’m not interested anymore. You can go away for all I care. It has been a mistake from the very beginning. Your days of parasiting are over. It’s better we go our separate ways. Don’t you think so? What do you think? Your behavior is repugnant, shameful and atrocious. Don’t forget that you have no more right to that country you think it’s an Islamic country than anyone else. Most of you have learned nothing from elder statesman Mallam Aminu Kano of blessed memory. Most of you know nothing about finesse, tact and diplomacy. All you know is to kill destroy and kill again. What is it with you and killing? Is that your calling? To have blood on your hands with every tension? Your stock never runs dry of gasoline and matches to light the fire. Do you work around the streets with those items? It seems each time there is little tension, you are quick to burn and destroy.
There is a saying which goes thus: ‘because I am ignoring you does not mean that I am deaf’ It will be a grave error to assume that the Christians in the country are weak because they choose to be civil by not burning down your mosques and killing Muslims at every provocation, of which, there have been many, to say the least. Christians often times have been on the receiving end of your wrath often for something that could have been discussed and redressed in a very peaceful manner. Every inconsequential provocation seemingly results in violence. A Christian truck driver inadvertently runs over a Quran in Kano, he was killed instantly. Christian nurses continue to be persecuted in Bauchi at a federal, not state, but federal health facility by Muslims.
If, you, the northern Nigerian Muslims, want to disabuse others of the perception they have of you of thriving in violence, you will have to begin by addressing your own reactions to events. You tell us that Islam is a great and peaceful religion, if so, you must uphold these attributes with your actions, words and deeds. If not, those who watch you would be led to believe otherwise. Are you insecure? Why do you feel the need to fight each day for your religion? Why don’t you let your religion speak for itself? How many times have you heard or seen the Christians destroying your Mosques and killing Moslems in the south? How many times? Do you not think we too can slaughter you like animals?
We were told that rioting broke out in Abuja immediately after Friday prayers. What do your Imams tell you at those prayers? Aren't prayers supposed to bring you closer to Allah? Aren't the Imams supposed to preach peace and tolerance? What do they tell their worshipers? What are their responsibilities to their congregations? Respect is reciprocal, tolerance is a dual street and if it is not returned we would continue to have riots such as this and retaliatory ones such as the one we saw in Aba two years ago which took many Muslims lives. You don’t have a monopoly on violence. We will march you as long as you wallow in your murderous endeavors. You have not learnt anything from the Aba retaliatory riots, have you?
Let me remind you that Nigeria is a secular nation, so says its constitution. It does not have a state religion neither does it subscribe to any. It is a country which currently has a Christian as president and senate president and depending on whom you ask, it has a majority Christian population or a majority Muslim population, that is, if you are counting the cows and the dead. It is not prudent for you to expect everyone to abide by your religious calendar. Who are you to tell us when to have a Miss World pageant? Haven’t we been having a Miss Nigeria pageant for years? If the Miss World pageant offends your sensibilities, SO WHAT? Get over it. Who cares? Are you the only ones who live in Nigeria? You have every right to refuse it in your Islamic states and every right to refuse your state-run papers, radios and TV stations to provide coverage. You have the right to instruct your children and veiled wives not to watch the pageant. That is your prerogative.
But to assert that others, the sixty million plus, who are not Muslims should be deprived of this event, however, frivolous it may be in your eyes because you are the moral police is ridiculous and nonsensical. Must all Nigerians cater to your wishes? When did you cater to Christians' wishes? Are you the ones to dictate to the rest of the nation what events can be watched and what cannot be watched? Who bestowed on you such right? Is this a joke? Are you telling me that those you call infidels cannot have an event without your approval? Can we profess our faith or do we need to seek your approval? Can we watch a movie or do we need to submit it to you, the moral police of Nigeria, MPN, for your stamp of approval? Are there other events we need your approval on? Is there a list of events that would 'offend your sensibilities'? Give us that list so that we may comply to your every whims and caprices. Heaven forbid that we further offend your sensibilities in a democracy. Who has ever heard of such a thing?
You may have won this battle, but ...
It is wrong to threaten the hosting of the pageant even if it falls during the month of Ramadan as long as it is not done in the Shariah states. To the best of my recollection, Calabar and Port-Harcourt were the destinations of the beauty queens, the event had no stops in any of your Shariah states. So why should you assume the role of moral police and legislate to the rest of the country what can be watched and what cannot because it offends your sensibilities? Isn’t this laughable? Have the Christians told you what to do and what not to do because of the Christmas season? All well meaning Nigerians must and should reject your intolerance, it has no place in the concept of civility. You say Ramadan is a holy month, but you freely kill and destroy churches in a holy month. Does that make sense? Oh, it’s the Jihad, isn’t it?
You must know that Nigeria is not a Muslim country. Hear it again, Nigeria is NOT a Muslim country. Any questions? Whether you like it or not, there are others in Nigeria and you cannot impose your religious whims on the rest of the country. If you do not know this then be ready to continue the bloodbath and destruction which often leaves your north, not the south, but your north in physical ruins, setting it further back. Do you ever think of that? You talk about morality like you invented the word. If you are so moral, why haven’t you cut the limbs of your thieving leaders? Why haven’t you killed them for stealing billions and bringing shame to your religion? Are you only interested in stoning poor and defenseless women? What macho men you are? You should pat yourselves on the back, you have conquered your women. What a feat for all men to emulate.
You seem to have taken much liberty with the ineffectiveness of the Obasanjo administration. How can anyone blame you? In flagrant violation of the constitution you instituted Shariah law in its penal form in twelve states. In a functional society, make note of it, I said, functional society, [Nigeria is not] such a declaration by Sani and his fellow zealots in Zamfara on October 27, 1999 would have been met with resistance from the federal government and Sani tried for treason and punished according to the laws of the land. Such stance by the Shariah states amounts to declaration of independence from the federation. Which country registered under the United Nations operates two laws for its citizens? Is there a country where an adulterer would be stoned to death in one state and would be untouched in another? Such is the lot of Nigeria because you decided to practice your faith in-toto just when you lost power and a Christian president assumed office.
Major Gideon Orkar was right to have asked you to leave the country until you can sort yourselves out. If I were that brave soldier, I would have asked you to forget about sorting yourselves out – just leave and don’t return. I wish he had succeeded because you bring nothing but shame and disgrace with your barbaric actions. You want to stone women in the year 2002. Others are talking about new scientific discoveries. You are not interested. You want to stone women. Others are talking about how to advance humanity. You are not interested. You want to cut people’s arms. Others are talking about economic progress. You are not interested. You want to burn churches and kill Christians. That is your calling. What is wrong with you? Why must you resolve every conflict with force? Is it lack of education? Are you frustrated? Do you lack confidence? Why do you see the need to kill and kill and kill? Do something different for a change. There is a foreign concept out there called dialogue. Try it, it may work.
Some of you need to take anger management classes.
You are holier than the Iranians, the Kuwaitis, the Iraqis, etc. You are holier than the Arabs, those from the land where your religion began. Show me one thing you have contributed to the nation of Nigeria? How have you helped? What have you done? Were it not for southerners, where will you be now? In the Sahara roasting? You are uneducated, you have no knowledge and you have no skills except in killing. Aren’t you tired? Don’t you ask yourselves why you rush to kill all the time? Don’t you have conscience? On a second thought, why should you? You have nothing to live for anyway. No hopes, no aspirations. If you do, you will not rush to kill and destruct churches.
If you have learnt nothing, learn this: our ways are not your ways, our values are not yours, so why don’t you leave us alone and declare your Islamic Republic? Do you need help doing this? It would be my pleasure. You will not have your way in Nigeria. You don’t own the country, you must know that you are NOT ‘born to rule’. Are you ruling now? You are entitled to your faith, values and beliefs, but so are others. If you don’t like it, just go away. Leave us alone. Why would you want to share a country with infidels? Why would you want to share a country with those who cherish the parade of nudity? Go and have your morality in your own Islamic Republic.
You will not be missed. Who misses a parasite? was 2002,fast forward to 2013,has anything changed? 5 Likes |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Afam4eva(m): 3:41pm On Jan 23, 2013 |
The writer of this article is really pissed...
The article is spot on though. if not for this article, i wouldn't have known that some roads in PH are blocked because of friday prayers. This is a privilege that cannot be accorded to Christians in the North. Even those that build their churches in hidden places are found out and their churches set ablaze. This has got to stop. Muslim leader have to call their people to order and stop these senseless killings in the name of religion. if every religion were to tow this line, then there won't be peace in any part of Nigeria. If we can live together peacefully, then let's come to a compromise. 1 Like |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Nobody: 3:44pm On Jan 23, 2013 |
After watching your people killed over and over again in the name of Allah why shouldn't he be? Every non Muslim has felt the exact same way at several instances |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Omexonomy: 4:09pm On Jan 23, 2013 |
Dont let this wright-up reach the front page or else head will role in nairaland |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Wendyslim(f): 4:12pm On Jan 23, 2013 |
Ohhhhhhh too lengthy |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Paschal007: 8:13am On Jan 24, 2013 |
Omexonomy: Dont let this wright-up reach the front page or else head will role in nairaland Why not? A letter from muhammad(birthday boy) to monks made homepage why wouldn't this one too? But o-boy David dey vex o |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 11:16am On Jan 25, 2013 |
Afam4eva: The writer of this article is really pissed...
The article is spot on though. if not for this article, i wouldn't have known that some roads in PH are blocked because of friday prayers. This is a privilege that cannot be accorded to Christians in the North. Even those that build their churches in hidden places are found out and their churches set ablaze. This has got to stop. Muslim leader have to call their people to order and stop these senseless killings in the name of religion. if every religion were to tow this line, then there won't be peace in any part of Nigeria. If we can live together peacefully, then let's come to a compromise. 1. So you believe every muslim believes that they are born to rule? 2. All muslims should leave the country including those who disagreed with the violence So how does the Bayero call his attackers to order? or after Imams have been killed for calling people to order |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 11:18am On Jan 25, 2013 |
Omexonomy: Dont let this wright-up reach the front page or else head will role in nairaland How? Can you demonstrate to me that Muslims on NL are more shrill/abusive/troublesome than Christians? You can start by showing some of your own (Omexonomy) posts that tend to calm things down I beg you to take up the challenge! |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Ganys: 3:48pm On Jan 25, 2013 |
mtchew...what do you stand to gain from digging out dead article ...Osisi, your hatred for islam is as old as Nairaland. What do you gain from Attacking Islam Well, either you like it or hate it,Islam has come to stay You cant use the acts of few bad eggs to tarnish the image of islam....Get a life!!! |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by Afam4eva(m): 3:51pm On Jan 25, 2013 |
BetaThings: 1. So you believe every muslim believes that they are born to rule? Where did i say this? BetaThings: 2. All muslims should leave the country including those who disagreed with the violence
Pls highlight where i made this assertion. |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 5:43pm On Jan 25, 2013 |
Afam4eva: Where did i say this? Pls highlight where i made this assertion.
You did not say it but you agreed with the person who did Afam4eva: The writer of this article is really pissed...
The article is spot on though. if not for this article, i wouldn't have known that some roads in PH are blocked because of friday prayers. This is a privilege that cannot be accorded to Christians in the North. Even those that build their churches in hidden places are found out and their churches set ablaze. This has got to stop. Muslim leader have to call their people to order and stop these senseless killings in the name of religion. if every religion were to tow this line, then there won't be peace in any part of Nigeria. If we can live together peacefully, then let's come to a compromise. A month ago, a NATIONAL CHRISTMAS TREE that was paid for by FCTA with tax payer's money was launched by the first lady Patience Jonathan Yesterday was Eid-el-Malud, nothing was commissioned or unveiled by the FG. So Muslims were not accorded that privilege by the FG. |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by brentkruge: 11:36pm On Jan 25, 2013 |
1. So you believe every muslim believes that they are born to rule? 2. All muslims should leave the country including those who disagreed with the violence
So how does the Bayero call his attackers to order? or after Imams have been killed for calling people to order Are you saying that the Ummah has revolted against their leaders and have run amok? Isn't this the proof of what people have been talking about - the extreme lack of tolerance for dissenting views in Islam? |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by brentkruge: 11:50pm On Jan 25, 2013 |
A month ago, a NATIONAL CHRISTMAS TREE that was paid for by FCTA with tax payer's money was launched by the first lady Patience Jonathan Yesterday was Eid-el-Malud, nothing was commissioned or unveiled by the FG. So Muslims were not accorded that privilege by the FG. You probably didnt know that millions of naira with tax payers money was spent by the same FCT administration to buy sallah rams and distributed during to Muslims during the last sallah. I seriously wish there will be total removal of religion in whatever form in public life - from prayers to political VIP attending mosques or churches. Shear waste of time and resources. |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 11:41am On Jan 26, 2013 |
You probably didnt know that millions of naira with tax payers money was spent by the same FCT administration to buy sallah rams and distributed during to Muslims during the last sallah.
I seriously wish there will be total removal of religion in whatever form in public life - from prayers to political VIP attending mosques or churches. Shear waste of time and resources. So was it bought for me? How do I stand to benefit? You think they bought it for people who really need it? It is one of the evils of life that the rich buys things for the fellow rich who don't need them but ignore the needy? And you should have addressed the issue. Should the government be putting up a monument for one religion? To you it might be a waste of time, but worshipping Allah is an ABSOLUTE must for me. Alhamdu li Llah for the privilege |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 11:47am On Jan 26, 2013 |
brentkruge: Are you saying that the Ummah has revolted against their leaders and have run amok?
Is that the only meaning you can make out of that? Having atheists, fa..ots, etc also mean that people have revolted against the society and run amok? brentkruge: Isn't this the proof of what people have been talking about - the extreme lack of tolerance for dissenting views in Islam? This is strange logic, isn't it So extremists exist in Islam and they don't listen to leaders It automatically means Islam exhibits extreme lack of tolerance for dissent BTW can you show me any group that demonstrates tolerance for dissenting view in a manner that you think Islam does not |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by brentkruge: 9:22pm On Jan 26, 2013 |
So was it bought for me? How do I stand to benefit? You think they bought it for people who really need it? It is one of the evils of life that the rich buys things for the fellow rich who don't need them but ignore the needy?
And you should have addressed the issue. Should the government be putting up a monument for one religion?
And were ordinary folks in Nyanya and Marrabba invited to the "National Christmas Tree" jamboree? Is the tree still standing? My guy whether its done for Muslims or Christians, tax payers money shouldnt be used. Just try to be balanced in your views To you it might be a waste of time, but worshipping Allah is an ABSOLUTE must for me. Alhamdu li Llah for the privilege You fail to understand me. You can worship your Allah anyway you can and so also do all Nigerians. the Government shouldn't spend tax payers money on any religion. It should be removed from national life. It should be made private. If you don't agree then you shouldn't criticize the "National Christmas Tree" jamboree as millions went to buy rams for your people during sallah. Its the same thing. |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by brentkruge: 9:35pm On Jan 26, 2013 |
Is that the only meaning you can make out of that? Having atheists, fa..ots, etc also mean that people have revolted against the society and run amok?
This is strange logic, isn't it So extremists exist in Islam and they don't listen to leaders It automatically means Islam exhibits extreme lack of tolerance for dissent
At least atheists and gays don't kill people who don't agree with them. Some Muslims want to kill clerics who criticize their brand of Islam, then several nations mobilize against their stronghold in Mali and the very Clerics targeted say its a war against Muslims! BTW can you show me any group that demonstrates tolerance for dissenting view in a manner that you think Islam does not I have never heard of a religious group who kill their clerics who denounce their ways ( as even confirmed by you).... I have never heard of inter religious fighting with so much blood letting as the type between Sunnis and Shia... i have never heard of a group that riots and murders because of a mispronounced name for a piece of cloth without any outrage from the group the rioters claim to represent. You can fill me in on such groups. In fact continue living in self denial. Its bliss, enjoy! 1 Like |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 11:07am On Jan 27, 2013 |
At least atheists and gays don't kill people who don't agree with them. Really? What proof do you have? because they are in the minority? Do you know what they might do when they attain majority status? Since they don't have a rule book, what is to stop them doing whatever! Fa.ggo.ts in particular,when they are in the majority and slaves are scarce, what do you think they might do? Nobody knows for now brentkruge: Some Muslims want to kill clerics who criticize their brand of Islam, then several nations mobilize against their stronghold in Mali and the very Clerics targeted say its a war against Muslims! Meaning that the people who claim to be on rescue mission are not trusted. They might have lost credibility. Say, I have a problem with my unruly child, but no I would not hand him/her over to the police who are known for molestation and excesses I don't live in Mali but the credibility of the West was tainted by the Iraqi expedition. Even Kofi Anan declared it illegal brentkruge: I have never heard of a religious group who kill their clerics who denounce their ways ( as even confirmed by you).... I have never heard of inter religious fighting with so much blood letting as the type between Sunnis and Shia... i have never heard of a group that riots and murders because of a mispronounced name for a piece of cloth without any outrage from the group the rioters claim to represent. Have you heard of the inquisition? Please peruse the book - Books Fatal to their Authors Google Saint Bartholomews day Massacre. The Souvenir lies at the vatican till today Please don't rewrite history because I believe you know the truth and are just feigning brentkruge: You can fill me in on such groups. In fact continue living in self denial. Its bliss, enjoy! Leave me with my "denial". Isn't that my problem? At least it is based on an informed knowledge of Islam, not falsified tales from people who even publish fake Qur'an 1 Like |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by brentkruge: 1:12pm On Jan 27, 2013 |
Really? What proof do you have? because they are in the minority? Do you know what they might do when they attain majority status? Since they don't have a rule book, what is to stop them doing whatever! Fa.ggo.ts in particular,when they are in the majority and slaves are scarce, what do you think they might do? Nobody knows for now If you don't know why are you assuming they will be worse than Muslims? What proof do you have that they will be like that? Remember Islamic terror merchants dont have to be in the majority to unleash their terror. How come gays have not done that in their minority status? You are speculating to make you feel comfortable. I am sure you don't believe yourself. Meaning that the people who claim to be on rescue mission are not trusted. They might have lost credibility. Say, I have a problem with my unruly child, but no I would not hand him/her over to the police who are known for molestation and excesses
I don't live in Mali but the credibility of the West was tainted by the Iraqi expedition. Even Kofi Anan declared it illegal
Apart from France, all other troop contributing countries are African and the most are majority Muslim countries - Chad is sending the largest contingent, Burkina faso and Gambia. many others have significant Muslim population; Ghana, Ivory Coast,etc. Others like Liberia, Benin, Togo, Sierra Leone are scrambling to send troops cause they know the dangers posed by these extremist. Wake up and smell the coffee, my friend. Have you heard of the inquisition? Please peruse the book - Books Fatal to their Authors Google Saint Bartholomews day Massacre. The Souvenir lies at the vatican till today Please don't rewrite history because I believe you know the truth and are just feigning
I asked where are people of the same religion systematically killing themselves? You are quoting history for me. Don't go there or i will show you what will embarrass you. Give me examples in this day and age. Just a three days ago (24 January 2013) Sunni extremist detonated a bomb in a Shia mosque in Iraq that killed 42 worshipers. Oya, show me one from another so bloody. For your info over 20,000 shias have been killed in recent years in Pakistan alone just for being Shia! Leave me with my "denial". Isn't that my problem? At least it is based on an informed knowledge of Islam, not falsified tales from people who even publish fake Qur'an Your denial will not help you. It only makes you twist and turn the turn the clear truth on its head and you end up looking not so good. And before you start off on Christian versus Muslim non.sence, don't ever think that anyone that criticizes Islam is a Christian. Have a nice day. 1 Like |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by vedaxcool(m): 2:14pm On Jan 27, 2013 |
^ So you are simply ignorant!
Ireland : protestants vs catholics
Rwanda: Christians vs christian 900,000
Congo ; Rap,e epidemic as a result of conflicts, christians vs christians
If you guys had any decency you would understand that conflicts rise for a number of reasons, religion simply becomes a classificatory index, in most countries weak governance usual result to conflicts of different kinds, whether it is bokoharam, pakistan, Mali, etc weak government is more at the heart of the problem than religion, always scape goating people's religion only exposes the weak line of reasoning many Nigerians and typically people with hidden agenda share in common! |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by brentkruge: 7:28pm On Jan 27, 2013 |
vedaxcool: ^ So you are simply ignorant!
Ireland : protestants vs catholics
Rwanda: Christians vs christian 900,000
Congo ; Rap,e epidemic as a result of conflicts, christians vs christians
If you guys had any decency you would understand that conflicts rise for a number of reasons, religion simply becomes a classificatory index, in most countries weak governance usual result to conflicts of different kinds, whether it is bokoharam, pakistan, Mali, etc weak government is more at the heart of the problem than religion, always scape goating people's religion only exposes the weak line of reasoning many Nigerians and typically people with hidden agenda share in common! We are talking of murder using religion for justification and not politics or ethnic reasons as you have shown in your example. If that was the case i would have mentioned the over 60,000 dead in Syria or the millions that died in the Iran/Iraq wars etc. But these are political and will be addressed at such in the political section. I am afraid you are the ignorant one, confusing political wars with religiously motivated violence. Again, I ask, show me which religion systematically murders its own purely for benefits of the hereafter. If your religion isn't the way it is nobody will be "scapegoating" it. You guys should start talking to yourselves and bring pressure on those elements that bring it to ridicule instead of attacking those that show you what is happening or try to justify it. weak government is more at the heart of the problem than religion What an excuse! So a weak Government is an excuse to wage war on the country to Islamise it? Its like heaping more blame the owner of a house for leaving the door open instead of an apprehended thief that entered and stole goods. Excellent reasoning. LOL! Am out. Have a nice week 1 Like |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by vedaxcool(m): 10:03pm On Jan 27, 2013 |
We are talking of murder using religion for justification and not politics or ethnic reasons as you have shown in your example. If that was the case i would have mentioned the over 60,000 dead in Syria or the millions that died in the Iran/Iraq wars etc. But these are political and will be addressed at such in the political section.
I am afraid you are the ignorant one, confusing political wars with religiously motivated violence. Again, I ask, show me which religion systematically murders its own purely for benefits of the hereafter.
If your religion isn't the way it is nobody will be "scapegoating" it. You guys should start talking to yourselves and bring pressure on those elements that bring it to ridicule instead of attacking those that show you what is happening or try to justify it.
What an excuse! So a weak Government is an excuse to wage war on the country to Islamise it? Its like heaping more blame the owner of a house for leaving the door open instead of an apprehended thief that entered and stole goods. Excellent reasoning. LOL!
Am out. Have a nice week
i see poor reasoning seems to be at the heart of your problem, because one claims he does something for x an d y reasons automatically means such? of course depsite muslim clerics clearly pointing out the folies extremist Muslims, people like say what exactly? nothing but your usual tirade of illogical rantings, again nice thinking, the typical islamophobe brings reasoning to it shallowest meaning as conflicts tend to have more to it than you quick result to shouting Islam, weak gorvernace means a lot of things, but your "inteligent" use of leaving the door open simply reiterates my points that you are averse to reasoning things as they should be, weak gorvance creates the enabling environment for conflicts to arise. But i am sure all this sound like Latin to you. this is a nice article to start getting clear headed on matters being discussed. |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by dederocs(m): 6:34pm On Jan 28, 2013 |
If you don't know why are you assuming they will be worse than Muslims? What proof do you have that they will be like that? Remember Islamic terror merchants dont have to be in the majority to unleash their terror. How come gays have not done that in their minority status?
You are speculating to make you feel comfortable. I am sure you don't believe yourself.
Apart from France, all other troop contributing countries are African and the most are majority Muslim countries - Chad is sending the largest contingent, Burkina faso and Gambia. many others have significant Muslim population; Ghana, Ivory Coast,etc. Others like Liberia, Benin, Togo, Sierra Leone are scrambling to send troops cause they know the dangers posed by these extremist.
Wake up and smell the coffee, my friend.
I asked where are people of the same religion systematically killing themselves? You are quoting history for me. Don't go there or i will show you what will embarrass you.
Give me examples in this day and age. Just a three days ago (24 January 2013) Sunni extremist detonated a bomb in a Shia mosque in Iraq that killed 42 worshipers. Oya, show me one from another so bloody. For your info over 20,000 shias have been killed in recent years in Pakistan alone just for being Shia!
Your denial will not help you. It only makes you twist and turn the turn the clear truth on its head and you end up looking not so good. And before you start off on Christian versus Muslim non.sence, don't ever think that anyone that criticizes Islam is a Christian.
Have a nice day. my sister u ave said the truth...religion is like opium-there is no way you will make these peeps humane. |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 5:40am On Jan 29, 2013 |
If you don't know why are you assuming they will be worse than Muslims? What proof do you have that they will be like that? Remember Islamic terror merchants dont have to be in the majority to unleash their terror. How come gays have not done that in their minority status?
You are speculating to make you feel comfortable. I am sure you don't believe yourself. Why won't I believe myself. So you have not heard of ga.ys people If we consider histories of populist movements - upon assuming power, they end up doing a lot of the things that they railed against. George Orwell's Animal Farm summaries this well brentkruge: Apart from France, all other troop contributing countries are African and the most are majority Muslim countries - Chad is sending the largest contingent, Burkina faso and Gambia. many others have significant Muslim population; Ghana, Ivory Coast,etc. Others like Liberia, Benin, Togo, Sierra Leone are scrambling to send troops cause they know the dangers posed by these extremist.
Wake up and smell the coffee, my friend. Hahaha So they are doing this out of conviction Look at the response to the rebels in DR Congo. The UN force stepped aside to allow M23 have it way If France comes in, most of those French speaking countries will send soldiers not because most people in their country want it but because they might need France to rescue them tommorrow Nigeria set up Ecomog with most Nigerians disliking it. IBB still went ahead. Sonekan tried to stop it. Abacha overruled him brentkruge: I asked where are people of the same religion systematically killing themselves? You are quoting history for me. Don't go there or i will show you what will embarrass you.
Give me examples in this day and age. Just a three days ago (24 January 2013) Sunni extremist detonated a bomb in a Shia mosque in Iraq that killed 42 worshipers. Oya, show me one from another so bloody. For your info over 20,000 shias have been killed in recent years in Pakistan alone just for being Shia! So is your Bible written in this day and age? The clearest indication of what people would do lies in what they have done in the past. Sincerely most of the stories about how good Christianity is even predates what you are saying is ancient history Why do you think the EU, and not Christianity, got the Nobel prize? Because Christianity could not keep Christian Europe from fighting wars including 2 WWs. Without the EU, they would have gone to blows again So you think that the Iraqi issue is not political? The Iranians (who are Shias) supported the American toppling of the admin of Saddaam (a sunni who led his country to fight a bitter war with Iran). Sunnis are fighting what they call oppression. Do you think they would not fight oppression if they were both sunnis brentkruge: Your denial will not help you. It only makes you twist and turn the turn the clear truth on its head and you end up looking not so good. And before you start off on Christian versus Muslim non.sence, don't ever think that anyone that criticizes Islam is a Christian.
Have a nice day. It does not matter whether you are Christian or atheist. You indirect support for fa,,ots was not lost on me. And I responded about where atheists are headed. I have also noticed that atheists often band with Christians to attack Islam for obvious reasons. So your common front does not need to make any pretence about independence |
Re: Dear Muslims,an Old Letter From Tam David- West by BetaThings: 5:41am On Jan 29, 2013 |
dederocs: my sister u ave said the truth...religion is like opium-there is no way you will make these peeps humane. hahahaha People actually refrain from doing certain things because they fear God Atheists have no rule book. They can do whatever |